List of MeSH codes (L01)

For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "L" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

MeSH L01 – information science

MeSH L01.100 – classification

MeSH L01.143 – communication

MeSH L01.178 – communications media

MeSH L01.224 – computing methodologies

MeSH L01.240 – copying processes

MeSH L01.280 – data collection

MeSH L01.296 – data display

MeSH L01.313 – informatics

MeSH L01.346 – information centers

MeSH L01.453 – information services

MeSH L01.470 – information storage and retrieval

MeSH L01.583 – library science

MeSH L01.700 – medical informatics

MeSH L01.725 – pattern recognition, automated

MeSH L01.737 – publishing

MeSH L01.906 – systems analysis

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