List of Archer characters

Archer is an American animated comedy television series created by Adam Reed for the FX network.

Main characters

Cast of Archer
Voice Actor Character Role Season
1 2 3 4 5 6
H. Jon Benjamin Sterling Archer ISIS Field Agent Main
Jessica Walter Malory Archer ISIS Director Main
Aisha Tyler Lana Kane ISIS Field Agent Main
Chris Parnell Cyril Figgis ISIS Head of Accounting Main
Judy Greer Cheryl Tunt Assistant To Malory Archer Main
Amber Nash Pam Poovey ISIS Head of Human Resources Main
Lucky Yates Doctor Krieger ISIS Head of Applied Research Recurring Main
Adam Reed Ray Gillette ISIS Field Agent Recurring

Sterling Archer

Sterling Malory Archer (H. Jon Benjamin), codename: Duchess, is 184 lb, 6'2", 36 years old (computer-screen readout in the show's first episode), and is considered the world's most dangerous secret agent. Though he shows proficiency in stereotypical spy skills—weapons, driving, martial arts—his primary interest in the job is the opportunity to enjoy a jet-setting lifestyle full of sex, alcohol, thrills, lacrosse, fast cars, designer clothing, and spy toys.

Egotistical and self-serving, Archer generally lacks empathy towards anyone, though he is very quick to call out others for perceived bigotry. He shares many of his mother's flaws such as alcoholism, selfishness, impulsive behavior, and the stubborn refusal to listen to anyone. Flashback sequences show that his mother, between her career as an international spy and her social promiscuity, had very little time for Sterling in his youth. As such, Archer was primarily raised by his valet Woodhouse, toward whom he is abusive both verbally and physically.

He is almost always seen with an alcoholic drink. He insists that he has an incredibly high tolerance for alcohol yet is commonly seen in an inebriated state. He wears only hand-tailored suits to the office, and often refuses to wear anything other than black turtlenecks (which he calls "tactilenecks") during operations. He claims he was the first to recognize the garment's tactical potential, and becomes enraged when his style is copied by other agents. He sidearm of choice is the Walther PPK (the same weapon used by James Bond) despite being consistently insulted due to the gun's diminutive stature by his co-workers (Ray Gillette: "You'd better put that back in your purse," Conway Stern: "Oh, I'm queer, coming from the man whose gun came with a matching purse"). In the season three episode "Drift Problem," he receives a modified black Dodge Challenger as a gift from Malory Archer, but she has the car stolen from him hours later in an effort to teach Archer a lesson about taking care of his possessions. In recent episodes he is seen driving a black Chevrolet El Camino.

Although Archer has a high kill rate, having stopped and killed a number of highly dangerous criminals, he usually does so not out of a desire to uphold the law, but for his own personal selfish reasons. He has, however, demonstrated compassion for others on occasion: in "Placebo Effect" he genuinely cared about fellow cancer patient Ruth, and was upset over her death, vowing vengeance against the mobsters who were selling phony chemotherapy medication; in "Double Trouble," Archer attempts to stop Katya Kasanova and Lana from fighting, as he doesn't want them to hurt each other. Archer admits to Lana in Season 3 that she is his only friend, and later suggests that his feelings for her go beyond physical attraction. At the conclusion of Season 4, Archer voluntarily drowns himself to save Lana after learning she is pregnant, confessing his love to her in the process (he is resuscitated moments later). He shows surprising levels of concern throughout Lana's pregnancy, going so far as to become a certified Doula to help her through labor. He has shown great affinity towards large felines, such as ocelots and tigers, but fears large reptiles, in particular alligators and crocodiles. He has also displayed a heavy dislike of cyborgs/robots, possibly stemming from a childhood incident in which he nearly lost his testicles to a vacuum cleaner (which he was using to simulate fellatio).

Despite his numerous personality flaws, he is undeniably an exceptionally gifted operative who doesn't hesitate to throw himself into dangerous situations. This is shown during his escape from Moscow, when he repeatedly outwits and outfights the soldiers pursuing him, despite numerous injuries. When he is finally cornered in an elevator, he blindfolds himself and fully intends his last words to be, "Fuck you, you douchebags." Though he claims not to have a death wish, Archer is clearly a thrill-seeker and an adrenaline junkie. He revels in activities such as skydiving, and driving powerful automobiles, sometimes joking that such things give him, "a giant erection."

Much of Archer's success can be attributed to luck. He confesses to Rip Riley (Patrick Warburton) in Season 3 that he's not big on planning and explains that his methods are more, "organic". When asked to explain his actions, he demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the tactics and capabilities of whatever enemy he is facing and near perfect situational awareness. When Archer sustains amnesia at the beginning of Season 4, believing himself to be someone else, he is still able to instinctively fend off a Russian hit squad, and detect the holes in Lana Kane's story while she efforts to restore his memory.

A recurring joke on the show is Archer forgetting his pre-planned witty one-liners, swearing, "I had something for this," before uttering something pithy such as, "suck grenade, stupids!". Archer also has an intense fascination with actor Burt Reynolds. He often quotes lines and re-enacts scenes from Reynolds' many films, often asking Lana if he resembles his idol.

His encyclopedic knowledge of various subjects allows him to make clever and obscure references on a moment's notice (e.g., "Lana, you'd better call Kenny Loggins 'cause you're in...the Danger Zone!" or referencing the Herman Melville short story "Bartleby, the Scrivener", or saying "Who are you, Horace Greeley?" to someone complaining about him "burying the lede", or the former American ice hockey player Mike Eruzione, referencing Eruzione's participation in the famous United States' win over the Soviet Union). However, he is often ignorant or forgetful when it comes to broader concepts such as helium not being inflammable, or that Barry's status as a cyborg renders him nigh-impervious to many conventional forms of attack. He also loudly declares to everyone he meets that he is a secret agent, and insists that keeping such information under wraps negates the whole purpose of being a spy in the first place.

Rival agents consider Archer a serious threat, due in part to his combat skills and his instinctual fieldwork, which tends to be devoid of any kind of preparation on his part (he proudly claims to have never read a dossier). Because of this, Archer is equally likely to successfully kill a room full of enemy agents as he is to accidentally cause an international incident.

Archer and other characters have noted that he exhibits numerous symptoms of autistic spectrum disorders. This includes his emotional development issues (though evidence strongly suggests this is his mother's fault), his near encyclopedic knowledge of trivia, mission-relevant information, and the things that specifically scare him (such as alligators and crocodiles). In addition, he possesses a savant-like ability to count the number of bullets remaining in his and others guns, including multiple automatic weapons in a firefight. Often times, when stating such facts, another character will ask him, in surprise, "How do you know that?", to which Archer incredulously will reply, "How do you NOT?"). In Season 4, Archer admits that his uncanny ability to do this may, indeed, be evidence of autism. There is some ambiguity as to Archer's academic success. Photos show that he graduated from college, but flashback sequences show him struggling with written exams. In the Season 4 episode, "Once Bitten", it is revealed that Archer had, at one time, received an offer of full athletic scholarship to Johns Hopkins University to play lacrosse (though he was shot in the stomach by a crazed stalker before he accepted). Shortly thereafter, it is then revealed that he had poor SAT scores.

After ISIS is shut down by the FBI, Archer joins the quest to sell a ton of cocaine. He also tries to win over Lana, going so far as to get Kenny Loggins to play at her baby shower only to be dismayed when he discovers Lana never understood his repeated "Danger Zone" references. When Lana gives birth, she admits that she used sperm from Archer to get pregnant, making him the father. He is initially angry at Lana for using his genetic material without his consent, but comes to genuinely care for his daughter despite having a loose grasp of parental responsibility. He and Lana re-enter into a committed relationship halfway through Season 6.

Lana Kane

Lana Anthony Kane [1] (Aisha Tyler) was the top female agent at ISIS (prior to its disbandment) and Archer's girlfriend. A tall, beautiful woman, she is a competent and deadly agent but is constantly frustrated that she is treated as the number two ISIS field agent because Archer's mother runs the agency. Like Archer, Lana is an expert in Krav Maga, in which all ISIS agents undergo training, and is usually seen carrying two Tec-9 submachine guns in shoulder holsters, (she is so proficient with these that she can write letters in cursive with one magazine). She drives a purple car that resembles a Living Daylights-era Aston Martin V8 Vantage. Lana also has incredibly large and strong hands, which have been (usually mockingly) likened by Archer and other characters to cricket bats, steam shovels, and the "Truckasaurus" to her ever-mounting frustration.

Before Lana was an agent, she was an animal-rights activist; at a protest, she tried to throw red paint on Malory's fur coat but was stopped when Malory pulled a gun on her. While the other protesters ran, only Lana stayed and stood her ground even with a gun pointed at her. Lana's fearlessness so impressed Malory that she offered Lana the chance to become an agent. Her parents, Claudette and Lemuel, are academics at UC Berkeley who were unaware of her career in espionage for years, believing her to be a doctoral student in Environmental Science at Columbia. Her liberal leanings do occasionally show, and she tends to be the most politically correct character on the show, as well as the "straight man" to the antics of the rest of the staff. However, she is shown to be as capable of questionable behavior as the rest, once charging every man in the ISIS office $600 to say they slept with her as a way to get revenge on her cheating ex-boyfriend Cyril, and on another occasion holding up a firefight on a space station until the other agents conceded her breasts are still perfect. Furthermore, in a moment of surprising insight, Cheryl accused Lana of being a hypocrite as her history as a social activist is not enough to drive her away from ISIS, which is deep down her only true love. She is also prone to extreme acts of unnecessary violence, such as giving Cyril, whom she was dating at the time, a black eye for merely implying that she might have been jealous of a rival agent.

Lana has a complex love/hate relationship with Archer, with whom she had a long-term relationship that she ended six months prior to the start of the series due to his constant philandering and psychological issues resulting from Malory's parenting. She regularly trades insults with him and consistently berates him for his chaotic methods in the field, but at times she has shown sympathy when he is in trouble or been attracted to him in moments of competence. In "Stage Two" she tried to counsel him through his cancer scare, and in a drunken state of fear he admitted he loved her, a statement that rendered her speechless. She slept with him prior to his surgery, but after his cancer was treated he was unable to say it again. He later admitted in "Heart of Archness" that she was his only friend, but was not able to repeat his confession of love until he nearly died saving her life in "Sea Tunt II". She acknowledged his sentiment, but does not confess her own affection for him until after the birth of her daughter in "Arrivals/Departures".

Lana reveals her pregnancy at the end of Season 4, with the biological father being a donor and not Cyril, who she had briefly resumed dating earlier in the season. After ISIS is disbanded, Archer proposes marriage to Lana but she declares she'd rather lose the baby than let it be raised by Archer. She reluctantly goes along with the plan to form a drug cartel in order to provide for her child. As the season progresses, she is surprised by Archer's high level of sympathy and interest in her pregnancy, Lana eventually gives birth to a daughter, Abbijean, and reveals to a stunned Archer that she used frozen sperm samples from him to make him the father. He reacted to this revelation by fleeing halfway around the world and going on a six-week long bender. Later in the series Archer and Lana re-enter into a committed relationship halfway through Season 6.

In flashbacks, she is shown sporting an afro, a hairstyle that, according to Archer, made her look "like Angela Davis had a love child with Sweet Lou Dunbar."

Malory Archer

Malory Duchess Archer (Jessica Walter), Sterling Archer's mother and the former head of ISIS, is a self-centered alcoholic who regularly hatches half-baked, invariably disastrous schemes to use the agency's resources to her own personal advantage; she has staged a false assassination attempt on a U.N. official to secure a lucrative government contract and called in a fake bomb threat to get a luxury cabin on a "cruise" aboard a rigid airship and to get reservations at a luxury restaurant.

Greedy, short-sighted, racist, and materialistic, Malory has gone so far as to haggle ransom prices for her own son and has little concern for her other employees. In "Killing Utne" and "Skytanic" she carries out a grudge against her rival/neighbor Trudy Beekman.

In the second season, it is revealed that she was an aspiring actress during World War II, when she was recruited into the OSS by Wild Bill Donovan. During her days as a black-ops spy she had clandestine trysts with KGB head Nikolai Jakov (an affair that lasted 40 years), rival spy agency ODIN's boss Len Trexler, and jazz drummer Buddy Rich. She is not sure which one fathered her son, and told Sterling that his father was John Fitzgerald "Black Jack" Archer, an ace pilot who was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. A fourth candidate, an Italian anti-fascist rebel murdered by the government, was mentioned in "Lo Scandalo."

She was a highly inattentive parent, sending Sterling to boarding school for 15 years and leaving him stranded in a train station one Christmas Eve because she failed to inform the school she was moving. Malory demonstrated some of her parenting techniques, heavy on punishment, when she babysat the Wee Baby Seamus in "The Double Deuce." Malory believes in corporal punishment; she frequently spanked her young son with a wooden spoon and this object is still a "huge emotional trigger" for the now-grown Archer. In various flashbacks, Malory is shown to have been a highly capable field agent in her younger days. Like her son, she was proficient at the practical things such as martial arts and firearms. She is shown to have been a merciless killer and at some point wore an eyepatch for as-yet-unexplained reasons. Her personal choice of sidearm is a .44 Magnum revolver, calibrated with a laser sight and scope in the present day.

Malory and her son have a very dysfunctional relationship. There is little affection on either side but due to her position, Malory has kept Sterling almost entirely dependent on her. However, there are occasions when Malory has shown concern for Sterling: in "Job Offer" she was jealous when he left to join ODIN, and when she realized she had drunkenly issued a burn notice on him, she became distraught at the possibility that this—and she—might have gotten him killed. In "White Nights" she pleaded with Nikolai Jakov not to kill Sterling; whether this is genuine concern for her son's well-being or just her inability to cope without him being totally dependent on her is unclear; either one is possible. It is shown that deep down, Malory loves Sterling, but obviously does not show it.

In the fourth episode of Season 3, The Man from Jupiter, Malory has started dating Burt Reynolds, much to the chagrin of Sterling, who considers Reynolds his idol. Later in the season, it is hinted that Malory is still dating Reynolds, though she mentions that with her so busy with ISIS and Burt busy in Hollywood, they don't get to spend much time together. At the beginning of season 4, however, Malory has married Ron Cadillac (voiced by Jessica Walter's real-life husband, Ron Liebman), the owner of the top Cadillac dealership in the tri-state area.

Malory carries multiple grudges since World War II, treating her apartment building's Irish maintenance man horribly on the grounds that Ireland didn't help the Allies during the war and, after shooting at the Yakuza boss in "Drift Problem" she claims it was payback for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In "The Honeymooners", she refers to the Dunkirk evacuation when arguing with a French waiter.

In the fifth season premiere, an FBI raid reveals to the rest of the team that ISIS was never sanctioned by the U.S. government and Mallory has been running illegal missions for years. Mallory manages to work a deal to keep everyone from going to jail and living off her hidden bank accounts (naturally, she never warned anyone else to keep their money). She then decides to use a metric ton of cocaine ISIS had confiscated to set up a drug cartel, noting "how hard can it be if Mexicans can do it?" Her scheme leads to the end of her relationship with Ron, who loses patience with the criminal lifestyle, although they eventually reconcile. Mallory also takes on managing Cheryl in her country music career. It is eventually revealed that Mallory has set up the entire venture as a ploy to sell drugs for the CIA, and is able to leverage her team a position as a sanctioned outsourced organization in Season 6.

Cyril Figgis

Cyril Figgis (Chris Parnell) is the comptroller of ISIS. Cyril is portrayed as quite competent at his job but is plagued by a number of personal issues. He was Lana Kane's love interest at the beginning of Season 1, but due to residual trust issues from her relationship with Archer, she refused to call Cyril her boyfriend or say she loved him.

Cyril is a buttoned-down nebbish who wears browline glasses and chops supper vegetables in his office. Cyril is also so remarkably well-endowed that he once put in a claim for "penis ensmallment" surgery, as Pam and Cheryl are shocked to learn when they hack into the company's medical records. Manipulated by Cheryl, Cyril cheats on Lana with her, ISIS office drone "Scatterbrain" Jane, Trinette the callgirl (who he had a son with), Framboise (the former head of HR at ODIN whom Archer calls "the Pele of anal"), and Malory Archer. Lana broke up with him when she caught him with Framboise.

In Season 2 there are frequent references to Cyril calling a phone-sex hotline, spending much time looking at Internet porn, and attending sex addiction meetings. His mother is dead and "Tragical History" reveals that he had a dysfunctional relationship with his father, an elementary-school superintendent.

Cyril is also extremely clumsy about gun safety, as seen in "El Secuestro", when he injured Brett Buckley after mistaking whether or not a gun's safety was on. In Season 3, Cyril is promoted to field agent to replace Ray Gillette, who is (temporarily) wheelchair-bound. While Archer and Lana ridicule this decision due to Cyril's lack of proficiency at most things, Cyril displays a penchant for cleverness and quick thinking when he devises a cover story after being captured by a Colombian drug cartel. He ingratiates himself with their boss and is able to maintain a convincing cover to infiltrate their organization and engineer Archer and Lana's escape. He has proven to be poor in firearms skills: on multiple occasions he has accidentally killed valuable targets who had been subdued. Cyril's ineptitude with firearms prompts Lana to sometimes make allusions to Barney Fife. Although it turns out that Gillette hasn't been disabled and has resumed field work, Cyril occasionally accompanies Archer on field missions.

Cyril and Lana resumed dating in Season 4, although Lana often appeared to have reservations about it. Still insecure in his relationship with Lana, and egged on by Pam, Cyril shadowed Lana and Archer while they were on a mission posing as honeymooners, which may have prompted Lana to pursue artificial insemination. He was enraged by Lana's revelation in the season finale that she is pregnant and he is not the biological father and says "three cheers for little Johnny bastard".

When ISIS is disbanded in season five, Cyril talks about going back to his career as a defense attorney and is annoyed that Lana doesn't remember him talking about it in the past. During the gang's following attempts to sell cocaine, Cyril provides a practical financial viewpoint on their schemes but is little more than liability in the disastrous attempts to find buyers. By the episode "Filibuster", however, he has deposed Gustavo Calderone as dictator of San Marcos and, intoxicated with absolute power, has Archer imprisoned. His reign as dictator is short, however, as he is soon forced to flee the nation with his friends when American forces invade the country.

In Season 6, Cyril is frustrated when Lana and Archer not only resume dating, but also manage to maintain a somewhat healthy and functional relationship. Cyril continues to privately pine for Lana, offering to babysit for AJ while Lana attends a survival camp, and eventually confessing to Lana that he's still in love with her in a desperate bid to stop her from going on a romantic date with Archer. He does experience feelings of regret when he conspires with Pam, Cheryl, and Krieger to have Katya Kazanova seduce Archer in an effort to breakup Archer and Lana.

In addition to being a competent lawyer, accountant, and comptroller, Cyril has also shown proficiency at piloting as he was the only member of ISIS who performed well on the spacecraft simulator, and he later piloted the miniaturization submarine when Ray was once again crippled.

Cheryl/Carol/Cherlene Tunt

Cheryl Tunt (Judy Greer, speaking; Jessy Lynn Martens, singing, Archer Vice[2]) is Malory's mentally unstable secretary. In the pilot episode, she was portrayed as a lovesick, ditzy secretary that Archer frequently took advantage of, before that side of her character was gradually phased out as her behavior became more and more unhinged. In the series' first 4 episodes she regularly changed her name, going by Carol, Carina, and Cristal, responding to either Cheryl or Carol from then on. (She is referred to in the show's closed captioning as "Carol/Cheryl.") After being arrested by the FBI in the first episode of season 5, she signed her statement as "Cheryl and/or Carol Tunt." She claims to be 1/64th Cherokee Indian and has apparently had multiple stays at sanitariums/mental hospitals/insane asylums. She spends most of her time bickering with Pam, though they appear to be friends (they have been shown walking to work together, and Cheryl even invites Pam to join her on a trip on her train line).

Cheryl is often found drinking glue, and suffers from pyromaniac and sadomasochistic tendencies. She regularly fantasizes about being choked during sex, with prominent ligature/manual strangulation marks occasionally visible on her neck. She also is easily turned on by slaps to the face. Her lovers have included Cyril, Archer, Barry, Krieger, Randy Gillette, and Conway Stern. Cheryl continually demonstrates an alarming lack of intelligence yet makes references to obscure historical figures like Earl Butz, Elisha Otis and Granuaile O'Malley. She is repulsed by people with cancer (although she often either forgets, or does not even know, what cancer is), the handicapped, babies (though she hoped she was pregnant after having sex with Conway Stern), the deaf, and 'dwarfs'. She has also been known to shout or scream, whenever someone tells her to do something, "You're not my supervisor!" She has also apparently been the recipient of fortunetelling/prophecy from a gypsy woman, because she occasionally responds to an event by saying, "Just like the gypsy woman said."

Prior to the second season, Cheryl went by the surname Gimple before ISIS learns that she is an heiress to the billion-dollar Tunt railroad fortune, although her half is in a trust controlled by her brother Cecil, who uses it for charitable causes.[3] Despite her position, Carol lives in an extravagant mansion next to the Roosevelt Mansion with a history of equally deranged family members and an ocelot named Babou, which she hates. She shares that insanity runs in her family as one uncle thought the Underground Railroad was a literal railroad, building tunnels to try and recapture escaped slaves and sell 1890. Though she still works as a secretary for Malory, Cheryl has ISIS on retainer to ensure her personal safety. In season five, after ISIS disbands, Cheryl decides to live out her dream to be a country singer with Malory as her manager. It is revealed that she has a beautiful singing voice whenever she is alone, but suffers from severe stage fright. Krieger implants a mind-altering chip in to Cheryl, which removes her stage fright (and also makes her more aggressive) and she begins a career under the name "Cherlene". Cherlene thinks she's hit success when her album goes platinum only to find that a South American dictator bought all the copies, and she returns to ISIS at the end of the season. It also turns out her "mind-altering chip" was really a sticker from the back of a Lego spaceman. In season 6, she decides to completely redo ISIS's new offices to be exactly the way they were just to mess with Malory. It is also revealed that she has no memory of her "Cherlene" career.

Pam Poovey

Pam Poovey (Amber Nash) is ISIS's Human Resources Director. She condescends to the staff by talking through a dolphin puppet in disciplinary meetings, and she regularly gossips confidential information to the whole office (within an hour, everyone knew when Archer was on a secret mole hunt), though she also relishes revealing more personal information (such as a co-worker being stricken with cancer) and post office gossip on her blog. She is fond of bear claws and has been known to make growling sounds while eating them. She is also highly allergic to soy and soy-meat, but will keep on eating it if it tastes exactly like its meat counterpart. She carries a bug-out bag containing corn liquor in anticipation of TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It).

Pam is constantly subjected to cruel jokes about food and her weight. Apparently bisexual, she's initially desperate to get just one colleague of either gender to have sex with her, finally achieving this In the first season finale, "Dial M for Mother", when Lana agrees to have pity sex on the condition she never speaks of it (Though not so Pam doesn't tell anyone, but because Lana wanted to pretend Pam was Alex Karras.) . By the end of season 4, Pam has had sexual relations with every member of the ISIS staff except Ray and Cheryl, as well as a recurring, casual relationship with Archer, beginning in "Crossing Over." Many of Pam's trysts involve drinking thermos-fulls of Green Russians, a cocktail of Absinthe and milk. She has even expressed a desire for an office gang-bang or gang-rape (she keeps a large number of dolls and puppets in her desk, should a victim need to reenact one). A favorite sexual move of hers is called the MOAB. Her personal record for number of pool balls stuffed in her mouth is four.

She grew up on her father's Wisconsin dairy farm, "Poovey Farms"; where she once seduced a milkhand named Jorge. She has a fraught relationship with her sister Edie, who tormented her throughout her childhood. Known for having an extraordinary alcohol tolerance, she regularly totes a dispenser of Schützenmeister (a parody of Jägermeister) at parties and is frequently seen drinking a forty at work. "El Secuestro" revealed that she is an expert bare-knuckle pugilist (her skill in street fighting financed her college education) with an extremely high tolerance for pain and has a stanza of Lord Byron's "The Destruction of Sennacherib" tattooed on her back. Her favorite exclamation is "Holy shitsnacks!", or variations such as "shitzombies" or "shitsninjas." Her go-to insult for most of her coworkers is "dicknuts." It is revealed in Season 3 that she has taken up drift-racing against the Yakuza as a hobby. Pam is a devoted graffiti artist and her tags are seen frequently in the background of scenes as a running gag.

In the season 4 episode, "Un Chien Tangerine", Pam applied to become a field agent. She took the ap test naked (so nobody thinks she would be cheating) and passed it with flying colors. While Malory didn't think Pam could handle herself in actual field work, Pam showed Malory a video where she took on Cyril, Krieger, and Ray who all wore body protection while she was (still) naked, and won. She shadows Lana and Archer as on a mission to The Vatican, during which time she displays an impressive aptitude for learning foreign languages.

In season five, after ISIS disbands and becomes a drug cartel, Pam takes a more active role in the group's missions in light of Ray's condition. However, during her first mission, Pam ends up becoming a cocaine addict as the result of the drug being absorbed into her skin when it was made into a body cast. Pam's addiction leads to her eating a significant amount of the cocaine, to everyone else's frustration, and causes her to drastically lose weight. In the Season 5 finale, she delivers Lana's baby. By the start of season 6, she has kicked her cocaine habit (though she remains a heavy drinker), and has regained the weight she lost.

Dr. Krieger

Doctor Algernop[4] Krieger (Lucky Yates), is the head of the ISIS applied research department. He spends most of his time working on projects to facilitate his kinky sexual fantasies, including an advanced sex robot named Fister Roboto, a mechanical hand to choke Cheryl when his own hands are not strong enough for her taste, a drug that instills homosexual urges in its users (this eventually kills Danny the Intern), various animal-human hybrids, and a holographic anime girlfriend simulation so real that the state of New York legally allowed him to marry it (their plans were scuttled because "society couldn't deal with it"). Krieger has also displayed a fetish for homeless people and especially bumfights since his first speaking appearances in season one, though that fetish seems to have evolved as of season 3 to include specialized weapons, such as electrified boxing gloves.

He has admitted to not actually being a medical doctor, or a doctor in the sense of holding a PhD either, so either he uses "Doctor" as a fraudulent title, or else his first name is actually Doctor. He kills another intern, Chet, by having him wear a not-quite-bulletproof vest during a live-fire test. He's alluded to frequently drugging other co-workers, admitting to Pam "I've had good results with ether" when advising her on how to increase her odds for having sex with co-workers. For the first three episodes Krieger did not speak. His first lines, during the fourth episode, are a passionate defense of his reasoning for creating Fister Roboto.

Season 2 reveals that his 'father' was a Nazi scientist who escaped to Brazil, and Krieger is possibly a clone of Adolf Hitler (a reference to The Boys from Brazil). In a later episode, he ranted about it and points out he can't be due to the lack of similarity to Adolf and saying quote "If I was a clone of Adolf Goddamn Hitler, then wouldn't I look like Adolf Goddamn Hitler?!" The end of Season 2 reveals that he had been working on a project that, as KGB agent Katya Kazanova puts it, could "shift world power." But when he learns that the Russians have technology to build cyborgs, he remarks that his project was a failure as his 8 years of work was wasted.

He is an avid devotee of the Canadian rock band Rush, going so far as to having an expansive, elaborate drum set installed in his small apartment in an attempt to master their song "YYZ" (which Krieger insists be pronounced in the authentic Canadian style as "why-why-zed"). He also had a van with illegally tinted windows, a souped-up sound system, and the words "EXIT... VAN LEFT" airbrushed on the side. In the Season 2 episode "Double Trouble" the van was destroyed when Archer's fiancée Katya Kazanova sacrifices herself when Barry Dylan, now a cyborg, is attacking Archer by jumping off Archer's balcony, taking Barry with her. In Season 3 episode "The Man from Jupiter", Krieger has a new van that he calls "Vanispheres", which ends up getting shot up by a group of Cuban hitmen trying to kill Archer. Later in "Space Race: Part 2", Krieger's van has since been repainted with the Rush album image of Caress of Steel and rewritten to be titled "Caress of Krieger". In Season 4, Krieger has a new van called Van By Night that is painted with the cover art from the Rush album Fly By Night with Krieger's face superimposed on the head of the Snowy Owl. In season 6, the van is painted in the same pattern as Rush's self-titled debut album cover, with "Van" written in the same font as "Rush".

Krieger frequently angers the other ISIS employees but is invaluable to the agency for both his technological genius and his ability to dispose of dead bodies in a discreet, orderly and efficiently disturbing fashion. Though most of his actions seem to inspire disgust with his fellow co-workers, Krieger seems to have a sympathetic view towards Archer.

In season 5, Krieger tries to help the team with their new cocaine empire but gets into trouble with such things as building a submarine-an exact copy of the Civil War submarine "Hunley"- at an indoor swimming pool, trying to use the cocaine to ballast it and when it fails, destroying all the cocaine. While visiting the mansion of a Central American dictator, Krieger is stunned to realize that the man's lab is staffed by a trio of clones identical to him. When the clones turn out to be insane and planning to fire a nerve gas missile (which has sufficient range to hit New York) Krieger fights them and seemingly kills them all, but his subsequent memory issues leave the others wondering if he's really their Kreiger. He claims this is a result of a concussion sustained from a fall sufficiently high to kill at least one of the other clones with Krieger landing on him. His claims that it wasn't a chip he implanted in Cheryl's head, along with the fact that he continued to defuse the nerve gas missile, do suggest he is the real Krieger, though hints that he may be a clone continue throughout season 6. Show runner Adam Reed has gone on record to state that only he and voice actor Lucky Yates know whether or not Kreiger is a clone.[5]

Ray Gillette

Ray Gillette (Adam Reed), is an intelligence analyst, field agent, and one of the few competent members of ISIS. Like Lana, he is a much more conscientious field agent than Archer, and the two are close friends. Ray is openly gay and often verbally-abused in a sophomoric fashion by almost everyone who speaks to him, having an outright hostile relationship with Malory (who disparagingly refers to him as "Ms. Gillette") and an often-adversarial one with Archer though they frequently assist each other. In "Bloody Ferlin," Ray is revealed to have been born and raised in the backwoods town of Ferlin, West Virginia, where his brother Randy is a marijuana farmer who is unaware of Ray's occupation and sexual orientation. It is also revealed that Ray has changed the pronunciation of his surname, which his brother pronounces as "GILL-it."

In "A Going Concern," he reveals that he was once married to a lesbian he met at a "Pray Away the Gay" Bible group. Early in Season 2 he reveals he's an Olympic bronze medalist in Men's Giant Slalom, a finish he called "a huge disappointment". A recurring character in Season 1, Ray's much larger role in Season 2 depicted him as a more-than-capable field agent with expertise in wiring and explosives. In the Season 2 finale he reveals that he is an ordained but out-of-practice minister who is still allowed to perform marriages ("the irony of which is not lost on [him]"). He commonly wields a pair of Colt 1911 pistols with ivory grip inlays, and the names 'Barbra' and 'Liza' engraved on them.

In "Heart of Archness Part III", Ray is shot in the stomach which appears to render him paralyzed from the waist down. He is confined to a wheelchair for several episodes and removed from active duty as a field agent with Cyril taking his position. However, in "Bloody Ferlin", Archer and Lana discover that Ray has been faking his paralysis since being discharged from the hospital following his recovery from his gunshot wound. In the Season 3 finale, "Space-Race 2", Ray ends up being paralyzed for real as the result of Archer interfering with Cyril's effort to land the spacecraft. In Season 4, Krieger gives Ray bionic leg-implants that allow him to walk again. However, in the season finale he is paralyzed once more when Archer accidentally short-circuits his bionic legs with a defibrillator. In season five, after ISIS disbands, Ray begins falling into a depression due to a combination of tutoring Cheryl and his lack of mobility. Krieger eventually reveals that the CPU in Ray's bionic legs simply needs to be rebooted in order to restore his ability to walk.

In "Pocket Listing," Ray was tasked to hide in among the plants of a greenhouse during a mission at Cheryl's mansion. While everyone else became sidetracked, Ray was left to fend off an gigantic carnivorous plant. He managed to survive, but lost his right arm below the elbow during the ordeal. Kreiger transplanted a new bionic (and black) right hand for Ray (which is implied to have originally been made for Conway Stern). Ray later wears a black glove over his right hand, in what is possibly an homage to the character of Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi who wore a black glove over his own bionic right hand.

Recurring characters

He has a younger brother named Dicky, whom Archer abandoned in Mexico after the two absconded there from a Las Vegas jail. In "The Papal Chase", Archer reveals to Lana that Dicky has since died and that he never even bothered to inform Woodhouse of it. After ISIS is disbanded and Archer loses his penthouse, he still has Woodhouse move in to the mansion the team uses, the elderly man living in the dried out swimming pool. Woodhouse does not appear in Season 6, with Archer at one point making copies of a "missing" poster for him.

Other characters

Other characters have also been voiced by Coby Bell (Conway Stern), Shelly Desai (Crenshaw/Kremensky), Audrey Wasilewski (Elke Huebsch), Ron Perlman (Ramon Limon), Thomas Lennon (Charles), Ben Garant (Rudi), Rafael Ferrer (Skorpio), George Takei (Mr. Moto), Stephen Stanton (Captain Lammers), Kari Wahlgren (Anka), Clarke Peters (Popeye), Peter Serafinowicz (George Spelvin and a fictionalized version of James Mason), Darren Criss (the Irish Mafia), Joan Van Ark (Ruth), Ji Li (Pirate Captain), Michael Rooker (Sherriff E.Z. Ponder), Jack McBrayer (Randy Gillette), Bryan Cranston (Commander Drake), and Timothy Olyphant (Lucas Troy). Judy Greer and Jeffrey Tambor also voiced one-off minor characters in addition to their primary roles: Greer as Framboise, the human resources director at ODIN, and Tambor as Torvald Utne, a United Nations bureaucrat from whom Malory wants to secure a lucrative weapons contract. So far, three of the four main co-stars from H. Jon Benjamin's other animated series, Bob's Burgers including John Roberts (playing the Archer-universe's version of Linda who married an amnesiac Archer and called him 'Bob'.), Eugene Mirman and Kristen Schaal (playing Cheryl/Carol's brother, Cecil and sister-in-law, Tiff) have appeared on the show. Bob's Burgers alumnus, Larry Murphy plays Frank in Season 3. Keith David and C.C.H. Pounder play Lana's parents Lemuel and Claudette in a season 6 episode.


  1. [Season 6, Episode 8]
  2. Abbott, Jim (March 6, 2014). "Jessy Lynn Martens of Orlando is musical voice for 'Archer'". Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved March 9, 2014.
  3. Adam Reed walks us through Archer’s third season (Part 2 of 3) | TV | The Walkthrough | The A.V. Club
  4. tie-in book How To Archer: The Ultimate Guide to Espionage and Style and Women and Also Cocktails Ever Written by Sterling Archer, p. 27
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