List of Heroes of the Russian Federation (A)

This is a list of people who have been awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.

To date, the award has been presented an estimated 750 times, including 340 times posthumously.

List of Heroes of the Russian Federation

Recipient Date conferred Ukaz Conferred
Conferred for
Abduragimov MagomedshamilMagomedshamil Abduragimov 29 May 2006 Yes
Abdurakhmanov KantiKanti Abdurakhmanov 16 May 1996 No "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[1]
Abramashvili NikolayNikolay Abramashvili 21 September 1995 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[2]
Abramovich YuryYury Abramovich 1 March 1996 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[3]
Adamishin ViktorViktor Adamishin 25 August 1995 Yes
Adams ArthurArthur Adams 17 June 1999 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[4]
Afonin VasilyVasily Afonin
Akhpashev IgorIgor Akhpashev 15 May 1995 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty..."[5]
Akimova AlexandraAlexandra Akimova 31 December 1994 No "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[6]
Aleksandrov VladimirVladimir Aleksandrov 13 August 1998 955 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[7]
Alekseyev AlexanderAlexander Alekseyev 9 September 1996 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty..."[8]
Alekseyev EduardEduard Alekseyev 14 June 1997 Yes
Alimov VladimirVladimir Alimov 15 February 2000 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty during a counterterrorism operation in the North Caucasus region..."[9]
Alykov MaratMarat Alykov 31 May 1998 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[10]
Amelin StanislavStanislav Amelin 16 April 1997 Yes
Amosov SergeySergey Amosov 7 April 1994 673 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty..."[11]
Anashkin GennadyGennady Anashkin 5 September 2008 No "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasus region..."[12]
Andreyev AlexanderAlexander Andreyev 8 May 1995 477 No "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[13]
Andronov AnatolyAnatoly Andronov 16 January 1998 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[14]
Anikin SergeySergey Anikin 26 July 2000 Yes
Anokhin YuryYury Anokhin 4 April 2000 No “... courage and heroism displayed during a counterterrorism operation in the North Caucasus..."[15]
Anoshchenkov AndreyAndrey Anoshchenkov 26 August 1999 Yes
Antonovich OlegOleg Antonovich 1 March 1996 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[3]
Anureyev IvanIvan Anureyev 11 April 2000 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasus region..."[16]
Apakidze TimurTimur Apakidze 17 August 1995 No “... exemplary mastering of the carrier-based Su-33 and training of fighter pilots for the heavy aircraft carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Nikolai Kuznetsov"..."[17]
Arapkhanova MaremMarem Arapkhanova 3 June 2003 598 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of one's civic duty..."[18]
Arefiyev SergeySergey Arefiyev 15 January 1993 72 No “... courage and heroism shown during the performance of the special assignment of the evacuation of Russian citizens and employees of foreign missions in Kabul..."[19]
Artyukhin AlexanderAlexander Artyukhin 21 February 1996 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[20]
Ashurov MukhridinMukhridin Ashurov 23 March 2000 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty during a counterterrorism operation in the North Caucasus region..."[21]
Askerov AskerAsker Askerov 23 September 2005 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty..."[22]
Astapov AlexanderAlexander Astapov 23 July 1996 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations under life-threatening conditions..."[23]
Avdeyev SergeiSergei Avdeyev 5 February 1993 182 No “... the successful realisation of space flight on the orbital station "Mir" and for displayed courage and heroism..."[24]
Averkiyev AlexanderAlexander Averkiyev 11 July 2000 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasus region..."[25]
Averyanov IvanIvan Averyanov 15 April 1995 No "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[26]
Averyanov VyacheslavVyacheslav Averyanov 29 September 2001 1160 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of aviation technology..."[27]
Azarychev GennadyGennady Azarychev 29 May 1995 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[28]

See also


  1. Герой России Абдурахманов Канти (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  2. Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №961 от 21.09.1995 «О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации». (President of Russia. Ukaz #1527 of 21 September 1995 On the conferring of state awards of the Russian Federation. ).
  3. 1 2 Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №314 от 01.03.1996 «О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации работников предприятий, учреждений и организаций оборонных отраслей промышленности». (President of Russia. Ukaz #314 of 1 March 1996 On the conferring of state awards of the Russian Federation to employees of enterprises, agencies and defence industry organisations. ).
  4. Герой России Адамс Артур Александрович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  5. Герой России Ахпашев Игорь Николаевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  6. Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №2259 от 31.12.1994 «О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации активных участников Великой Отечественной войны 1941—1945 годов». (President of Russia. Ukaz #2259 of 31 December 1994 On the conferring of state awards of the Russian Federation to active participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. ).
  7. Герой России Александров Владимир Леонидович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  8. Герой России Алексеев Александр Иванович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  9. Герой России Алимов Владимир Ришадович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  10. Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №626 от 31.05.1998 «О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации». (President of Russia. Ukaz #626 of 31 May 1998 On the conferring of state awards of the Russian Federation. ).
  11. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 07.04.1994 N 673" (in Russian). President of Russia. 7 April 1994. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  12. "Около 60 псковских десантников представлены к боевым наградам, трое из них — к званию Героя России". Interfax. 18 September 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-14.
  13. Герой России Андреев Александр Петрович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  14. Герой России Андронов Анатолий Васильевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  15. Герой России Анохин Юрий Михайлович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  16. Герой России Ануреев Иван Валерьевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  17. Герой России Апакидзе Тимур Автандилович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  18. Герой России Арапханова Марем Ахметовна (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  19. Герой России Арефьев Сергей Анатольевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  20. Герой России Артюхин Александр Алексеевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  21. Герой России Ашуров Мухридин Ашурович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  22. Герой России Аскеров Аскер Магомедаминович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  23. Герой России Астапов Александр Сергеевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-12.
  24. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 05.02.1993 N 182" (in Russian). President of Russia. 5 February 1993. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  25. Герой России Аверкиев Александр Александрович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  26. Герой России Аверьянов Иван Васильевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  27. Герой России Аверьянов Вячеслав Юрьевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  28. Герой России Азарычев Геннадий Алексеевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.


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