List of Roman sites in Spain
This is a list of existing Roman sites in Spain.
Archaeological sites
- Archaeological Ensemble of Acinipo
- Archaeological site of Can Modolell
- Archaeological Park of Carranque
- Archaeological site of Cercadilla
- Archaeological site of Cimadevilla
- Archaeological site of l'Esquerda
- Archaeological site of San Roque
- Archaeological site of Santa Eulalia
- Archaeological site of Saucedo (Caesarobriga)
- Archaeological Park of Segóbriga
- Casa de Orfeo
- Casa romana de la calle Añón de Zaragoza
- Castro Bergidum
- Llíberis
- Merida
- Pol·lèntia
- Amphitheatre of Carthago Nova
- Amphiteatre of Corduba
- Amphiteatre of Emerita Augusta
- Amphiteatre of Legio
- Amphitheatre of Segobriga
- Amphitheatre of Tarraco
- Amphitheatre of Toletum
- Theatre of Acinipo
- Theatre of Baelo Claudia
- Theatre of Baetulo
- Theatre of Caesar Augusta
- Theatre of Carthago Nova
- Theatre of Clunia Sulpicia
- Theatre of Corduba
- Theatre of Emerita Augusta
- Theatre of Gades
- Theatre of Italica
- Theatre of Malaca
- Theatre of Medellín
- Theatre of Sagunto
- Theatre of Segobriga
- Theatre of Tarraco
- Almuñécar (5 above ground aqueducts - 4 still in use)
- Albarracín-Cella
- Barcino
- Bejís
- Cordoba/Aqua Fontis Aureae
- Cordoba/Aqua Nova Domitiana Augusta
- Les Ferreres
- Itálica
- Los Milagros
- Lugo
- Huelva/Onuba Aestuaria
- Merida (Rabo de Buey-San Lázaro)
- Peña Cortada
- Segovia
- Seville/Caños de Carmona
- Tiermes
- Toletum
- Valdepuentes
Triumphal arches
- Arc de Berà
- Arco de Cabanes
- Arco de Medinaceli
- Arch of Cáparra
- Arco del Cristo
- Arco de los Blanco
- Bridge of Alcántara (Alcántara)
- Bridge of Alcántara (Toletum)
- Bridge of Alconétar
- Bridge of Andújar
- Bridge of Bermaña
- Bridge of Caesar Augusta (located on the site of the existing Puente de piedra and it was a mixed work of stone and wood).
- Bridge of Corduba
- Bridge del Descalzo
- Bridge of Emerita Augusta
- Bridge of Los Cobos
- Bridge of Moldera
- Bridge of Lucus Augusti (Lugo)
- Bridge over the river Albarregas
- Bridge of Ourense
- Bridge of Ávila
- Bridge of Segura
- Bridge of Valimbre
- Puentecillas (Palencia)
- Circus Maximus of Emerita Augusta
- Circus of Tarraco
- Circus of Toletum
- Augusteum and Forum of Carthago Nova
- Forum of Asturica Augusta
- Forum of Caesar Augusta
- Forum of Cáparra
- Forum of Clunia Sulpicia
- Forum of Tarraco
- Colonial forum of Tarraco
- Forum adiectum of Corduba
- Colonial forum of Corduba
- Provincial forum of Emerita Augusta (just remain the main gate)
- Municipal forum of Emerita Augusta
- Mausoleum of Abla
- Mausoleum of Centcelles
- Mausoleum of Chiprana
- Mausoleum of Corduba
- Mausoleum of Fabara
- Mausoleum of Las Vegas
- Mausoleum of los Atilios
- Mausoleum of Miralpeix
- Mausoleum of Punta del Moral
- Palace of Maximian
Public Baths
- Baths and snow pit of the Street Reyes Huertas (Emerita Augusta)
- Baths of Acinipo
- Baths of Alange
- Baths of Asturica Augusta
- Baths of Baetulo
- Baths of Baños de Montemayor
- Baths of Caesar Augusta
- Baths of Cáparra
- Baths of Carthago Nova
- Baths of Cimadevilla
- Baths of Clunia Sulpicia
- Baths of Complutum
- Baths of Lecrín
- Baths of Legio
- Baths of Lucus Augusti (Lugo)
- Baths of San Lázaro
- Baths of Toletum
- Major baths of Italica
- Minor baths of Italica
- Thermal complex of Herrera
- Pórtico de Curia
- Temple of Augustus (Barcino)
- Santalla de Bóveda (Lucus Augusti)
- Temple of Alcántara
- Temple of Corduba
- Temple of Diana (Emerita Augusta)
- Temple of Mars (Emerita Augusta)
- Temple of Melqart (Gades)
- Temple of Trajan (Italica)
- Temple of Vic
- Tower of Hercules
- Torre dels Escipions
- Torre Ciega
- Cuarto Roble
- El Junquillo
- Walls of Asturica Augusta
- Walls of Caesar Augusta
- Walls of Barcino
- Walls of Emporion
- Walls of Legio
- Walls of Lucus Augusti
- Walls of Tarraco
- Walls of Cimadevilla
- Walls of Entretorres (Caesarobriga)
Quarry and mines
- Channel of La Cabrera
- Las Médulas
- Quarry of Carthago Nova
- Quarry of El Mèdol
Christian buildings
- Early Christian Cemetery of Tarraco
- Church of Santa Engracia de Zaragoza
- Palaeochristian basilica at Empúries
Other architecture
- Barracks of Legio
- Ciavieja
- Decumanus maximus of Carthago Nova
- Casa Romana (Bætulo)
- Decumanuses and cardo of Complutum
- Domuses of Asturica Augusta
- Domuses of Clunia Sulpicia
- Gate of the Forum (Emerita Augusta)
- House of the amphitheater (Emerita Augusta)
- House of the Mithraeum (Emerita Augusta)
- House of Mosaics (Lucus Augusti)
- House of the Faucets and macellum (Complutum)
- House of Hippolytus (Complutum)
- House of la Exedra (Italica)
- House of Neptune (Italica)
- House of the Patio Rodio (Italica)
- House of Hilas (Italica)
- House of the Birds (Italica)
- House of the Planetary (Italica)
- Los Columbarios
- Imperial cult enclosure (Tarraco)
- Roman hydraulic infrastructure in Toledo
- Macellum of Clunia Sulpicia
- Mansio, inn and domuses of Miacum
- Miliariums in the Vía de la Plata
- Miliariums in the Via Nova
- Miliarium column of Lorca
- Miliarium of Cercedilla
- Roman necropolises of León
- Necropolis of Barcino
- Necropolis of San Roque
- Roman salting factory of Cimadevilla
- Sewer of Asturica Augusta
- Sewer of Clunia Sulpicia
- Ovens of the Fornaca
- Porta Principalis Sinistra (Legio)
- Puerta de San Vicente and Puerta de Gonzalo Dávila (Ávila)
- Pretorio and Principia of Legio
- Villa dels Munts
- Villa del Paturro
- Villa del Val
- Villa Fortunatus
- Villa of Aeso
- Villa of Almenara-Puras
- Villa of Bruñel
- Villa of Cambre
- Villa of Camesa-Rebolledo
- Villa of Can Llauder
- Villa of Can Terrers
- Villa of El Ruedo
- Villa of Gabia la Grande
- Villa of la Estación
- Villa of La Olmeda
- Villa of Las Calaveras
- Villa of La Quintilla
- Villa of Las Gabias
- Villa of Las Torres
- Villa of Los Villares
- Villa of Noheda
- Villa of Nova Augusta
- Villa of Río Grande
- Villa of Río Verde
- Villa of Rincón de la Victoria
- Villa of Saelices el Chico
- Villa of Tejada
- Villa of Torreáguila
- Villa of Vivarium
- El Camp de les Lloses
- Ègara
- Empúries
- Deóbriga
- Dertosa
- Archeological Park of Carranque
- Iberian-Roman town of El Monastil
- Iluro
- La Torre (Sax)
- Vareia
- Late-Roman villa of Camarzana de Tera
- Aquis Querquennis
- Castra Cecilia
- Castra Legionis (Legio)
- Castra Servilia
- Ab Asturica Burdigalam
- Road of la Fuenfría
- Road of Toletum
- Road of Vesaya Valley
- Via Augusta
- Vía de la Plata
- Via Nova
- River port of Caesar Augusta
- Acinipo (Ronda)
- Asturica Augusta (Astorga)
- Bætulo (Badalona)
- Baelo Claudia
- Barcino (Barcelona)
- Cáparra
- Carthago Nova (Cartagena)
- Caesar Augusta (Zaragoza)
- Caesarobriga (Talavera de la Reina)
- Clunia Sulpicia
- Complutum (Alcalá de Henares)
- Corduba (Córdoba)
- Emerita Augusta (Mérida)
- Emporion (Empúries)
- Gades (Cádiz)
- Italica (Santiponce)
- Legio (León)
- Lucentum (Alicante)
- Lucus Augusti (Lugo)
- Malaca (Málaga)
- Miacum
- Norba Caesarina (Cáceres)
- Onuba Aestuaria (Huelva)
- Sanisera (Menorca)
- Tarraco (Tarragona)
- Toletum (Toledo)
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