List of Heroes of the Russian Federation (P)

This is a list of people who have been awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation.

To date, the award has been presented an estimated 750 times, including 340 times posthumously.

List of Heroes of the Russian Federation

Recipient Date conferred Ukaz Conferred
Conferred for
Padalka GennadyGennady Padalka 5 April 1999 No а мужество и героизм, проявленные во время длительного космического полета двадцать шестой основной экспедиции на орбитальном научно-исследовательском комплексе "Мир"[1]
Padalka ValentinValentin Padalka 18 April 1994 796 No За мужество и героизм, проявленные при проведении операции по освобождению заложников, захваченных в городе Ростов-на-Дону вооруженными террористами[2]
Palagin SergeySergey Palagin
Palatidi AlexeyAlexey Palatidi 22 December 1999 Yes
Panfilov AnatolyAnatoly Panfilov 2 May 1996 No "...courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new naval technology under life-threatening conditions..."[3]
Panfilov IlyaIlya Panfilov 6 March 1995 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[4]
Panfilov SergeySergey Panfilov
Pankov AlexanderAlexander Pankov 30 December 1993 Yes
Pankov MikhailMikhail Pankov 11 January 2000 No За проявленное мужество в боях и умелое руководство войсками в борьбе с террористическими формированиями на Северном Кавказе[5]
Pankov VadimVadim Pankov
Panov AndreyAndrey Panov 12 March 2000 484 Yes "...courage and valour displayed during the liquidation of the illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region..."[6]
Panov VladislavVladislav Panov 7 October 1993 1605 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[7]
Parchinsky YevgenyYevgeny Parchinsky
Parfyonov DmitryDmitri Parfyonov 6 July 1995 679 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[8]
Pashayev DavidDavid Pashayev 21 July 1995 736 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[9]
Pashin ValentinValentin Pashin 25 October 1994 2018 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[10]
Patrushev NikolaiNikolai Patrushev No
Pavlov AleksandrAleksandr Pavlov 15 April 2006 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[11]
Pechnikov AlexanderAlexander Pechnikov
Pegishev AlexanderAlexander Pegishev 1 April 1995 No "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty..."[12]
Pelikh AlexanderAlexander Pelikh 31 May 1998 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[13]
Pereslavtsev SergeySergey Pereslavtsev 5 May 1994 864 No "...courage and heroism shown during the tests of emergency ejection equipment for helicopters..."[14]
Perets SergeySergey Perets 8 November 2003 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasus region..."[15]
Perminov DmitryDmitry Perminov 22 October 1999 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance during a counterterrorism operation in the North Caucasus region..."[16]
Perov AlexanderAleksandr Perov 9 September 2004 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the rescue of hostages..."[17]
Pershikov VasilyVasily Pershikov
Petrikov IgorIgor Petrikov 9 August 1995 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty..."[18]
Petrov AlexanderAlexander Petrov 2008 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[19]
Petrov DmitryDmitry Petrov 12 March 2000 484 Yes "...courage and valour displayed during the liquidation of the illegal armed formations in the North Caucasus region..."[20]
Petrov OlegOleg Petrov 7 October 1993 1600 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[21]
Petrov SergeiSergei Petrov 4 May 2000 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty during a counterterrorism operation in the North Caucasus region..."[22]
Petrov VasilyVasily Petrov 24 November 1995 (or 21 November 1995) 1192 No "...courage and heroism displayed in the fight against the German-fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945..."[23]
Petrusha VyacheslavVyacheslav Petrusha 20 December 2004 No “... courage and heroism displayed during the testing of new aviation technology..."[24]
Petrushko SergeySergey Petrushko 25 August 1995 Yes “... courage and heroism displayed during the performance of special operations..."[25]
Petukhov VadimVadim Petukhov
Plotnikov DmitryDmitry Plotnikov
Plotnikova MarinaMarina Plotnikova 25 August 1992 925 Yes
Podvalny SergeySergey Podvalny
Poleshchuk AlexanderAlexander Poleshchuk 23 July 1993 1061 No
Polkovnikov DmitryDmitry Polkovnikov
Polyakov ValeriyValeriy Polyakov 10 April 1995 No "...successful realisation of flight and for both the courage and heroism displayed..."[26]
Polyansky ValentinValentin Polyansky 14 February 2000 No “... courage and heroism displayed during a counterterrorism operation in the North Caucasus..."[27]
Ponomaryov AlexanderAlexander Ponomaryov
Ponomaryov ViktorViktor Ponomaryov
Popov GennadyGennady Popov
Popov LeonidLeonid Popov 20 September 1994 1932 No [28]
Popov ValeryValery Popov
Posadsky VladislavVladislav Posadsky
Postoyalko AlexanderAlexander Postoyalko
Potylitsyn VitalyVitaly Potylitsyn
Pozdnyakov MikhailMikhail Pozdnyakov
Preminin SergeiSergei Preminin
Pribytkov AndreyAndrey Pribytkov
Prokhorenko AlexanderAlexander Prokhorenko 11 April 2016 Yes
Prokopenko FyodorFyodor Prokopenko
Pronichev VladimirVladimir Pronichev
Protsenko OlegOleg Protsenko
Putsykin AlexeyAlexey Putsykin 5 September 2008 Yes "...courage and heroism displayed during the performance of a soldier's duty in the North Caucasus region..."[29]
Pyatnitskikh SergeySergey Pyatnitskikh

See also


  1. Герой России Падалка Геннадий Иванович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  2. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 18.04.1994 N 796" (in Russian). President of Russia. 18 April 1994. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  3. Герой России Панфилов Анатолий Тихонович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-06.
  4. Герой России Панфилов Илья Борисович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  5. Герой России Паньков Михаил Анатольевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  6. Герой России Панов Андрей Александрович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-06.
  7. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 07.10.1993 N 1605" (in Russian). President of Russia. 7 October 1993. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  8. Герой России Парфёнов Дмитрий Георгиевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  9. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 21.07.1995 N 736" (in Russian). President of Russia. 21 July 1995. Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  10. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 25.10.1994 N 2018" (in Russian). President of Russia. 25 October 1994. Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  11. Герой России Павлов Александр Валерьевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  12. Герой России Пегишев Александр Игоревич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  13. Президент Российской Федерации. Указ №626 от 31.05.1998 «О награждении государственными наградами Российской Федерации». (President of Russia. Ukaz #626 of 31 May 1998 On the conferring of state awards of the Russian Federation. ).
  14. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 05.05.1994 N 864" (in Russian). President of Russia. 5 May 1994. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  15. Герой России Перец Сергей Владимирович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  16. Герой России Перминов Дмитрий Сергеевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  17. Герой России Перов Александр Валентинович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  18. Герой России Петриков Игорь Анатольевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  19. Герой России Петров Александр Петрович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  20. Герой России Петров Дмитрий Владимирович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  21. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 07.10.1993 N 1600" (in Russian). President of Russia. 7 October 1993. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  22. Герой России Петров Сергей Васильевич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  23. Герой России Петров Василий Петрович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  24. Герой России Петруша Вячеслав Станиславович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  25. Герой России Петрушко Сергей Игоревич (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-30.
  26. Герой России Поляков Валерий Владимирович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  27. Герой России Полянский Валентин Валентинович (in Russian). Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  28. "УКАЗ Президента РФ от 20.09.1994 N 1932" (in Russian). President of Russia. 20 September 1994. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  29. "Около 60 псковских десантников представлены к боевым наградам, трое из них - к званию Героя России". Interfax. 18 September 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-14.


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