
Leutha is a female character appearing in the mythology of William Blake. According to S. Foster Damon, A Blake Dictionary, she stands for 'sex under law'.


Leutha is mentioned in


She is the Emanation of Bromion. She occurs in a pair with the male Antamon.

In Milton

But when Leutha (a Daughter of Beulah) beheld Satans condemnation
She down descended into the midst of the Great Solemn Assembly
"Offering herself a Ransom for Satan, taking on her, his Sin."

Whence the interpretation commonly given as guilt, and in particularly sexual guilt.


In Jerusalem, Leutha is associated with the Isle of Dogs.


The homophone relationship to Martin Luther has often been pointed out. Angela Esterhammer (Blake and Language p. 73, in William Blake Studies (2006), edited by Nicholas M. Williams) writes

'Blake's Leutha represents 'Protestant speech' an association achieved partly through the pun on 'Luther', but mainly through her own verbal behaviours in Blake's prophetic poems, where she manifests 'Protestant' modes of speech such as public self-scrutiny, self-exaggeration, confession, and plain-spokenness.
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