List of Canadian airports by location indicator: CF

Format of entries is:

Airports that are part of the National Airports System are emphasised.

CF Canada - CAN

Also see airport category and list.

TC LID   IATA   Airport name   Community and province  
CFA4Carcross AirportCarcross, Yukon
CFA5Grande AirportGrande, Alberta
CFA7Taltheilei Narrows AirportGreat Slave Lake, Northwest Territories
CFA8Three Hills (Hospital) HeliportThree Hills, Alberta
CFB2Frank Channel (Forestry) HeliportFrank Channel, Northwest Territories
CFB3Hespero AirportHespero, Alberta
CFB4Trout Lake Airport (Alberta)Trout Lake, Alberta
CFB5Namur Lake AirportNamur Lake, Alberta
CFB6Edmonton/Josephburg AerodromeJosephburg, Alberta
CFB7Steen River AirportSteen River, Alberta
CFC4Macmillan Pass AirportMacmillan Pass, Yukon
CFC6Rockyford AirportRockyford, Alberta
CFC7Rimbey AirportRimbey, Alberta
CFC9Faro/Johnson Lake Water AerodromeFaro, Yukon
CFD4Foremost AirportForemost, Alberta
CFD5Grimshaw AirportGrimshaw, Alberta
CFD8Fort Simpson/Canadian Helicopters HeliportFort Simpson, Northwest Territories
CFE6St. Francis AirportSt. Francis, Alberta
CFE7Kananaskis Village Helistop HeliportKananaskis Village, Alberta
CFE8Haines Junction/Pine Lake Water AerodromeHaines Junction, Yukon
CFF2Christina Basin AirportChristina Basin, Alberta
CFF3Jean Lake AirportJean Lake, Alberta
CFF4DASGreat Bear Lake AirportGreat Bear Lake, Northwest Territories
CFF7Wainwright/Camp Wainwright Field AirportWainwright, Alberta
CFF8Flin Flon/Bakers Narrows Water AerodromeBakers Narrows, Manitoba
CFF9Marek Farms AirportMarek Farms, Alberta
CFG3Consort AirportConsort, Alberta
CFG4Debolt AirportDebolt, Alberta
CFG5John D'or Prairie AirportJohn D'or Prairie, Alberta
CFG6Fort MacKay/Firebag AerodromeFort MacKay, Alberta
CFG7Steen Tower AirportSteen Tower, Alberta
CFG8Fenelon Falls/Sturgeon Lake Water AerodromeSturgeon Lake, Ontario
CFH4YFXFox Harbour AirportFox Harbour, Nova Scotia
CFH7Edmonton (Royal Alexandra Hospital) HeliportEdmonton, Alberta
CFH8Warburg/Zajes AirportWarburg, Alberta
CFJ2Fort St. James (Stuart Lake Hospital)Fort St. James, British Columbia
CFK2Bashaw AirportBashaw, Alberta
CFK3Fontas AirportFontas, Alberta
CFK4Calling Lake AirportCalling Lake, Alberta
CFK6Olds (Netook) AirportOlds, Alberta
CFL2Empress/McNeill Duke Energy AerodromeEmpress, Alberta
CFL3Black Diamond (Oilfields General Hospital) HeliportBlack Diamond, Alberta
CFL9Johnson Lake AirportJohnson Lake, Alberta
CFM2Birch Mountain AirportBirch Mountain, Alberta
CFM4Donnelly AirportDonnelly, Alberta
CFM5Apache/Hamburg AirportHamburg (oil field), Alberta
CFM6Teepee AirportTeepee, Alberta
CFM7Boyle AirportBoyle, Alberta
CFM8Fort Macleod (Alcock Farm) AirportFort Macleod, Alberta
CFM9Fort Macleod (Hospital) HeliportFort Macleod, Alberta
CFN2Fort Nelson (Mile 301) HeliportFort Nelson, British Columbia
CFN4Embarras AirportEmbarras, Alberta
CFN5La Crete AirportLa Crete, Alberta
CFN6Primrose AerodromePrimrose, Alberta
CFN7Sundre AirportSundre, Alberta
CFN8Fort Nelson (Guardian) HeliportFort Nelson, British Columbia
CFP2Dwight (Fox Point) Water AerodromeDwight, Ontario
CFP3Calgary (Foothills Hospital) HeliportCalgary, Alberta
CFP4McQuesten AirportMcQuesten, Yukon
CFP5Glendon AirportGlendon, Alberta
CFP6La Biche River AirportLa Biche River, Yukon
CFP7Wainwright/Wainwright (Field 21) AirportWainwright, Alberta
CFP8Whitehorse/Cousins AirportWhitehorse, Yukon
CFQ2Calgary (Westport) HeliportCalgary, Alberta
CFQ4Cheadle AirportCheadle, Alberta
CFQ5Silver City AirportSilver City, Yukon
CFQ6Pelly Crossing AirportPelly Crossing, Yukon
CFQ7Edmonton/Gartner AirportEdmonton, Alberta
CFR&Red Deer Forestry AirportSundre, Alberta
CFR2Bawlf (Blackwells) AirportBawlf, Alberta
CFR6Vancouver/Coquitlam Fire and Rescue HeliportVancouver, British Columbia
CFS2Fort Simpson/(Great Slave) HeliportFort Simpson, Northwest Territories
CFS3 Fort Selkirk Aerodrome Fort Selkirk, Yukon
CFS4Ogilvie AerodromeOgilvie River, Yukon
CFS5Spirit River AirportSpirit River, Alberta
CFS6Loon River AirportLoon River, Alberta
CFS7Twin Creeks AirportTwin Creeks, Yukon
CFS8Clearwater River AirportClearwater River, Alberta
CFS9Vancouver (Vancouver Film Studios) HeliportVancouver, British Columbia
CFT2Blackie/Wilderman Farm AirportBlackie, Alberta
CFT3Finlayson Lake AirportEagle Plains, Yukon
CFT5Hyland AirportHyland, Yukon
CFT8Pelican AirportWabasca oil field, Alberta
CFT9Zama Lake AirportZama Lake, Alberta
CFU3Chipman Airport (Alberta)Chipman, Alberta
CFU4Garden River AirportGarden River, Alberta
CFU8Irma AirportIrma, Alberta
CFU9Olds (Hospital) HeliportOlds, Alberta
CFV2Beiseker AirportBeiseker, Alberta
CFV3Mobil Bistcho AirportMobil Bistcho, Alberta
CFV5Virginia Falls Water AerodromeNahanni National Park Reserve, Northwest Territories
CFV6Margaret Lake AirportMargaret Lake, Alberta
CFV7Claresholm (General Hospital) HeliportClaresholm, Alberta
CFV8Brooks (Community Health Centre) HeliportBrooks, Alberta
CFV9Drayton Valley (Health Centre) HeliportDrayton Valley, Alberta
CFW2Gordon Lake AirportGordon Lake, Alberta
CFW4Muskeg Tower AirportMuskeg Tower, Alberta
CFW5Taltson River AirportTaltson River, Northwest Territories
CFW8Grand Falls-Windsor HeliportGrand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
CFX2Calgary/Okotoks Air ParkOkotoks, Alberta
CFX3Doig AirportDoig, Alberta
CFX4Manning AirportManning, Alberta
CFX6Vulcan AirportVulcan, Alberta
CFX8Chestermere (Kirkby Field) AirportChestermere, Alberta
CFY2Grist Lake AirportGrist Lake, Alberta
CFY4Indus/Winters Aire Park AirportIndus, Alberta
CFY5Daughney AerodromePine Lake, Yukon
CFY8Colomac AirportColomac Mine, Northwest Territories
CFZ3Medicine Hat/Schlenker AirportMedicine Hat, Alberta
CFZ5Sundre/Goodwins Farm AirportSundre, Alberta

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