List of the Germanic Wars

For more details on this topic, see Germanic Wars.

This is a list of the Germanic Wars between various Germanic tribes, the Romans and their descendants between circa 220 BC and 600 AD. The nature of these wars varied through time between Roman and Byzantine conquest, Germanic uprisings and later Germanic invasions in the Roman Empire that started in the late 2nd century. The series of conflicts which began in the 5th century, under the Western Roman Emperor Honorius, led (along with internal strife) to the ultimate downfall of the Western Roman Empire.

Year Name Location Belligerents Result
c. 220 BC Siege of Olbia Pontic Olbia Basternae, Scirii Roman Republic
113101BC Cimbrian War Central, Southern and Western Europe, Noricum and Gaul Roman Republic Cimbri, Teutons Decisive Roman victory
112 BC Battle of Noreia[1] Neumarkt, Roman Republic Cimbri, Teutons, Ambrones Cimbrian victory
107 BC Battle of Agen[2] Agen,  France Helvetii Roman Republic Decisive Helvetii victory
105 BC Battle of Arausio Orange, Vaucluse, Cimbri, Teutons Roman Republic Decisive Cimbrian and Teutonic victory
102 BC Battle of Aquae Sextiae Aix-en-Provence, France Teutons Roman Republic Decisive Roman victory
101 BC Battle of Vercellae[3] Vercellae in Cisalpine Gaul, Cimbri Roman Republic Decisive Roman victory
58 BC Battle of Vosges Alsace, France Roman Republic Suevi Decisive Roman victory
57 BC Battle of the Sabis Gaul, modern day Wallonia Roman Republic Nervii, Aduatuci Roman victory
16 BC clades Lolliana Roman Empire Sicambri, Tencteri, Usipetes Germanic victory
11 BC Battle of the Lupia River Lower Lippe River, Germany Roman Empire Sicambri Roman victory
9 AD clades Variana Teutoburg Forest, Germany Cherusci, Marsi, Chatti, Bructeri, Chauci, Sicambri, Suevi Roman Empire Decisive Germanic victory
16 Battle of the Weser River Weser River, Germany Roman Empire Coalition of Germanic tribes Roman victory
28 Battle of Baduhenna Wood Heiloo,  Netherlands Frisii Roman Empire Decisive Germanic victory
166180 Marcomannic Wars Germania along the Upper Danube, Pannonia and Dacia Coalition of Germanic tribes Roman Empire Roman victory
235284 Crisis of the Third Century Goths, Alemanni Roman Empire
c. 235 Battle at the Harzhorn Lower Saxony,  Germany Germanic tribes Roman Empire Roman victory
250 Battle of Philippopolis Plovdiv,  Bulgaria Goths Roman Empire Gothic victory
251 Battle of Abrittus Razgrad,  Bulgaria Roman Empire Goths Decisive Gothic victory
259 Battle of Mediolanum Milan,  Italy Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
267 Battle of Thermopylae Balkans Heruli Roman Empire Gothic victory
268 Siege of Mediolanum Milan,  Italy
268 Battle of Lake Benacus Lake Garda,  Italy Alemanni Roman Empire Decisive Roman victory
269 Siege of Augustodunum Haeduorum Autun,  France
269 Battle of Naissus Niš,  Serbia Goths Roman Empire Roman victory
271 Battle of Placentia Piacenza,  Italy Juthungi Roman Empire Alemanni victory
271 Battle of Fano Fano,  Italy Juthungi Roman Empire Roman victory
271 Battle of Pavia Pavia,  Italy Roman Empire Juthungi Roman victory
274 Battle of Châlons Châlons-en-Champagne,  France Roman Empire Gallic Empire Roman victory
298 Battle of Lingones Langres,  France Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
298 Battle of Vindonissa Vindonissa,   Switzerland Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
356 Siege of Senonae Senonae,  France Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
356 Siege of Autun Autun,  France Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
356 Battle of Durocortorum Reims,  France Roman Empire Alemanni Alemanni victory
356 Battle of Brumath Brumath,  France Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
357 Battle of Argentoratum Strasbourg,  France Roman Empire Alemanni Decisive Roman victory
367 Battle of Solicinium Southwest-Germany,  Germany Roman Empire Alemanni Roman victory
367368 Great Conspiracy Roman Britain Franks, Saxons, Scotti Picts Roman Empire control of province reestablished
376382 Gothic War Goths Roman Empire
377 Battle of the Willows Moesia,  Bulgaria Goths Roman Empire Draw
378 Battle of Adrianople Edirne, Thracia modern day Turkey Goths Roman Empire Decisive Gothic victory
380 Battle of Thessalonica Thessalonica,  Greece Goths Roman Empire Gothic victory
378 Battle of Argentovaria Colmar,  France Roman Empire Lentienses Decisive Roman victory
390 Massacre of Thessalonica Thessalonica,  Greece Goths Thessalonicians Gothic victory
394 Battle of the Frigidus Vipava River,  France Eastern Roman Empire Western Roman Empire Decisive Eastern Roman victory
402403 Gothic War  Italy Visigoths Roman Empire
402 Siege of Asti Asti,  Italy Visigoths Roman Empire
402 Battle of Pollentia Pollentia,  Italy Visigoths Roman Empire Minor Roman victory
403 Battle of Verona Verona,  Italy Visigoths Roman Empire Roman victory
405 Siege of Florence Florence,  Italy Goths Roman Empire
406 Battle of Faesulae Fiesole,  Italy Goths, Vandals Roman Empire Roman victory
406 Battle of Moguntiacum Mainz,  Germany Vandals, Suevi, Alans Franks Vandalic victory
406 Crossing of the Rhine Rhine River,  Germany Vandals, Suevi, Alans Roman Empire Vandalic victory
410 Sack of Rome Rome,  Italy Visigoths Roman Empire Visigothic victory
419 Battle of the Nervasos Mountains Province of León,  Spain Vandals, Alans Roman Empire,Suevi Roman/Suevi victory
430 Siege of Hippo Regius Annaba,  Algeria Vandals Roman Empire Draw
436 Battle of Narbonne Narbonne,  France Roman Empire Visigoths Roman victory
451 Battle of the Catalaunian Plains Champagne-Ardenne,  France Visigoths, Roman Empire, Franks, Burgundians, Saxons Huns, Ostrogoths, Rugians, Scirii, Thuringians, Bastarnae, Alemanni, Gepids, Heruli Visigothic/Roman victory
452 Sack of Aquileia Aquileia,  Italy Huns, Ostrogoths Roman Empire Hunnic victory
455 Sack of Rome Rome,  Italy Vandals Roman Empire Vandalic victory
456 Battle of Órbigo Órbigo,  Spain Visigoths, Burgundians, Romans Suevi Visigothic victory
458 Battle of Arelate Arles,  France Roman Empire Visigoths Decisive Roman victory
461 Battle of Cartagena Cartagena, Spain Vandals Roman Empire Decisive Vandalic victory
468 Battle of Bassianae Bassianae,  Serbia Ostrogoths Huns Decisive Ostrogothic victory
468 Battle of Cape Bon Cape Bon,  Tunisia Vandals Roman Empire Decisive Vandal victory
469 Battle of Bolia Pannonia Heruli, Rugii, Scirii, Suevi, Roman Empire Ostrogoths Decisive Ostrogothic victory
c. 469 Battle of Déols Déols,  France Bretons, Roman Empire Visigoths Visigothic victory
476 Battle of Ravenna Ravenna,  Italy Germanic foederati Roman Empire Decisive Germanic victory
489 Battle of Isonzo Soča,  Italy Heruli, Scirii Ostrogoths, Rugii Ostrogothic victory
489 Battle of Verona Verona,  Italy Heruli, Scirii Ostrogoths, Rugii Ostrogothic victory
533534 Vandalic War Carthago,  Tunisia Byzantine Empire Vandals Decisive Byzantine victory
533 Battle of Ad Decimum Carthago,  Tunisia Byzantine Empire Vandals Byzantine victory
533 Battle of Tricamarum Carthago,  Tunisia Byzantine Empire Vandals Decisive Byzantine victory
535554 Gothic War  Italy,  Croatia Byzantine Empire Ostrogoths, Franks Decisive Byzantine victory
537538 Siege of Rome Rome,  Italy Ostrogoths Byzantine Empire Byzantine victory
542 Battle of Faventia Faenza,  Italy Ostrogoths Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic victory
542 Battle of Mucellium Mugello,  Italy Ostrogoths Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic victory
543 Siege of Naples Naples,  Italy Ostrogoths Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic victory
546 Sack of Rome Rome,  Italy Ostrogoths Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic victory
549550 Siege of Rome Rome,  Italy Ostrogoths Byzantine Empire Ostrogothic victory
551 Battle of Sena Gallica Senigallia,  Italy Byzantine Empire Ostrogoths Decisive Byzantine victory
552 Battle of Taginae Gualdo Tadino,  Italy Byzantine Empire Ostrogoths Decisive Byzantine victory
553 Battle of Mons Lactarius Monti Lattari,  Italy Byzantine Empire Ostrogoths Decisive Byzantine victory
554 Battle of the Volturnus Volturno River,  Italy Byzantine Empire Franks, Alemanni Decisive Byzantine victory
569–572 Siege of Ticinum Pavia,  Italy Lombards, Bavarians, Gepids, Saxons Byzantine Empire Decisive Germanic victory


  1. Mommsen, Theodor. "History of Rome: Book IV - The Revolution". p. 67. Retrieved 2009-04-18.
  2. Theodor Mommsen, Römische Geschichte. Vol. 2. Von der Schlacht von Pydna bis auf Sullas Tod.. 3.Ed. Weidmann, Berlin 1861, S. 178. (German) (Roman History: From the battle of Pydna down to Sulla's death.) Römische Geschichte: Bd. Von der Schlacht von Pydna bis auf Sullas Tod
  3. Mossman, Theodor (1908). History of Rome. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 71. Retrieved 9 October 2009.
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