List of Roman governors of Asia

This is a list of known governors of the Roman province of Asia. Created after 133 BC, the province was eventually reorganized by the emperor Augustus who assigned it to the Senate as a proconsular governorship. The province was divided by Diocletian during his reorganization of the empire during the 290s, and a small portion of the province retained the name. Eventually the province was absorbed into the Thracesian Theme sometime during the seventh century. Many of the dates listed are approximate dates for the holding of the office.

Republican governors of Asia (133 BC — 27 BC)

Imperial proconsular governors of Asia (27 BC — AD 180)

Governors under Augustus

Governors under Tiberius

Governors under Gaius Caligula

Governors under Claudius

Governors under Nero

Governors under Vespasian and Titus

Governors under Domitian and Nerva

Governors under Trajan

Governors under Hadrian

Governors under Antoninus Pius

Governors under Marcus Aurelius

Imperial proconsular governors of Asia (180 — 285)

Governors under Commodus

Governors under Septimius Severus

Governors under Caracalla

Governors under Macrinus and Elagabalus

Governors under Alexander Severus

Governors under Maximinus Thrax

Governors under Gordian III

Governors under Decius

Governors under Valerian

Governors under Probus

Governors under Carus

Imperial proconsular governors of Asia (285 — 395)

Governors under Diocletian

Governors under Constantine I

Governors under Constantius II

Governors under Julian and Jovian

Governors under Valens

Governors under Theodosius I

Imperial proconsular governors of Asia (395 — 491)

Governors under Arcadius

Governors under Theodosius II

Imperial proconsular governors of Asia (uncertain date)


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