List of Phi Sigma Kappa chapters

The complete Chapter and Colony Roll of Phi Sigma Kappa follows this gallery of historic and newer images. Many of the buildings in the historical photos are still owned by Phi Sig fraternity chapters and their alumni today, having been remodeled and expanded, while others have been replaced:

Historical Chapterhouse Images

More Recent Chapterhouse Images

List of Chapters

Chapter Colonized Chartered School State Status Charter Range Reference
Alpha [a] N/A 1873 University of Massachusetts Amherst Massachusetts Active 1873-Present [pic1] [pic2] [pic3][1]
Beta [a] 1888 Union College New York Inactive 1888-1997 [pic1][2]
See also Phi Tau [i]
1889 Cornell University New York Active 1889-Present [pic1] [pic2] [pic3][3]
Delta 1891 West Virginia University West Virginia Active 1891-Present [pic1] [pic2] [pic3][4]
    (or Sachem Hall)
1893 Yale University Connecticut Inactive 1893-1929 [5][6][pic1]
Zeta 1896 City College of New York New York Inactive [e] 1896-1973 [7]
Eta 1897
University of Maryland Maryland Active 1897-2002
[8][9][10][pic1] [pic2][11]
Theta 1897 Columbia University New York Inactive 1897-1933 [5][12][pic1]
Iota 1899 Stevens Institute of Technology New Jersey Active 1899-Present [pic1][13]
Kappa 1899 Penn State University Pennsylvania Active 1899-Present [pic1][pic2][14]
Lambda 1899 George Washington University Washington, D.C. Active 1899-Present [pic1][15]
Mu Colony 2013 1900 University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Colony 1900-1997
Nu 1901 Lehigh University Pennsylvania Active 1901-Present [pic1][20]
Xi 1902 St. Lawrence University New York Inactive 1902-2004 [21][22][pic1] [pic2]
Omicron 1902 MIT Massachusetts Active 1902-Present [23][pic1] [pic2][24]
Pi 1903 Franklin and Marshall College Pennsylvania Inactive [l] 1903-1983 [25][26][pic1] [pic2]
Rho 1903 Queen's University Ontario (Canada) Inactive [k] 1903-1914 [25][27][28]
Sigma 1903 St. John's College Maryland Inactive [k] 1903-1940 [25][29]
Tau 1905 Dartmouth College New Hampshire Seceded [c][i] 1905-1956 [5][30]
Upsilon 1906 Brown University Rhode Island Inactive 1906-1939 [5][31]
Phi 1906 Swarthmore College Pennsylvania Inactive [l] 1906-1991 [32][33][pic1]
Chi 1906 Williams College Massachusetts Inactive [l] 1906-1966 [25][34][35][pic1] [pic2] [pic3]
Psi 1907 University of Virginia Virginia Active 1907-Present [5][36][37]
Omega 2009-2010 1909 UC Berkeley California Inactive[m] 1909-1992 [9][38][39][40]
Alpha Epsilon Colony 1992, 2013 1910 Emporia State University Kansas Colony 1910-1989
Alpha Deuteron
See also Phi Zeta
2011 1910 University of Illinois Illinois Active 1910-2008
Beta Deuteron 1910 University of Minnesota Minnesota Active 1910-Present [pic1] [pic2][45]
Gamma Deuteron 1911 Iowa State University Iowa Inactive 1911-1939 [46]
Delta Deuteron 2013 1915 University of Michigan Michigan Active 1915-2003
Epsilon Deuteron 1915 Worcester Polytechnic Institute Massachusetts Active 1915-Present [50]
Zeta Deuteron 1917 UW–Madison Wisconsin Inactive[m] 1917-1931
Eta Deuteron 1917 University of Nevada at Reno Nevada Inactive[m] 1917-1997 [36]
Theta Deuteron 1921 Oregon State University Oregon Inactive 1921-1972
Iota Deuteron 1923 Kansas State University Kansas Inactive 1923-1941 [5]
Kappa Deuteron 1923 Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Active 1923-Present [53]
Lambda Deuteron 1923 University of Washington Washington Inactive 1923-1992 [54]
Mu Deuteron 1923 University of Montana Montana Inactive 1923-1972 [55][pic1]
Nu Deuteron 1923 Stanford University California Inactive 1923-1973 [56][p]
Xi Deuteron 1925 University of Tennessee Tennessee Active 1925-Present [pic1] [pic2][57]
Omicron Deuteron 1990
1925 University of Alabama Alabama Active 1925-1988
[58][59] [pic1][60]
Pi Deuteron 1924
Ohio State University Ohio Active 1925-1938
Rho Deuteron 1925 Gettysburg College Pennsylvania Active 1925-Present [64]
Sigma Deuteron 1925 University of Nebraska Nebraska Inactive 1925-1941 [5]
Tau Deuteron 1926 Carnegie-Mellon University Pennsylvania Inactive 1926-1937
Upsilon Deuteron 1926 University of North Carolina North Carolina Inactive 1926-1936
Phi Deuteron 1926 University of Kentucky Kentucky Active 1926-Present [pic1] [pic2][65]
Chi Deuteron 2014 1926, 2015 Washington State University Washington Active 1926-2005
Psi Deuteron 1926 University of Oregon Oregon Inactive 1926-2002 [67]
Beta Epsilon 1927 Pittsburg State University Kansas Active 1927-Present [68]
Gamma Epsilon 1927 Truman State University Missouri Active 1927-Present [69]
Omega Deuteron N/A 1928 University of Southern California California Active 1928-2003
[pic1] [pic2][70]
Alpha Triton 1928 Wesleyan University Connecticut Inactive 1928-1952
Beta Triton 1928 Knox College Illinois Seceded [h] 1928-1955 [5][pic1]
Gamma Triton 2001 1929 University of South Carolina South Carolina Active 1929-1963
Epsilon Delta 1930 Eastern Illinois University Illinois Inactive 1930-1986 [73]
Epsilon Epsilon 1930 Northeastern State University Oklahoma Active 1930-Present [74]
Delta Triton 1930 Purdue University Indiana Active 1930-Present [pic1][75]
Epsilon Zeta 1930 Fort Hays State University Kansas Inactive 1930-1979 [36]
Epsilon Eta 1931 Southeastern State University Oklahoma Inactive 1931-2001 [36]
Epsilon Theta 1931 University of Northern Iowa Iowa Inactive 1931-1998 [36]
Epsilon Iota 1931 Central Missouri State University Missouri Active 1931-Present [76]
Epsilon Kappa 1931 UW–Stevens Point Wisconsin Seceded [n] 1931-1998 [77]
Epsilon Lambda
See also Chi Pentaton
1934 Eastern Michigan University Michigan Active 1934-Present [78]
Epsilon Mu 2000 1935 University of Central Arkansas Arkansas Active 1935-1994
Epsilon Triton 1936 American University Washington, D.C. Active 1936-Present [81]
Epsilon Nu 1938 Northwest Missouri State University Missouri Active 1938-Present [82]
Zeta Triton 1932 1939 Montana State University Montana Inactive 1939-2009
Epsilon Xi 1941 Central Michigan University Michigan Inactive 1941-2010 [38]
Epsilon Omicron 1942 Wayne State University Michigan Revoked 1942-1943 [83]
Eta Triton 1942 University of Akron Ohio Colony 1942-Present
Epsilon Pi 1943 Western Illinois University Illinois Inactive 1943-2003 [84]
Epsilon Rho 1946 Henderson State University Arkansas Inactive 1946-2014
Theta Triton 1947 University of Texas Texas Inactive 1947-1976 [pic1] [pic2] [pic3]

Iota Triton 1947 University of Connecticut Connecticut Inactive 1947-1972 [pic1]
Kappa Triton 1947 Fresno State University California Inactive 1947-1959
Epsilon Sigma
See also Pi Pentaton
1947 Northern Illinois University Illinois Inactive 1947- ?? [85]
Epsilon Tau 1948 Ball State University Indiana Active 1948-Present [86]
Lambda Triton 1948 University of Rhode Island Rhode Island Inactive 1948-1999
Local dates from 1925
Mu Triton 1948 Boston University Massachusetts Inactive [h] 1948-1953 [5]
Nu Triton 1948 Hartwick College New York Inactive [h] 1948-1955 [pic1]
Xi Triton 1948 San Jose State University California Inactive 1948-1966
Omicron Triton 1948 UC Davis California Inactive 1948-1973 [pic1]
Pi Triton 1948 Eastern Washington University Washington Inactive 1948-1952
Rho Triton 1949 San Diego State University California Inactive 1949-1959
Sigma Triton 1949 Indiana University Indiana Active 1949-1972
Epsilon Phi
See also Mu Pentaton
1990 1949 UW–Milwaukee Wisconsin Active 1949-1972
Tau Triton 1949 Baldwin Wallace College Ohio Inactive 1949-1955 [pic1]
Upsilon Triton 1949 Muhlenberg College Pennsylvania Inactive 1949-1955
Phi Triton 1949 Idaho State University Idaho Inactive 1949-1993
Chi Triton 1949 Arizona State University Arizona Inactive 1949-2001
Psi Triton 1950 Hobart College New York Active 1950-1997
Epsilon Upsilon 1950 UW–Whitewater Wisconsin Inactive 1950-2007
Omega Triton 1950 Florida Southern College Florida Inactive 1950-1986
Alpha Tetarton 1950 Linfield College Oregon Inactive 1950-1952
Beta Tetarton 1950 Kent State University Ohio Active 1950-Present [91]
Gamma Tetarton 1950 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York Active 1950-Present [pic1][92]
Epsilon Psi 1950 SUNY Geneseo New York Seceded 1950-1953 [93]
Delta Tetarton 1950, 1991
1951, 1993
University of Florida Florida Active 1950-1959
Epsilon Tetarton 1952 Washington College Maryland Inactive 1952-1972
Epsilon Chi 1952 SUNY-Oswego New York Inactive 1952-1954
Epsilon Omega 1950 1952 UW–Stout Wisconsin Seceded [o] 1952-1985 [97]
Phi Alpha
The Memorial Chapter of ΦΣΕ
NA NA Memorial 1952-present [5]:249–255
Phi Beta 1951 1952 UW–Eau Claire Wisconsin Seceded [o] 1952-1985 [5]
Phi Delta 1952 Black Hills State College South Dakota Inactive 1952-? [5]
Zeta Tetarton 1954 East Tennessee State University Tennessee Inactive 1954-1986
Phi Gamma
See also Chi Tetarton
1956 Western Michigan University Michigan Inactive 1956-1980 [36]
Phi Epsilon 1956 Rider University New Jersey Inactive 1956-2011
Phi Lambda 1956 Parsons College Iowa Inactive 1956-1972 [36]
Eta Tetarton 1956 University of Houston Texas Inactive 1956-1993
Theta Tetarton 1957 University of Detroit Mercy Michigan Inactive 1957-1973
Iota Tetarton 1957 Tufts University Massachusetts Inactive 1957-1976
Kappa Tetarton 1957 Southern Illinois University Illinois Active 1957-1998
Lambda Tetarton 1958 Wagner College New York Inactive 1958-1982
Phi Zeta
See also Alpha Deuteron
1958 University of Illinois Illinois Inactive 1958-1972
Mu Tetarton 1958 Youngstown State University Ohio Inactive 1958-1983
Nu Tetarton 1959 Rutgers University New Jersey Active 1959-Present [100]
Phi Eta
See also Nu Pentaton
2013 1959
Clarion University Pennsylvania Inactive 1959-2016
Phi Kappa 1959 West Virginia Wesleyan College West Virginia Seceded [o] 1959-1985
Phi Iota 1959 Northland College Wisconsin Inactive [o] 1959-1985
Xi Tetarton 1959 Michigan State University Michigan Inactive 1959-1973
Phi Theta 1957
Shippensburg University Pennsylvania Active 1958-2000
Omicron Tetarton 1959 Tennessee Wesleyan College Tennessee Inactive 1959-1979
Rho Tetarton 1959 Loyola Marymount University California Inactive 1959-1989
Pi Tetarton Colony 1960 LIU Post, originally C.W. Post College New York Colony, approved to Charter
date TBD
Phi Mu 1960 Concord University West Virginia Seceded [o] 1960-1985
Sigma Chi 1960 Shepherd University West Virginia Inactive 1960-2002
Phi Pi 1960 UW–Superior Wisconsin Inactive 1960-1976 [36]
Sigma Tetarton 1960 Midwestern State University Texas Active 1960-1990
Tau Tetarton 1960 University of Tennessee at Martin Tennessee Active 1960-Present [103]
Sigma Alpha 1960 UW–La Crosse Wisconsin Inactive 1960-1989
Upsilon Tetarton 1959
Rochester Institute of Technology New York Active 1960-2004
Phi Tetarton 1960 University of the Pacific California Inactive 1960-1966 [5]
Chi Tetarton
See also Phi Gamma
1961 Western Michigan University Michigan Active 1961-Present [108][109]
Psi Tetarton 1961 Waynesburg University Pennsylvania Inactive 1961-1979
Phi Omicron 1961 St. Cloud State University Minnesota Inactive 1961-1978 [36]
Omega Tetarton 1962 Cal State L.A. California Active 1962-Present [110]
Phi Nu
See also Tau Pentaton
2011 1962
Mansfield University Pennsylvania Active 1962-1978
Phi Xi 1962 Winona State University Minnesota Inactive 1962-1977 [36]
Alpha Pentaton 1963 University of New Mexico New Mexico Inactive 1963-1977
Phi Tau
See also Gamma
1963 Cornell University New York Inactive[d] [i] 1963-1985 [5]
Beta Pentaton 1963 East Stroudsburg University Pennsylvania Active 1963-1997
Gamma Pentaton 1963 University of Utah Utah Inactive 1963-1993
Phi Rho 1963 Chadron State College Nebraska Inactive 1963-?
Delta Pentaton 1963 Northeastern University Massachusetts Inactive 1963-1992
Phi Upsilon 1964 Valparaiso University Indiana Active 1964-Present [114]
Epsilon Pentaton 1964 American International College Massachusetts Inactive 1963-1969
Zeta Pentaton 1964 UT-Pan Am Texas Inactive 1964-2013 [115]
Eta Pentaton 1965 Drexel University Pennsylvania Inactive 1965-1982
Theta Pentaton 1965 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Active 1965-1995
Phi Sigma 1965 Hillsdale College Michigan Inactive 1965-1990
Phi Phi 1965 UW–Oshkosh Wisconsin Inactive 1965-?
Iota Pentaton 1966 Cal State Fullerton California Active 1966-Present [117]
Kappa Pentaton 1966 UC Santa Barbara California Active 1966-1997
Lambda Pentaton
See also Sigma Epsilon
1966 Ferris State University Michigan Inactive[j] 1966-1978
Mu Pentaton
See also Epsilon Phi
1966 UW–Milwaukee Wisconsin Inactive 1966-1971
Nu Pentaton
See also Phi Eta
2013 1967 Clarion University Pennsylvania Inactive 1967-2008, 2013
Xi Pentaton 1967 Cal State Northridge California Inactive 1967-1970
Sigma Beta 1967 Missouri State University Missouri Inactive 1967-1995
Omicron Pentaton 1967 Edinboro University Pennsylvania Inactive 1967-1987
Pi Pentaton
See also Epsilon Sigma
1967 Northern Illinois University Illinois Active 1967-Present
Rho Pentaton 1967 Northwestern University Illinois Inactive 1967-1976
Sigma Pentaton 1968 Quinnipiac College Connecticut Inactive 1968-1976
Sigma Delta 1968 St. Norbert College Wisconsin Inactive 1968-1994
Tau Pentaton
See also Phi Nu
1968 Mansfield University Pennsylvania Inactive 1968-1985
Sigma Zeta 1967
1968 UW–River Falls Wisconsin Inactive[f] 1968-1985
Phi Pentaton 1968 University of Arizona Arizona Inactive 1968-?
Sigma Epsilon
See also Lambda Pentaton
1968 Ferris State University Michigan Active 1968-Present[j] [120]
Chi Pentaton
See also Epsilon Lambda
1968 Eastern Michigan University Michigan Inactive 1968-Present
Sigma Gamma 1969 Wayne State College Nebraska Inactive 1969-? [83]
Sigma Eta 1969 Southeast Missouri State University Missouri Inactive 1969-1998
Sigma Kappa
See also Zeta Hexaton
1969 La Salle University Pennsylvania Inactive 1969-1976 [36]
Upsilon Pentaton 1969 University of Hartford Connecticut Inactive 1969-1972
Sigma Iota 1969 UW–Platteville Wisconsin Inactive 1969-1991 [36]
Psi Pentaton 1969 University of Memphis Tennessee Inactive 1969-2001
Sigma Theta 1969 Hofstra University New York Inactive 1969-1972 [36]
Sigma Lambda 1969 Was not chartered University of Minnesota-Morris Minnesota Inactive 1969-? [5]
Sigma Mu 1969 Was not chartered Manhattan College New York Inactive 1969-? [5]
Omega Pentaton 1970 Bethel University Tennessee Inactive 1970-1973 [5]
Sigma Nu 1970 Slippery Rock University Pennsylvania Inactive 1970-1998
Phi Omega 1969 1970 Minnesota State University-Moorhead Minnesota Inactive 1970-2005
Sigma Xi 1970 1970 Bloomsburg University Pennsylvania Inactive 1970-1975 [5][36]
Phi Chi 1970 1970 Bemidji State University Minnesota Inactive 1970-1976 [36]
Phi Psi 1969 1970 University of St. Thomas Minnesota Inactive 1970-1975 [5]
Alpha Hexaton 1971 Salem International University West Virginia Inactive 1971-1975
Beta Hexaton 1971 Purdue University Calumet Indiana Inactive 1971-1992 [36]
Gamma Hexaton 1971 Robert Morris University Pennsylvania Active 1971-Present [121]
Delta Hexaton 1971 Susquehanna University Pennsylvania inactive 1971-2006
Sigma Omicron NA Unused Name [5]
Sigma Pi NA Unused Name [5]
Sigma Rho NA Unused Name [5]
Sigma Sigma NA Unused Name [5]
Sigma Tau 1969 1971 Missouri Western State University Missouri Active 1971-Present [122]
Epsilon Hexaton 1970 1972 Virginia Polytechnic Institute Virginia Active 1972-2001
Zeta Hexaton
See also Sigma Kappa
1972 La Salle University Pennsylvania Inactive 1972-1978
Eta Hexaton 1972 University of Dayton Ohio Active 1972-1997
Theta Hexaton 1973 Nicholls State University Louisiana Inactive 1973-1986
Iota Hexaton 1973 Fairleigh Dickinson Metropolitan
New Jersey Inactive 1973-1994 [127]
Kappa Hexaton 1974 Stetson University Florida Active 1974-Present [128]
Lambda Hexaton 1976 St. Joseph's University Pennsylvania Inactive 1976-1987
Mu Hexaton 1976 Radford University Virginia Active 1976-2001
Nu Hexaton 1976 West Liberty University West Virginia Inactive 1976-1977
Omicron Hexaton 1977 Oregon Institute of Technology Oregon Inactive 1977-1983
Pi Hexaton 1979 Occidental College California Inactive 1979-1995
Rho Hexaton 1981 Northern Arizona University Arizona Active 1981-Present [131]
Sigma Hexaton 1982 Illinois State University Illinois Inactive 1982-2005
Tau Hexaton 1983 Monmouth University New Jersey Inactive 1983-2010 [38]
Upsilon Hexaton 1984 Fairleigh Dickinson, Madison New Jersey Active 1984-Present [132]
Phi Hexaton 1985 Towson University Maryland Active 1985-Present [133]
Sigma Upsilon NA Unused Name [5]
Sigma Phi NA Unused Name [5]
Sigma Psi 1985 Did not charter Minnesota Duluth Minnesota Inactive 1985-1988 [5]
Sigma Omega NA Unused Name [5]
Chi Hexaton 2010 1988 Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Inactive 1988-?
Psi Hexaton 1989 McGill University Quebec Inactive 1989-1996
Omega Hexaton 1989 University of California at Irvine California Inactive 1989-2002
Alpha Septaton 1989 1990 University of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Inactive 1990-2007
Beta Septaton 1990 Florida State University Florida Active 1990-Present [134]
Gamma Septaton 1990 Bowling Green State University Ohio Inactive 1990-2002
Delta Septaton 1990 UW–Green Bay Wisconsin Inactive 1990-1994
Epsilon Septaton 1990 Frostburg State University Maryland Inactive[g] 1990-1995
Zeta Septaton 1990 Johnson & Wales University Rhode Island Active 2013-Present [135]
Eta Septaton 1991 Cal Poly California Active 1991-Present [136]
Theta Septaton 1992 Marist College New York Inactive 1992-1995
Iota Septaton 1992 Penn State Altoona Pennsylvania Inactive 1992-Present [137][138][139][140]
Kappa Septaton 1991 1992 Buffalo State College New York Inactive[g] 1993-2006 [141]
Lambda Septaton 1994 Florida International University Florida Inactive 1994-2014 [142]
Mu Septaton 1995 University of Delaware Delaware Inactive 1995-2014
Nu Septaton 1993 1995 Marian University Wisconsin Inactive 1995-2014
Xi Septaton 1995 George Mason University Virginia Active 1995-Present [143]
Omicron Septaton 1996 Villanova University Pennsylvania Active 1996-Present [144]
Pi Septaton 1996 Texas A&M University Texas Inactive 1996-1999 [36]
Rho Septaton 1999 Texas State University Texas Inactive 1999-2007 [36]
Sigma Septaton 2000 Delaware Valley University Pennsylvania Inactive 2000-2003 [145]
Tau Septaton 2003 Hope College Michigan Active 2003-Present [146]
Upsilon Septaton 2005 Clemson University South Carolina Active 2003-Present [147]
Phi Septaton 2006 Adelphi University New York Active 2006-Present [148][149]
Chi Septaton 2007
2008 Georgia Southern University Georgia Active 2008-2010
Psi Septaton 2006 2010 Valdosta State University Georgia Active 2010-Present [152][153]
Omega Septaton 2009 2010 Auburn University Alabama Active 2010-Present [5][154]
Alpha Octaton 2010 2012 New Jersey Institute of Technology New Jersey Active 2012-Present [155]
Beta Octaton 2012 2014 University of North Carolina, Charlotte North Carolina Active 2012-present [105][156][157]
Gamma Octaton 2014 2015 Young Harris College Georgia Active 2014-Present
Appalachian State Colony 2015 N/A Appalachian State North Carolina Colony 2015
University of Cincinnati Colony 2016 N/A University of Cincinnati Ohio Colony 2016

List of Colonies of Phi Sigma Kappa

Interest groups form Colonies, which in turn become Chapters by earning a Phi Sigma Kappa Charter from the International Headquarters. A charter is a document which conveys from a governing body permission for a local group to operate as a chapter. A PSK Charter also signifies the date and location of the new chapter, and lists its founding members. In the event of a re-colonization, a new group may still refer to the original charter date when citing the age of their chapter, even in a re-colonization.

Expansion Program

Phi Sigma Kappa supports a vigorous expansion program of two to four new chapters a year. Phi Sigma Kappa's new colonization efforts typically follow one of three methods:

  • At the request of a viable interest group that contacts Phi Sigma Kappa
  • By affiliation of an existing local fraternity into Phi Sigma Kappa
  • As the result of planned expansion efforts by Headquarters staff.

The Fraternity takes special interest in re-chartering chapters at schools where it previously had a chapter. In such cases, significant funds may be available to support housing or scholarships that have been held in trust, awaiting re-colonization, by alumni of the original chapter.

Interested non-members can start an Interest Group at their school by contacting the Fraternity's HQ directly, or by joining a nearby active Phi Sig chapter. Unlike many national fraternities, Phi Sig allows a limited number of members from local, accredited schools in the area for this purpose.

The Fraternity maintains several full-time staff members dedicated to expansion and the support of interest groups, colonies and new chapters.

Naming Rules & Colony List

Interest groups are named after the school. Where the Fraternity has previously had a presence, re-colonizing groups may refer to themselves by their original chapter name, with the word "Colony" appended. Colonies at schools where Phi Sig has not had a presence will be awarded a chapter name as their induction ceremony is scheduled.

Where there is lack of progress or low membership, unsuccessful colonies may be disbanded before receiving a charter or series name.

The 1985 merger resulted in the following naming compromises:[5]

  • In cases where an original Phi Sigma Kappa chapter as well as a Phi Sigma Epsilon chapter were present on campus but where both are now dormant, the designation of any new group would normally be the name of the older original chapter, with allowances based on alumni preference. See also the main section on Naming System.
  • Phi Sigma Epsilon's practice was to name interest groups and colonies immediately. Because some colonies earned their charter within months, and others took up to four years, this resulted in a chapter roster that wasn't strictly alphabetical when listed by date of founding. The roster today, and this page, is maintained by chartering date. Buttons on the header field allow readers to search by state, school, status, etc.
  • Occasionally, a PSE colony was allowed a name that referenced a former local fraternity's original name: Shepherd College's Sigma Chi chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa, for example, which honors their former local name of Theta Sigma Chi. (The chapter name should not be confused with the national fraternity using that same name.)
  • Several Sigma-series names were never assigned, and there are no plans to use them.

Colonies, listed below, are grouped first by those soon chartering, then by colonies, and finally by interest groups and planned expansion targets.

Chapter Colonized Chartered School State Status Charter Range Reference
Pi Tetarton Colony 1959
1960 LIU Post New York Approved to receive Charter
Date TBD
Mu Colony 1899
1900 University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Colony 1900-1997
[18][158][159] [pic1]
Alpha Epsilon Colony 1992
1910 Emporia State University Kansas Colony 1910-1989
Eta Triton 1942
1942 University of Akron Ohio Colony 1942-Present
Appalachian State Colony 2015 N/A Appalachian State North Carolina Colony 2015
University of Cincinnati Colony 2016 N/A University of Cincinnati Ohio Colony 2016

See also



  1. ↑ Alpha Chapter address in 2014: 510 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002, 508-981-5641
  2. ↑ Beta Chapter address in 1911: 279 Madison Ave., Albany, NY. Address in 1966: 1461 Lenox Rd, Schenectady, NY (rented)
  3. ↑ Gamma Chapter address in 2014: 702 University Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850
  4. ↑ Delta Chapter address in 2014: 672 High St., Morgantown, WV 26505
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Frank Prentice Rand; Ralph Watts; James E. Sefton (1993), All The Phi Sigs - A History, Self-published
  6. ↑ Epsilon Chapter address in 1911: 124 Prospect St., New Haven, CT
  7. ↑ Zeta Chapter address in 1911: 210 W. 143rd Street, New York City, NY. Address in 1966: 563 W 139th St, New York, NY.
  8. ↑ Ward, Jon (November 20, 2002), "Liability drying out fraternities", The Washington Times, pp. B01
  9. 1 2 Grand Chapter Welcomes New Colonies, May 4, 2009, retrieved 16 September 2013
  10. ↑ Eta Chapter address in 1911: 1004 McCulloh St., Baltimore, MD. Charter later moved to College Park campus.
  11. ↑ Eta Chapter address in 2014: #2 Fraternity Row, College Park, MD 20740
  12. ↑ Theta Chapter address in 1911: 550 West 114th St., New York City, NY
  13. ↑ Iota Chapter address in 1911: 1201 Garden St., Hoboken, NJ. Address in 2014: 837 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, 201-798-9725
  14. ↑ Kappa Chapter address in 2014: 501 South Allen Street, State College, PA 16801, 732-841-0432
  15. ↑ Lambda Chapter address in 1911: 1717 S. Street NW, Washington, DC. Address in 2014: 601 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006
  16. ↑ Nitzsche, George Erazmus (1918), University of Pennsylvania: Its History, Traditions, Buildings and Memorials (7th ed.), Philadelphia, PA: International Printing Company, p. 242, retrieved 11 December 2008 _
  17. ↑ Mu Re-Chartered at Penn, November 19, 2001, retrieved 11 December 2008 a
  18. 1 2 Expansion: Fueling the Flame of Brotherhood, retrieved 12 December 2008
  19. ↑ Mu Chapter address in 1911: 3732 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA. Address in 1966: 3615 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA,
  20. ↑ Nu Chapter address in 2011: 511 Seneca St., South Bethlehem, PA. Address in 2014: 229 Warren Square, Bethlehem, PA 18015
  21. ↑ Memo from College President, Daniel F. Sullivan, on closure of chapter, May 18, 2004, retrieved 16 September 2013
  22. ↑ Xi Chapter address in 1911: 67 Park St., Canton, NY. Address in 1966: 78 Park St., Canton, NY.
  23. ↑ MIT Student Falls 40 Feet Through Skylight at University Frat House, September 12, 2013, retrieved 16 September 2013
  24. ↑ Omicron Chapter address in 1911: 16 Exeter St., Boston, MA. Address in 2014: 487 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, 617-267-2199
  25. 1 2 3 4 Shonk, Jr., Albert D. (Spring 2006), "One Hundred Years Ago", The Signet (Indianapolis, IN: Grand Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa & the Phi Sigma Kappa Foundation), LXXXXVII (2), p. 13
  26. ↑ Pi Chapter address in 1911: 437 West James St., Lancaster, PA
  27. ↑ Rho Chapter address in 1911: Bonnie Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
  28. ↑ Fraternal Follies: A look back at the 1933 decision to ban fraternities and sororities at Queen's University, dated 8 August 2011, and accessed 3 May 2014.
  29. ↑ Sigma Chapter address in 1911: c/o St. John's College, Annapolis, MD
  30. ↑ Tau Chapter address in 1911: c/o Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
  31. ↑ Upsilon Chapter address in 1911: c/o Brunonia Hall, Providence, RI
  32. ↑ Phi Chapter address in 1911: c/o Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA
  33. ↑ Swarthmore chapter closed over 100,000 debt, accessed 24 June 2015
  34. ↑ Chi Chapter address in 1911: 6 North Avenue, Williamstown, MA
  35. ↑ See also: Elimination of fraternities at Williams College
  36. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 member "Oldu", re: Phi Sigma Kappa chapter dates, retrieved 18 February 2009
  37. ↑ Psi Chapter address in 1911: PSK Chapter House, East Range, Charlottesville, VA. Address in 2014: 1702 Gordon Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22904, 434-293-7041
  38. 1 2 3 Grand Council Takes Action on Two Chapters, March 8, 2010, retrieved 16 March 2013
  39. ↑ 3 UC Berkeley Students Perish in Blaze at Fraternity House, September 9, 1990, retrieved 16 September 2013
  40. ↑ Omega Chapter address in 1911: 2330 College Ave., Berkeley, CA. Address in 1966: 3212 Warring Street, Berkeley, CA.
  41. 1 2 Grand Chapter Recolonizes Alpha Epsilon, Sep 23, 2013, retrieved 24 September 2013
  42. ↑ Alpha Epsilon Colony address in 2014: 1200 Commercial Box 4065, Emporia, KS 66801
  43. ↑ Alpha Deuteron Charters at Illinois, August 21, 2012, retrieved 24 September 2013
  44. ↑ Alpha Deuteron Chapter address in 1911: PSK Chapter House, Green Street, Champaign, IL. Address in 1966: 1004 South Second St., Champaign, IL. Address in 2014: 202 E. Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820
  45. ↑ Beta Deuteron Chapter address in 1910: 1800 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN (where the Fieldhouse stands). Address in 1911-1915: 820 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN. Address from 1916-1928: 1018 University Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN. Address from 1929 to present: 317 18th Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-2014, 763-213-6435
  46. ↑ Gamma Deuteron Chapter address in 1911: 118 Hyland Ave., Ames, IA
  47. ↑ The Delta Deuteron Chapter at the University of Michigan Recolonizes, April 17, 2013, retrieved 17 December 2013
  48. ↑ Address in 1966: 1043 Baldwin, Ann Arbor, MI.
  49. ↑ The rechartering ceremony was held October 3rd, 2015, at the Ann Arbor Marriott, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, as noted on chapter's Twitter account. Accessed 12 October 2015.
  50. ↑ Epsilon Deuteron Chapter address in 2014: 11 Dean Street, Worcester, MA 01609, 508-792-6748
  51. ↑ Address in 1966: 619 North Lake St., Madison, WI.
  52. ↑ Address in 1966: 211 NW 14th Street, Corvallis, OR.
  53. ↑ Kappa Deuteron Chapter address in 2014: 825 Techwood Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30313, 404-892-9846
  54. ↑ Address in 1966: 4733 17th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA.
  55. ↑ Address in 1966: 1011 Gerald Avenue, Missoula, MT.
  56. ↑ Address in 1966: 564 Mayfield Ave, Stanford, CA 94305.
  57. ↑ Xi Deuteron Chapter address in 1966: 1800 Fraternity Park Drive, Knoxville, TN. Address in 2014: c/o Dale Akins, 10433 Hickory Path Way, Knoxville, TN 37922
  58. ↑ "Omicron Deuteron Re-Chartered at Alabama", The Signet (Indianapolis, IN: Grand Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa & the Phi Sigma Kappa Foundation), LXXXXVIII (3), Summer 2007, p. 3
  59. ↑ Craig, Jr., J. T.; Lyons, T. Scott; Massey, James B.; Tortorici, Frank, Omicron Deuteron Chapter History, retrieved 12 December 2013
  60. ↑ Physical address in 2015: 501 Jefferson Avenue, Tuscaloosa, AL. Mailing address: 1130 University Blvd, Suite B9, PMB 419, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, 205-348-5483
  61. 1 2 Grand Council Approves Two Charters, November 25, 2013, retrieved 16 December 2013
  62. ↑ Blog post: Pi Deuteron Returns to Campus, announcing Pi Deuteron's chartering March 22, 2014
  63. ↑ Address in 1966: 43 East 15th Avenue, Columbus, OH.
  64. ↑ Rho Deuteron Chapter address in 2014: 343 Carlisle Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325, 717-337-7775
  65. ↑ Phi Deuteron Chapter address in 2014: 439 Huguelet Drive, Lexington, KY 40508, 270-925-1305
  66. ↑ Address in 1966: 1607 Opal, Pullman, WA.
  67. ↑ Address in 1966: 1433 Patterson, Eugene, OR.
  68. ↑ Beta Epsilon Chapter address in 2014: 1710 S Broadway St, Pittsburg, KS 66762
  69. ↑ Gamma Epsilon Chapter address in 2014: 1311 South Florence, Kirksville, MO 63501, 660-665-6705
  70. ↑ Omega Deuteron Chapter address in 2014: 938 W 28th Apt. 3, Los Angeles, CA 90007, 213-745-8609
  71. ↑ Gamma Triton History, retrieved 24 September 2013
  72. ↑ Gamma Triton Chapter address in 2014: 1400 Greene Street, Room 044, Columbia, SC 29225, 803-920-6992
  73. ↑ Fraternity Chapter is Dissolved, Nude Coed Was Chained to Stairs, November 6, 1986, retrieved 15 September 2013
  74. ↑ Epsilon Epsilon Chapter address in 2014: 612 N Grand Avenue #16, Tahlequah, OK 74464, 918-207-8309
  75. ↑ Delta Triton Chapter address in 2014: 302 Waldron Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906
  76. ↑ Epsilon Iota Chapter address in 2014: Fraternity Complex Unit B, South Holden Street, Warrensburg, MO 64093, 660-543-8255
  77. ↑ Baumann, Mike, "Phi Sigma Chi changes perceptions of Greek life", The Pointer Online, retrieved 12 December 2008
  78. ↑ Epsilon Lambda Chapter address in 2014: 128 North Normal, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
  79. ↑ Epsilon Mu Re-Chartered, April 29, 2002, retrieved 11 December 2008
  80. ↑ 424 Augusta Avenue, Conway, AR 72034
  81. ↑ Epsilon Triton Chapter address in 2014: Mary Graydon Center 271, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016, 610-389-4574
  82. ↑ Epsilon Nu Chapter address in 2014: 940 College Avenue, Maryville, MO 64468, 660-562-6940
  83. 1 2 It appears that, at the time of the Merger, the chapter at Wayne State University of Detroit was simply forgotten in the lists, probably because of confusion with the similarly-named Wayne State College of Nebraska. The chapter is missing in Hills and a Star editions through 2013, missing from Baird's Manual, and only found in the chapter list on pg.250 of All the Phi Sigs. On p.255 ATPS notes Omicron's (Epsilon Omicron's) charter was "revoked".
  84. ↑ Epsilon Pi Closed, January 21, 2003, retrieved 11 December 2008
  85. ↑ Pi Pentaton Chapter address in 2014: 1300 Blackhawk Road, DeKalb, IL 60115, 815-977-7560 x20
  86. ↑ Epsilon Tau Chapter address in 2014: 904 West Riverside Ave., Muncie, IN 47303
  87. ↑ Sigma Triton Re-Chartered at Indiana, December 6, 2001, retrieved 11 December 2008
  88. ↑ Sigma Triton Chapter address in 2014: 702 E. 3rd St., Bloomington, IN 47404
  89. ↑ Epsilon Phi Chapter address in 2014: 2937 N Oakland Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211
  90. ↑ Psi Triton Chapter address in 2014: 704 S Main St, Geneva, NY 14456
  91. ↑ Beta Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 216 East Main Street, Kent, Ohio 44240, 330-673-9370
  92. ↑ Gamma Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 316 Congress St. Troy, NY 12180-4224
  93. ↑ History of Greek Life at SUNY Geneseo, 2006, archived from the original on 7 April 2008, retrieved 12 December 2008
  94. ↑ The History of Delta Tetarton, retrieved 17 December 2008
  95. ↑ Ryan Budke, Expansion Coordinator (1 April 2014), The Signet, Colony News section, retrieved 7 April 2014
  96. ↑ Delta Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 2407 NW 13th Pl, Gainesville, FL 32605, 352-380-0949
  97. ↑ History of Omega Chapter, retrieved 17 December 2008
  98. ↑ Kappa Tetarton Re-Chartered, April 12, 2003, retrieved 24 September 2013
  99. ↑ Kappa Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 609 S Poplar St., Carbondale, IL 62901
  100. ↑ Nu Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 38 Sicard St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, 848-391-4522
  101. ↑ Phi Theta Chapter address in 2014: 1871 Old Main Dr. CUB 236- Greek Life Office-PSK, Shippensburg, PA 17257
  102. ↑ Sigma Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: Greek Life Office Attn: Phi Sigma Kappa, 3410 Taft Blvd, Wichita Falls, TX 76308, 940-636-7569
  103. ↑ Tau Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 102 Hurt Street, Martin, TN 38237, 731-587-9597
  104. ↑ Upsilon Tetarton website, accessed 16 March 2014
  105. 1 2 Two New Colonies Added to the Brotherhood, 5 December 2012, retrieved 17 December 2013
  106. ↑ Upsilon Tetarton Returns to Campus, 17 March 2014, retrieved 19 March 2014
  107. ↑ Upsilon Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 1 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623, 585-758-3818
  108. ↑ Chi Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 2927 West Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, 586-557-3772
  109. ↑ Chi Tetarton Twitter link
  110. ↑ Omega Tetarton Chapter address in 2014: 2354 Highbury Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90032, 323-276-3901
  111. ↑ Phi Nu Chapter address in 2014: 40 Clinton St., Mansfield, PA 16933
  112. ↑ Beta Pentaton Re-Chartered, 26 November 2003, retrieved 11 December 2008
  113. ↑ Beta Pentaton Chapter address in 2014: 91 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, 570-269-8219
  114. ↑ Phi Upsilon Chapter address in 2014: 607 Union Street, Valparaiso, IN 46383, 219-462-8692
  115. ↑ Grand Council Closes Zeta Pentaton, August 23, 2013, retrieved 11 September 2013
  116. ↑ Chartered April 22-23, 2016, per national newsletter, the Sig-Net, April 2016 issue.
  117. ↑ Iota Pentaton Chapter address in 2014: 2125 Teri Place, Fullerton, CA 92831, 714-906-9634
  118. ↑ Kappa Pentaton Returns, May 3, 2004, retrieved 11 December 2008
  119. ↑ Kappa Pentaton Chapter address in 2014: 6547 Cordoba Road #14, Isla Vista, CA 93117
  120. ↑ Sigma Epsilon Chapter address in 2014: 118 Oak St, Big Rapids, MI 49307, 231-527-7751
  121. ↑ Gamma Hexaton Chapter address in 2014: 211 Sewickley Heights Dr, Sewickley, PA 15143, 814-504-9230
  122. ↑ Sigma Tau Chapter address in 2014: 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507, 816-676-0692
  123. ↑ Epsilon Hexaton Re-chartered at Virginia Tech, March 19, 2007, retrieved 11 December 2008
  124. ↑ Epsilon Hexaton Chapter address in 2014: 600 S. Main, Blacksburg, VA 24060
  125. ↑ Eta Hexaton Re-Chartered at Dayton, August 11, 2001, retrieved 11 December 2008
  126. ↑ Eta Hexaton Chapter address in 2014: 225 Kiefaber, Dayton, OH 45409, 937-627-4795
  127. ↑ Iota Hexaton chapter lost recognition on campus in 1994, but may have lingered sub rosa. Last alumni graduation dates were 1998-2000 range.
  128. ↑ Kappa Hexaton Chapter address in 20134: 421 North Woodland Blvd, Unit 8245, Deland, FL 32723, 239-565-5455
  129. ↑ Mu Hexaton Returns to Radford, 27 February 2007, retrieved 11 December 2008
  130. ↑ Mu Hexaton Chapter address in 2014: 1315 Grove Ave., Radford, VA 24141
  131. ↑ 419 S Leroux St., Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 415-497-9286
  132. ↑ Upsilon Hexaton Chapter address in 2014: Student Activities/FDU, 285 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940
  133. ↑ Phi Hexaton Chapter address in 2014: 8000 York Road, Box 4140, Towson, MD 21252
  134. ↑ Beta Septaton Chapter address in 2014: 447 West College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32303
  135. ↑ Zeta Septaton (Johnson and Wales University) Set to Charter, February 21, 2013, retrieved 17 December 2013
  136. ↑ Eta Septaton Chapter address in 2014: 1230 Monte Vista Place #2, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405, 650-922-0096
  137. ↑ According to CNN news, an active Penn State-Altoona member committed suicide while home on Spring Break in early 2014; allegations that he had earlier been hazed are being investigated, and the chapter was under suspension, and is currently closed.
  138. ↑ Chapter website, accessed 25 March, 2014
  139. ↑ The chapter's university page, accessed 8 April 2014
  140. ↑ Iota Septaton Chapter address in 2014: c/o Bill Neugebauer, 129 East 24th Ave., Altoona, PA 16601
  141. ↑ Kappa Septaton, 14 February 2011, retrieved 7 August 2011
  142. ↑ Lambda Septaton Chapter address in 2014: Phi Sigma Kappa-Modesto A. Maidique Campus, 11200 S.W. 8th Street, GC 211, Miami, FL 33199
  143. ↑ Xi Septaton Chapter address in 2014: George Mason University Greek Life Office, 4400 University Dr., MS 2D6, Fairfax, VA 22030, 757-270-1952
  144. ↑ Omicron Septaton Chapter address in 2014: Corr Hall, 800 E. Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19805-1695, 609-238-0662
  145. ↑ Sigma Septaton Closed at Delaware Valley, December 9, 2003, retrieved 11 December 2008
  146. ↑ Tau Septaton Chapter address in 2014: 94 E 14th St, Holland, MI 49423, 616-395-6394
  147. ↑ Upsilon Septaton Chapter address in 2014: 1022 Harts Cove Way, Seneca, SC 29678
  148. ↑ "Hail the Evergrowing Throng!", The Signet (Indianapolis, IN: Grand Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa & the Phi Sigma Kappa Foundation), LXXXXVII (2), Spring 2006, p. 7
  149. ↑ Phi Septaton Chapter address in 2014: University Center Room 110, 1 South Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530-0701
  150. ↑ Grand Council Closes Chi Septaton, June 4, 2010, retrieved 11 August 2010
  151. ↑ 2016 chartering occurred April 1-2, 2016 per national newsletter, the Sig-Net, April 2016 issue.
  152. ↑ Valdosta State Colony Becomes Psi Septaton, February 8, 2010, retrieved 14 February 2010
  153. ↑ Psi Septaton Chapter address in 2014: 112 W Moore St, Valdosta, GA 31601
  154. ↑ 140 Toomer St., Auburn, AL 36831
  155. ↑ Alpha Octaton Chapter address in 2014: 281 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07103
  156. ↑ Beta Octaton Chapter was installed 20 September 2014.
  157. ↑ Beta Octaton Chapter address in 2014: UNC Charlotte Greek Life Office, Cone Center Room 382, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223
  158. ↑ Nitzsche, George Erazmus (1918), University of Pennsylvania: Its History, Traditions, Buildings and Memorials (7th ed.), Philadelphia, PA: International Printing Company, p. 242, retrieved 11 December 2008
  159. ↑ Mu Re-Chartered at Penn, 19 November 2001, retrieved 11 December 2008
  160. ↑ About Us, 2007, retrieved 17 December 2008
  161. ↑ A.T. Burrows, ed. (January 1935). "Chapter News: Yale Fraternities Face Oblivion". The Signet, a magazine for members of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity: Vol XXVII, No. 3, pg 112.
  162. ↑ Tombs and Taps: An inside look at Yale's Fraternities, Sororities and Societies, accessed 14 April 2014
  163. ↑ "AROUND THE NATION; Justice Upholds Ban On Colby Fraternities". The New York Times. 1984-05-22. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
  164. ↑ Anne Ostendarp, Floyd Merritt, Daria D'Arienzo. "Amherst College: A Chronology". Retrieved March 5, 2010.
  165. ↑ Bairds, page VIII-23
  166. ↑ California Sigma Phi Sigma joins Phi Sigma Kappa, featured article, November 1947, pp. Vol XXXIX, No. 4, pg 309
  167. ↑ Website of the co-op group, with building photo., accessed 26 April 2014.

External links

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