Lingua Franca Nova
Lingua Franca Nova | |
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Created by | C. George Boeree |
Setting and usage | International auxiliary language |
Purpose |
constructed language
Latin Cyrillic | |
Sources | based on Romance and Creole languages |
Official status | |
Regulated by | La Asosia per LFN |
Language codes | |
ISO 639-3 |
lfn |
Linguist list |
lfn |
Glottolog |
ling1267 [1] |
Lingua Franca Nova (or Elefen) is an auxiliary constructed language originally created by C. George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania.[2] Its vocabulary is based on the Romance languages French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan.[3] The grammar is highly reduced and similar to the Romance creoles.[3][4] The language has phonemic spelling, using 22 letters of either the Latin or Cyrillic scripts.[3][4]
History and community
Boeree was inspired[3] by the Mediterranean Lingua Franca, a pidgin used in the Mediterranean in centuries past, and by creoles such as Papiamento, Haitian Creole, and Bislama. He used French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan as the basis for his new language.[3]
LFN was first presented on the Internet in 1998.[5][6] A Yahoo! Group was formed in 2002 by Bjorn Madsen. Group members contributed significantly to the further evolution of the language. In 2007, Igor Vasiljevic began a Facebook page,[7] which has over 300 members. LFN was given an ISO 639-3 designation (lfn) by SIL in 2008.[8]
Stefan Fisahn[9] created a wiki for the language in 2005. The site moved to Wikia in 2009 [10] and as of 2015 has over 3000 articles.[11] The searchable "master" dictionary (LFN–English / English–LFN) was updated by Simon Davies in 2008, and now has over 20,000 entries.[12] There is also a LFN–French dictionary[13] and seven small dictionaries available in other languages as well as a Wikibooks tutorial[14] in eight languages. Introductions and "LFN for Travellers" are available in 12 languages.[15]
Translated texts include Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince,[16] Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol,[17] Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth.[18] and Shakespeare's King Lear.[19] There are also many poems, both translated and original.[20]
Simon Davies's translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is the first publication of a work entirely in LFN.[21]
As of January 1, 2014, LFN has a news blog, maintained by Simon Davies, called Aora Oji ("Now Today"),[22] as well as a homepage using the name "Elefen".[23]
Pronunciation and orthography
LFN can be written with either the Latin or Cyrillic script:[3][24]
Latin a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p r s t u v x z Cyrillic а б к д е ф г х и ж л м н о п р с т у в ш з IPA [a~ɑ] [b] [k] [d] [e~ɛ] [f] [ɡ] [h] [i/j] [ʒ] [l] [m] [n/ŋ] [o~ɔ] [p] [r] [s] [t] [u/w] [v] [ʃ] [z] Names a be ce de e ef ge hax i je el em en o pe er es te u ve ex ze
LFN vowels (a, e, i, o and u) are pronounced as they are in Spanish or Italian (approximately as in bar, bait or bet, beet, boat or ball, and boot). Diphthongs are ai [ai~ɑi], au [au~ɑu], eu [eu~ɛu], and oi [oi~ɔi] (approximately as in my, cow, "eh-w", and boy).
The letters i and u are used as semivowels ([j] and [w]) initially before a vowel, between vowels, in li and ni between vowels, and in cu and gu before a vowel. The letter n is pronounced as in think ([ŋ]) before g and c.
Most words are stressed on the vowel or diphthong before the last consonant (e.g. CA-sa, a-be-ON, BA-ia). Words with no vowel before the last consonant are accented on the first vowel (e.g. TI-o). Words ending in a diphthong are accented on the diphthong (e.g. ca-CAU). Those ending in the double vowels ae, ao, ea, eo, oa, oe, or ui are accented on the first of these vowels (e.g. i-DE-a). The addition of -s or -es for plural nouns does not alter the stress.
Variations in pronunciation are acceptable.[3][25]
LFN is an SVO (subject-verb-object) language. Modifiers generally follow what they modify, as do prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses.[3][26]
Other than the plural in -s or -es, nouns are invariant. A noun's role in a sentence is determined by word order and prepositions. There are 22 prepositions, such as a (at, to), de (of, from), en (in, into), and con (with).
Nouns are usually preceded by articles (la or un) or other determiners such as esta (this, these), acel (that, those), alga (some), cada (every, each), multe (many, much), and poca (few, little). A variety of pronouns are identical to or derived from determiners.
The personal pronouns are invariant:
person singular plural 1 me nos 2 tu vos 3 el / lo los
El is used for people and higher animals; Lo is used for all else.
Reflexive pronouns are the same as the first and second person pronouns, except that se is used for the third person, singular or plural. Possessive determiners are the same as the reflexive pronouns.
Verbs are invariant. The verb alone represents the present tense and the infinitive. Other tenses and moods are indicated by preceding particles:
tense/mood | particle | example | translation |
present | - | vade | go |
past | ia | ia vade | went |
future | va | va vade | will go |
conditional | ta | ta vade | would go |
Adverbs such as ja (already) and auxiliary verbs such as comensa (begin to) are used to add precision. The active participle ends in -nte and the passive participle in -da. They can be used with es (to be) to form a progressive aspect and a passive voice, respectively.
Adjectives are invariant, and adverbs are not distinguished from adjectives. Adjectives follow nouns and adverbs follow verbs but precede adjectives. The comparative is formed with plu or min, the superlative with la plu or la min.
Questions are formed by preceding the sentence with esce or by using one of several "question words", such as cual (what, which), ci (who), do (where), cuando (when), and perce (why).[27] These same words are also used to introduce subordinate clauses, as are words such as si (if), ce (that), car (because), and afin (so that).
Conjunctions include e (and), o (or), and ma (but).
Complete detailed grammars of LFN are available in English, French, Esperanto, and LFN [28]
LFN has a small number of regular affixes that help to create new words.[3][26]
Three suffixes that create nouns are -or, -ador, and -eria, which refer to a person, a device, and a place respectively. They can be added to any noun, adjective, or verb. For example:
- carne (meat) + -or > carnor (butcher)
- lava + -ador > lavador (washing machine)
- flor + -eria > floreria (florist shop)
Another suffix is -i which, added to an adjective and some nouns, means "to become" or "to cause to become". It is also used with names for tools, machines, or supplies with the meaning "to use". For example:
- calda (hot) + -i > caldi (to heat)
- telefon (telephone) + -i > telefoni (to telephone)
Two more suffixes are -eta, which means a small version of something, and -on, which means a large version of something. (They are not, however, simply synonyms for small and large!) For example:
- bove (cow, cattle) + -eta > boveta (calf)
- tela (cloth) + -on > telon (sheet, tablecloth)
There are also three suffixes that turn nouns into adjectives: -al means "pertaining to...," -in means "similar to...," -osa means "full of..." For example:
- nasion (nation) + -al > nasional (national)
- serpente (serpent) + -in > serpentin (serpentine)
- mofo (mold) + -osa > mofosa (moldy)
Other suffixes include -able (-able), -isme (-ism), and -iste (-ist).
There are also several prefixes. Non- means not, re- means again or in the opposite direction, and des- means to undo. For example:
- non- + felis (happy) > nonfelis (unhappy)
- re- + pone (place) > repone (replace)
- des- + infeta (infect) > desinfeta (disinfect)
Other prefixes include pos- (post-), pre- (pre-), supra- (super-), su- (sub-), media- (mid-), vis- (vice-), inter- (inter-), and auto- (auto-, self-)
Compounds of verbs plus objects create nouns:
- porta (carry) + candela (candle) > portacandela (candlestick)
- pasa (pass) + tempo (time) > pasatempo (pastime)
- para (stop) + pluve (rain) > parapluve (umbrella)
Two nouns are rarely joined (as they often are in English), but are linked with de or other prepositions instead:
- avia de mar - seabird
- casa per avias - birdhouse
- xef de polisia - police chief
La Preambul a la Declara Universal de Diretos Umana [29]
Car la reconose de la dinia inerente e la diretos egal e nonalienable de tota la membros de la familia umana es la funda de libria, justia, e pas en la mundo;
Car la nonconose e la despeta de la diretos umana ia trae atas de barbaria cual ofende la consiensa umana, e car la veni de un mundo do tota persones va es libre per parla e crea, e librida de temia e de miseria, es proclamada como la aspira la plu alta de umanas;
Car es esensal ce la diretos umana es protejeda par un sistem de diretos, afin no person es forsada, como un recurso ultima, a la rebelia contra tirania e oprimi;
Car es esensal promove la developa de relates bonvolente entre nasiones;
Car en la Carta, la poplas de la Nasiones Unida proclama se fida en la diretos umana fundal, en la dinia e la valua de la person umana, en la egalia de diretos de omes e de femes, e car los ia deside promove la progresa sosial e leva la cualia de vive con un libria plu completa;
Car la statos-membros promete securi, en coopera con la Nasiones Unida, la respeta e la oserva universal de diretos umana e libria fundal;
E car un conseta comun de esta diretos e librias es la plu importante per la completi plen de esta promete -
La Asemblea Jeneral proclama esta Declara Universal de Diretos Umana como un ideal comun per la aspira de tota poplas e nasiones, afin cada person e cada organo sosial, con esta Declara en mente constante, va promove la respeta de esta diretos e librias par eleva e instrui, e par mesuras progresante, e nasional e internasional, va securi la reconose e aplica universal e produosa, entre la poplas de la statos parteninte e de la teritorios su se autoria legal.
Alisia en la pais de mervelias[21]
Alisia comensa deveni multe noiada, sentante a lado de se sore sur la colineta, con no cosa per ocupa se: a un o du veses, el ia regardeta en la libro cual se sore leje, ma lo conteni no pitures o conversas, “e cual es la valua de un libro,” Alisia pensa, “sin pitures o conversas?”
Donce el es considerante, en se mente propre (tan bon como posible, car el senti multe dormosa e stupida par causa de la dia calda), esce la plaser de crea un cadena de margaritas ta compensa per la labora de leva se e colie la margaritas, cuando subita un Coneo Blanca con oios ros pasa corente a se lado.
No parte de esta es vera multe notable; e Alisia no trova ce lo es vera multe estracomun cuando el oia la Coneo dise a se: “Ai! ai! me va es tro tarda!” (cuando Alisia contempla esta a pos, lo pare a el ce el ia debe mervelia a lo, ma aora, a la momento de aveni, tota pare intera natural); Ma, cuando la Coneo prende an un orolojeta de se pox de jaceta, e regarda lo, e alora continua freta, Alisia salta sur se pedes, car la pensa vola tra se mente ce el ia vide ja nunca un coneo con o un pox de jaceta, o un orolojeta prendable de lo, e con curiosia ardente, el core pos lo en traversa de la campo, e ariva a la bon tempo per vide lo desapare su la sepe en un tunel de coneo grande.
En la momento seguente, Alisia entra pos lo, no considerante an pico como el va sorti posible denova.
See also
- Lingua franca
- Lingua Franca Nova tutorial in Wikibooks
- International auxiliary language
- List of constructed languages
- Swadesh list for LFN
- ↑ Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Lingua Franca Nova". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
- ↑ "Pennsylvania's dialects are as varied as its downtowns -- and dahntahns".
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Harrison, Richard H. (2008) Lingua Franca Nova. Invented Languages, 1, pp. 30 –33.
- 1 2
- ↑ LFN homepage
- ↑ Facebook
- ↑ ISO designation
- ↑ Fisahn, Stefan (2005) Plansprache: Lingua Franca Nova. Contraste, 244, p. 12.
- ↑ LFN Wiki
- ↑ "Vici de LFN".
- ↑ LFN–English Dictionary
- ↑ "Disionario corta - lfn a franses". Vici de LFN.
- ↑ Learn LFN
- ↑ Introductions and "LFN for Travellers"
- ↑ The Little Prince
- ↑ A Christmas Carol
- ↑ Letters from the Earth,
- ↑ King Lear
- ↑ Poems
- 1 2 "La aventuras de Alisia en la pais de mervelias (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in Lingua Franca Nova): Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel, Simon Davies: 9781904808886: Books".
- ↑ Aora Oji
- ↑ Elefen
- ↑ Omniglot
- ↑ Spelling and Pronunciation
- 1 2 Grammar of Lingua Franca Nova
- ↑ Christo Moskovsky & Alan Libert (2006) Questions in Natural and Artificial Languages. Journal of Universal Language 7, pp 65-120
- ↑ Grammar
- ↑ The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Carroll, Lewis (Trans: Simon Davies). La aventuras de Alisia en la pais de mervelias. Westport, Ireland: Evertype (2012). ISBN 978-1-904808-88-6
- Fisahn, Stefan (2005) Plansprache: Lingua Franca Nova. Contraste, 244, p. 12.
- Harrison, Richard H. (2008) Lingua Franca Nova. Invented Languages, 1, pp. 30 –33.
External links
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Wikibooks has more on the topic of: Lingua Franca Nova |
- Elefen - Lingua Franca Nova homepage
- LFN - English Dictionary
- Profile at
- Mithridates' Page F30
- LFN thematic vocabulary
- Paul Bartlett's page on IALs
- La Foro (online forum in LFN)