RMS Lancastria

"Lancastria" redirects here. For other uses, see Lancastria (disambiguation).
A postcard of RMS Lancastria from 1927
  • RMS Tyrrhenia (1920–24)
  • RMS Lancastria (1924–40)
  • HMT Lancastria (1940)
Owner: Cunard Line
Builder: William Beardmore and Company
Launched: 1920
Maiden voyage: 19 June 1922
Out of service: 17 June 1940
  • as Tyrrhenia her crew called her
  • "Old Soup Tureen"[1]
Fate: sunk by air attack on 17 June 1940
  • 1,738 Known dead[2]
  • 2,477 survivors
General characteristics
Tonnage: 16,243 GRT
Length: 578 ft (176 m) oa
Beam: 70 ft (21 m)
Height: 43 ft (13 m)
Draught: 31.4 ft (9.6 m)
Decks: 7 decks and a shelter deck
Installed power: 6 steam turbines, 2,500 nhp
Propulsion: twin screw
Speed: 16.5 knots (31 km/h; 19 mph)
  • 1,300 passengers
  • 3 cargo holds:
  • 438,000 cubic feet (12,400 m3) Grain Capacity
  • 400,000 cubic feet (11,000 m3) Bale Capacity
  • 29,000 cubic feet (820 m3) Refigerated
Crew: 300

RMS Lancastria (later HMT Lancastria)[Note 1] was a British Cunard liner commandeered by the UK Government for war. She was sunk on 17 June 1940 during World War II with at least 4,000 fatalities, and possibly a great many more.[3] It is the greatest ever loss of life in the sinking of a single British ship, claiming more lives than the combined losses of the RMS Titanic (1,517 passengers and crew) and RMS Lusitania (1,198 passengers). It had also the highest death toll for UK forces from a single ship in the whole of World War II.


RMS Lancastria (center) at Funchal, Madeira, c. 1930.

The ship was launched in 1920 as Tyrrhenia by William Beardmore and Company of Glasgow on the River Clyde for Anchor Line, a subsidiary of Cunard. She was the sister ship of RMS Cameronia that Beardmore's had built for the same customer the previous year.[4] Tyrrhenia was 16,243 gross register tons, 578-foot (176 m) long and could carry 2,200 passengers in three classes. She made her maiden voyage, Glasgow–Quebec CityMontreal, on 19 June 1922.[5]

In 1924 she was refitted for two classes and renamed Lancastria, after passengers complained that they could not properly pronounce Tyrrhenia. She sailed scheduled routes between Liverpool and New York until 1932, and was then used as a cruise ship in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe.[6] On 10 October 1932 Lancastria rescued the crew of the Belgian cargo ship Scheldestad, which had been abandoned in a sinking condition in the Bay of Biscay.[7] In 1934 the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland chartered the Lancastria for a pilgrimage to Rome.[6] With the outbreak of the Second World War she carried cargo, and was then requisitioned in April 1940 as a troopship, becoming the HMT Lancastria. She was first used to assist in the evacuation of troops from Norway.

The sinking and its aftermath

She was sunk off the French port of St. Nazaire while taking part in Operation Ariel, the evacuation of British nationals and troops from France, two weeks after the Dunkirk evacuation.

After a short overhaul, she left Liverpool on 14 June under Captain Rudolph Sharp (born 27 October 1885) and arrived in the mouth of the Loire estuary on 16 June. She anchored 11 miles (18 km) south-west of St. Nazaire. By the mid-afternoon of 17 June she had embarked an unknown number (estimates range from 4,000 up to 9,000)[3] of civilian refugees (including embassy staff and employees of Fairey Aviation of Belgium), line-of-communication troops (including Pioneer and RASC soldiers) and RAF personnel. The ship's official capacity was 2,200 including the 375-man crew.[8] Captain Sharp had been instructed by the Royal Navy to "load as many men as possible without regard to the limits set down under international law".[9]

At 13:50, during an air-raid, the nearby Oronsay, a 20,000-ton Orient Liner, was hit on the bridge by a German bomb. Lancastria was free to depart and the captain of the British destroyer HMS Havelock advised her to do so, but without a destroyer escort as defence against possible submarine attack Sharp decided to wait.[8]

Lancastria sinking off Saint-Nazaire, France, 17 june 1940.

A fresh air raid began before 16:00. Lancastria was bombed at 15:48 by Junkers Ju 88 aircraft from II. Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 30. Three direct hits caused the ship to list first to starboard then to port; she rolled over and sank within twenty minutes. Over 1,400 tons of fuel oil leaked into the sea and was set partially on fire. Many drowned, were choked by the oil, or were shot by strafing German aircraft. Survivors were taken aboard other evacuation vessels, the trawler Cambridgeshire rescuing 900.[8] There were 2,447 survivors, of whom about 100 were still alive in 2011.[3] Many families of the dead knew only that they died with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF); the death toll accounted for roughly a third of the total losses of the BEF in France.[3] She sank around 5 nmi (9.3 km) south of Chémoulin Point in the Charpentier roads, around 9 nmi (17 km) from St. Nazaire. The Lancastria Association names 1,738 people known to have been killed.[10]

Rudolph Sharp survived the sinking and went on to command the RMS Laconia, losing his life on 12 September 1942 when that ship was torpedoed and sunk off West Africa.

Availability of information

The immense loss of life was such that the British government suppressed news of the disaster through the D-Notice system, but the story was broken by the Press Association on 25 July,[11] in the United States by The New York Times and in Britain by The Scotsman on 26 July, more than five weeks after the sinking. Other British newspapers then covered the story, including the Daily Herald (also on 26 July), which carried the story on its front page, and Sunday Express on 4 August; the latter included a photograph of the capsized ship with her upturned hull lined with men under the headline "Last Moments of the Greatest Sea Tragedy of All Time", but the full story of the Lancastria never came out.[3] As part of the government-ordered cover-up, survivors and the crews of the ships that had gone to the aid of Lancastria did not at the time publicly discuss the disaster.

In July 2007 another request for documents held by the Ministry of Defence related to the sinking was rejected by the British Government. The Lancastria Association of Scotland made a further request in 2009. They were told that release under the FOIA would not be given because of several exemptions.[12][Note 2]

In the face of continued campaigning by relatives, the MoD stated in 2015 that all known documents had long been released through the National Archives.[13]

Status of the wreck

The British Government has refused to make the site a war grave under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 although documents obtained under freedom of information legislation (FOIA) show that it could be done. Early in the 21st century the French Government placed an exclusion zone around the wreck site.

The Lancastria Association of Scotland began a campaign in 2005 to secure greater recognition for the loss of life aboard Lancastria and the acknowledgment of the endurance of survivors that day. It petitioned Downing Street to have the wreck site designated an official maritime war grave. The British Government did not do so as it was within French territorial waters, outside the jurisdiction of the Act.[14] The campaign received support from MPs, Lords, MEPs and MSPs from all parties, but the MoD said that such a move would be "purely symbolic" and have no effect. In 2006, 14 additional wrecks sunk at the Battle of Jutland were designated as war graves, but the Lancastria was not.

The MoD stated in 2015 that "as the French Government has provided an appropriate level of protection to the Lancastria through French law and it is formally considered a military maritime grave by the MoD, we believe that the wreck has the formal status and protection it deserves."[13]


St Nazaire: the HMT Lancastria Memorial on the left and the Operation Chariot Memorial on the right.

All service personnel killed during the Second World War are recorded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and where known that they lost their lives on the Lancastria. 1,816 burials are recorded, over 400 of them in France.[15]

Survivors’ and relatives’ associations

After the war, the Lancastria Survivors Association was founded by Major Peter Petit, but this lapsed on his death in 1969. It reformed in 1981 as The HMT Lancastria Association and continues the tradition of a parade and remembrance service at the Church of St Katherine Cree in the City of London, where there is a memorial stained glass window.[16] The Lancastria Association of Scotland was formed in 2005 and holds its annual service at St George's West Church in Edinburgh.[17]

The Lancastria Association of Scotland has members throughout the UK, France and the rest of Europe as well as members in North America, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. It also organises the largest memorial service for the victims in the UK. The service, which is attended by survivors and relatives of both victims and survivors together with representatives of the French and Scottish Governments and a number of veterans organisations and is held on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of 17 June each year at St. George's West Church, Edinburgh.

In 2005 and 2007 the Association held a special exhibition at the Scottish Parliament to highlight the loss. MSPs also signed a special hand-bound book of remembrance. The Association maintains the largest online archive of Lancastria material on the internet.[17] The website received over 250,000 hits in 2007.[18]

In June 2010 to mark the 70th anniversary of the sinking, special ceremonies and services of remembrance were held in Edinburgh and St. Nazaire. As the 100th anniversary of the RMS Titanic sinking took place in 2012, fresh calls were made for "official recognition" of the loss of the Lancastria by the British Government.[19] The day of the 75th anniversary of the loss of the Lancastria was marked in the Westminster Parliament on 17 June 2015 at Prime Minister's Questions by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, who was standing in for the Prime Minister. Osborne said of the sinking; "It was kept secret at the time for reasons of wartime secrecy, but I think it is appropriate today in this House of Commons to remember all those who died, those who survived, and those who mourn them."[20]

The Lancastria Commemorative Medal

In 2007 the Lancastria Association of Scotland began a petition to the Scottish Parliament, calling for a special commemorative medal to be commissioned and awarded to all those who were aboard the ship that day. In December 2007, following a debate in the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government said it had held talks with the British Government to try and persuade them to introduce a commemorative medal as a symbol of official recognition and acknowledgement for all those who had been aboard Lancastria. In a letter sent to the Scottish Parliament's public petitions committee in December 2007, Des Browne, the Secretary of State for Defence, stated that the event "must never be forgotten" but that there was "no tradition in the United Kingdom to offer medals to commemorate specific incidents like the sinking of the HMT Lancastria".[21] No campaign medal was ever awarded for the Battle of France, but any serviceman who had spent "a single day, or part thereof" in France or Belgium between 10 May and 19 June 1940 qualified for the 1939-1945 Star.[22]

On 12 June 2008, at a ceremony at the Scottish Parliament, First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond presented the first batch of medals to survivors and relatives of victims and survivors; the HMT Lancastria Commemorative Medal, which represented "official Scottish Government recognition" of the Lancastria disaster.[23] 150 survivors and relatives gathered from across the United Kingdom and Ireland for the event. The medal was designed by Mark Hirst, grandson of Lancastria survivor Walter Hirst.[24] The inscription on the rear of the medal reads: "In recognition of the ultimate sacrifice of the 4000 victims of Britain's worst ever maritime disaster and the endurance of survivors – We will remember them".[23] The front of the medal depicts the Lancastria with the text "HMT Lancastria – 17th June 1940". The medal ribbon has a grey background with a red and black central stripe, representative of the ship's wartime and merchant marine colours.

According to official guidance issued by the Scottish Government, medal recipients are permitted to wear the medal in public along with their other campaign medals. The medal is subject to formal application and open to all survivors who were aboard the Lancastria on 17 June 1940. Relatives of victims are also eligible to claim for the medal, so long as they can provide supporting evidence that their relative was aboard the ship. An estimated 400 Scots were amongst the 4,000 killed when the Lancastria was attacked and sunk. The Scottish Government decided to proceed in light of the "unique scale" of the tragedy and because survivors "have had to endure a lack of recognition of the events of that June day from a succession of Governments".[25] The closing date for applications for the medal was 15 May 2015, by which time almost 400 had been issued.[26]


A memorial on the sea-front at St Nazaire was unveiled on 17 June 1988, "in proud memory of more than 4,000 who died and in commemoration of the people of Saint Nazaire and surrounding districts who saved many lives, tended wounded and gave a Christian burial to victims".[17]

Lancastria is represented at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire by a Sessile oak tree and a plaque.[27]

St Katharine Cree church in the City of London has a memorial window to Lancastria. It also has a model of the ship in a glass case and the ship's bell is also in the church.[28]

In October 2011 the Lancastria Association of Scotland has erected a memorial to the victims on the site where the ship was built, the former Dalmuir shipyard at Clydebank, Glasgow, now the grounds of the Golden Jubilee Hospital.[29][24][30]

In September 2013, a plaque was unveiled at Liverpool's Pier Head by Lord Mayor Gary Millar commemorating the loss of the ship.[31][32]

The wreck site of HMT Lancastria lies in French territorial waters and is therefore ineligible for protection under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986; however, at the request of the British Government, in 2006 the French authorities gave the site legal protection as a war grave.[33]

References in popular culture

The Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip pays tribute and describes the sinking in the song "Nautical Disaster" in its Day for Night album released in 1994.[34] The 2001 novel Atonement by Ian McEwan includes a passage that describes the subject of the book, Briony Tallis, having to nurse badly wounded survivors from the Lancastria, but sets it during the earlier Dunkirk evacuation, probably a deliberate inaccuracy to make the event fit the narrative.[35] The 2007 film version of that book, also called Atonement, repeats the error, having Robbie Turner arrive at Dunkirk a day after the Lancastria sinks and his superior officer tells him about it.[36] The autobiography of Lucilla Andrews, No Time for Romance (1977), describes nursing Lancastria survivors at St Thomas' Hospital in London, which McEwan used as a source for his novel. Andrews also wrote a fictionalised account of this event in her novel, A Hospital Summer (1951).[37] Alastair MacLean's collection of short stories,The Lonely Sea, includes several factual stories. One is entitled Lancastria and recounts the events leading to and during the loss of the ship, and some details of the aftermath.

See also


  1. "RMS" stands for Royal Mail Ship; HMT stands for His Majesty's Transport
  2. Section 36; prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs; Section 40(2); contains personal information; Section 40(3); Release would contravene section 10 of the Data Protection Act 1998: "processing likely to cause damage or distress"; Section 41; supplied in confidence; Section 44; Exempt from disclosure under the Human Rights Act 1998.



Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lancastria (ship, 1922).
  1. 1 2 Talbot-Booth, EC (1937). Merchant Ships. London: Sampson-Low and Marston.
  2. Lancastria Association Victim List. lancastria.org.uk; retrieved .
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 The 'Lancastria' – a Secret Sacrifice in World War Two
  4. "Lancastria". Chris's Cunard Page. Retrieved 15 July 2010.
  5. "Lancastria". Greatships.net. Retrieved 3 August 2010.
  6. 1 2 "About Us : History of Scouting in Ireland". Scouting Ireland. 2009. Archived from the original on 6 November 2009. Retrieved 3 June 2009.
  7. "Belgian Merchant P–Z" (PDF). Belgische Koopvaardij. Retrieved 1 December 2010.
  8. 1 2 3 Sebag-Montiefiore 2006, pp. 487–495
  9. "Lancastria Association of Scotland". Retrieved 10 January 2011.
  10. "Victim list". Lancastria.org.uk. 17 June 1940. Retrieved 3 June 2015. List of those found and buried ashore, or reported to be on board at the time of the sinking and presumed. lost in the action
  11. "LANCASTRIA SUNK, SAYS U.S.". Hull Daily Mail. 25 July 2015. Retrieved 19 June 2015 via British Newspaper Archive. (subscription required (help)).
  12. Martyred Ships: Cold Cases. Maritime Mysteries. Grand Angle Productions. 2012.
  13. 1 2 Fraser, Graham (13 June 2015). "Lancastria: The forgotten tragedy of World War Two". BBC Scotland. Retrieved 13 June 2015.
  14. "War grave campaign in legal move". BBC News website (BBC). 20 November 2006. Retrieved 4 January 2010.
  15. Fenby 2005, p. 234.
  16. "About us". Archived from the original on 25 October 2009. Retrieved 19 June 2015.
  17. 1 2 3 "The Lancastria Association of Scotland". Lancastria Organization website.
  18. "Recognition of Lancastria Dead". BBC News. 6 December 2007. Retrieved 4 January 2010.
  19. "Recognition remains sunk without a trace, by Mark Hirst". The Scotsman. 19 April 2012. Retrieved 19 April 2012.
  20. Chapman, James (18 June 2015). [ttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3128991/Sinking-Lancastria-marked-Wartime-loss-troop-ship-cost-4-000-lives-commemorated-75-years-on.html#ixzz44DEWvJ4E "Sinking of the Lancastria is marked at last: Wartime loss of troop ship that cost 4,000 lives to be commemorated 75 years on"]. www.dailymail.co.uk. The Daily Mail - Associated Newspapers Ltd. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  21. "Browne rejects plea for medals to mark 1940 sinking of Lancastria". www.scotsman.com. The Scotsman - Johnston Publishing Ltd. 30 December 2007. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  22. "The 1939-1945 Star Regulations". nzdf.mil.nz. New Zealand Defence Force. 25 November 2013. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  23. 1 2 "Lancastria dead gain recognition". BBC online. 12 June 2008. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  24. 1 2 "Victims of HMT Lancastria sinking honoured with memorial". The Telegraph. 1 October 2011. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  25. "Statement from Alex Salmond Scotlands First Minister". Lancastria Recognition Campaign/ on Facebook. 4 June 2012. Retrieved 18 June 2015. External link in |publisher= (help)
  26. "Lancastria: Families urged to claim WWII medals". www.bbc.co.uk. BBC. 5 April 2015. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  27. The National Memorial Arboretum
  28. The Manchesters - HMT Lancastria 17 June 1940 and Operation Aerial
  29. "Wartime Memorial to Britain's worst maritime disaster". STV News. 3 October 2011. Retrieved 4 October 2011.
  30. "Statue marks Clyde site where Lancastria was built". BBC.com. 1 October 2011. Retrieved 18 June 2015.
  31. Lancastria Plaque Unveiled
  32. Lancastria Victims Remembered
  33. Howe, Earl, The Right Honorable (17 June 2015). "The 75th anniversary of the sinking of HMT Lancastria". www.gov.uk. Ministry of Defence. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  34. "Remembering the Lancastria". Lancastria Association website. LAS. 12 April 2010. Retrieved 12 April 2010.
  35. Alden, Natasha (2014), Reading Behind the Lines: Postmemory in Contemporary British War Fiction, Manchester University Press ISBN 978-0719088933 (pp. 158-159)
  36. Sandys, Jon. "Atonement (2007) - Top 10 Mistakes". www.moviemistakes.com. Retrieved 28 March 2016.
  37. Alden 2014 p. 150


Other sources

External links

Coordinates: 47°10′26″N 2°19′15″W / 47.17389°N 2.32083°W / 47.17389; -2.32083

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