List of Freedom Press Books
The following is a comprehensive list of Freedom Press books.
Anarchism & Anarchist Theory
- A Structured Anarchism, John Griffin
- Now and After: The ABC of Communist Anarchism, Alexander Berkman
- About Anarchism, Nicolas Walter
- Act For Yourselves, Peter Kropotkin
- Anarchism, Paul Eltzbacher
- Anarchism and Anarcho-Communism, Peter Kropotkin
- Anarchism and Anarcho-syndicalism, Rudolf Rocker
- Anarchist Essays, Charlotte M. Wilson and Nicolas Walter (Ed.)
- Anarchy, Errico Malatesta
- Anarchy in Action, Colin Ward
- At the Café: Conversations on Anarchism, Errico Malatesta
- Bakunin and Nachaev, Paul Avrich
- Fighting the Revolution, Peter E. Newell
- Impossibilities of Social Democracy, Vernon Richards
- Journey Through Utopia, Marie Louise Berneri
- Life and Ideas, Errico Malatesta and Vernon Richards (Ed.)
- Marxism, Freedom and the State, Michael Bakunin
- Max Stirners Egoism, John P. Clark
- Mutual Aid, Peter Kropotkin
- Nationalism and Culture, Rudolf Rocker
- Social Defence, Social Change, Brian Martin
- The Anarchist Revolution, Errico Malatesta
- The Anarchist Writings of William Blake, Peter Marshall (Ed.)
- The State, Harold Barclay
- The State: Its Historic Role, Peter Kropotkin
- Violence and Anarchism, Vernon Richards
- What Is Anarchism? , Donald Rooum (Ed.)
- William Blake: Visionary Anarchist, Peter Marshall
- Uprooting War, Brian Martin
- Protest Without Illusions, Vernon Richards
- The Shadows Under the Lamp, Ronald Creagh and Sharif Gemie
Art and Cultural Studies
- A One-Man Manifesto, Herbert Read
- A Part-Time Photographer’s Portrait, Vernon Richards
- A Summer in the Park, Tony Allen
- A Weekend Photographer’s, Vernon Richards
- Beauty is More Than in the Eye, Vernon Richards
- Breaking Free, J. Daniels
- Culture and Anarchism, Harold Barclay
- George Orwell at Home, Vernon Richards
- Re-reading Read, Michael Paraskos
- The Blue Cow, John Olday
- The Future of Technics and Civilisation, Lewis Mumford
- The Last Captalist, Stephen Cullen
- The March to Death, John Olday (Ed.)
- Visions of Poesy, Clifford Harper (Ed.)
- Work, Language and Education, Michael Duane
- Writings Against Power and Death, Alex Comfort
- Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow, Peter Kropotkin
- Questioning Technology, John Zerzan (Ed.)
- Freedom To Go, Colin Ward
- Deep Ecology and Anarchism, Murray Bookchin (Ed.)
- Freedom To Roam, Harold Sculthorpe
- The Employment Question, Dennis Pym
- The Tradition of Workers Control, Geoffrey Ostergaard
- Why Work? Arguments for the Leisure, Bertrand Russell and Vernon Richards
Freedom Anthologies
- A Decade of Anarchy, Colin Ward (Ed.)
- Anarchy –1961–70, …
- British Imperialism and the Palestine, Vernon Richards (Ed.)
- Freedom Centenary, Donald Rooum
- Neither East Nor West, Marie Louise Berneri
- Neither Nationalisation Nor Privatisation, Vernon Richards (Ed.)
- Spain – 1936–1939, Vernon Richards
- The Left and World War Two, Vernon Richards (Ed.)
- The State Is Your Enemy'…, Charles Crute (Ed.)
- Through the Anarchist Press, John Rety
- World War Cold War: Selections From War Commentary And Freedom, Vernon Richards (Ed.)
- A Short History of Anarchism, Max Nettlau
- Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution, Jose Peirats
- Beating the Fascists: the Untold Story of AFA, Sean Birchall
- Collectives in the Spanish Revolution, Gaston Leval
- History of the Makhnovist Movement, Peter Arshinov
- Lessons of the Spanish Revolution, Vernon Richards
- May Days Barcelona, Augustin Souchy (Ed.)
- Religious Movements: Yesterday and Today, Harold Barclay
- The East End Years, Fermin Rocker
- Zapata of Mexico, Peter E. Newell
- The Anarchist Quiz Book, Martin Howard
Social Policy
- Children In Society, Stephen Cullen
- Housing: An Anarchist Approach, Colin Ward
- Information Liberation, Brian Martin
- Love, Sex and Power in Later Life, Tony Gibson
- Social Policy, Colin Ward
- Strip the Experts, Brian Martin
- Talking Houses, Colin Ward
- Talking Schools, Colin Ward
- Talking to Architects, Colin Ward
- The Terrace, Michael Duane
- Health Service Wildcat, Donald Rooum
- Twenty Year Millennium Wildcat, Donald Rooum
- Wildcat ABC of Bosses, Donald Rooum
- Wildcat: Anarchists Against Bombs, Donald Rooum
- Wildcat Anarchist Comics, Donald Rooum
- Wildcat Keeps Going, Donald Rooum
- Wildcat Strikes Again, Donald Rooum
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