Largest prehistoric animals

The largest prehistoric organisms include both vertebrate and invertebrate species. Many are described below, along with their typical range of size (for the general dates of extinction, see the link to each). Many species mentioned might not actually be the largest representative of their clade due to the incompleteness of the fossil record and many of the sizes given are merely estimates since no complete specimen have been found. Especially their body mass is mostly conjecture because soft tissue was rarely fossilized. Generally the size of extinct species was subject to energetic[1] and biomechanical constraints.[2]


Mammals (Mammalia)

Reconstruction of Livyatan (left) and Cetotherium (right)

Whales (Cetacea)

The largest known fossil Odontocete ("toothed whale") was the Miocene physeteroid whale Livyatan melvillei which was estimated to be between 13.5 and 17.5 meters in length.[3][4] One notable feature of L. melvillei was its teeth which could exceed 36 cm in length and were unmatched by any other animal, extinct or alive.[5]

However, the largest known fossil whales were baleen whales from the Pliocene and Pleistocene Epochs.[6] A notable example is the bones of a Pliocene age baleen whale, assigned the questionable name "Balaenoptera sibbaldina", which likely rivaled the modern blue whale in size.<ref name =z

Monotremes (Monotremata)

The largest known monotreme (egg-laying mammal) ever was the extinct long-beaked echidna species known as Zaglossus hacketti, known from a couple of bones found in Western Australia. It was the size of a sheep, weighing probably up to 30 kg (66 lb).[7]

The extinct Hippopotamus gorgops is the most massive of the fossil even-toed ungulates.

Even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla)

Marsupials (Marsupialia)

Carnivores (Carnivora)

The largest known fossil hyena is the lion-sized Pachycrocuta, estimated at 190 kg (420 lb).[21]

Armadillos, glyptodonts and pampatheres (Cingulata)

The largest cingulate known is Doedicurus, at 4 meters long. (13 ft). Glyptodon easily topped 3.3 m (11 ft) and 2 tonnes (4,400 lb).

Hedgehogs, gymnures, shrews, and moles (Erinaceomorpha and Soricomorpha)

The largest known animal of this group was Deinogalerix,[24] measuring up to 60 cm in total length, with a skull up to 20 cm long. It occupied the same ecological niche as dogs and cats today.

Rabbits, hares, and pikas (Lagomorpha)

The largest known prehistoric lagomorph is Minorcan giant lagomorph (Nuralagus rex) at 23 kg (50 lbs).

One of the largest land mammals of all time was Indricotherium

Cimolestids (Cimolesta)

The largest known cimolestid is Coryphodon, 1 metre (3.3 ft) high at the shoulder and 2.25 metres (7.4 ft) long.

Odd-toed ungulates (Perissodactyla)

Anteaters and sloths (Pilosa)

Primates (Primata)

Mounted Deinotherium skeleton.

Elephants, mammoths, and mastodons (Proboscidea)

Rodents (Rodentia)

Astrapotherians (Astrapotheria)

The largest known astrapotherians weighed about 3-4 metric tonnes, including the genus Granastrapotherium[33] and some species of Parastrapotherium (P. martiale).[34]

Sirenians (Sirenia)

Arsinoitheres (Arsinoitheriidae)

The largest known arsinoithere was Arsinoitherium. When alive, it would have been 1.8 m (5.9 ft) tall at the shoulders, and 3 m (9.8 ft) long.

Condylarths (Condylarthra)

The largest known condylarth is Phenacodus. It was 1.5 m (4.9 ft) long and weighted up to 56 kg,

Dinoceratans (Dinocerata)

The largest known dinoceratan was Uintatherium. It was about the size of a rhinoceros. Despite its large size, it had a brain only about as large as an orange.

Desmostylians (Desmostylia)

The largest known desmostylian was Desmostylus at 1.8 metres long (6 ft) and weighing about 200 kilograms (440 pounds).

Litopterns (Litopterna)

The largest known litoptern was Macrauchenia, which had three hoofs per foot. It was a relatively large animal, with a body length of around 3 m (9.8 ft).[35]

Notoungulates (Notoungulata)

The largest notoungulate known of complete remains is Toxodon. It was about 2.7 metres (8.9 feet) in body length, and about 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) high at the shoulder and resembled a heavy rhinoceros. Although is not complete, the preserved fossils suggests that Mixotoxodon were the most massive member of the group, with a weight about 3.8 tonnes.[36]

Oxyaenids (Oxyaenidae)

The largest known oxyaenid was Sarkastodon weighing in at 800 kg.[37]

Hyaenodontids (Hyaenodontidae)

The largest hyaenodontid was Megistotherium at 500 kg.[21]

Mesonychids (Mesonychia)

The largest mesonychid was Mongolonyx robustus. This predator would have been 1.3–1.4 m (4.3–4.6 ft) tall at the shoulders and 2.7–2.8 m (8.9–9.2 ft) long.

Non-mammal synapsids (Synapsida)

Anteosaurus overviewing the landscape

The plant-eating pelycosaur Cotylorhynchus probably was the largest known of all non-mammal synapsids, at 20 feet (6.1 meters) and 2 tonnes. Among the largest carnivorous synapsids was the therapsid Anteosaurus, which was 5–6 meters long, and weighed 500–600 kg.

Reptiles (Reptilia)

Megalania skeletal reconstruction on Melbourne Museum steps.

Crocodiles and relatives (Crocodylomorpha)

Lizards and snakes (Squamata)

Another large mosasaur is Hainosaurus bernardi (could be synonymous to Tylosaurus). It was once estimated at 15 metres (49 ft) in length, but later estimates put it at around 12 meters.[45]


Main article: Plesiosaur size
Plesiosauroids (Plesiosauroidea)

The longest known plesiosauroid was Elasmosaurus at 14 metres (46 feet) long.

Pliosauroids (Pliosauroidea)

There is much controversy over the largest known of these reptiles. Fossil remains of a pliosaur nicknamed as Predator X have been discovered and excavated from Norway in 2008. This pliosaur has been estimated at 15 metres (49 ft) in length and 45 metric tons (50 short tons) in weight.[52][53] However, in 2002, a team of paleontologists in Mexico discovered the remains of a pliosaur nicknamed as Monster of Aramberri, which is also estimated at 15 metres (49 ft) in length.[54] This specimen is however claimed to be a juvenile and has been attacked by a larger pliosaur.[55] Some media sources claimed that Monster of Aramberri was a Liopleurodon but its species is unconfirmed thus far.[54] Another very large pliosaur was Pliosaurus macromerus, known from a single 2.8 m long incomplete mandible. It may have reached 18 metres (59 ft), assuming the skull was about 17% of the total body length.[56]

Ichthyosaurs (Ichthyosauria)

The largest known ichthyosaur was Shastasaurus sikanniensis at 21 metres (69 ft) in length.[57]

Turtles and tortoises (Testudines)

Pareiasaurs (Pareiasauridae)

The largest known is Scutosaurus, up to 3 metres (9.8 ft) in length, with bony armor, and a number of spikes decorating its skull.

Phytosaurs (Phytosauria)

The largest known of this order is Redondasaurus, who attained a length of 10–12 metres (33–39 ft)

Pterosaurs (Pterosauria)

Non-avian dinosaurs (Dinosauria)

Size comparison of selected giant sauropod dinosaurs.
Main article: Dinosaur size

Sauropods (Sauropoda)

The largest ornithopods.

Theropods (Theropoda)

Size comparison of selected giant theropod dinosaurs

Armoured dinosaurs (Thyreophora)

The largest known thyreophoran was Ankylosaurus at 9 metres (30 ft) in length and 6 tonnes in weight.[70][71] Stegosaurus was also 9 meters (30 feet) long but around 5 tonnes in weight.

Ceratopsians (Ceratopsia)

The largest ceratopsian known is Triceratops horridus, along with the closely related Eotriceratops xerinsularis both with estimated lengths of 9 metres (30 ft).[72]

Ornithopods (Ornithopoda)

The very largest known ornithopods, like Shantungosaurus were as heavy as medium-sized sauropods at up to 23 metric tons. (25 short tons)[73][74] The largest is probably Shantungosaurus at 16.5 metres (54 ft) in length.[73]

Birds (Aves)

The largest known birds of all time might have been the elephant birds of Madagascar. Of almost the same size was the Australian Dromornis stirtoni. Both were about 3 m tall (10 ft). The elephant birds were up to 400 kg and Dromornis stirtoni was up to 500 kg in weight. The tallest bird ever was the giant moa (Dinornis maximus) at 3.6 m (12 ft) tall.

The largest known flight-capable bird was Argentavis magnificens which a wingspan of 8.3 m (27 ft), and a body weight of 110 kg (240 lb).

Waterfowl (Anseriformes)

The largest known waterfowl of all time belonged to the Dromornithidae (e.g. Dromornis stirtoni).[75]

Shorebirds (Charadriiformes)

The largest known shorebird of all time was the great auk (Pinguinus impennis) at 5 kg (11 lb) in weight and 75–85 cm (30–33 in) in length.

Storks and allies (Ciconiiformes)

The largest known of Ciconiiformes was Leptoptilos robustus, standing 1.8 metres (5.9 ft) tall and weighing an estimated 16 kilograms (35 lb).[76][77]

Pigeons (Columbiformes)

The largest known pigeon ever was the dodo (Raphus cucullatus), weighing 23 kg (51 lb) and standing 1 m (3.3 ft) tall. Rodrigues solitaire (Pezophaps solitaria), a brown, long-necked birds that were superficially ratite-like. All three species may have exceeded 1 m (3.3 ft) in height. All were carelessly hunted into extinction by humans and introduced animals. The dodo is the most frequently crowned as the largest known ever pigeon, as it could have weighed as much as 28 kg (62 lb), although recent estimates have indicated that an average wild dodo would have weighed around 10.2 kg (22 lb), scarcely larger than a male turkey.[78][79] If dodos were this light, the Rodrigues solitaire may have been larger. Some estimates claim tha solitaire was merely swan-sized but others estimate weights of up to 27.8 kg (61 lb).[80][81]

Hesperornithines (Hesperornithes)

The largest known of the hesperornithines was Canadaga arctica at 5 ft long.

Diatrymas (Gastornithiformes)

The largest known diatryma was Gastornis 1.75 metres (5.7 feet) tall, with large individuals up to 2 m (6.6 ft) tall.

Teratorns (Teratornithidae)

The largest known teratorn and the largest flying bird ever was Argentavis. The immense bird had a wingspan estimated up to 8.3 m (27 ft) and a weight up to 110 kg (240 lb). It was as high as an adult human when standing.

Phorusrhacids (Phorusrhacidae)

The largest known ever gruiform and largest phorusrhacid or "terror bird" (highly predatory, flightless birds of South America) was Brontornis, which was about 175 cm tall at the shoulder, could raise its head 2.8 m (9.2 ft) above the ground and could have weighed as much as 400 kg (880 lb).[82] The immense phorushacid Kelenken stood 3–3.2 m (9.8–10.5 ft) tall with a skull 28 inches (71 cm) long (18 inches of which was beak), had the largest head of any known bird. The largest North American phorusrhacid is Titanis, which is about 2.5 m (8.2 ft) tall, as tall as a forest elephant.

Accipitriforms (Accipitriformes)

The largest known bird of prey ever was the enormous Haast's eagle (Harpagornis moorei), with a wingspan of 2.6 to 3 m (8.5 to 9.8 ft), relatively short for their size. Total length was probably up to 1.4 m (4.6 ft) in female and they weighed about 10 to 15 kg (22 to 33 Ib). The largest extinct Titanohierax was a giant hawk about 8 kilograms that lived in the Antilles, where it was among the top predators.

Haast's eagle, the largest bird of prey, attacking moa

Gamebirds (Galliformes)

The largest known in this group was a giant flightless Sylviornis, a bird 1.70 m (5.6 ft) long and weighing up to about 30 kg (66 lb).

Songbirds (Passeriformes)

The largest known songbird is the extinct giant grosbeak (Chloridops regiskongi) at 11 inches (28 cm) long.

Cormorants and allies (Pelecaniformes)

The largest known cormorant was the spectacled cormorant of the North Pacific (Phalacrocorax perspicillatus), which became extinct around 1850, was larger still, averaging around 6.4 kg (14 lb) and 1.15 m (3.8 ft).[83]

Bony-toothed birds (Odontopterygiformes)

The largest known in this group which has been variously allied with Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes and Anseriformes and the largest flying birds of all time other than Argentavis were the huge Cyphornis, Dasornis, Gigantornis and Osteodontornis. They had a wingspan of 5.5–6 m (18–20 ft) and stood about 1.2 meters (3.9 feet) tall. Exact size estimates and judging which one was largest are not yet possible for these birds, as their bones were extremely thin-walled, light and fragile, and thus most are only known from very incomplete remains.

Woodpeckers and allies (Piciformes)

The largest known woodpecker is the possibly extinct imperial woodpecker (Campephilus imperialis) with a total length of about 22 inches (50 centimeters). The largest woodpecker confirmed to be extant is the great slaty woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus).

Parrots (Psittaciformes)

The largest known parrot is the extinct Norfolk Island kaka (Nestor productus), about 38 cm long.

Penguins (Sphenisciformes)

The largest known penguin of all time was Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi of New Zealand and Antarctica. It stood 1.7 meters (5 feet 7 inches) in height and was 90 kilograms (200 pounds) in weight. Similar in size were the New Zealand giant penguin (Pachydyptes pondeorsus) with a height of 1.4 to 1.6 m (4.6 to 5.2 ft) and weighing around 80 to possibly over 100 kg, and Icadyptes salasi at 1.5 m (4.9 ft) tall.

Owls (Strigiformes)

The largest known owl of all time was the Cuban Ornimegalonyx at 43.3 inches tall probably exceeding 9 kg (20 lb).[84]

Amphibians (Amphibia)

The largest known amphibian of all time was the 30 ft long temnospondyli Prionosuchus. Another huge temnospondyli was Koolasuchus at 16 ft long, but only 1 ft high.

Frogs (Anura)

The largest known frog ever was the 16-inch-long (41 cm) Beelzebufo ampinga, weighing 10 pounds (4.5 kg)


The largest known diacectid, Diadectes, was a heavily built animal, 1.5 to 3 meters long, with thick vertebrae and ribs.


The largest known anthracosaur was Anthracosaurus, a predator. It could reach up to 12 feet in length. Eogyrinus commonly reached 4.6 metres (15 ft), however, it was more lightly built.[85]


The largest known temnospondyl amphibian is Prionosuchus, which grew to lengths of 9.5 meters (30 feet).[86]

Bony fish (Osteichthyes)

Placoderms (Placodermi)

The largest known placoderm was the 10 metres (33 ft) long Dunkleosteus. It is estimated to have weighed around 3.6 tonnes. Its relative, Titanichthys, may have rivaled it in size.

Lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii)

The largest known of these was the 6.5–7 m (21–23 ft) long Rhizodus.

Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii)

The largest known bony fish of all time was the pachycormid, Leedsichthys problematicus, at around 16.5 metres (54 ft) long.[87] Claims of larger individuals persist.

Ichthyodectid (Ichthyodectidae)

The largest known of ichthyodectid fish was the 6.0 metres (19.7 ft) long Xiphactinus .

Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)

Megalodon (grey/red) with the whale shark (purple), great white shark (green), and human (black) for scale.

Mackerel sharks (Lamniformes)

An extinct megatoothed shark, C. megalodon is by far the biggest shark known.[88] This giant shark reached a total length of more than 16 metres (52 ft).[89][90] C. megalodon may have approached a maximum of 20.3 metres (67 ft) in total length and 103 metric tons (114 short tons) in mass.[91]

Symmoriid (Symmoriida)

The largest known symmoriid is Stethacanthus at 70 centimetres (2.3 ft) long.

Eugenedont (Eugeneodontida)

The largest known eugenedont is a yet unnamed species of Helicoprion discovered in Idaho. The specimens suggest an animal that possibly exceeded 12 metres (39 ft) in length.[92]

Another fairly large eugenedont is Parahelicoprion. The specimens suggest an animal that grew to the same size (12 meters), but was much less slender and overall less heavy.[93]

Hybodontiform (Hybodontiformes)

The largest known hydontiformid is Ptychodus was about 32 feet long (10 meters).

Arthropods (Arthropoda)


Radiodont (Radiodonta)

The largest known is Aegirocassis at least 7 feet (2.1 meters) long.[94]


Eurypterids (Eurypterida)

The largest known in this group was Jaekelopterus rhenaniae at 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) in length. A close contender was Pterygotus at 2.3 metres (7.5 ft) in length.

Arachnids (Arachnida)

There are two contenders for largest known ever arachnid: Pulmonoscorpius kirktonensis and Brontoscorpio anglicus. Pulmonoscorpius was 70 centimetres (2.3 ft) Brontoscorpio was 90 centimetres (3.0 ft). The biggest difference is that Brontoscorpio was aquatic, and Pulmonoscorpius was terrestrial. Brontoscorpio is not to be confused with various Eurypterids: it was a true scorpion with a venomous stinger.


The largest known myriapod by far was the giant Arthropleura. Measuring 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) and 45 centimetres (18 in) wide, it was the largest known terrestrial arthropod of all time. Like its modern-day relatives, Arthropleura would have likely sprayed hydrogen cyanide at potential predators, although its sheer size and tough exoskeleton protected it from attack.


Trilobites (Trilobita)

Some of these extinct marine arthropods exceeded 60 centimetres (24 in) in length. A nearly complete specimen of Isotelus rex from Manitoba attained a length over 70 centimetres (28 in), and an Ogyginus forteyi from Portugal was almost as long. Fragments of trilobites suggest even larger record sizes. An isolated pygidium of Hungioides bohemicus implies that the full animal was 90 centimetres (35 in) long.[95]

Insects (Insecta)

Sawflies, wasps, bees, ants and allies (Hymenoptera)

The largest known of this group was the giant ant Titanomyrma giganteum at 3 centimetres (1.2 in), with queens growing to 6 centimetres (2.4 in). It had a wingspan of 15 centimetres (5.9 in).[96]


The largest known in this group was probably Meganeura with a wingspan of 75 centimetres (2.46 ft).[97] Another enormous and possibly larger species was Meganeuropsis permiana.


The largest known in this group was probably Saurophthirus, growing to 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length. It possibly sucked the blood of pterosaurs.


The largest known of this order was Mazothairos, with a wingspan of up to 22 inches (56 cm).


Several cockroach-like stem dictyopterans from the Carboniferous Period grew to exceptional size. A specimen of Xenoblatta from Ohio was at least 70 mm long, almost the size of the largest cockroach living today.[98][99]

Molluscs (Mollusca)

Gastropods (Gastropoda)

Snails and slugs (Gastropoda)

The largest known of this group were in the genus Campanile, with the extinct Campanile giganteum having shell lengths up to 60 centimetres (24 in).

Bivalves (Bivalvia)

Bivalves (Bivalvia)

The largest known bivalve ever was Platyceramus platinus, a giant that usually had an axial length of 1 metre (3.3 ft), but some individuals could reach an axial length of up to 3 metres (9.8 ft).

Cephalopods (Cephalopoda)

Main article: Cephalopod size

Ammonites (Ammonoidea)

The largest known ammonite was Parapuzosia seppenradensis. A partial fossil specimen found in Germany had a shell diameter of 1.95 metres (6.4 ft), but the living chamber was incomplete, so the estimated shell diameter was probably about 2.55 metres (8.4 ft) when it was alive.

Belemnites (Belemnoidea)

The largest known belemnite was Megateuthis gigantea with a guard of 46 centimetres (18 in) in length and an estimated total length 3 metres (9.8 ft) long.

Nautiloids (Nautiloidea)

The longest and largest known of this group was Cameroceras with a shell length of 9 metres (30 ft).[100]


Both Tusoteuthis and Yezoteuthis are estimated to be similar in size to the modern day giant squid.[101]

See also


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