
Laxmanchanda is a village and a Mandal in Adilabad district in the state of Telangana in India. It is one of the 5 mandals in Nirmal assembly segment. Laxmanchanda mandal is agricultarally well developed due to good irrigation facilities as its presence nearer to river Godavari and Sriramsagar dam. Establishing own intermediate and degree colleges by co-operative and village development societies has made the village to emerge in education field. Mandal headquarters is about 15 km from Nirmal town.[1]

Villages under Laxmanchanda Mandal

List of Villages


Laxmanchanda Mandal has a population about 36,000 and mandal headquarters has a population of around 5,000


Majority of the farmers in this region cultivate Paddy & Maize.



  1. "Mandals in Adilabad district". Panchayat Informatics Division. Archived from the original on 2007-03-27. Retrieved 2007-02-28.

Coordinates: 19°05′54″N 78°18′07″E / 19.09833°N 78.30194°E / 19.09833; 78.30194

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