List of Ukrainian aircraft losses during the Ukrainian crisis

Below is list of Ukrainian aircraft losses during the Ukrainian crisis, including the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine, the 2014 Crimean crisis, and the war in Donbass.

The Kyiv Post newspaper reported on 22 August 2014, that since the beginning of the aerial operations in the East, 18 Ukrainian air Force aircraft were lost, with 16 shot down or destroyed on the ground and 2 crashed for other reasons. Those lost due to hostile fire included: 10 helicopters (five Mi-8s and five Mi-24s), seven combat planes (one Su-24, four Su-25 and two MiG-29) and three transport planes (a An-26, a An-30 and an Il-76).[1]

Aircraft Image Origin Type Versions Numbers[2][3] Comments
Trainer aircraft
Aero L-39 Albatros  CSK Training L-39/L-39M1 4 captured All four captured at Belbek Air Base by the Russian Army.[4][5]
Fighter aircraft
Mikoyan MiG-29  USSR Multirole Aircraft MiG-29
8 captured and 2 shot down 45 MiG-29 aircraft captured by the Russian Army at Belbek Air Base during the 2014 Crimean crisis,[4][6][7] of which 37 were handed back to Ukraine by late May 2014.[8]

One MiG-29 shot down near the village of Zhdanivka, 40 kilometres northeast of Donetsk, on 7 August 2014.[9]

One MiG-29 shot down near Luhansk on 17 August 2014.[10]

Bomber aircraft
Sukhoi Su-24  USSR Tactical Bomber Su-24M 1 shot down and 1 damaged On 2 July 2014, an Su-24MR was hit by a MANPADS. The damaged plane managed to land safely.[11]

One Su-24M lost in the Luhansk region on 20 August, initially reported as a Su-25. The pilots ejected safely and were recovered by friendly forces.[12]

Ground attack
Sukhoi Su-25  USSR Close air support Su-25
4 shot down and 2 damaged 1 crashed Su-25UB damaged on 1 July 2014, but was able to return to base and land safely.[13]

One Su-25 lost to a SAM and another damaged by MANPADS on 16 July 2014.[14] The damaged plane was able to land safely.[11]

Two Su-25 shot down on 23 July 2014, near the village of Dmytrivka, east of Donetsk.[15][16]

One Su-25M1 shot down on 29 August 2014.[11] One crashed on 11 November 2015.

Transport aircraft
Ilyushin Il-76  USSR Transport Il-76MD 1 shot down One was shot down on 14 June 2014 near Luhansk Airport and 49 soldiers and crew members were killed.[11]
Antonov An-2  USSR Transport An-2 1 destroyed on the ground An An-2 was destroyed at Kramatorsk airport 25 April 2014. It did not belong to the Ukrainian Air Force.[11]
Antonov An-26  USSR Transport An-26 1 shot down One An-26 was shot down near the village of Izvaryne 14 July 2014.[17]
Antonov An-30  USSR Reconnaissance/aerial cartography An-30B 1 shot down and 1 damaged One An-308B was hit and damaged by a ZSU 23 mm 22 April 2014 above Sloviansk.

One An-30 was shot down by MANPADS near Drobyshevo on 6 June 2014.[11]

Mil Mi-8/17  USSR Transport helicopter Mi-17
4 shot down, 1 destroyed on the ground and 3 damaged 1 was destroyed on the ground at the Kramatorsk air base.[11]

2 were shot down and 2 damaged during the Siege of Sloviansk.

1 was hit but managed to make an emergency landing near Savur-Mohyla on 7 August 2014.[11] 1 alleged shot down on 9 August near Donetsk

2 were shot down on 18 and 19 August. Both were piloted by the same crew that survived both crashes.[11]

Mil Mi-24  USSR Attack/Transport helicopter Mi-24P
5 shot down and 6 damaged;
additional 3 claimed shot down. 2 crashed.
4 Mi-24 were shot down and 3 damaged during the Siege of Sloviansk.

Rebels claimed two Mi-24 near Snezhny on 12 July, but it was not confirmed by the Ukrainian military.[11] One Mi-24 was shot down and another hit in the Luhansk region on 20 August.[11] 2 Mi-24Ps damaged in Kramatorsk by BM-30 fire on 10 February 2015.[11] 1 Mi-24P crashed due to mechanical failure in the Kiev Region on 24 March 2015.[11]

See also


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