List of Hindu temples in Poland
This is a List of Hindu temples in Poland, broken down by city/village.
- Shree Vara Lakshmi Narshingadev (Śri Wara Lakszmi Narszingadew), Bhakti Marga Foundation, since 2009
- since 2005 construction of a new temple for the local Hindu community is planned
Mysiadło near Warszawa
- New Ramana Reti (Nowe Ramana Reti), ISKCON, since 1989
President: Jakub Staszelis Kryszna Kirtan das
Address: ul. Zakręt 11, Mysiadło, 05-500 Piaseczno

Ratha Yatra festival organised by the New Navadvip Temple in Wrocław in 2010
- New Navadvip (Nowe Nawadwip) ISKCON, since 1998.
Deities: Gaura-Nitai
President: dr. Bernadeta Gwizdak-Siwkowska (Premadana devi dasi)
Address: ul. Brodzka 157, Pracze Odrzańskie, 54-067 Wrocław

New Shantipur Temple in Czarnów in 2006
- New Shantipur (Nowe Śantipur) ISKCON (since 1980, the oldest Hindu temple in Poland)
Deities: Pancha Tattva
President: Ryszard Bugaj (Raghunatha dasa)
Address: Nowe Śantipur, Farma Ekologiczna, Czarnów 21, 58-424 Kamienna Góra
- Shiva Temple (under construction)
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