Kyrgyzstan in the Türkvizyon Song Contest



Member station Piramida Television
Appearances 3
First appearance 2013
Best result 1st: 2015
Worst result 8th: 2013

Kyrgyzstan is one of the twenty-four participating countries and regions competing in the Türkvizyon Song Contest.[1]



Kyrgyzstan made their debut in the Türkvizyon Song Contest at the 2013 festival, in Eskişehir, Turkey.[1] Auditions for the Kyrgyz selection process began on 23 October 23, singers had to be between the ages of 18 and 30.[2] It was announced that a total of 20 singers would take part in the selection, the semi final would take place on 9 November 2013 with 12 qualifying for the final on 16 November 2013.[3]

A total of 17 singers participated in the semi final on 9 November 2013, the qualifiers were selected by a panel of 5 judges who marked the performances out of 10, the maximum score was 50. The top.11 qualified for the final on 16 November 2013:

Running Order Artist Title Result Points
1 Sagynych (Сагыныч) 14 32
2 Nazik Kudayberdiyeva (Назик Кудайбердиева) Biriksek koldon kelet (Бириксек колдон келет) 4 46
3 Çoro (Группа «Чоро») Tooluk kiz (Тоолук кыз) 2 48
4 Ayar (Айар) Ardagym (Ардагым) 7 45
5 Zarina Osmonova (Зарина Осмонова) Nur zlinin kizi (Нур злинин кызы) 5 46
6 Zalina Barataliyeva (Залина Бараталиева) 15 32
7 Suban Tilek uulu (Субан Тилек уулу) 12 33
8 Suusar Zhayloobek kyzy (Суусар Жайлообек кызы) 16 32
9 Nursultan Raimbekov (Нурсултан Раимбеков) Jurek süyüü(Жүрөк сүйүү) 10 39
10 Maksat Omurbek (Максат Омурбек) 17 31
11 Kuralbek Chokoyev (Куралбек Чокоев) Saginganda (Сагынганда) 1 50
12 Bektur Sharshenaliyev (Бектур Шаршеналиев) Uulu-Toonun uulumun (Уулу-Тоонун уулумун) 11 38
13 Kayrat Alikov (Кайрат Аликов) 13 33
14 Islam Akmatov (Ислам Акматов) Bardigin jeñem (Бардыгын жеңем) 3 47
15 Zarlyk Kambaraliyev (Зарлык Камбаралиев) Ak taralit (Ак таралыт) 6 46
16 Kamchybek Oskonbayev (Камчыбек Осконбаев) Sagindim Apa sizdi (Сагындым Апа сизди) 8 45
17 The Dreamers (Группа «The Dreamers») Demek (Демек) 9 43

The running order draw for the final took place on 11 November 2013,[4] the winner was decided by a combination of jury vote and sms vote:

Running Order Artist Title Result Points
1 Nazik Kudayberdiyeva (Назик Кудайбердиева) Biriksek koldon kelet (Бириксек колдон келет)
2 Zarina Osmonova (Зарина Осмонова) Nur zlinin kizi (Нур злинин кызы)
3 Zarlyk Kambaraliyev (Зарлык Камбаралиев) Ak taralit (Ак таралыт)
4 Nursultan Raimbekov (Нурсултан Раимбеков) Jurek süyüü(Жүрөк сүйүү)
5 Bektur Sharshenaliyev (Бектур Шаршеналиев) Uulu-Toonun uulumun (Уулу-Тоонун уулумун)
6 Kamchybek Oskonbayev (Камчыбек Осконбаев) Sagindim Apa sizdi (Сагындым Апа сизди)
7 Çoro (Группа «Чоро») Tooluk kiz (Тоолук кыз) 1 49
8 The Dreamers (Группа «The Dreamers») Demek (Демек)
9 Islam Akmatov (Ислам Акматов) Bardigin jeñem (Бардыгын жеңем)
10 Ayar (Айар) Ardagym (Ардагым)
11 Kuralbek Chokoyev (Куралбек Чокоев) Saginganda (Сагынганда)

At the contest in Turkey, Çoro performed the song "Kaygirba". In the semi final they performed in 13th place and qualified for the final, in the final Kyrgyzstan performed in 11th and finished the night 8th with 183 points.


On 20 July 2014 it was announced that Kyrgyzstan would make their second appearance at the Türkvizyon Song Contest 2014 to be held in Kazan, Tatarstan in November 2014.[5] In August 2014 the application process for the Kyrgz selection opened,[6] it was announced on 11 October 2014 that the final of the Kyrgz selection would feature 12 singers and would take place on 26 October.[7]

A total of 10 singers participated in the final of the Kyrgyz selection on 26 October 2014, the winner was decided by a combination of sms voting and jury vote.

Running Order Artist Title Jury Vote SMS Vote SMS Vote As Points Result Points[8]
1 Bakytbekov Aybek (Бакытбеков Айбек) 48 350 3.5 5 51.5
2 The Dreamers 46 228 2.28 6 48.28
3 Perizat dolotbakova (Перизат долотбакова) 34 66 0.66 9 34.066
4 Adilet Azim uulu (Адилет Азим уулу) 48 502 5.02 3 53.02
5 Gul’nara Toygonbayeva (Гульнара Тойгонбаева) 45 807 8.07 2 53.07
6 Non-Stop Seze-bil 50 2690 26.9 1 76.0
7 Primberdiyev Kayrat (Примбердиев Кайрат) 41 663 6.63 7 47.63
8 Abdykalykova Meerim (Абдыкалыкова Мээрим) 34 71 0.71 8 34.71
9 Bakytbekov Aybek (Бакытбеков Айбек) 48 350 3.5 5 51.5
10 Sagynbayev Mirlan (Сагынбаев Мирлан) 28 214 2.4 10 30.14

In Kazan Kyrgyzstan performed 13th in the semi final after Moscow and before Yakutia, they qualified for the final in 6th place with 190 points. In the final Kyrgyzstan performed 7th and finished in 4th place with 196 points.


Table key
  Second place
  Third place
  Last place
Year Artist Language Title English translation Final Points Semi Points
2013 Çoro[9] Kyrgyz "Tooluk kyz" (Тоолук кыз) [9] Don't Worry 8 183 Qualified
2014 Non-Stop Kyrgyz "Seze bil" (Сезе бил) Season beat 4 196 6 190
2015 Jiidesh İdirisova Kyrgyz “Kim bilet” (ким билет) Who knows 1 194 No semi-final

See also


  1. 1 2 Granger, Anthony (19 October 2013). "Participating Countries Revealed". Eurovoix. Retrieved 25 October 2013.
  2. Granger, Anthony. "Kyrgyzstan: Türkvizyon Auditions October 23". Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  3. Granger, Anthony. "Kyrgyzstan: National Final November 16th". Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  4. Granger, Anthony. "Kyrgyzstan: Finalists Running Order Decided". Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  5. Granger, Anthony (20 July 2014). countries/ "Turkvizyon '14: Agreement signed with a number of countries" Check |url= value (help). Eurovoix. Retrieved 20 July 2014.
  6. Granger, Anthony. "Kyrgyzstan: Turkvision Castings Open". Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  7. Granger, Anthony. "Kyrgyzstan: Turkvizyon Final October 26th". Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  8. ""Turkvizyon 2014" Улуттук финалдын жыйынтыгы!". Retrieved 12 June 2015.
  9. 1 2 Granger, Anthony (17 November 2013). "Kyrgyzstan: Çoro Off To Turkey". Eurovoix. Retrieved 17 November 2013.
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