23rd Parliament of Turkey
This is a list of the 550 Members of Parliament elected in the 2007 general election held in Turkey. The MPs are listed by province, in alphabetical order. Turkey uses a D'Hondt proportional representative system to elect Members of Parliament. These MPs formed the 23rd Parliament of Turkey. An overview of the parliamentary composition is shown in the table below.
Members |
Party |
Kürşat Atılgan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ömer Çelik | Justice and Development Party |
Nevin Gaye Erbatur | Republican People's Party |
Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat | Justice and Development Party |
Fatoş Gürkan | Justice and Development Party |
Hulusi Güvel | Republican People's Party |
Vahit Kirişçi | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Küçükaydın | Justice and Development Party |
Tacidar Seyhan | Republican People's Party |
Yılmaz Tankut | Nationalist Movement Party |
Necdet Ünüvar | Justice and Development Party |
Muharrem Varlı | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mustafa Vural | Republican People's Party |
Recai Yıldırım | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Ahmet Aydın | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet ErdoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
Şevket Gürsoy | Justice and Development Party |
Şevket Köse | Republican People's Party |
Fehmi Hüsrev Kutlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Sait Açba | Justice and Development Party |
Abdülkadir Akcan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Zekeriya Aslan | Justice and Development Party |
Halil AydoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
Veysel EroÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Koca | Justice and Development Party |
Halil Ünlütepe | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Mehmet Hanifi Alır | Justice and Development Party |
Abdülkerim Aydemir | Justice and Development Party |
Yaşar Eryılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Cemal Kaya | Justice and Development Party |
Fatma Kotan | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Ruhi Açıkgöz | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Rıza Alaboyun | Justice and Development Party |
Osman ErtuÄŸrul | Nationalist Movement Party |
İlknur İnceöz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Akif Gülle | Justice and Development Party |
Avni Erdemir | Justice and Development Party |
Hüseyin Ünsal | Republican People's Party |
Ankara 1st electoral district
Members |
Party |
Bekir Aksoy | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ali Babacan | Justice and Development Party |
Nesrin Baytok | Republican People's Party |
Cemil Çiçek | Justice and Development Party |
Zeynep Dağı | Justice and Development Party |
EÅŸref Erdem | Republican People's Party |
Bülent Gedikli | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Emrehan Halıcı | Republican People's Party |
Burhan Kayatürk | Justice and Development Party |
Faruk Koca | Justice and Development Party |
Hakkı Suha Okay | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Zekai Özcan | Justice and Development Party |
Nazmi Haluk Özdalga | Justice and Development Party |
Önder Sav | Republican People's Party |
Yıldırım Tuğrul Türkeş | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ankara 2nd electoral district
Members |
Party |
Zekeriya Akıncı | Republican People's Party |
Aşkın Asan | Justice and Development Party |
BeÅŸir Atalay | Justice and Development Party |
Yılmaz Ateş | Republican People's Party |
Tekin Bingöl | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Deniz Bölükbaşı | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Zafer Çağlayan | Justice and Development Party |
Reha Denemeç | Justice and Development Party |
Haluk Ä°pek | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Ä°yimaya | Justice and Development Party |
Salih Kapusuz | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Cihan Paçacı | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mücahit Pehlivan | Republican People's Party |
Mustafa Said Yazıcıoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Abdurrahman Arıcı | Justice and Development Party |
Sadık Badak | Justice and Development Party |
Deniz Baykal | Republican People's Party |
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Hüsnü Çöllü | Republican People's Party |
Atila Emek | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Günal | Nationalist Movement Party |
Yusuf Ziya İrbeç | Justice and Development Party |
Osman Kaptan | Republican People's Party |
Tayfur Süner | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Ali Åžahin | Justice and Development Party |
Tunca Toskay | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hüseyin Yıldız | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Saffet Kaya | Justice and Development Party |
Ensar Öğüt | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Metin ArifaÄŸaoÄŸlu | Republican People's Party |
Ertekin Çolak | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Fatih Atay | Republican People's Party |
Özlem Çerçioğlu | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Erdem | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Ertürk | Justice and Development Party |
Atilla Koç | Justice and Development Party |
ErtuÄŸrul KumcuoÄŸlu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Recep Taner | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ali Uzunırmak | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
AyÅŸe AkbaÅŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Ergün Aydoğan | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Duran Bulut | Nationalist Movement Party |
İsmail Özgün | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Cemal Öztaylan | Justice and Development Party |
Hüseyin Pazarcı | Republican People's Party |
Ali Osman Sali | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Edip UÄŸur | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Yılmaz Tunç | Justice and Development Party |
Muhammed Rıza Yalçınkaya | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Ayla Akat Ata | Democratic Society Party |
Mehmet Emin Ekmen | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Ä°nal | Justice and Development Party |
Bengi Yıldız | Democratic Society Party |
Members |
Party |
Fetani Battal | Justice and Development Party |
Ülkü Gökalp Güney | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Fahrettin Poyraz | Justice and Development Party |
Yaşar Tüzün | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Kazım Ataoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Yusuf CoÅŸkun | Justice and Development Party |
Cevdet Yılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Zeki Ergezen | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Nezir KarabaÅŸ | Democratic Society Party |
Vahit Kiler | Justice and Development Party |
Cemal TaÅŸar | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Yüksel Coşkunyürek | Justice and Development Party |
Fatih Metin | Justice and Development Party |
Metin Yılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mehmet Alp | Justice and Development Party |
Bayram Özçelik | Justice and Development Party |
Ramazan Kerim Özkan | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
İsmet Büyükataman | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hayrettin Çakmak | Justice and Development Party |
Canan Candemir Çelik | Justice and Development Party |
Faruk Çelik | Justice and Development Party |
Kemal Demirel | Republican People's Party |
Hamza Hamit HomriÅŸ | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Altan KarapaÅŸaoÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Sedat Kızılcıklı | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Koyuncu | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Kul | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Ocaktan | Justice and Development Party |
Onur Başaran Öymen | Republican People's Party |
Necati Özensoy | Nationalist Movement Party |
Abdullah Özer | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Tunçak | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Emin Tutan | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mustafa Kemal Cengiz | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet DaniÅŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Müjdat Kuşku | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Küçük | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Nurettin Akman | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Bukan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Suat Kınıklıoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Ahmet AydoÄŸmuÅŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Cahit Bağcı | Justice and Development Party |
Derviş Günday | Republican People's Party |
Agah Kafkas | Justice and Development Party |
Murat Yıldırım | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Emin Haluk Ayhan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mithat Ekici | Justice and Development Party |
Hasan Erçelebi | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Salih ErdoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Rıza Ertemür | Republican People's Party |
Selma Aliye Kavaf | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Yüksel | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Celal Erbay | Justice and Development Party |
Metin Kaşıkoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Yaşar Yakış | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Necdet Budak | Justice and Development Party |
Rasim Çakır | Republican People's Party |
Bilgin Paçarız | Republican People's Party |
Cemaleddin Uslu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Mehmet Necati Çetinkaya | Justice and Development Party |
Feyzi Ä°ÅŸbaÅŸaran | Justice and Development Party |
Tahir Öztürk | Justice and Development Party |
Faruk SeptioÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Hamza Yanılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Sebahattin Karakelle | Justice and Development Party |
Erol Tınastepe | Republican People's Party |
Binali Yıldırım | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Recep AkdaÄŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Muhyettin Aksak | Justice and Development Party |
Saadettin Aydın | Justice and Development Party |
Fazilet Dağcı Çığlık | Justice and Development Party |
Zeki Ertugay | Nationalist Movement Party |
Muzaffer Gülyurt | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°brahim Kavaz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Beytullah Asil | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hüseyin Tayfun İçli | Republican People's Party |
Hasan Murat Mercan | Justice and Development Party |
Emin Nedim Öztürk | Justice and Development Party |
Fehmi Murat Sönmez | Republican People's Party |
Kemal Unakıtan | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Yaşar Ağyüz | Republican People's Party |
Mahmut Durdu | Justice and Development Party |
Akif Ekici | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet ErdoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
İbrahim Halil Mazıcıoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Özlem Müftüoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Hasan Özdemir | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Sarı | Justice and Development Party |
Fatma Åžahin | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet ÅžimÅŸek | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Nurettin Canikli | Justice and Development Party |
EÅŸref Karaibrahim | Republican People's Party |
Murat Özkan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hacı Hasan Sönmez | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Temür | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Kemalettin Aydın | Justice and Development Party |
Yahya DoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Hamit Geylani | Democratic Society Party |
Abdülmuttalip Özbek | Justice and Development Party |
Rüstem Zeydan | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Fuat Çay | Republican People's Party |
Süleyman Turan Çirkin | Nationalist Movement Party |
Gökhan Durgun | Republican People's Party |
Sadullah Ergin | Justice and Development Party |
Abdülhadi Kahya | Justice and Development Party |
Orhan Karasayar | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Öztürk | Justice and Development Party |
Fevzi Åžanverdi | Justice and Development Party |
Abdulaziz Yazar | Republican People's Party |
İzzettin Yılmaz | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Pervin Buldan | Democratic Society Party |
Ali Güner | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Süreyya Sadi Bilgiç | Justice and Development Party |
Mevlüt Coşkuner | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Sait Dilek | Justice and Development Party |
Süleyman Nevzat Korkmaz | Nationalist Movement Party |
Haydar Kemal Kurt | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°stanbul 1st electoral district
Members |
Party |
Ayşe Jale Ağırbaş | Republican People's Party |
Gündüz Suphi Aktan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mustafa AtaÅŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Nusret Bayraktar | Justice and Development Party |
Hüseyin Besli | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Beyazıt Denizolgun | Justice and Development Party |
Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
İdris Güllüce | Justice and Development Party |
Ertuğrul Günay | Justice and Development Party |
İrfan Gündüz | Justice and Development Party |
Algan HacaloÄŸlu | Republican People's Party |
Ä°lhan Kesici | Republican People's Party |
Mesude Nursuna Memecan | Justice and Development Party |
Bayramali Meral | Republican People's Party |
Şinasi Öktem | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Sekmen | Justice and Development Party |
Fatma Nur Serter | Republican People's Party |
Edibe Sözen | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Tan | Republican People's Party |
Ali Topuz | Republican People's Party |
DurmuÅŸali Torlak | Nationalist Movement Party |
Özlem Piltanoğlu Türköne | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Ufuk Uras | Democratic Society Party |
Hasan Kemal Yardımcı | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°stanbul 2nd electoral district
Members |
Party |
Necla Arat | Republican People's Party |
Egemen Bağış | Justice and Development Party |
Ayşenur Bahçekapılı | Justice and Development Party |
Murat BaÅŸesgioÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Necat Birinci | Justice and Development Party |
Alaattin Büyükkaya | Justice and Development Party |
Nimet Çubukçu | Justice and Development Party |
Ömer Dinçer | Justice and Development Party |
Canan Kalsın | Justice and Development Party |
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu | Republican People's Party |
Recep Koral | Justice and Development Party |
Burhan Kuzu | Justice and Development Party |
Mithat Melen | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mustafa Özyürek | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Sevigen | Republican People's Party |
Çetin Soysal | Republican People's Party |
Ãœmit Åžafak | Nationalist Movement Party |
Bihlun Tamaylıgil | Republican People's Party |
Süleyman Yağız | Republican People's Party |
Osman Gazi YaÄŸmurdereli | Justice and Development Party |
Hayati Yazıcı | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°stanbul 3rd electoral district
Members |
Party |
Abdülkadir Aksu | Justice and Development Party |
Meral AkÅŸener | Nationalist Movement Party |
Güldal Akşit | Justice and Development Party |
Lokman Ayva | Justice and Development Party |
Fuat Bol | Justice and Development Party |
Reha Çamuroğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Alev Dedegil | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Domaç | Justice and Development Party |
Nazım Ekren | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Şükrü Elekdağ | Republican People's Party |
Halide Ä°ncekara | Justice and Development Party |
Ünal Kacır | Justice and Development Party |
Atila Kaya | Nationalist Movement Party |
Birgen KeleÅŸ | Republican People's Party |
Feyzullah Kıyıklık | Justice and Development Party |
Esfender Korkmaz | Republican People's Party |
Hasan Macit | Republican People's Party |
Hüseyin Mert | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Müezzinoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Cihat Özönder | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Ali Özpolat | Republican People's Party |
Ä°dris Naim Åžahin | Justice and Development Party |
Sebahat Tuncel | Democratic Society Party |
Sacid Yıldız | Republican People's Party |
Ä°brahim YiÄŸit | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°zmir 1st electoral district
Members |
Party |
Mehmet Aydın | Justice and Development Party |
Åženol Bal | Nationalist Movement Party |
Bülent Baratalı | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Ersin | Republican People's Party |
Abdurrezzak Erten | Republican People's Party |
Fatma Seniha Nükhet Hotar | Justice and Development Party |
İbrahim Hasgür | Justice and Development Party |
Şükran Güldal Mumcu | Republican People's Party |
Harun Öztürk | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Sayım Tekelioğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Tuğrul Yemişçi | Justice and Development Party |
Oktay Vural | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ä°zmir 2nd electoral district
Members |
Party |
Selçuk Ayhan | Republican People's Party |
Taha Aksoy | Justice and Development Party |
Kıvılcım Kemal Anadol | Republican People's Party |
Canan Aritman | Republican People's Party |
Recai Birgün | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Vecdi Gönül | Justice and Development Party |
Erdal Kalkan | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°smail Katmerci | Justice and Development Party |
OÄŸuz Oyan | Republican People's Party |
Kamil Erdal Sipahi | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Ali Susam | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Kenan Tanrıkulu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Fatih Arıkan | Justice and Development Party |
Avni DoÄŸan | Justice and Development Party |
Veysi Kaynak | Justice and Development Party |
Durdu Özbolat | Republican People's Party |
Nevzat Pakdil | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Akif Paksoy | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet SaÄŸlam | Justice and Development Party |
Cafer Tatlıbal | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mehmet Ceylan | Justice and Development Party |
Cumhur Ãœnal | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Ãœnal | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mevlüt Akgün | Justice and Development Party |
Hasan Çalış | Nationalist Movement Party |
Lütfi Elvan | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Gürcan Dağdaş | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mahmut Esat Güven | Justice and Development Party |
Zeki Karabayır | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Hasan Altan | Justice and Development Party |
Hakkı Köylü | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet SerdaroÄŸlu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Musa Sıvacıoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Sabahattin Çakmakoğlu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mustafa ElitaÅŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Abdullah Gül | Justice and Development Party |
YaÅŸar Karayel | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Åževki KulkuloÄŸlu | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Öksüzkaya | Justice and Development Party |
Sadık Yakut | Justice and Development Party |
Taner Yıldız | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Osman DurmuÅŸ | Nationalist Movement Party |
Vahit Erdem | Justice and Development Party |
Turan Kıratlı | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Özbayrak | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Tansel Barış | Republican People's Party |
Turgut Dibek | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Gökhan Sarıçam | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mikail Arslan | Justice and Development Party |
Abdullah Çalışkan | Justice and Development Party |
Metin Çobanoğlu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Hüseyin Devecioğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Hasan Kara | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Eyüp Ayar | Justice and Development Party |
Muzaffer Baştopçu | Justice and Development Party |
Cumali DurmuÅŸ | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hikmet Erenkaya | Republican People's Party |
Nihat Ergün | Justice and Development Party |
Azize Sibel Gönül | Justice and Development Party |
Fikri Işık | Justice and Development Party |
Osman Pepe | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Cevdet Selvi | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Hasan Angı | Justice and Development Party |
Faruk Bal | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ahmet Büyükakkaşlar | Justice and Development Party |
Muharrem Candan | Justice and Development Party |
Abdullah Çetinkaya | Justice and Development Party |
Orhan Erdem | Justice and Development Party |
Sami Güçlü | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Kabakçı | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Kalaycı | Nationalist Movement Party |
Atilla Kart | Republican People's Party |
Özkan Öksüz | Justice and Development Party |
Kerim Özkul | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Öztürk | Justice and Development Party |
Hüsnü Tuna | Justice and Development Party |
Harun Tüfekci | Justice and Development Party |
Ayşe Türkmenoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Soner Aksoy | Justice and Development Party |
İsmail Hakkı Biçer | Justice and Development Party |
Alim Işık | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hasan Fehmi Kinay | Justice and Development Party |
Hüsnü Ordu | Justice and Development Party |
Hüseyin Tuğcu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Ferit Mevlüt Aslanoğlu | Republican People's Party |
Öznur Çalık | Justice and Development Party |
Mahmut Mücahit Fındıklı | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°hsan Koca | Justice and Development Party |
Fuat Ölmeztoprak | Justice and Development Party |
Ömer Faruk Öz | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Åžahin | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Erkan Akçay | Nationalist Movement Party |
Bülent Arınç | Justice and Development Party |
Recai Berber | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°smail Bilen | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Çerçi | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Enöz | Nationalist Movement Party |
Şahin Mengü | Republican People's Party |
Ahmet Orhan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hüseyin Tanrıverdi | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Erdoğan Yetenç | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Emine Ayna | Democratic Society Party |
Süleyman Çelebi | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Halit Demir | Justice and Development Party |
Gönül Bekin Şahkulubey | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Türk | Democratic Society Party |
Cüneyt Yüksel | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Akif AkkuÅŸ | Nationalist Movement Party |
Behiç Çelik | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ali Er | Justice and Development Party |
İsa Gök | Republican People's Party |
Ömer İnan | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Oksal | Republican People's Party |
Ali Rıza Öztürk | Republican People's Party |
Vahap Seçer | Republican People's Party |
Mehmet Şandır | Nationalist Movement Party |
Kürşad Tüzmen | Justice and Development Party |
Kadir Ural | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Zafer Üskül | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Ali Arslan | Republican People's Party |
Gürol Ergin | Republican People's Party |
Metin Ergün | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Nil Hıdır | Justice and Development Party |
Yüksel Özden | Justice and Development Party |
Fevzi Topuz | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Seracettin Karayağız | Justice and Development Party |
Sırrı Sakık | Democratic Society Party |
Mehmet Nuri Yaman | Democratic Society Party |
Medeni Yılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mahmut Dede | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Erdal Feralan | Justice and Development Party |
Rıtvan Köybaşı | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
İsmail Göksel | Justice and Development Party |
Mümin İnan | Nationalist Movement Party |
Muharrem SelamoÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Eyüp Fatsa | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Hilmi Güler | Justice and Development Party |
Rahmi Güner | Republican People's Party |
Mustafa Hamarat | Justice and Development Party |
Rıdvan Yalçın | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ayhan Yılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Enver Yılmaz | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Devlet Bahçeli | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hakan CoÅŸkun | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ä°brahim Mete DoÄŸruer | Justice and Development Party |
Durdu Mehmet Kastal | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Bayram Ali BayramoÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Lütfi Çırakoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz | Independent |
Members |
Party |
Erol Aslan Cebeci | Justice and Development Party |
Hasan Ali Çelik | Justice and Development Party |
Åžaban DiÅŸli | Justice and Development Party |
Münir Kutluata | Nationalist Movement Party |
Ayhan Sefer Üstün | Justice and Development Party |
Recep Yıldırım | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Suat Binici | Republican People's Party |
Osman Çakır | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mustafa Demir | Justice and Development Party |
Cemal Yılmaz Demir | Justice and Development Party |
Suat Kılıç | Justice and Development Party |
Haluk Koç | Republican People's Party |
Fatih Öztürk | Justice and Development Party |
Birnur ÅžahinoÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Ahmet Yeni | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Afif Demirkıran | Justice and Development Party |
Memet Yılmaz Helvacıoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Osman Özçelik | Independent |
Members |
Party |
Engin Altay | Republican People's Party |
Abdurrahman Dodurgalı | Justice and Development Party |
Kadir Tıngıroğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Mehmet Mustafa Açıkalın | Justice and Development Party |
Osman Kılıç | Justice and Development Party |
Malik Ecder Özdemir | Republican People's Party |
Selami Uzun | Justice and Development Party |
Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu | Independent |
Hamza Yerlikaya | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Yahya Akman | Justice and Development Party |
Ramazan BaÅŸak | Justice and Development Party |
Ä°brahim Binici | Democratic Society Party |
Sabahattin Cevheri | Democratic Society Party |
Seyit Eyyüpoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Eyyüp Cenap Gülpınar | Justice and Development Party |
Zülfükar İzol | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa KuÅŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Abdulkadir Emin Önen | Justice and Development Party |
Çağla Aktemur Özyavuz | Justice and Development Party |
Abdurrahman Müfit Yetkin | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Sevahir Bayındır | Democratic Society Party |
Hasip Kaplan | Democratic Society Party |
Abdullah Veli Seyda | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Tevfik Ziyaeddin Akbulut | Justice and Development Party |
Kemalettin Nalcı | Nationalist Movement Party |
Faik Öztrak | Republican People's Party |
Necip Taylan | Justice and Development Party |
Enis Tütüncü | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Zeyid Aslan | Justice and Development Party |
Şükrü Ayalan | Justice and Development Party |
Osman Demir | Justice and Development Party |
Orhan Ziya Diren | Republican People's Party |
ReÅŸat DoÄŸru | Nationalist Movement Party |
Hüseyin Gülsün | Justice and Development Party |
Dilek Yüksel | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Asım Aykan | Justice and Development Party |
Mustafa Cumur | Justice and Development Party |
Cevdet Erdöl | Justice and Development Party |
Kemalettin Göktaş | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Akif Hamzaçebi | Republican People's Party |
Faruk Nafız Özak | Justice and Development Party |
Safiye SeymenoÄŸlu | Justice and Development Party |
Süleyman Latif Yunusoğlu | Nationalist Movement Party |
Members |
Party |
Kamer Genç | Republican People's Party |
Åžerafettin Halis | Democratic Society Party |
Members |
Party |
Osman CoÅŸkunoÄŸlu | Republican People's Party |
Mustafa Çetin | Justice and Development Party |
Nuri Uslu | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Kerem Altun | Justice and Development Party |
Hüseyin Çelik | Justice and Development Party |
İkram Dinçer | Justice and Development Party |
Fatma Kurtulan | Democratic Society Party |
Gülşen Orhan | Justice and Development Party |
Kayhan Türkmenoğlu | Justice and Development Party |
Özdal Üçer | Democratic Society Party |
Members |
Party |
Ä°lhan Evcin | Justice and Development Party |
Muharrem Ä°nce | Republican People's Party |
Members |
Party |
Abdulkadir Akgül | Justice and Development Party |
Bekir BozdaÄŸ | Justice and Development Party |
Osman CoÅŸkun | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Çiçek | Justice and Development Party |
Mehmet Ekici | Nationalist Movement Party |
Mehmet Yaşar Öztürk | Justice and Development Party |
Members |
Party |
Fazlı Erdoğan | Justice and Development Party |
Ali Koçal | Republican People's Party |
Ali İhsan Köktürk | Republican People's Party |
Köksal Toptan | Justice and Development Party |
Polat Türkmen | Justice and Development Party |
External links
- Nonelected parliaments