List of the Child Ballads

"The Twa Corbies", an Arthur Rackham illustration of Child ballad 26.
The Child Ballads is the colloquial name given to a collection of 305 ballads collected in the 19th century by Francis James Child and originally published in ten volumes between 1882 and 1898 under the title The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. [1]
The ballads
Number | Title | Synopsis |
1 | Riddles Wisely Expounded | A knight refuses to marry a young woman unless she can answer the riddles he poses. Or the Devil threatens to carry off a young woman (or women) unless his riddles are answered. |
2 | The Elfin Knight | A man and woman ask each other to do a series of seemingly impossible tasks. |
3 | The Fause Knight Upon the Road | A riddling exchange between a schoolboy and a "false knight," the devil in disguise. |
4 | Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight | A man courts a woman and intends to kill her, but she turns the tables and kills him instead. |
5 | Gil Brenton | A man marries a woman, but it turns out that she is not a maiden. His mother talks to the bride, and it turns out that the man himself had impregnated her when he first met her. |
6 | Willie's Lady | A rank witch enchants her hated daughter-in-law so her baby will never be born. "Baby" is then made from loaf of wax, curses are overheard and removed, and a son is eventually born. |
7 | Earl Brand | The hero, who may be Earl Brand, Lord Douglas, or Lord William, flees with the heroine, who may be Lady Margaret. A Carl Hood may betray them to her father, but they are always pursued. The hero kills the pursuers and is mortally wounded. He gets the heroine to his mother's house, but when he dies, she dies of sorrow. |
8 | Erlinton | Erlinton imprisons his daughter in her bower, to keep her from sinning. She persuades her sister to go to the woods with her, and escapes her with her lover Willie. They are attacked, by knights or outlaws, but he fights and kills them all, and they escape. |
9 | The Fair Flower of Northumberland | A knight persuades the Earl's daughter, the fair flower, to free him and come with him to Scotland, by promising to marry her. As soon as they reach his home, he tells her to return to Northumberland as he already has a wife and children. She pleads with him to take her as a servant, or to kill her, both of which he refuses. Terrified, she returns. |
10 | The Twa Sisters [or Minnorie or Binnorie] | A man courts the eldest of a group of sisters while falling in love with the youngest. The eldest sister murders the younger out of jealousy, but the eldest is often punished in the end. |
11 | The Cruel Brother | A knight (or lord) courts a lady. She tells him he must win the consent of her kin. He neglects that of her brother John. John mortally stabs her on her wedding day. She lives long enough to make various bequests, such as clothing to her mother, a fan to her sister; John invariably receives "a gallows to hang him on" and his wife may receive grief for her entire life and his children that they would have to beg, though the wife may get a widow's weeds and a quiet life, or his son the grace of God to be a man. |
12 | Lord Randall | A young man has a conversation with his mother in which it is revealed that he has been poisoned by his sweetheart. |
13 | Edward | A young man has a conversation with a female relative in which it is revealed that he had killed a male relative. He then pronounces a punishment upon himself. |
14 | Babylon; or, The Bonnie Banks o Fordie | A man meets three sisters and threatens to kill each one in turn if she will not be his wife. He kills the first two, but when he tries to kill the youngest, he finds that he is their brother and takes his own life. |
15 | Leesome Brand | Leesome Brand went to court when ten years old. An eleven-year-old girl fell in love with him, but nine months later, called on him to saddle horses, take her dowry, and flee with her. They headed to his mother's house, but she went into labour on the way. He went off to hunt, but violated a prohibition she laid on him, either not to hunt a milk-white hind, or to come running when called, and she and his son died. He went home and lamented this to his mother. |
16 | Sheath and Knife | A sister is pregnant with her brother's child. She asks him to kill her, or dies in childbirth. He buries both of them and grieves. The sheath and knife represent his sister and child. |
17 | Hind Horn | A man leaves his sweetheart while in possession of a ring which will turn pale when she is unfaithful to him. When the ring grows pale, he comes back and finds that she is about to be married to someone else. He exchanges clothes with a beggar, begs for wine from her, and slips the ring in the glass. She recognizes him and abandons her bridegroom. |
18 | Sir Lionel | |
19 | King Orfeo | King Orfeo's wife is stolen away by the fairies. He plays his instrument for the fairies in order to win her back. |
20 | The Cruel Mother | A young woman becomes pregnant while unmarried. She kills her child after it is born and later sees its ghost. Sometimes there are two children. |
21 | The Maid and the Palmer (The Samaritan Woman) | A palmer begs a cup from a maid who is washing at the well, so that he could drink from. She says she has none. He says that she would have, if her lover came. She swore she had never had a lover. He says that she has borne six babies and tells her where she buried the bodies. She begs some penance from him. He tells her that she will be transformed into a stepping-stone for seven years, a bell-clapper for seven, and spends seven years in hell. |
22 | St. Stephen and Herod | Depicts the martyrdom of Saint Stephen as occurring, with wild anachronism, under Herod the Great, and claims that that was the reason for St. Stephen's Day being the day after Christmas. |
23 | Judas | Christ gives Judas 30 pieces of silver to buy food for the Apostles; on his way to the market, Judas is waylaid by his sister, who lulls him to sleep and steals the money. Unwilling to confess his loss, Judas sells Christ to the Romans for the same amount. |
24 | Bonnie Annie | Annie, a merchant's daughter, falls in love with a sea captain and goes to sea with him, in some variants while pregnant. Something goes wrong, and they determine that Annie is the cause of it. She makes the captain throw her overboard. They escape, recover her body, and bury her. |
25 | Willie's Lyke-Wake | Willie sets up his wake and lies in his winding cloth. His love discovers this and pleads with her father to let her go. When he does, and she enters the room, Willie rouses himself and declares that he will marry her at once. |
26 | The Three Ravens (or Twa Corbies) | A number of ravens see a dead knight and speculate about how they either cannot eat him because his hawk, hounds, and lady are watching him, or can eat him because he has been abandoned. |
27 | The Whummil Bore | The narrator served the king seven years and "saw his daughter only once" - meaning saw her naked, through a whummil bore. She was being dressed by her maids. |
28 | Burd Ellen and Young Tamlane | Burd Ellen is weeping. Young Tamlane tells her to rock her son. She tells him to rock the child himself, she has done more than her share. Instead, he goes to sea, with her curse. |
29 | The Boy and the Mantle | A boy comes to King Arthur's court with an enchanted mantle that can not be worn by an unfaithful wife. Guinevere dons it, and so does every other lady in the court; only one can wear it, and only after she confesses to kissing her husband before their marriage. Other boys also bring a wild boar, that can not be cut by a cuckold's knife, and a cup that a cuckold can not drink from without spilling it, and these also reveal that every wife at court has been unfaithful. |
30 | King Arthur and King Cornwall | After bragging about the excellence of his famed Round Table, King Arthur is told by Guinevere that another king has an even better one. Arthur and his company leave their kingdom (here Brittany rather than Great Britain) in disguise searching for this king, and eventually come to Cornwall, where the resident monarch offends them with a series of boasts about his magical items, the child he fathered on Guinevere, and Arthur's comparative mediocrity. All go off to bed, and the Knights of the Round Table make a series of vows against Cornwall's boasts, such as Gawain's declaration that he will make off with Cornwall's daughter. |
31 | The Marriage of Sir Gawain | Gawain marries a loathly lady in order to save King Arthur from death. It is later revealed that she is a beautiful lady under a spell. |
32 | King Henry | |
33 | Kempy Kay | |
34 | Kemp Owyne | The heroine is turned into a worm (dragon), usually by her stepmother, who curses her to remain so until the king's son comes to kiss her three times. When he arrives, she offers him a belt, a ring, and a sword to kiss her, promising the things would magically protect him; the third time, she turns back into a woman. In some variants, he asks who enchanted her, a werewolf or mermaid; she says it was her stepmother and curses her into a monstrous creature, permanently. |
35 | Allison Gross | It tells the story of "the ugliest witch in the north country" who tries to persuade a man to become her lover and then punishes him by a transformation. |
36 | The Laily Worm and the Machrel of the Sea | A young man, transformed into a laily (loathly, or loathsome) worm, tells his story: his father married an evil woman as his stepmother, and she transformed him into a worm and his sister into a mackerel. His sister combed his hair every Saturday. He has killed seven knights, and if the man he was speaking to was not his father, he would be the eighth. His father sends for the stepmother, who claims his children are at court. He makes her use her silver wand to turn his son back, and then her magic horn to summon the fish, although the daughter holds back rather than let the stepmother transform her again. The father burns the stepmother at the stake. |
37 | Thomas Rymer | A minstrel meets an elfin lady under a tree and has to serve her in elf land for seven years. |
38 | The Wee Wee Man | The narrator meets with a wee, wee man. He lifts an enormous stone and throws it, and she thinks that if she were as strong as Wallace, she could have lifted it to her knee. She asks him where he lives, and he has her come with him to a hall where there is a lady, sometimes explicitly called the fairy queen, and her ladies, usually twenty-four and so beautiful that the ugliest would make a fit queen of Scotland, but they, and the wee, wee man, instantly vanish. |
39 | Tam Lin | A young woman saves her lover from being used for the teind on Hallows Eve. |
40 | The Queen of Elfan's Nourice | A mortal woman laments being taken from her four-day-old son. The Queen of Elfland promises that if she nurses the queen's child, she will be returned. The Queen then points out their path: the road to Elfland, rather than to Heaven or Hell. |
41 | Hind Etin | Lady Margaret goes to the woods, and her breaking a branch is questioned by Hind Etin, who takes her with him into the forest. She bears him seven sons, but laments that they are never christened, nor she herself churched. One day, her oldest son goes hunting with Hind Etin and asks him why his mother always weeps. Hind Etin tells him, and then one day goes hunting without him. The oldest son takes his mother and brothers and brings them out of the woods. In some variants, they are welcomed back; in all, the children are christened, and their mother, churched. |
42 | Clerk Corvill | Clerk Colvill, ignoring the advice of his lady or his mother, goes to a body of water, where a mermaid seduces him. His head starts to ache, and the mermaid tells him he will die of it. He goes home and dies. In some variants, she offers that he may go to sea with her instead of dying, at the end, and he refuses. |
43 | The Broomfield Hill | A man and a woman make a wager, that she can not visit him in the greenwood without losing her virginity, or she makes a tryst and realizes she can either stay and be foresworn, or go and lose her virginity. She goes, sometimes after advice from a witch-wife, and puts him in an enchanted sleep; then, leaving tokens that she had come and gone. He wakes and taxes those with him—his goshawk, his servingmen, his horse, or his hound—that they did not wake him, but they answer it was impossible. He is angry that he did not manage to take her virginity and, in many variants, murder her afterward. |
44 | The Twa Magicians | A blacksmith threatens to deflower (take the virginity of) a lady, who vows to keep herself a maiden. A transformation chase ensues, differing in several variants, but containing such things as she becomes a hare, and he catches her as greyhound, she became a duck and he became either a water dog or a drake. In the Child version of the ballad she does not escape, but in other common renderings, she does. |
45 | King John and the Bishop | King John, covetous of the bishop of Canterbury's wealth, compels him on pain of death to answer three impossible questions. The bishop's shepherd appears in disguise to substitute in his place, and answers the questions cleverly in riddle fashion, after which the appeased king rewards the shepherd and spares the bishop. |
46 | Captain Wedderburn's Courtship | Versions differ, but generally a captain meets a lady walking in the woods or through an estate. Sometimes he takes her to where he is staying. In all variants, she says she will not marry or sleep with him without his answering riddles. She asks them. He answers them all, and they are married and/or he takes her to bed. |
47 | Proud Lady Margaret | A man arrives at the heroine's castle to woo her. She is frequently critical of him, on the grounds that his clothing shows him to be no gentleman. In most variants, he taxes her with riddles such as "What's the first thing in flower?" (primrose), and in the end, she accepts his suit. He reveals that he is her brother and a ghost, sometimes after she has said she will go with him and he must forbid, as it will kill her. He tells her he has come to curb her haughtiness. |
48 | Young Andrew | Andrew seduces Helen and tells her he will fulfill his promise to marry her only if she brings him her father's gold. She does. He robs her not only of it but all her clothing. She goes home, naked. Her father is furious. Her heart breaks, killing her, and her father regrets it. Meanwhile, Andrew encountered a wolf in the woods, and it killed him; the gold still lies by his body. |
49 | The Twa Brothers | Two brothers are wrestling when a blade that one of them is carrying mortally wounds the other; occasionally, one of them stabs the other intentionally. Attempts to staunch the blood are not successful, and the dying brother tells the living one (usually) how to bury him, and (always) a long list of excuses to give the rest of the family, about his traveling to distant locations, to avoid admitting his death, ending with the injunction to tell his true love the truth. |
50 | The Bonny Hind | A squire persuades a maiden to lie with him. Afterward, she asks his name, and he reveals that he is a lord's son. She calls him a liar: she is that lord's daughter. The horror-struck son reveals that he was long at sea. She stabs herself to death, and he buries her. He goes home and grieves for a "bonny hind" whatever his father can do to distract him. |
51 | Lizie Wan | The heroine—Lizie, Rosie, Lucy—is pregnant with her brother's child. Her brother murders her. He tries to pass off the blood as some animal he had killed—his greyhound, his falcon, his horse—but in the end must admit that he murdered her. He sets sail in a ship, never to return. |
52 | The King's Dochter Lady Jean | The heroine goes to the woods. A man meets her, tries to woo her, and rapes her. He asks her name, and they learn that they are brother and sister. In some variants, he kills her; in most, she goes home, and is tasked by her family for why she ails, and she and her brother both die when they meet there. |
53 | Young Beichan [or Young Bekie] | The hero is thrown into a dungeon in a far country. His captor's daughter frees him, and he pledges to marry her. On returning home, however, he is forced to marry. She arrives in time to stop the wedding. |
54 | The Cherry-Tree Carol | Mary, the mother of Jesus, asks her husband Joseph to pick her fruit from a tree. When he refuses, Jesus causes the tree to bend its branches down to her. |
55 | The Carnal and the Crane | A carnal tells a crane about the birth of Jesus: that he was born in a stable, of a virgin, and slept in a manger; that the Magi told King Herod of the birth, Herod said that if it were true, the cock on his table would revive and crow, and the cock did so; that Herod ordered the Massacre of the Innocents, that St. Joseph had to flee to Egypt and beasts worshiped Jesus on the way; that a husbandman's seed were miraculously sown and brought to harvest when Jesus passed, he reported that to Herod, and Herod, assuming that the growth has been natural, pulled back because he would never have been able to catch them if they were three-quarters of the year ahead. |
56 | Dives and Lazarus | The rich man Dives or Diverus makes a feast. The poor man Lazarus comes to Dives' door and repeatedly begs 'brother Dives' to give him something to eat and drink. Dives answers that he is not the brother of Lazarus, denies Lazarus food and drink, and sends his servants to whip him and his dogs to bite him. However, the servants are unable to whip Lazarus, and the dogs lick his sores instead of biting him. As both men die angels fetch Lazarus to heaven, and serpents take Dives to hell. In version A, Dives asks Lazarus for a drop of water, and complains about his eternal punishment. |
57 | Brown Robyn's Confession | Brown Robyn goes to sea. On shipboard, they are unable to see any lights in the sky. They "cast kevels"[clarification needed] which indicated that it was because of Brown Robyn. He confesses to incestuous relations with his mother (who bore him two children) and his sister (who bore five), or, in other variants, to killing his father. He tells them to tie him to a piece of wood and let him sink or swim. He swims. Our Blessed Lady, with her "dear young son", appears to him and asks him if he would return to his men or come to heaven with her and her child. He asks to go to heaven. She tells him that it is not for any good he has done but for confessing his sin that he may come. |
58 | Sir Patrick Spens | Sir Patrick is ordered by the king to bring the King of Norway's daughter home. A storm comes up while they are sailing back to Scotland from Norway and the crew of the ship are drowned. |
59 | Sir Aldingar | Sir Aldingar is spurned by the queen and attempts to get revenge on her by putting a leper in her bed. A child saves her from the stake by championing her in a trial by combat. |
60 | King Estmere | King Estmere's brother Alder the Younger urges him to marry King Adland's daughter, and suggests that he look at the lady himself, rather than be deceived by any description. Once there, King Adland warns them that she put off the King of Spain, but he has her come down and she agrees to marry him, despite the threats of the King of Spain. King Estmere leaves, the King of Spain attacks, and the daughter sent a page after King Estmere to warn him of her danger. Adler is the son of a magician-woman and enchants King Estmere into the shape of a harper and himself into his boy. They infiltrate the castle, Alder kills the King of Spain, and the two fight off all his men. King Estmere and the daughter marry. |
61 | Sir Cawline | Sir Cawline falls ill for love of the king's daughter; she attends him. He desires to prove himself worthy of her; she sends him to vanquish the elvish king. He then defeats a giant threatening to wed her, and survives a lion attack before marrying her. |
62 | Fair Annie | A lord tells Fair Annie to prepare a welcome for his bride, and to look like a maiden. Annie laments that she has borne him seven sons and is pregnant with the eighth; she can not look like a maiden. She welcomes the bride but laments her fate, even wishing her sons evil, that they might be rats and she a cat. The bride comes to ask her why she grieves, and then asks her what her family was before the lord stole her. Then she reveals that she is Annie's full sister and will give her her dowry, so that Annie can marry the lord instead of her; she is a maiden still and so can return home. |
63 | Child Waters | The pregnant Margaret, or Faire Ellen, is told by Child Waters (or Lord John) that she should bide at home. In some variants, he offers her lands to support his child, and she tells him that she would rather have one kiss from him than all his lands. He tells her that she must dress his footpage and will suffer—in some variants, even worse conditions that his horse and hound. She still goes with him. After they arrive at home, she gives birth. Child Waters gives her the best bed in his castle to lie in and promises that they will marry on the same day that she is churched. |
64 | Fair Janet | Janet is in love with Willie, but her father insists on her marrying a French lord. They attempt to flee, but she goes into labor and can not escape. She hands their baby to Willie, for his care, and he delivers the baby to his mother and goes to the wedding. Janet is ill and dies during the dancing. In many variants, the bridegroom swears that no church bells will ring for her, and Willie that they all will. In most, Willie dies within a day, and those where he does not, the story cuts off. |
65 | Lady Maisry | The heroine—Maisry, Janet, Margery, Marjory, Susie—becomes pregnant (sometimes after rejecting many Scottish lords). She declares that she will not surrender her (often English) true love. Her family goes to burn her. A page boy goes to fetch the true love, but he arrives too late. |
66 | Lord Ingram and Chiel Wyet | Lord Ingram and Chiel Wyet are brothers who fall in love with the same woman, Maisry. She falls in love with Wyet and becomes pregnant by him. Her father arranges the marriage to Lord Ingram. At the wedding, he learns of the baby; he may offer to claim the baby as his own, and she refuses, or he refuses. Lord Ingram and Chiel Wyet kill each other. Lady Maisry goes mad, resolving to beg, or go on pilgrimage, until she dies, and more for Lord Ingram than Chiel Wyet. |
67 | Glasgerion | Glasgerion is a king's son and a harper. He harps before another king, whose daughter arranges a tryst with him. He tells his servant to ensure that he wakes in time to make the tryst. The servant goes in his place and rapes the princess. She learns the truth and kills herself, sometimes because she can not offer herself as Glasgerion's bride. Glasgerion kills his servant and either kills himself as well or goes mad. |
68 | Young Hunting | |
69 | Clerk Saunders | |
70 | Willie and Lady Maisry | |
71 | The Bent Sae Brown | |
72 | The Clerk's Twa Sons O Owsenford | |
73 | Lord Thomas and Fair Annet | |
74 | Fair Margaret and Sweet William | Fair Margaret espies the marriage procession of her lover Sweet William and another woman from her high chamber window. Depending on the variation, Margaret either commits suicide or dies of a broken heart. Her ghost then appears before Sweet William to ask him if he loves his new bride more than herself, and William replies he loves Margaret better. In the morning, William commences to search for Margaret. Upon arriving at her estate, Margaret's family shows William the corpse. In some versions, Sweet William dies of heartbreak as well, and they are buried beside each other. |
75 | Lord Lovel | A lord tells his lady he is going away. After a time he longs to see her so he returns, hears of her death and dies of grief. They are buried together and a lovers' knot grows. |
76 | The Lass of Roch Royal | A woman comes to Gregory's castle, pleading to be let in; she is either pregnant or with a newborn son. His mother turns her away; sometimes she tells her that he went to sea, and she goes to follow him and dies in shipwreck. Gregory wakes and says he dreamed of her. He chases her, finds her body, and dies. |
77 | Sweet William's Ghost | A lover, usually named William or a variant, appears as a ghost to his love, usually Margaret or a variant. He asks her to release him from his promise to marry her. She may insist that he actually marry her, but he says that he is dead; she may insist that he kiss her, but he says that one kiss would kill her; she may insist on some information about the afterlife, and he tells her some of it; he may tell her that his promise to marry her is a hellhound that will destroy him if she does not free him. In the end she always releases him from his promise, although in some versions she then dies upon his grave. |
78 | The Unquiet Grave | A man mourns his true love for "a twelve month and a day". At the end of that time, the dead woman complains that his weeping is keeping her from peaceful rest. He begs a kiss. She tells him it would kill him. When he persists, wanting to join her in death, she explains that once they were both dead their hearts would simply decay, and that he should enjoy life while he has it. |
79 | The Wife of Usher's Well | |
80 | Old Robin of Portingale | |
81 | Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard (or "Matty Groves") | A noble lady seduces a commoner. They are caught in bed by her husband who kills her lover in a duel. He then also kills her after she expresses a continuing preference for the lover over him. |
82 | The Bonny Birdy | A knight is riding when a bird asks him why he is about so late and tells him his wife is with her lover. It had been a wild bird until the lover caught it and gave it to his love. She did not feed it well, so it is telling her story. It flew with the knight to her bower, and sang of how the lover should be away. The lady asks what reason there is for him to leave, and the bird sings that a man in bed with another man's wife should always leave quickly. The knight enters the bower and kills the lover. |
83 | Child Maurice | The hero sends tokens to his lady and asks her to see him in the woods. Her lord learns of it and comes to where he will meet her, and kills him uder the impression that he is her paramour. He brings back the head, and the lady confesses that he was her illegitimate son. Her lord is deeply grieved and declares he would never have killed him if he had known. |
84 | Bonny Barbara Allen | A young man lies dying for the love of Barbara Allen; he has a servant summon her to his bedside for solace, but she does little but scorn him. Denied his true love, the hero succumbs to illness; in some versions, he leaves her an inheritance before dying. Upon hearing the church bells of his funeral, Barbara Allen regrets her decision and senses that her own death is near. She too dies of heartbreak, and they are buried beside one another. |
85 | Lady Alice | |
86 | Young Benjie | |
87 | Prince Robert | |
88 | Young Johnstone | |
89 | Fause Foodrage | |
90 | Jellon Grame | |
91 | Fair Mary of Wallington | |
92 | Bonny Bee Hom | |
93 | Lamkin | |
94 | Young Waters | |
95 | The Maid Freed from the Gallows | |
96 | The Gay Goshawk | |
97 | Brown Robin | |
98 | Brown Adam | |
99 | Johnie Scot | |
100 | Willie O Winsbury | A king is away for a long time. His daughter becomes pregnant by the hero, William or Thomas. The king threatens to hang him, but is struck by his beauty and offers him the heroine and gold. The hero accepts the lady but declares that he has both gold and lands enough of his own. |
101 | Willie O Douglas Dale | |
102 | Willie and the Earl Richard's Daughter | |
103 | Rose the Red and White Lily | |
104 | Prince Heathen | |
105 | The Bailiff's Daughter of Islington | |
106 | The Famous Flower of Serving-Men | |
107 | Will Stewart and John | |
108 | Christopher White | |
109 | Tom Potts | |
110 | The Knight and Shepherd's Daughter | |
111 | Crow and Pie | |
112 | The Baffled Knight | |
113 | The Great Silkie of Sule Skerry | |
114 | Johnie Cock | Despite his mother's warning, the titular character goes poaching in woods. He is betrayed to a group of foresters, but fights them off. |
115 | Robyn and Gandeleyn | |
116 | Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesly | |
117 | A Gest of Robyn Hode | |
118 | Robin Hood and Guy of Gisbourne | |
119 | Robin Hood and the Monk | |
120 | Robin Hood's Death | |
121 | Robin Hood and the Potter | |
122 | Robin Hood and the Butcher | |
123 | Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar | |
124 | The Jolly Pinder of Wakefield | |
125 | Robin Hood and Little John | |
126 | Robin Hood and the Tanner | |
127 | Robin Hood and the Tinker | |
128 | Robin Hood and the Newly Revived | |
129 | Robin Hood and the Prince of Aragon | |
130 | Robin Hood and the Scotchman | |
131 | Robin Hood and the Ranger | |
132 | The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood | |
133 | Robin Hood and the Beggar, I | |
134 | Robin Hood and the Beggar, II | |
135 | Robin Hood and the Shepherd | |
136 | Robin Hood's Delight | |
137 | Robin Hood and the Pedlars | |
138 | Robin Hood and Allan-a-Dale | |
139 | Robin Hood's Progress to Nottingham | |
140 | Robin Hood Rescuing Three Squires | |
141 | Robin Hood Rescuing Will Stutly | |
142 | Little John a Begging | |
143 | Robin Hood and the Bishop | |
144 | Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford | |
145 | Robin Hood and Queen Katherine | |
146 | Robin Hood's Chase | |
147 | Robin Hood's Golden Prize | |
148 | The Noble Fisherman, or, Robin Hood's Preferment | |
149 | Robin Hood's Birth, Breeding, Valor and Marriage | |
150 | Robin Hood and Maid Marian | |
151 | The King's Disguise, and Friendship with Robin Hood | |
152 | Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow | |
153 | Robin Hood and the Valiant Knight | |
154 | A True Tale of Robin Hood | |
155 | Sir Hugh, or, The Jew's Daughter | |
156 | Queen Elanor's Confession | |
157 | Gude Wallace | |
158 | Hugh Spencer's Feats in France | |
159 | Durham Ford | |
160 | The Knight of Liddesdale | |
161 | The Battle of Otterburn | |
162 | The Hunting of Cheviot (The Ballad of Chevy Chase) | |
163 | The Battle of Harlaw | |
164 | King Henry Fifth's Conquest of France | |
165 | Sir John Butler | |
166 | The Rose of England | |
167 | Sir Andrew Barton | |
168 | Flodden Field (describes the Battle of Flodden Field) | |
169 | Johnie Armstrong | |
170 | The Death of Queen Jane | |
171 | Thomas Cromwell | |
172 | Musselburgh Field | |
173 | Mary Hamilton | |
174 | Earl Bothwell | |
175 | The Rising of the North | |
176 | Northumberland Betrayed By Douglas | |
177 | The Earl of Westmoreland | |
178 | Captain Car, or, Edom o Gordon | |
179 | Rookhope Ryde | |
180 | King James and Brown | |
181 | The Bonny Earl of Murray | |
182 | The Laird O Logie | |
183 | Willie MacIntosh | |
184 | The Lads of Wamphray | |
185 | Dick o the Cow | |
186 | Kinmont Willie | |
187 | Jock o the Side | |
188 | Archie o Cawfield | |
189 | Hobie Noble | |
190 | Jamie Telfer of the Fair Dodhead | |
191 | Hughie Grame | |
192 | The Lochmaben Harper | |
193 | The Death of Parcy Reed | |
194 | The Laird of Wairston | |
195 | Lord Maxwell's Last Goodnight | |
196 | The Fire of Frendraught | |
197 | James Grant | |
198 | Bonny John Seton | |
199 | The Bonnie House o Airlie | |
200 | The Gypsy Laddie | |
201 | Bessy Bell and Mary Gray | |
202 | The Battle of Philiphaugh | |
203 | The Baron of Brackley | |
204 | Jamie Douglas | |
205 | Loudon Hill, or, Drumclog (recounts the events of the Battle of Drumclog) | |
206 | Bothwell Bridge | |
207 | Lord Delamere | |
208 | Lord Derwentwater | |
209 | Geordie | |
210 | Bonnie James Campbell | |
211 | Bewick and Graham | |
212 | The Duke of Athole's Nurse | |
213 | Sir James the Rose | |
214 | The Braes o Yarrow | |
215 | Rare Willie Drowned in Yarrow, or, the Water o Gamrie | |
216 | The Mother's Malison, or, Clyde's Water | |
217 | Broom of the Cowdenknowes | |
218 | The False Lover Won Back | |
219 | The Gardener | |
220 | The Bonny Lass of Anglesey | |
221 | Katharine Jaffray | |
222 | Bonny Baby Livingstone | |
223 | Eppie Morrie | |
224 | The Lady of Arngosk | |
225 | Rob Roy | |
226 | Lizie Lindsay | |
227 | Bonny Lizie Baillie | |
228 | Glasgow Peggie | |
229 | Earl Crawford | |
230 | The Slaughter of the Laird of Mellerstain | |
231 | The Earl of Errol | |
232 | Richie Story | |
233 | Andrew Lammie | |
234 | Charlie MacPherson | |
235 | The Earl of Aboyne | |
236 | The Laird o Drum | |
237 | The Duke of Gordon's Daughter | |
238 | Glenlogie, or, Jean o Bethelnie | |
239 | Lord Saltoun and Auchanachie | |
240 | The Rantin Laddie | |
241 | The Baron o Leys | |
242 | The Coble o Cargill | |
243 | James Harris (The Daemon Lover) | |
244 | James Hatley | |
245 | Young Allan | |
246 | Redesdale and Wise William | |
247 | Lady Elspat | |
248 | The Grey Cock, or, Saw You My Father? | |
249 | Auld Matrons | |
250 | Henry Martyn [aka Henry Martin] | |
251 | Lang Johnny More | |
252 | The Kitchie-Boy | |
253 | Thomas o Yonderdale | |
254 | Lord William, or, Lord Lundy | |
255 | Willie's Fatal Visit | |
256 | Alison and Willie | |
257 | Burd Isabel and Earl Patrick | |
258 | Broughty Wa's | |
259 | Lord Thomas Stuart | |
260 | Lord Thomas and Lady Margaret | |
261 | Lady Isabel | |
262 | Lord Livingstone | |
263 | The New-Slain Knight | |
264 | The White Fisher | |
265 | The Knight's Ghost | |
266 | John Thomson and the Turk | |
267 | The Heir of Linne | |
268 | The Twa Knights | |
269 | Lady Diamond | |
270 | The Earl of Mar's Daughter | |
271 | The Lord of Lorn and the Flas Steward | |
272 | The Suffolk Miracle | |
273 | King Edward the Fourth and a Tanner of Tamworth | |
274 | Our Goodman | |
275 | Get Up and Bar the Door | |
276 | The Friar in the Well | |
277 | The Wife Wrapt in Wether's Skin | |
278 | The Farmer's Curst Wife | |
279 | The Jolly Beggar | |
280 | The Beggar-Laddie | |
281 | The Keach i the Creel | |
282 | Jock the Leg and the Merry Merchant | |
283 | The Crafty Farmer | |
284 | John Dory | |
285 | The George Aloe and the Sweepstake | |
286 | The Sweet Trinity (The Golden Vanity) | |
287 | Captain Ward and the Rainbow | |
288 | The Young Earl of Essex's Victory over the Emperor of Germany | |
289 | The Mermaid | |
290 | The Wylie Wife of the Hie Toun Hie | |
291 | Child Owlet | |
292 | The West Country Damosel's Complaint | |
293 | John of Hazelgreen | |
294 | Dugall Quin | |
295 | The Brown Girl | |
296 | Walter Lesly | |
297 | Earl Rothes | |
298 | Young Peggy | Peggy secretly meets her lover, Jamie, against her family's wishes. They run away to get married. Peggy's father gives chase but by the time he catches up the wedding papers are signed. |
299 | Trooper and Maid | |
300 | Blancheflour and Jollyflorice | |
301 | The Queen of Scotland | |
302 | Young Bearwell | |
303 | The Holy Nunnery | |
304 | Young Ronald | |
305 | The Outlaw Murray |
- ↑ Fumerton, Patricia; Guerrini, Anita; McAbee, Kris (2010). Ballads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500–1800. Ashgate Publishing. p. 57. ISBN 0-7546-6248-9.
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