List of Waterloo Road characters (series 7)

The following is a list of characters who first appear in the seventh series of the BBC school drama Waterloo Road, in order of first appearance. The seventh series consists of thirty episodes, first broadcast from 4 May 2011 to 25 April 2012. The first episode sees maths teacher Daniel Chalk join the main cast, with site manager Rob Scotcher and English teacher Eleanor Chaudry also starring in the first ten episodes. New pupil characters are Rob's son Aiden Scotcher, and twins Shona and Rhona Mansfield. Aiden's mother Naomi Scotcher appears from episodes four to seven, and director of education Richard Whitman from episodes five to ten. Pupil Jodie 'Scout' Allen joins the supporting cast from episode seven, and her mother Tina makes her first appearance in episode eight.

Episode eleven of the series introduces a large number of new characters. In the main cast, incoming head teacher Michael Byrne makes his debut alongside deputy head Sian Diamond, her husband and head of PE Jez Diamond and returning character Matt Wilding. New pupils include Tariq and Trudi Siddiqui, and Phoenix and Harley Taylor, and Micahel's ex-pupil Wayne Johnson also appears from episodes eleven to twenty. Canteen assistant Maggie Croft joins the supporting cast, and the Taylors' father Nelson Smith appears for four episodes. Episode twelve introduces Jez's children Madi and Zack Diamond, and episode thirteen sees Linda Radleigh join the main cast as head of English until episode twenty-one. Episode twenty-one sees the third Siddiqui sibling Naseem join the supporting cast, and Linda's successor Nikki Boston joins the main cast in episode twenty-three. Ex-pupil Eugene Garvey appears in the last five episodes of the series, and Lorraine Donnegan is introduced in episode twenty-eight before acceding to the role of school benefactor in series eight.

Rob Scotcher

Spouse: Natalie Scotcher

Children: Aiden Scotcher

Grandchildren: Baby Scotcher

Romance: Karen Fisher

Occupation: Caretaker

Daniel "Chalky" Chalk

One of the most popular characters of Waterloo Road, the awkward but lovable Maths Teacher Daniel Chalk joins Waterloo Road at the beginning of Series 7. Only being a teacher for his love of Maths, Daniel proves himself to be pretty hopeless and spends most of his first term struggling not to get sacked whilst getting locked up in cupboards, letting his class run amok, accidentally insulting a prestigious member of the LEA and nearly completely ruining Karen Fisher's Community Cafe initiative. Daniel finds support in Rob Scotcher, who happened to be training to become a teacher himself, in Tom Clarkson and in Janeece Bryant, who he formed a long friendship with. He grows in confidence throughout the term after acts such as comforting Denzil with the imminent loss of his sister, and eventually gains enough strength to confront Eleanor Choudhry and force her to change her ways. Both he and Eleanor rally with the rest of the school in an attempt to save it in Series 7 Episode 10.

The next term sees Daniel continue to flourish under Michael's leadership, and he forms a friendship with Matt Wilding after his return to the show. He also confesses his love for Janeece, but after it isn't reciprocated he begins a relationship with Linda Radleigh. After discovering at the beginning of the Summer Term that she was only using him in substitute for Michael he is left devastated. In this episode Daniel steps up to the mark and prevents Finn's death after he is attacked by Tariq and a gang led by the newcomer Mason, and for the rest of the term Daniel becomes an expert in gang culture in an attempt to save the school from becoming embroiled in gangs, leading him to becoming good support for a troubled Tariq. Daniel discards his personal feelings for Janeece and, as her friend, helps out in her wedding to the extent that he was scheduled to give her away, but after Daniel discovers the entire wedding was a scam but was helpless in stopping Craig from getting away, he is left only able to comfort and support Janeece in her difficult time. At the end of the series, Daniel moves up to Scotland with Michael and the others.

The next term proves challenging for Daniel: he makes friends with Audrey McFall and continues to be friends with Janeece but to the extent that he is looking after her child Cheryle more than she is. They fall out when Daniel discovers Janeece is becoming a negligent parent, but Daniel proves his utmost commitment and kindness when he offers his spare room to Janeece so that she can always have support with Cheryle. Seeing what a good man he is, Janeece offers Daniel all he has ever wanted, but Daniel turns her down because he genuinely didn't believe he would make Janeece happy. Janeece departs from the show being as close to Daniel as ever.

Left lonely once Janeece and Cheryle move to Ibiza, Daniel opts into foster-care, which leads him into fostering a Waterloo Road pupil Kevin Skelton the next term. The relationship isn't easy: paranoid that Daniel will let him down, Kevin remains a cool distance from him and makes Daniel's life stressful by acting out and playing up. Kevin eventually discovers a shocking truth about Daniel's past: that he is in fact a Gareth Dinsdale who was abused as a child in a care-home himself, and so Kevin realises how foolish he had been and they become so close that Kevin changes his name to Kevin Chalk. At the end of the series, he and Daniel design a game together called Chalk and Cheese that is good enough to be noticed by one of Lorraine's extensive contacts in business, and he gives Daniel a job in London in game-design (Daniel's dream job). Kevin moves into the School-House with a new arrangement that Daniel will visit him on weekends, leaving Daniel free to take up his dream job, and leaves his position as Maths teacher after bidding farewell to his old friend Tom. He returns for one episode in Series 9, initially to help Kevin out with a university interview, but ending up visiting him in hospital after Kevin has a stroke. He also consoles Maggie in regards to Grantley, who had been a good friend of Daniel's.

Shona Mansfield

Shona Mansfield
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Hope Katana
Duration 2011-12
First appearance Series 7, Episode 1
Last appearance Series 7, Episode 30
Classification Main cast
Occupation Student

Rhona Mansfield

Rhona Mansfield
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Millie Katana
Duration 2011-12
First appearance Series 7, Episode 1
Last appearance Series 7, Episode 30
Classification Main cast
Occupation Student

Aiden Scotcher

Father: Rob Scotcher

Mother: Natalie Scotcher

Children: Baby Scotcher

Romance: Vicki MacDonald and Jess Fisher

Naomi Scotcher

Spouse: Rob Scotcher

Children: Aiden Scotcher

Grandchildren: Baby Scotcher

Occupation: Beauty Therpist

Michael Byrne

Michael Byrne
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Alec Newman
Duration 2011 - 2013
First appearance Series 7, Episode 11
Last appearance Series 8, Episode 28
Classification Regular
Occupation Headteacher

Michael replaces Karen Fisher as Head Teacher in Series 7 Episode 11, appointing Sian and Jez Diamond as Head of Science and Physical Education respectively, as well as returning character Matt Wilding as Head of Performing Arts (last seen in Series 4) Series 8 see Michael and the head of Havelock Gerard Finnely at war of the schools. One of his first acts at the school was to remove all classroom doors, which, however, are quickly returned due to the intervention of Grantly Budgen. Later on, Michael appoints Linda Radleigh (Sarah Hadland) as Head of English and appoints Sian and Tom Clarkson as Deputy Heads. For much of the Spring Term he is not liked by staff, who he tries to make them 'up their game'! His most notable storylines saw his relationship with Linda which ended in her running him over, his feud with Wayne Johnson, a former pupil of his who stabbed him, affair with Sian Diamond, assisting his father's suicide, relationship with Christine Mulgrew and resignation from the school after Lorraine Donnegan announces Waterloo Road must become fee paying. Michael left the school after he persuaded Lorraine to instead refer the school to LEA control, making Waterloo Road a comprehensive once more. He appointed Christine Mulgrew as Acting Head Teacher and together with Robert Bain appointed Simon Lowsley Deputy Head. He departed Waterloo Road in Series 8 Episode 28

Sian Diamond

Sian Diamond
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Jaye Jacobs
Duration 2011-13
First appearance Series 7, Episode 11
Last appearance Series 8, Episode 19
Classification Main cast
Occupation Deputy Headteacher
Science teacher

Jez Diamond

Jez Diamond
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Alex Walkinshaw
Duration 2011-12
First appearance Series 7, Episode 11
Last appearance Series 7, Episode 20
Classification Main cast
Occupation PE teacher

Harley Taylor

Harley Taylor first appeared in 2011 and was the longest-serving pupil to have transferred from Rochdale to Greenock. His character begins struggling to cope with the death of his grandmother in Series 7 Episode 11, but is willing to trust his recovering alcoholic father and even reassure his brother, Phoenix Taylor, when they agree to live with him once more. With the possible exception of Bolton Smiley, Harley is the first pupil to ever form a close attachment to Grantley Budgen later in the series when Grantley assists him with his difficulties in reading: indeed Grantley grows fond enough of him to give him his first ever book (The Catcher of the Rye) and avoid getting Harley into trouble when he becomes entangled in an illegal trade of Vodka around the school. This friendship continues when both characters move in to the school-house in Greenock. Here, Harley also finds close friends in Lula Tsibi, Rhiannon Salt and, later on, Kacey Barry. When Grantley grows ill, Harley is devastated by the possibility of his death, and he and Rhiannon show their respect to the teacher by visiting him on his possible deathbed. Grantley survives only to fall out with Harley later next year over alleged plagiarism of a poem Harley had in fact written for Grantley. It is only fitting that they make up and Grantley hears Harley's moving poem while he slips peacefully into death. The year continues to be one of emotional upheaval for Harley as he also loses Lula as she is deported to the Congo. Harley's character continues until halfway through Series 10, at which point the longstanding character is given no fitting end, but in Series 8 Episode 12 it was suggested he would return to Rochdale to join his father and Phoenix in the family business, so it can be assumed he has gone to fulfil that ambition.

Tariq Siddiqui

Tariq initially begins as a troubled character, but like many others, flourishes in Waterloo Road. His close relationship with his sisters (Trudy and Naseem) keep him on track, whilst his troubled relationship with his father drives him to falling into the wrong crowds. Tariq had served time before the beginning of his role on Waterloo Road, and after a terrible time inside does try to make a better life for himself, helped by his responsibilities as prefect in Series 7 Episodes 11-17. But he makes enemies with Finn Sharkey after he starts going out with Trudy, and these feelings escalate until he is forced by Kyle Stack, another enemy of Finn's, into nearly stabbing him at in Series 7 Episode 21. Tariq becomes embroiled in Kyle's gang, the Dale Sken Crew, but shows unwilling throughout the series. He begins a relationship with Emily James which he hides from Kyle and his family, until Trudy eventually discovers the relationship and calls him a hypocrite and so he flippantly breaks up with her. As Finn joins a rival gang and his and Trudy's child is miscarried after Tariq put pressure on Trudy to have it aborted, their hateful feelings towards each other only increase. However, Tariq steps up to the mark after Kyle tries to kill Finn with a cross-bow, and ends up informing Finn and the crowd at the school prom before Kyle can strike, thus redeeming himself and making things up with Finn.

Whilst Trudy begins a career in hotel-management, having been inspired by Michael Byrne Tariq moves with the others up to Scotland, but a terrible truck injury sees him feeling emasculated after losing the use of his legs. Although he couldn't see it at the time, this makes Tariq a better person and begins to form friends such as Josh Stevenson, who was also feeling lonely after moving to Scotland without Finn or Lauren, his close friends. After trying to kill himself but being saved by Michael, Tariq begins to make himself better, and is accepted into Paralympic training for canoeing in Series 8 Episode 10. The popular character makes a reappearance in Series 9 Episode 7, where he comes back to the school-house to assist Nikki Boston in PE teaching and to support Maggie Budgen after the loss of her husband.

Maggie Budgen

Spouse: Trevor Croft and Grantly Budgen

Occupation: Canteen Manager and Food Technology Teacher

Maggie's character begins after nine years of serving in the Rochdale canteen. She forms close friendships with Janeece Bryant and appears to have affinities with pupils such as Lauren Andrews and Maddie Diamond, presumably through her second job as a rep for Candora Cosmetics. It is through Candora Cosmetics that she and Grantley form a relationship, but it is far from an easy beginning: indeed, Maggie ironically says she 'pities [Grantley's] wife' in her first episode (Series 7 Episode 21). Maggie and Grantley grow closer and, after comforting Grantley after the death of Fleur, they begin a relationship. When the Rochdale school closes, Maggie's CV is noticed by Sian Diamond and Michael Byrne offers her a job as housemistress alongside her Senior Canteen Assistant role in the new school. After becoming engaged just after leaving Rochdale in Series 7 Episode 30, she and Grantley embark upon their new lives looking after the school-house together, and Maggie forms particularly close relationships with Rhiannon Salt and Scout Allen (and later on Kevin Chalk), all of whom get off to an uneasy start but with Maggie's help begin to flourish in Greenock. Grantley and Maggie get married in Series 8 Episode 8 after the unexpected discovery of Maggie's past husband, but Grantley cleverly sees off his attempts to bribe them into a signature for the divorce. She and Grantley have a honeymoon in Barbados over the Christmas holidays.

Later on in that series sees Maggie confronted with many emotional challenges: indeed, Episode 22 sees her faced with losing both her husband and her job when Grantley gets diagnosed with kidney failure and Lorraine Donnegan threatens to sack her in her quest to reduce budgets. Grantley slips into a coma, and Maggie becomes desperately dependent on Tom in his offer to give Grantley his kidney once he is better. The end of the year is more favourable for Maggie, who has managed to keep both her jobs, start on a Home Economics career and even has Grantley back with her as he recovers from his coma. Due to Tom's death, Grantley never does get a kidney transplant, and his death early in Series 9 sees Maggie devastated. After being consoled by Connor, Maggie continues down her teaching career and stops her canteen job that year. Maggie's job and challenges as a housemistress continue: when Kevin has a stroke Maggie tries to be as supportive as possible, and when Vaughn Fitzgerald takes over Maggie fears that the relationship between Rhiannon and Darren may get her into a lot of trouble. Even when Kevin and Harley leave in the second half of Series 10, Maggie still has her hands full with the cyclist Dale and his drug and joy-riding problems. Like all others, Maggie is due to make her final appearance on the 9th of March.

Nelson Smith

Nelson Smith (father of Phoenix and Harley Taylor) made a few appearances in Series 7 and 8 of Waterloo Road. Having a history of drinking problems and (as a result) abuse towards his sons, he reluctantly takes them back after their grandmother dies. His relationship with Phoenix was initially unstable: indeed, Phoenix was so mistrustful of his father that he frames him for being drunk on one occasion, but their relationship gradually improves over the Spring Term of Series 7. Nelson buys Phoenix a motorbike which he couldn't ride into school so, after feeling frustrated that Waterloo Road wasn't treating him as an adult, he considers dropping out and taking a job in Nelson's contractual building company. Nelson sees his mathematical ability and eventually talks Phoenix into continuing with school.

After both Phoenix and Harley have moved up to Scotland, Nelson returns in Series 8 Episode 12 after clearly going up in the world in starting a developing plumbing business. In this episode it is revealed that Nelson has kept a few secrets from his children: he has a new girlfriend and a new family, and his company is tens of thousands of pounds in debt which Nelson was hoping to pay off with money Phoenix and Harley won in the lottery. After seeing straight through him, Phoenix begins by being furious at his father's motives, but eventually his generosity takes the better of him and he invests his money into the business. Phoenix also joins the business in that very same episode, which was both his and Nelson's final appearance in the show.

Madi Diamond

Madi Diamond
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Georgia Henshaw
Duration 2011-12
First appearance Series 7, Episode 12
Last appearance Series 8, Episode 8
Classification Main cast
Occupation Student

Madeline "Madi" Diamond is the daughter of Jez Diamond a PE Teacher at waterloo road. She has a brother called Zack. She and Zack both attend Waterloo Road but she was excluded for hitting and assaulting Jez's new wife Sian Diamond who Jez has recently married.

Zack Diamond

Zack Diamond
Waterloo Road character
Portrayed by Lee Abbate
Duration 2011-12
First appearance Series 7, Episode 12
Last appearance Series 7, Episode 20
Classification Main cast
Occupation Student

Zack Diamond makes his first appearance in episode 12 when his mother, Sarah Brown, turns up unexpectedly at Waterloo Road. Sarah leaves Zack and his older sister, Madi (Georgia Henshaw) with Jez (Alex Walkinshaw) and his new wife, Sian (Jaye Jacobs). Zack is teased by Shona (Hope Katana) and Rhona Mansfield (Millie Katana) and Sian and Tom Clarkson) (Jason Done) intervene, but Zack insists he is fine. When Zack is on his own, Sian makes conversation with Zack and assures him that Jez loves him, but Zack feels like he and Madi have been erased from Jez's life and he shows Sian all the calls and texts ignored by Jez.

Jez tells Sian that Zack is still wetting the bed and Jez asks Sian to speak to Zack as he won't open up, but Sian convinces Jez to try. When the teachers go on strike, Zack sets off a fire extinguisher in the corridor, angering Sian and Zack tells her he is following Madi's example, so Sian sends him to the cooler. Jez later speaks to Zack about his bed wetting problem and after a heart to heart, they make up. The rugby team receive coaching from a professional rugby player, Ken Watting and Ken forces Jez to drop Zack from the team in order to win the match. Zack tells Sian about it and that Ronan Burley (Ben-Ryan Davies) quit the team due to something regarding Vicki MacDonald (Rebecca Ryan). Jez asks Sian about Zack's grades and Sian admits they're not great. Jez wonders if Sian could bump his grades up, but Sian insists that if Zack is struggling, then he needs their support. Sian discusses Zack's grades with him and Zack's confidence boosts when Sian believes he could get a B in Science. On their way to school, Madi is pinned against a wall and mugged, witnessed by Zack, which prompts Jez to hold boxing classes. Zack and Harley Taylor (Kane Tomlinson-Weaver) are chosen to demonstrate to the class. Zack shows little interest, but when Jez tells Zack he is embarrassing him, Zack suddenly punches Harley before storming out.

When Jez discovers that Sian has been having an affair with Michael Byrne (Alec Newman), he is devastated and takes off, leaving Zack and Madi in Sian's care. When Jez returns to collect the kids a few days later, he tells Zack and Madi that they are going to Ireland and he reveals that he and Sian are separating. Zack is unhappy about the news as they have only just started getting close to Sian and feels that Jez is tearing them away. After realising that Sian is having an affair with Michael, Madi convinces Zack that leaving may be a good thing and their dad needs them. Once Zack, Madi and Jez have left, Sian realises how much she has hurt her family and manages to get to Jez before they have left. Zack persuades Jez to hear Sian out and Jez and Sian eventually reconcile.

Zack starts doubting his paternity when people make remarks about how different he and Jez are. Meanwhile, Naseem leaves a script that Zack wrote on Matt Wilding's (Chris Geere) desk and when Matt discovers Zack wrote it, he suggests they perform it in drama club. Zack isn't keen as he doesn't want Jez finding out. Zack opens up to Matt that he feels like he and Jez don't connect and that he thinks Jez isn't his father as they are not alike. Madi notices Zack selling his laptop and Zack tells her that he is doing a paternity test. Matt later invites Jez and Sian to see the drama club act out Zack's work and Jez uses training as an excuse, but Sian and Matt encourage him to watch. Jez find out about Zack doing a paternity test and it turns out he shares the same fears as Zack as he and Sarah split up for a while before she fell pregnant with Zack. Jez and Zack later receive a call and it's confirmed that Jez is Zack's biological father.

Jez returns to work after being cleared by the Local Authority and he tells Sian about his intentions to move out with Zack and Madi to give them all space, but Sian is concerned about the affect it would have on Zack and Madi's education. When Jez discusses moving with the kids, they make it clear to him that they want to stay. Jez lies to Sian that he agreed with her and told Zack and Madi they should stay with her and Sian promises to take good care of them. On Madi's 18th birthday, Jez explains to Zack and Madi how he is going to move closer to their mother to be around all the time when they move back in with her and Jez says goodbye to his kids. Zack is still embarrassed about the situation involving Jez and pupil Mercedes, so Zack starts calling himself Zack Brown. Matt informs Sian about it whilst Zack hacks into the school records on Janeece Bryant's (Chelsee Healey) computer to change his name. Zack plays up in Nikki Boston's (Heather Peace). lesson Sian doesn't get the opportunity to speak to Zack and Matt wonders if her being busy is causing Zack to behave the way he is. Sian apologises to Zack about not being there for him and that they are a family being Diamond's and that he is still Jez's son whether he changes his name or not. When Sian learns Zack has changed his name on the school records, Sian promises to change it back. On the last day with the school closing for good, Sian tells Zack and Madi how she has taken the job Michael has offered her in Scotland, but she would like to see them both.

Linda Radleigh

Romance: Michael Byrne and Daniel Chalk

Occupation: Head of English

Nikki Boston

The stern, hard-headed English teacher Nikki Boston joined Waterloo Road in Series 7 Episode 23. Having been a Captain in the army, Nikki states that Waterloo Road has all the challenges she relishes, and after seeing off the competition in a teach-off, she bags the position of Head of English. Nikki forms close friends with Daniel Chalk and (despite his initial doubts of her professionalism) Tom Clarkson when she helps Josh Stevenson with both his drug and Schizophrenia problems of that term. The first term proves challenging for Nikki, having also to deal with Rhona and Shona, who she eventually wins over, and Kyle Stack, who ends up punching Nikki and shattering her confidence. Nikki is sad when Waterloo Road Rochdale was due to close, but states that moving to Scotland is 'certainly an option'.

Nikki returns to Waterloo Road in Series 8 Episode 11 for another hard term. Having been appointed as head of Michael's new PRU, Nikki spends much time with Scout Allen and ends up suspecting her of stealing her car. After bullying Scout relentlessly and after a few stern talks from Tom, she eventually realises she made a mistake and apologises publicly to Scout. Nikki redeems herself by helping Scout for the rest of the term to get into a Teacher Training course.

Nikki's third term sees a step up in her career as an affair with Lorraine Donnegan leads to her promotion to Deputy Head alongside Tom, much to both Michael and Tom's disbelief. This instatement leads to Nikki's loyalties being divided between Michael, who initially appointed her, and Lorraine, who was putting financial pressures on the school. Lorraine eventually ends the relationship but Nikki continues to back her, leading Lorraine to appoint Nikki to Headmaster when Michael walks. This combined with the shocking news that Lorraine plans to make Waterloo Road fee-paying leads to a teacher's strike on Nikki's very first day as head. After failing to cope and a few snide comments from George Windsor, Nikki resigns from Head after just one day and Christine (who Nikki doesn't particularly like) is eventually given the role. Things only continue to go worse for Nikki, who then loses her position as Deputy Head after Michael and the LEA sneakily ship in Simon Lowsley to work under Christine instead.

Tom's death, Simon's appointment, Christine's promotion, George's permanent position and Lorraine's departure leaves Nikki quite depressed for the beginning of Series 9. However, Nikki had agreed to give Christine a chance as Head and after Simon proves himself a worthy Deputy Head she also gives him the benefit of the doubt. Kacey, who was also left devastated after Tom's death, is quite hostile towards Nikki who only tries to help, but eventually Nikki gets Kacey into boxing and soon they form a close friendship. Kacey leaves for America to pursue her boxing career at the end of the first half of Series 9.

Nikki begins a new relationship with Vix, Sue Sparks' sister, after meeting her at Sue and Simon's wedding in Series 9 Episode 10. However, with Hector Reid on the prowl, Nikki soon finds herself caught between them and, after an act of indiscretion with Hector is exposed by the jealous Gabriella Wark, Nikki and Vix's relationship abruptly ends. Nikki's final term only grows harder after Vix announces she is moving to Germany, Christine nearly destroys her entire career, Kacey returns only to suffer a bad injury that puts her out of competing for the Commonwealth Games and Gabriela, the one who injured her, gives an accusation against Nikki. After falling out with Christine, Nikki is nearly left jobless and loveless, but Gabriela eventually drops the claim. Nikki manages to make Vix forgive her, and so decides to go with her to Germany. Nikki says a moving farewell to Kacey, stating that Tom would have been proud of all she has achieved.

Eugene Garvey

X-pupil and is the ring leader of the MSB

Lorraine Donnegan

Mother: Maureen Donnegan

Sister: Sonya Donnegan

Romance: Nikki Boston

Occupation: School Investor


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, April 29, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.