List of Egyptologists
This is a partial list of Egyptologists. An Egyptologist is any archaeologist, historian, linguist, or art historian who specializes in Egyptology, the scientific study of Ancient Egypt and its antiquities. Demotists are Egyptologists who specialize in the study of the Demotic language and field of Demotic Studies. Although a practitioner of the disciplined study of Ancient Egypt and Egyptian antiquities is an "Egyptologist", the field of Egyptology is not exclusive to such practitioners.

Jan Assmann
- Barbara G. Adams (British, 1945–2002)
- Johan David Åkerblad (Swedish, 1763-1819)
- Cyril Aldred (British, 1914–1991)
- James Peter Allen (American, born 1945)
- Maurice Alliot (French, 1903-1960)
- Hartwig Altenmüller (German, born 1938)
- Émile Amélineau (French, 1850-1915)
- Guillemette Andreu (French, born 1948)
- Tadeusz Andrzejewski (Polish, 1923–1961)
- Aleida Assmann (German, born 1947)
- Jan Assmann (German, born 1938)
- Éric Aubourg (French)
- A.-C.-T.-Émile Prisse d'Avennes (French, 1807–1879)
- Edward Russell Ayrton (British, 1882–1914)

Fernand Bisson de La Roque

Heinrich Brugsch
- Alexander Badawy (Egyptian, 1913–1986)
- John Robert Baines (British, born 1946)
- Pascale Ballet (French, born 1953)
- Émile Baraize (French, 1874–1952)
- Alessandro Barsanti (Italian, 1858–1917)
- Hussein Bassir (Egyptian, born 1973)
- Michel Baud (French, 1963-2012)
- Alfred Chester Beatty (American, 1875–1968)
- Jürgen von Beckerath (German, born 1920)
- Giovanni Battista Belzoni (Italian, 1778-1823)
- Georges Aaron Bénédite (French 1857–1926)
- Yosef Ben-Jochannan (American, 1918-2015)
- Susanne Bickel (Swiss, born 1960)
- Manfred Bietak (Austrian, born 1940)
- Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing (German, 1873-1956)
- Fernand Bisson de la Roque (French, 1885-1958)
- Aylward Manley Blackman (British, 1883–1956)
- Charlotte Booth (British, born 1975)
- Ludwig Borchardt (German, 1863–1938)
- Kate Bosse-Griffiths (German-British, 1910–1998)
- Urbain Bouriant (French, 1849-1903)
- Peter J. Brand (Canadian-American, born 1967)
- James Henry Breasted (American, 1865–1935)
- Edda Bresciani (Italian, born 1930)
- Bob Brier (American, born 1943)
- Edwin C. Brock (American, 1946-2015)
- Mary Brodrick (British, 1858-1933)
- Heinrich Karl Brugsch (German, 1827–1894)
- Guy Brunton (English, 1878-1948)
- Betsy Bryan (American, born 1949)
- E. A. Wallis Budge (British, 1857–1934)
- James Burton (British, 1788–1862)

Howard Carter

Jean-François Champollion
- Agnès Cabrol (French, 1964-2007)
- Amice Calverley (British-Canadian, 1896-1959)
- Ricardo Caminos (Argentinian, 1916–1992)
- Jean Capart (Belgian, 1877–1947)
- George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon (English, 1866-1923)
- Howard Carter (British, 1874–1939)
- Giovanni Battista Caviglia (Italian, 1770–1845)
- Jaroslav Černý (Czech, 1898–1970)
- François Chabas (French, 1817–1882)
- Jean-François Champollion (French, 1790–1832)
- Émile Gaston Chassinat (French, 1868–1948)
- Charles Chipiez (French, 1835–1901)
- Somers Clarke (English, 1841–1926)
- Jean Clédat (French, 1871–1943)
- Kathlyn M. Cooney (American)
- Pearce Paul Creasman (American, born 1981)
- Alec Naylor Dakin (English, 1912-2003)
- Georges Émile Jules Daressy (French, 1864–1938)
- Nina de Garis Davies (American, 1881-1965)
- Norman de Garis Davies (American, 1865–1941)
- Theodore M. Davis (American, 1837-1915)
- Théodule Devéria (French, 1831-1871)
- Cheikh Anta Diop (Senegalese, 1923–1986)
- Sergio Donadoni (Italian, 1914–2015)
- Günter Dreyer (German, born 1943)
- Étienne Drioton (French, 1889–1961)
- Bernardino Drovetti (Italian, 1776–1852)
- Johannes Dümichen (German, 1833–1894)
- Bendix Ebbell (Norwegian, 1865-1941)
- Georg Ebers (German, 1837–1898)
- Dorothy Eady (English, 1904-1981)
- Amelia Edwards (British, 1831–1892)
- Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards (British, 1909–1996)
- August Eisenlohr (German, 1832-1902)
- Walter Bryan Emery (British, 1902–1971)
- Jean-Yves Empereur (French, born 1952)
- Reginald Engelbach (British, 1888–1946)
- Adolf Erman (German, 1854–1937)
- Cecil Mallaby Firth (British, 1878–1931)
- Henry George Fischer (American, 1923–2006)
- Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert (German, born 1954)
- Joann Fletcher (British, born 1966)
- Georges Foucart (French, 1865-1943)
- Detlef Franke (German, 1952–2007)
- Henri Frankfort (Dutch, 1897–1954)
- George Willoughby Fraser (British, 1866–1923)
- Renée Friedman (American)

Bernard Pyne Grenfell
- Alan Gardiner (British, 1879–1963)
- Jean Sainte-Fare Garnot (French, 1908-1963)
- John Garstang (British, 1876–1956)
- Henri Gauthier (French, 1877–1950)
- Joseph Étienne Gautier (French, 1861-1924)
- John Gee (American, born 1964)
- Paul Ghalioungui (Egyptian, 1908–1987)
- Stephen Ranulph Kingdon Glanville (British 1900–1956)
- Orly Goldwasser (Israeli)
- Vladimir Golenishchev (Russian, 1856–1947)
- Zakaria Goneim (Egyptian, 1905–1959)
- Charles Wycliffe Goodwin (English, 1817–1878)
- Janet Gourlay (Scottish, 1863–1912)
- Georges Goyon (French, 1905–1996)
- Pierre Grandet (French, born 1954)
- Hermann Grapow (German, 1885–1967)
- Eugène Grébaut (French, 1846-1915)
- Bernard Pyne Grenfell (British, 1869–1926)
- Francis Llewellyn Griffith (British, 1862–1934)
- Nicolas Grimal (French, born 1948)
- Battiscombe Gunn (English, 1883–1950)

Zahi Hawass
- Labib Habachi (Egyptian, 1906–1984)
- Hermine Hartleben (German, 1846–1918)
- Selim Hassan (Egyptian, 1887–1961)
- Zahi Hawass (Egyptian, born 1947)
- William C. Hayes (American, 1903–1963)
- Wolfgang Helck (German, 1914–1993)
- Johann Jakob Hess (Swiss, 1866–1949)
- Erik Hornung (Swiss, born 1933)
- Arthur Surridge Hunt (British, 1871–1934)
- Ibn Wahshiyya (Iraqi,fl.9th/10th centuries)
- Salima Ikram (Pakistani, born 1965)
- Christian Jacq (French, born 1947)
- Thomas Garnet Henry James (British, 1923–2009)
- Gustave Jéquier (Swiss, 1868–1946)
- Jean-Baptiste Jollois (French, 1776–1842)
- Edme-François Jomard (French, 1777–1862)
- Pierre Jouguet (French, 1869-1949)
- Hermann Junker (German, 1877–1962)
- László Kákosy (Hungarian, 1932–2003)
- Ahmed Kamal (Egyptian, 1851–1923)
- Peter Kaplony (Hungarian-Swiss, 1933-2011)
- Barry Kemp (British)
- Jean Kérisel (French, 1908–2005)
- Athanasius Kircher (German, 1602–1680)
- Kenneth Anderson Kitchen (British, born 1932)
- Giovanni Kminek-Szedlo (Czech-Italian, 1828–1896)
- Jirō Kondō (Japanese, born 1951)
- Charles Kuentz (French, 1895–1978)
- Pierre Lacau (French, 1873-1963)
- Violette Lafleur (Canadian, 1897–1965)
- Jean-Philippe Lauer (French, 1902–2001)
- Jean Leclant (French, 1920-2011)
- Conradus Leemans (Dutch, 1809–1893)
- Mark Lehner (American)
- Oscar Lemm (Russian, 1856-1918)
- Charles Lenormant (French, 1802–1859)
- Karl Richard Lepsius (German, 1810–1884)
- Leonard H. Lesko (American, born 1938)
- František Lexa (Czech, 1876-1960)
- Jens Lieblein (Norwegian, 1827-1911)
- Victor Loret (French, 1859–1946)
- Paul D. Lynn (American, born 1964)
- Auguste Ferdinand François Mariette (French, 1821–1881)
- Gaston Maspero (French, 1846–1916)
- Kazimierz Michałowski (Polish, 1901–1981)
- Nicholas Millet (American, 1934–2004)
- Pierre Montet (French, 1885–1966)
- Ludwig David Morenz (German, born 1965)
- Alexandre Moret (French, 1868-1938)
- Jacques de Morgan (French, 1857–1924)
- Rosalind Moss (British, 1890-1990)
- William J. Murnane (American, 1945–2000)
- Margaret Alice Murray (Anglo-Indian, 1863–1963)
- Édouard Naville (Swiss, 1844–1926)
- Christiane Desroches Noblecourt (French, 1913–2011)
- David O'Connor (Australian, born 1938)

William Matthew Flinders Petrie
- Sarah Parcak (American)
- Richard Anthony Parker (American, 1905-1993)
- Thomas Eric Peet (British, 1882–1934)
- John Pendlebury (British, 1904-1941)
- John Shae Perring (British, 1813–1869)
- Hilda Petrie (Irish, 1871–1957)
- William Flinders Petrie (British, 1853–1942)
- Willem Pleyte (Dutch, 1836–1903)
- André Pochan (French, 1891-19??)
- Joachim Friedrich Quack (German, born 1966)
- James Edward Quibell (British, 1867–1935)
- Stephen Quirke (British)

Eugène Revillout
- David Randall-MacIver (British-American, 1873-1945)
- Maarten Raven (Dutch, born 1953)
- John D. Ray (British, born 1945)
- Donald B. Redford (Canadian, born 1934)
- Nicholas Reeves (English, born 1956)
- Adolphe Reinach (French, 1887––1914)
- George Andrew Reisner (American, 1867–1942)
- Peter le Page Renouf (English, 1822–1897)
- Eugène Revillout (French, 1843–1913)
- Alexander Henry Rhind (Scottish, 1833–1863)
- Herbert Ricke (German, 1901––1976)
- Robert K. Ritner (American)
- David Roberts (Scottish, 1796-1864)
- David Rohl (British, born 1950)
- Ippolito Rosellini (Italian, 1800–1843)
- François Michel de Rozière (French, 1775-1842)
- Otto Rubensohn (German, 1867-1964)
- Donald P. Ryan (American, born 1957)
- Kim Ryholt (American/Danish, born 1970)

Kurt Sethe
- Henry Salt (Brite, 1780–1827)
- Helmut Satzinger (Austrian, born 1938)
- Serge Sauneron (French, 1927–1976)
- Claude-Étienne Savary (French, 1750–1788)
- Otto Schaden (American, 1937–2015)
- Hans Heinrich Schaeder (German, 1896–1957)
- Jean-Vincent Scheil (French, 1858-1940)
- Ernesto Schiaparelli (Italian, 1856–1928)
- René Schwaller de Lubicz (French, 1887–1961)
- Girolamo Segato (Italian, 1792–1836)
- Kurt Heinrich Sethe (German, 1869–1934)
- Gustav Seyffarth (German-American, 1796–1885)
- Ian Shaw (British, born 1961)
- William Kelly Simpson (American, born 1928)
- Edwin Smith (American, 1822–1906)
- Grafton Elliot Smith (Australian, 1871–1937)
- Wilhelm Spiegelberg (German, 1870-1930)
- Rainer Stadelmann (German, born 1933)
- Danijela Stefanovic (Serbian, born 1973)
- Georg Steindorff (German, 1861–1951)
- Vasily Vasilievich Struve (Russian, 1889-1965)

Bruce Trigger
- Mahmoud Maher Taha (Egyptian, born 1942)
- Rifa'a al-Tahtawi (Egyptian, 1801–1873)
- Elizabeth Thomas (American, 1907–1986)
- Herbert Thompson (British, 1859–1944)
- Claude Traunecker (French, born 1943)
- Bruce Trigger (Canadian, 1937–2006)
- Boris Turayev (Russian, 1868-1920)
- Joyce Tyldesley (British, born 1960)
- Peter Ucko (British, 1938–2007)

Richard William Howard Vyse

John Gardner Wilkinson
- Alexandre Varille (French, 1909–1951)
- Luigi Vassalli (Italian, 1812–1887)
- Jean Vercoutter (French, 1911–2000)
- Jozef Vergote (Belgian, 1910–1992)
- Miroslav Verner (Czech, born 1941)
- Édouard de Villiers du Terrage (French, 1780–1855)
- Richard William Howard Vyse (British, 1784–1853)
- William Ayres Ward (American, 1928-1996)
- Kent R. Weeks (American, born 1941)
- Arthur Weigall (British, 1880–1934)
- Josef W. Wegner (American, born 1967)
- Fred Wendorf (American, 1924-2015)
- Willeke Wendrich (Dutch-American, born 1961)
- Edward Frank Wente (American, born 1930)
- Marcelle Werbrouck (Belgian, 1889-1959)
- Charles Edwin Wilbour (American, 1833–1896)
- John Gardner Wilkinson (British, 1797–1875)
- Richard H. Wilkinson (American, born 1951)
- Toby Wilkinson (British, born 1969)
- John A. Wilson (American, 1899-1976)
- Herbert Eustis Winlock (American, 1884–1950)
- Walter Wreszinski (German, 1880–1935)
- Sakuji Yoshimura (Japanese, born 1943)
- Thomas Young (British, 1773–1829)
- Jean Yoyotte (French, 1927–2009)
- Zbyněk Žába (Czech, 1917–1971)
- Louis Vico Žabkar (1914–1994)
- Hilde Zaloscer (Austrian, 1903–1999)
- Christiane Ziegler (French, born 1942)
See also
Fictional egyptologists
- Sophocles Sarcophagus (The Adventures of Tintin)
- Daniel Jackson (Stargate, Stargate SG-1)
- Evelyn Carnahan (The Mummy (1999 film))
- Sarah Page (Primeval)
- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
- Amelia P. Emerson and the Emerson Family (Crocodile on the Sandbank)
- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Notes and references
External links
- International Directory of Egyptology from the International Association of Egyptologists
- List of Egyptologists and their publications
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