List of Martian canals

The fictional Martian canals were named, by Schiaparelli and others, after real and legendary rivers of various places on Earth or the mythological underworld. Some of those names are listed below, with the regions that the canals were thought to connect.


Name Pronunciation Location Source of name
Acalandrus /ˌækəˈlændrəs/ From a stream in Lucania, Italy, now called Calandro
Acampsis /əˈkæmpsᵻs/ From a river in Pontus that flowed into the Black Sea, now called Çoruh/Chorokhi
Acesines /æsᵻˈsaɪniːz/ From a Sicilian river, now called Cantara; also the name of Chenab, one of the rivers of the Punjab
Achana /ˈækənə/ From a river in northern Arabia
Achates /əˈkeɪtiːz/ From a Sicilian river now called the Drillo, in which agates were found
Acheloüs /ˌækᵻˈloʊəs/ From Achelous, a river in western Greece
Acheron /ˈækɪrɒn/ From Acheron, both a real river in Epirus and a mythical river of Hades
Acis /ˈeɪsᵻs/ From a Sicilian river now called Fiume di Iaci
Aeacus /ˈiːəkəs/ N to S: runs through Cebrenia to the junction of Styx and Boreas canals
Aeolus /ˈiːoʊləs/ From Aeolus, keeper of the winds in Greek mythology
Aesis /ˈiːsᵻs/ From an Italian river, now called Fiumesino
Aethiops /ˈiːθiːɒps/ Means "the Ethiopian"
Agathodaemon /ˌæɡəθoʊˈdiːmɒn/ N to S: connects Tithonius Lacus to Aonius Sinus, opposite Protei Regio; just W of Aurea Cherso Means "good spirit"
Alcyonius /ˌælsiːˈoʊniəs/
Alpheus /ælˈfiːəs/ Runs NS through Hellas From the river Alpheios in the Peloponnesus of Greece
Ambrosia /æmˈbroʊʒiə/ S to N: connects Solis Lacus with Bosphorus Gemmatus, running through Thaumasia From ambrosia, the legendary food of the gods
Amenthes /əˈmɛnθiːz/
Amphrysus /æmˈfraɪsəs/ From a Thessalian river, now called Armiro
Amystis /əˈmɪstᵻs/ From a river of India
Anapus /əˈneɪpəs/ From an Acarnanian or Sicilian river
Anian /ˈeɪniːæn/ After the Strait of Anián, a mythical water passage in the American northwest
Antaeus /ænˈtiːəs/ NW to SE: from the junction of Cerberus and Eunostos canals to the Atlantis region From Antaeus, son of Earth, a gigantic opponent of Heracles
Anubis /əˈnjuːbᵻs/ From the Egyptian god Anubis
Apis /ˈeɪpᵻs/ From the Egyptian god Apis
Araxes /əˈræksiːz/ E to W: connects Phoenicis Lacus with the E end of Mare Sirenum From Araxes, a river in eastern Anatolia, northern Iran
Argaeus /ɑːrˈdʒiːəs/ Flows S from pole to junction of Pyramus and Pierius canals
Arges /ˈɑːrdʒiːz/
Arnon /ˈɑːrnɒn/ N to S: connects Arethusa Lacus to Ismenius Lacus From the small river Arnon now in the Kingdom of Jordan
Aroeris NE to SW: from "Copais Palus" to Ismenius Lacus
Arosis /ˈæroʊsᵻs/
Arsanias /ɑːrˈseɪniæs/ From an Armenian river
Artanes /ˈɑːrtəniːz/
Ascanius /æsˈkeɪniəs/ From the Trojan Ascanius, son of Aeneas
Asclepius /æsˈkliːpiəs/ From the Greek deity of healing Asclepius
Asopus /əˈsoʊpəs/
Astaboras /æsˈtæbɔəræs/ E to W: connects Syrtis Major to Ismenius Lacus From a name for the Atbarah river, a branch of the upper Nile
Astapus /ˈæstəpəs/ From a name for the Blue Nile river
Astusapes /æsˈtjuːsəpiːz/ From a name for the White Nile river
Atax /ˈeɪtæks/
Athesis /ˈæθᵻsᵻs/ From the river Adige in Venezia
Athyr /ˈeɪθɪr/ From a form of the name of the Egyptian goddess Hathor
Avernus /əˈvɛrnəs/ NE to SW: connects Ammonii Fons to the E end of Mare Cimmerium via Aquae Apollinaris From Avernus, a river of Hades
Avus /ˈeɪvəs/
Axius /ˈæksiəs/
Axon /ˈæksɒn/


Bactrus /ˈbæktrəs/ From a river of Bactria
Baetis /ˈbiːtᵻs/ From the classical name of the Guadalquivir river
Bathys /ˈbeɪθᵻs/ From
Bautis /ˈbɔːtᵻs/
Belus /ˈbiːləs/
Boreas /ˈbɔəriæs/ E to W: connects Propontis to Anian canal From Boreas, the Greek name for the North Wind
Boreosyrtis /ˌbɔəriːoʊˈsɪrtᵻs/ E to W in curve between Utopia and Dioscuria
Brontes /ˈbrɒntiːz/
Cadmus /ˈkædməs/ From the Greek hero Cadmus
Callirrhoë /kæˈlɪroʊiː/ Means "flowing beautifully"
Carpis /ˈkɑːrpᵻs/
Casius /ˈkeɪʒiəs/ NW to SE: connects Copaïs Palus to Nodus Alcyonius
Casuentus /ˌkæʒuːˈeɪntəs/
Catarrhactes /ˌkætæˈræktiːz/
Caÿster /keɪˈɪstər/ –
Cedron /ˈsiːdrɒn/ NW to SE; connects the Jaxartes canal to Arethusa Lacus From the Brook of Cedron near Jerusalem
Cephissus /siːˈfɪsəs/ From any of several rivers in Greece called Cephissus
Ceraunius /siːˈrɔːniəs/ A broad canal, or pair of canals, running NS from Tharsis down to between Tempe and Arcadia
Cerberus /ˈsɛrbɪrəs/ NE to SW: connects Trivium Charontis to the W end of Mare Cimmerium From the name of the dog Cerberus that guards the gates of Hades
Cestrus /ˈsɛstrəs/
Chretes /ˈkriːtiːz/
Choaspes /koʊˈæspiːz/ From Choaspes, a river of Susiana, Persia
Chrysas /ˈkraɪsæs/
Chrysorrhoas /kraɪˈsɒroʊæs/ N to S: connects Lunae Lacus to Tithonius Lacus Means "flowing with gold"
Clitumnus /klaɪˈtʌmnəs/
Clodianus /ˌklɒdiːˈeɪnəs/
Cocytus /koʊˈsaɪtəs/ Named for Cocytus, a mythical river of Hades
Cophen /ˈkoʊfɛn/
Corax /ˈkɔəræks/
Cyaneus /saɪˈeɪniəs/
Cyclops /ˈsaɪklɒps/ Southern continuation of Galaxias canal, running from the junction of Cerberus and Eunostos to Mare Cimmerium Named for the oneeyed monster Cyclops of Greek myth
Cydnus /ˈsɪdnəs/
Cyrus /ˈsaɪərəs/
Daemon /ˈdiːmɒn/
Dardanus /ˈdɑːrdənəs/ E to W: connects Niliacus Lacus to Ceraunius canal
Deuteronilus /ˌdjuːtɪroʊˈnaɪləs/ E to W: connects Ismenius Lacus to Niliacus Lacus via Dirce Fons Means 'Second Nile'
Digentia /daɪˈdʒɛnʃiə/


Eosphoros /iːˈɒsfɔərɒs/ NW to SE: connects Phoenicis Lacus to Solis Lacus Means "bringer of dawn"
Erannoboas /ˌɛræˈnɒboʊæs/ A river of India
Erebus /ˈɛrᵻbəs/ From Erebus, a name for the Underworld
Erigone /iːˈrɪɡoʊniː/
Erinaeus /ˌɛrᵻˈniːəs/
Erinnys /iːˈrɪnᵻs/ E to W: connects the W end of Mare Sirenum to Titanum Sinus in Memnonia From the mythical Erinyes
Erymanthus /ˌɛrᵻˈmænθəs/
Eulaeus /juːˈliːəs/
Eumenides /juːˈmɛnᵻdiːz/ NW to SE: the SE continuation of Orcus canal, from Nodus Gordii to Phoenicis Lacus From another name for the Erinyes
Eunostos /juːˈnɒstɒs/
Euphrates /juːˈfreɪtiːz/ N to S: connects Sinus Sabaeus to Ismenius Lacus From the river Euphrates in Mesopotamia, one of the four rivers of the Garden of Eden
Euripus /juːˈraɪpəs/ SE to NW, connects Mare Tyrrhenum and Mare Hadriaticum, running through Ausonia After the strait between Euboea and Boeotia
Eurotas /juːˈroʊtæs/ After the river Eurotas in Greece
Eurymedon /juːˈrɪmᵻdɒn/
Eurypus /ˈjuːrᵻpəs/
Evenus /iːˈviːnəs/ aka Euenus /jəˈwiːnəs/
Feuos /ˈfjuːɒs/ aka Fevos [ ˈfivɒs ]
Fortunae /fɒrˈtjuːniː/ Means "of Fortune"


Gaesus /ˈdʒiːsəs/
Galaesus /ɡəˈliːsəs/
Galaxias /ɡəˈlæksiæs/ N to S: from Anian to the junction of Cerberus and Eunostos S of Elysium
Ganges /ˈɡændʒiːz/ N to S: connects Lunae Lacus to Aurorae Sinus From the Ganges, a river of India
Ganymede /ˈɡænᵻmiːd/ From Ganymede, the cupbearer of Zeus
Gehon /ˈdʒiːɒn/ N to S: connects Mare Acidalium to the W end of Sinus Sabaeus From Gihon, one of the four rivers of Eden Also spelled Gihon [ ˈdʒajɒn ]
Gigas /ˈdʒaɪɡæs/ NE to SW: connects Ascraeus Lacus to Titanum Sinus via Lucus Maricae From the mythical monsters called Gigantes
Glaucus /ˈɡlɔːkəs/
Gorgon /ˈɡɒrɡɒn/ Connects Mare Sirenum and the Eumenides canal near Nodus Gordii From the mythical monster Gorgon
Gyes /ˈdʒaɪiːz/
Gyndes /ˈdʒɪndiːz/ From a river flowing into the Tigris
Hades /ˈheɪdiːz/ N to S: connects Trivium Charontis and Propontis From the Greek name for the Underworld and its ruling deity, Hades
Halys /heɪlᵻs/
Hebe /ˈhiːbiː/
Hebrus /ˈhiːbrəs/
Heliconius /ˌhɛlᵻˈkoʊniəs/ E to W: connects Sithonius Lacus to Copaïs Palus
Helisson /hiːˈlɪsɒn/
Hephaestus /hiːˈfɛstəs/ From the god Hephaestus
Hiddekel /ˈhɪdᵻkɛl/ NE to SW: connects Ismenius Lacus to Fastigium Aryn at the western end of Sinus Sabaeus From the Hebrew name for the Tigris, a river of Mesopotamia and one of the four rivers of Eden
Hippus /ˈhɪpəs/
Hyblaeus /hᵻˈbliːəs/ NE to SW: connects Anian canal to Hephaestus canal
Hydaspes /haɪˈdæspiːz/ From the Greek name for the Jhelum river of India
Hydraotes /ˌhɪdreɪˈoʊtiːz/ SE to NW; connects Margaritifer Sinus to Lunae Lacus After the Greek name for the Ravi river of India
Hyllus /ˈhɪləs/
Hypsas /ˈhɪpsəs/
Hyscus /ˈhɪskəs/


Idalius /aɪˈdeɪliəs/
Ilissus /aɪˈlɪsəs/
Indus /ˈɪndəs/ N to S: connects Niliacus Lacus to Margaritifer Sinus From the Indus, a river of India
Iris /ˈaɪərᵻs/ N to S: connects Phoenicis Lacus to Ceraunius canal Named for the goddess of the rainbow Iris
Isis /ˈaɪsᵻs/ From the Egyptian goddess Isis
Issedon /ˈɪsᵻdɒn/
Jamuna /ˈdʒæmjuːnə/ N to S; connects Niliacus Lacus to Aurorae Sinus From the Yamuna or Jumna, a river of India
Jaxartes /dʒækˈsɑːrtiːz/ From an old name for the Syr Darya, a river of Transoxiana
Jordanis /dʒɒrˈdeɪnᵻs/ From the river Jordan in the Holy Land
Kison /ˈkaɪsɒn/
Laestrygon /lɛsˈtraɪɡɒn/ N to S: connects Trivium Charontis to Mare Cimmerium
Leontes /liːˈɒntiːz/
Lethes /ˈliːθiːz/ N to S: connects Hephaestus canal to Syrtis Minor From Lethe, a mythical river of Hades
Liris /ˈlaɪərᵻs/
Maeander /miːˈændər/
Magon /ˈmeɪɡɒn/
Malva /ˈmælvə/
Margus /ˈmɑːrɡəs/
Medus /ˈmiːdəs/
Medusa /miːˈdjuːsə/ From the mythical monster Medusa
Mogrus /ˈmoʊɡrəs/


Nectar /ˈnɛktɑːr/ Runs E from Solis Lacus to Nectaris Fons (near Protei Regio) From nectar, the legendary drink of the gods
Neda /ˈniːdə/ A river of the Peloponnesus
Nepenthes /niːˈpɛnθiːz/ NE to SW: from junction of Thoth and Triton canals to Syrtis Major via Lacus Moeris
Nereides /niːˈriːədiːz/ From the nymphs called Nereids
Nestus /ˈnɛstəs/ A river of Thrace
Neudrus /ˈnjuːdrəs/ A river of India
Nilokeras /naɪˈlɒkᵻræs/ E to W: connects Niliacus Lacus with Lunae Lacus Means "horn of the Nile"
Nilosyrtis /ˌnɪloʊˈsɪrtᵻs/ A broad canallike feature, running N from the tip of Syrtis Major to Coloë Palus
Nilus /ˈnaɪləs/ From the Nile, the river of Egypt
Nymphaeus /nɪmˈfiːəs/ A river of Armenia
Oceanus /oʊˈsiːənəs/ From Oceanus, a mythical river surrounding the world and the Titan who shared its name
Ochus /ˈoʊkəs/ A river of Bactriana
Opharus /ˈɒfərəs/ A river of Sarmatia
Orcus /ˈɒrkəs/ NW to SE: connects Trivium Charontis to Nodus Gordii, where it turns into Eumenides canal From Orcus, a synonym of Hades
Orontes /oʊˈrɒntiːz/ E to SW: connects Serbonis Palus to Sabaeus Sinus From the Orontes, a river of Syria
Oxus /ˈɒksəs/ NE to SW: connects the Deuteronilus and the Indus canals From an old name for the Amu Darya, a river of Central Asia


Pactolus /pækˈtoʊləs/ From the river Pactolus in Anatolia
Padargus /pəˈdɑːrɡəs/
Palamnus /pəˈlæmnəs/
Parcae /ˈpɑːrsiː/
Peneus /piːˈniːəs/ Runs EW through Hellas From the Peneios river in the Peloponnesus of Greece
Permessus /pɛrˈmɛsəs/
Pierius /paɪˈiːriəs/ E to W: connects Copaïs Palus and Arethusa Lacus
Phasis /ˈfeɪsᵻs/ N to S: connects Phoenicis Lacus and Aonius Sinus
Phison /ˈfaɪsɒn/ N to S: connects Coloë Palus to Sinus Sabaeus From Pishon, one of the four rivers of Eden
Phlegethon /ˈflɛdʒᵻθɒn/ From the Phlegethon, a mythical river of Hades
Protonilus /ˌprɒtoʊˈnaɪləs/ E to W: connects Coloë Palus and Ismenius Lacus Means "first Nile"
Psychrus /ˈsaɪkrəs/
Pyramus /ˈpɪrəməs/ S from pole via Copaïs Palus to junction of Boreosyrtis and Cadmus canals
Pyriphlegethon /ˌpɪrᵻˈflɛdʒᵻθɒn/ NW to SE: connecting Propontis and Lacus Phoenicis From Pyriphlegethon ("fiery Phlegethon"), a mythical river of Hades
Python /ˈpaɪθɒn/ From the monster Python which Apollo killed
Rha /ˈreɪ/ From a classical name for the river Volga
Rhyndacus /ˈrɪndəkəs/ From the classical river Rhyndacus in Anatolia


Scamander /skəˈmændər/ S to N from Mare Chronium to Mare Cimmerium, between Electris and Eridania From the river Scamander in the Troad
Sesamus /ˈsɛsəməs/ From a Paphlagonian river
Simoïs /ˈsɪmoʊᵻs/ S to N from Mare Chronium to Mare Cimmerium between Phaëthontis and Electris From the river Simoïs in the Troad
Sirenius /saɪˈriːniəs/ N to S: connects the Tanais canal near Nerigos with the E end of Mare Sirenum Means "of the Sirens
Siris /ˈsaɪərᵻs/ From an Italian river in Lucania
Sitacus /ˈsɪtəkəs/ NE to SW: connects Coloë Palus to Fastigium Aryn From the name of a river in Persis
Steropes /ˈstɛroʊpiːz/ From the name of a Cyclops
Styx /ˈstɪks/ From the mythical river Styx in Hades
Surius /ˈsjuːriəs/ From a river of Colchis
Tanaïs /ˈtæneɪᵻs/ From Tanais, an old name for the river Don in Sarmatia
Tantalus /ˈtæntələs/ From Tantalus, a mythical king imprisoned in Hades
Tartarus /ˈtɑːrtərəs/ N to S: connects Trivium Charontis to Titanum Sinus From Tartarus, a name for the Underworld
Tedanius /tiːˈdeɪniəs/ From an Illyrian river
Thermodon /θɛrˈmoʊdɒn/
Thoth /ˈθɒθ/ From the name of the Egyptian god Thoth
Thyanis /ˈθaɪənᵻs/ Possibly an error for Thyamus, the name of a river of Epirus
Titan /ˈtaɪtən/ From the Titans, the relatives and opponents of the gods
Tithonius /taɪˈθoʊniəs/
Triton /ˈtraɪtɒn/ NW to SE: connects Nepenthes canal to the W end of Mare Cimmerium From the seadeity Triton
Tyndis /ˈtɪndᵻs/
Typhon /ˈtaɪfɒn/ E to W: connects Deltoton Sinus to Sirbonis Palus
Typhonius /taɪˈfoʊniəs/
Ulysses /juːˈlɪsiːz/ From Ulysses, the Roman name for Odysseus
Uranius /juːˈreɪniəs/ E to W: connects Lunae Lacus to Ascraeus Lacus
Xanthus /ˈzænθəs/ N to S: connects Mare Tyrrhenum to Promethei Sinus, between Eridania and Ausonia Means "yellow"
Xenius /ˈziːniəs/ NE to SW: connects Arethusa Lacus to Dirce Fons

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