Lega Nord Alto Adige/Südtirol

Lega Nord Alto Adige/Südtirol
Secretary Maurizio Fugatti
(federal commissioner)
President vacant
Founded 1991
Ideology Federalism
National affiliation Lega Nord
European affiliation none
International affiliation none
Politics of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Political parties
Proposed flag of Sud Tirolo by Lega Nord ST

Lega Nord Alto Adige/Südtirol (English: Northern League Alto Adige/South Tyrol, LNST) is a regionalist political party, which is the "national" (hence, provincial) section of Lega Nord in South Tyrol, Italy.

Along with the Greens, the LNST is an inter-ethnic party.[1]

Recent history

In the 2008 provincial election, as always, LNST presented a list with both Italian- and German-speaking candidates. In the run-up to the election the party was joined by Roland Atz, former Vice President of the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Region and leading member of the South Tyrolean People's Party (SVP), Elena Artioli, another SVP splinter and one of the few multilingual members of that party before it restricted its membership to German- and Ladin-speakers, and Paolo Bassani, a centrist politician who had been previously member of the Italian Liberal Party, Forza Italia and finally the Italian Republican Party.[2][3] This strategy, designed by Roberto Calderoli,[4][5] prompted Kurt Pancheri to resign from national secretary.[2][6] In the election LNST won the 2.1% of the vote and Artioli was elected to the Provincial Council.[7]

In January 2013 Artioli was elected national secretary of the party, ending five years of transitional leadership provided by the federal party.[8] In May she announced that the party would run in the 2013 provincial election as part of the Team Autonomies/Team Artioli (Team A), a larger autonomist and inter-ethnic electoral list inspired to the Austrian Team Stronach.[9] Later, in September, the Team A was integrated into the "Forza Alto Adige–Lega Nord–Team Autonomies" list, along with The People of Freedom.[10][11] In the October election the list took 2.5% of the vote.[12] Artioli was the only candidate elected.[13]

In January 2014, at the very beginning of the Council term, Artioli voted in favour of SVP's Arno Kompatscher in a vote of confindence,[14] consequently left Lega Nord[15] and joined the Democratic Party.[16] In the run-up of the 2014 European Parliament election Lega Nord formed a pact with Die Freiheitlichen (dF), according to which the dF's symbol and candidates will be included in the party's slates.[17][18]


LNST presents itself as a party "inspired by the principles of Christianity", representing South Tyroleans, regardless their language or ethnicity, including multilingual people. In fact, according to its program, the main goals of the party is to enhance the collaboration and the interaction of the three language groups (Italian, German and Ladin) and to legally recognize the reality of multilingual people (i.e. citizens who identify with two linguistic identities). The party professes also a libertarian credo and one of its slogans is "less Province, more private", while emphasizing family, education and health-care issues.[19][20]

Popular support

The party is a tiny one compared to other "national sections" of Lega Nord.

In the 2008 general election it won a mere 2.0% of the votes in South Tyrol, due to the electoral strength of German-speaking regionalist parties, notably the South Tyrolean People's Party, Citizens' Union for South Tyrol and Die Freiheitlichen. Its counterpart in Trentino, Lega Nord Trentino, was much stronger (16.4% in 2008). In the 2009 European Parliament election LNST however gained 4.8%, its best result ever in the Province.

The electoral results of Lega Nord ST in the Province of Bolzano are shown in the table below.

1992 general1993 provincial1994 general1996 general1998 provincial1999 European2001 general2003 provincial2004 European2006 general2008 general2008 provincial2009 European2013 general2013 provincial2014 European[21]6.0[22]


External links


  1. Ciampi a Brunetta: l' Alto Adige resti autonomo
  2. 1 2 http://altoadige.repubblica.it/dettaglio/Lega-Nord-senza-Benussi-Alla-guida-Artioli-e-Atz/1507932
  3. Di lista in lista I navigatori della politica - Alto Adige
  4. La «Südtiroler» annusa l’aria - IlGiornale.it
  5. http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettaglio-local/%C2%ABNoi-ci-siamo-ma-l-Svp-ora-si-smarchi%C2%BB/2036877
  6. http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettaglio-local/La-Lega-targata-S%C3%BCdtirol/2043254/6
  7. http://elezioni.provincia.bz.it/home_li_vg.htm
  8. http://altoadige.gelocal.it/cronaca/2013/01/26/news/elena-artioli-eletta-segretario-provinciale-della-lega-nord-1.6417875
  9. http://altoadige.gelocal.it/cronaca/2013/05/11/news/provinciali-nasce-il-team-artioli-1.7044981
  10. Patto con la Biancofiore: la Artioli si candida capolista con Forza Italia - Cronaca - Alto Adige
  11. Biancofiore candida l’Artioli capolista - Cronaca - Alto Adige
  12. Referendum provinciale confermativo 2014 | Provincia autonoma di Bolzano – Alto Adige
  13. http://elezioni.provincia.bz.it/prefvt_li_p7786_vg.htm
  14. È bufera sulla Artioli «Lo ha fatto per un posto» - Cronaca - Alto Adige
  15. Elena Artioli lascia la Lega Fugatti torna commissario - Cronaca - Alto Adige
  16. http://altoadige.gelocal.it/bolzano/cronaca/2014/07/05/news/elena-artioli-migra-al-pd-e-diventa-coordinatrice-liberal-oggi-l-ok-da-renzi-1.9544628
  17. Europee: la Lega con un nuovo simbolo e la scritta Autonomie | L'Indipendenza
  18. Freiheitlichen altoatesini con Lega Nord - Trentino-Alto Adige/Suedtirol - ANSA.it
  19. http://www.leganord.bz.it/_Bottom.aspx?pid=73&tabid=1702&CMS_IDN=9629
  20. http://www.leganord.bz.it/it-73-1693.aspx
  21. Joint list with Forza Alto Adige.
  22. Joint list with Die Freiheitlichen.
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