List of Wipeout obstacles

Here is a comprehensive list of obstacles used for the American game show Wipeout.


During an episode, contestants compete through four rounds of competition until a final winner is chosen. The first round features 24 contestants (they were introduced from seasons 1-3, but from season 4 onwards, they were never shown), while only the top four (top three in seasons 4-6) will make it to the final round called the Wipeout Zone, where the winner earns the title of Wipeout Champion and a $50,000 grand prize. Due to ABC budget,Producers Cut Wipeout, so it will not air Summer 2015

The Qualifier

In the first round of the competition, 24 contestants run a four/five-part obstacle course, one at a time. If the contestant fails to pass a particular obstacle, they must swim or crawl through mud or water to the next obstacle. The 12 shortest times advance to the next round.

Although many of the obstacles vary between episodes, common obstacles have included the "Sucker Punch", a wall covered with mechanical boxing gloves above a mud pit (not seen in seasons 4-6), and the show's trademark obstacle, the "Big Balls", consisting of a set of four giant inflated red balls that a contestant must attempt to bounce across.

Season 1 (2008)

Super Bowl Episode (2009)

Season 2 (2009)

Season 3 (2010)

Season 4: Winter Wipeout (2011)

Season 4: Spring Wipeout (2011)

Season 4: Summer Wipeout (2011)

Winter Wipeout: Deck the Balls Christmas Special (2011)

Season 5: Winter Wipeout (2012)

Season 5: Summer Wipeout (2012)

Season 6: Summer Wipeout (2013)

Season 7 (2014)

Round Two

In the second round, the twelve remaining contestants compete in a competitive challenge. These have included;

Season 1

Wipeout Bowl I: Cheerleaders vs. Couch Potatoes

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4: Winter Wipeout

Season 4: Spring Wipeout

Season 4: Summer Wipeout

Winter Wipeout: Deck the Balls Christmas Special

Season 5: Winter Wipeout

Season 5: Summer Wipeout

Season 6: Summer Wipeout

Season 7: Summer Wipeout

Round Three

The remaining contestants participate in a challenge that varies with each episode.

Season 1 variations included the "Dizzy Dummy"; a cycle of competitive rounds where players are strapped to a spinning cylinder for a short period, before racing across one of two sets of obstacles. The winning player in each round advances to the final round, while the remaining contestants "spin again" and then alternate to the other set of obstacles; and a time-based challenge known as the "Dreadmill", which sees contestants run on a giant treadmill with the best 4 times advancing, either highest or lowest depending on the task, tasks include dodging a giant swinging wrecking ball and running to the end while lifting doors.

Superbowl Episode

Season 2 saw the return of the Dizzy Dummy but now the contestants need to squeeze through an obstacle at the top of a spinning disc before they could go on to the main obstacle. The "Slippery Course", is similarly formatted, but uses a water slide instead of spinning the contestants. The Dreadmill is replaced by "The Rocket" or "bucking bull" which has the contestants ride a mechanical bull dressed up to resemble a rocket. During this round, it was merely an endurance event. The top 4 times move onto the Wipeout Zone.

Season 3 uses the "Circular Challenge" a circular, individually run, time based obstacle which circles around a central podium. This course always has a theme such as "One-Ring Circus" (Clowns throw circus objects at the player from the central podium), "Pirate's Revenge" (Pirates throwing cannonballs from the middle), or "Medieval Wipeout" (Knights hurling tomatoes and lettuce from the podium). The top 4 times advance to the Wipeout Zone.

Another round called "Bruiseball" is used in some episodes which has the contestants have to cross 4 obstacles in the shape of a Baseball field. The round is played twice with the first 2 people to reach home-plate in each round advancing to the Wipeout Zone. Also in Season 3 is a challenge which sees contestants run on a spinner from season one's Wipeout Zone, while avoiding sweeper arms. If a contestant is knocked into the water, goes under the sweeper arm, or is knocked behind the red barrel-shaped objects, they would be eliminated. Costumed characters, called "lifeguards", in the middle of the spinner throw items at the contestants based on the theme of the week. Variations of items thrown at the contestants include baggage and boxes on "Unclaimed Baggage" (known for housing John Henson), beach items and wet towels on "Beach Party", stuffed animals, pillows and feathers on "Sleepytime". The round is played in four rounds with the last standing person on the spinner in each round moving on. In addition, there is a ring hanging in the air and whoever grabs the ring wins $1,000.

Season 4 (Winter Wipeout) The third round was called "The 7-Letter Word", which consists of seven platforms that spelled the word, WIPEOUT. The contestants will start at the "W" and the first one to the "T" wins. The letters "W" and "I" features sweeper arms, the "P" puddle to avoid, then bounce off the "E" diving board onto the spinning "O" and jump over the three hurdles on the "U" to get to the "T" platform. Contestants who have wiped out after reaching the "P", the "E", or the "U" may return to those points instead of starting the entire course over. However, only 3 heats,each winner moves on. In episode 4 (Baby It's Blob Outside), The 7-Letter Word featured a person in a polar bear costume scaring contestants on the "P".

In episode 5 (Hockey Pucks and Bieber Fever) the "7-Letter Word" was replaced by another obstacle course called the "Wipeout Ice Arena". For three rounds, contestants start out on the "Dizzy Dummy" a spinning contraption, then they move onto springboards that propel the contestants onto the "Spinning Slap Shot", a horizontal spinning platform trying to make it over the "Penalty Box", a vertically rotating platform. After that, contestants try to avoid being checked by the "Knee Sweeper", a rotating set of connecting bars aimed at their knees, then jumping and spinning their way to the finish platform. While crossing the course, contestants will try to avoid giant hockey pucks being thrown at them by two hockey players (one of them being John Henson) and a female skater.

Season 4 (Spring Wipeout) The third round was called the "Not So-O.K. Corral". There are three rounds that start on this western-themed obstacle course. First the contestants take a spin in the classic "Dizzy Dummy". Then they bounce off the diving boards trying to land on the rotating platforms crossing over to the "Crank Shaft". Next is the "Knee Sweeper", then the spinning platform and one final step to the finish platform. All this while avoiding faux horseshoes and moneybags being thrown at them when crossing the course.

In episode 2 (Ballsy Shows Off His Giblets) the background was a French cafe in which contestants were hit by pies.
In episode 3 (John Henson, Zombie Hunter) the background was a Roman coliseum called "Wipeout Colosseum", in which contestants were hit by tar (chocolate sauce), foam shields, and stuffed toy lions.
In episode 4 (The Wizard of Owws) the background was an Arabian Nights theme, complete with a desert sand, toy snakes, and an oasis. The contestants must run the course while avoiding Persian throw-pillows and plush cobras being thrown at them.
In episode 5 (The Most Dramatic Rose Ceremony) there was a new obstacle called "Super Tramp", where six contestants start out together on trampolines elevated 10 feet (3.0 m) above the water. They have to bounce over a rotating sweeper bar as it travels around, to avoid getting knocked into the cold water below. If they go under the bar, they're out. There will be three rounds and the last person standing at end of each round will move on. (The round was similar to the Season 3 spinner where contestants jump on trampolines avoiding a sweeper arm. The last one standing moves on to the wipeout zone.)
In episode 6 (Dirty Laundry) "Super Tramp" was renamed "Clean Sweep", which follows the same rules and format, except the 6 trampolines were replaced by 6 regular platforms.
In episode 7 (Engaged Couples) using episodes 1-4 obstacle, the background was a Wedding chapel theme. The couples must run the course while avoiding pieces of cake and frosting thrown by a couple dressed in each other's clothes (groom in a gown, bride in a tuxedo), and John Henson dressed as the priest.

Season 4 (Summer Wipeout) features the "Wipeout Playset" where each contestant starts off with a ride on the swing set where they have to hurl themselves to the spinning platform in the center. Then they have to make it around the "sweeper stops" by riding the sweeper arm to the next stop and finally making it through the "chutes and splatters" by timing their slide (just like a second half of the point break in the spring Wipeout zone) to not get hit by the windmill on their way down to the finish platform, where winners of each 3 rounds move to the Wipeout zone.

In episode 3 (Let's Make A Wipeout) the "Dive Bar" was featured, contestants must stay on their own platform while jumping over a giant snorkel as it rotates around the platforms.

In episode 6 (All Stars) the obstacle "Jump the Shark" was featured. Six contestants begin on elevated platforms 10 feet (3.0 m) above the water as a giant Great White sweeper arm circles around. They need to jump the shark as the bar goes higher and higher without ducking underneath.
In episode 7 of Summer Wipeout (You're All Acting Like Babies!), the obstacle "Wipeout Sushi Bar" was featured. Six contestants start out on 10-foot (3.0 m) high platforms above the water. They must jump over the rotating salmon sushi roll sweeper bar to avoid getting knocked into the sake (water) below.
In episode 8 of Summer Wipeout (Boss and Employee), the obstacle "Wipeout 500" race track was featured. There are 2 heats: first contestants must make it past two yellow "street sweeps" (rotating sweeper arms), then they have to cross the rotating "spinner change" (spinning platform), then they have to motor down to the "spinning straightaways" (street platforms) en route to the checkered flag finish line platform all while being pegged by tires and checkered flags by the pit crew.
In Episode 10 of Summer Wipeout (Is That a Potato in Your Sack or Are You Just Happy to Wipeout?), the obstacle is called "Sweeper Sack" where contestants start out on platforms high above the water wearing potato sacks all while trying to avoid the rotating sweeper bar for three rounds.
In Episode 11 of Summer Wipeout (Ballsy's Playground), the obstacle "Detour" is featured where the Wipeout crew are dressed as an old retirement couple that took a detour to "Ballsy's National Forest" on their RV trip. It' exactly the same as Wipeout 500 only the crew throws pillows and sleeping bags at the contestants as they make their way through the course.
In Episode 12 of Summer Wipeout (Contestants Are Dropping Like Flies), the obstacle "Wipeout Playset" is featured. There are three rounds: contestants start off on a slide ride launching themselves on a spinning platform below. Then they have to make it across three rotating sweeper arms at different speeds to the spring board platform, jumping through the spinning foam blades of a windmill to get to the finish platform.

Season 4 (Summer Wipeout) continues with the Wipeout theme obstacles where each contestant starts off with a ride on the spinner where they have to get across an obstacle course filled with different types of rotating platforms on their way down to the finish platform, where winners of the 3 rounds move to the Wipeout zone.

In Episode 16 of Summer Wipeout (Blind Date 2.0: This Could Get Ugly), the obstacle "Wipeout Disco" is featured. There are three rounds: Couples start off by "staying alive" by jumping off spring boards into the rotating "brick house" platform. Then they got to be pass the "bouncer" (bouncing platform). Next they have to get into the club pass the rotating "crank shaft" while they beat around the "knee sweeper". Then boogie over to the "turn table" spinning platform to the finish line, all while the Wipeout dancers throw faux disco balls and sponge vinyl records at them.
This episode also featured another 3rd round obstacle called the "Singles Bar", where couples stand on platforms 10 feet (3.0 m) above the water. They have to jump over the raising sweeper bar as it tries to knock them back into the "sea of love". The last one standing wins the round but has to wait for their date to also win a round so they can go on to the Wipeout Zone.

Season 5 (Winter Wipeout) An obstacle called "The Cold Hearted Snake." Six contestants must cross the two snow sweepers. Then Climb up Plummet Summet and slide down the snakes back. Cross the shivering timbers and land on the snowball, which is a white Big Ball. Jump from the snowball onto the finish platform. The snowball rises up to make the finish easier. the 1st three will advance to the Wipeout Zone.

Season 5 (Summer Wipeout) The third obstacle called "Petrified Forest." Six contestants must fly across to the next platform by using the zip line. Then they'll have to escape through the one tree forest without avoiding getting hit by the sweeper arms. Lastly, they have to jump into a tub full of foam and soap with attempting to jump to the finish platform. the 1st three will advance to the Wipeout Zone.

Season 5 (Summer Wipeout) An obstacle called "Spin Psycho." Six contestants start on ten feet platform. First they have to grab the sweeper arm to make into the first spinner. Next they have to grab the sweeper arm again into the second spinner. Then finally they have to grab the sweeper arm again but this time they must let go at a perfect time to slide on to the finish platform. the 1st three will advance to the Wipeout Zone.

Season 6 (Summer Wipeout) An obstacle called "Wipeout's Greatest Hits". Contestants start out on a spinning platform. They jump on the trampolines to grab a drumstick and ride it to the platform. Then they run across the keyboards and make it to the next platform. Finally, they jump through a swinging guitar and on to the platform. First 3 to make it move on to the Wipeout Zone

Season 6 (Summer Wipeout) An obstacle called "Wipeout City". Contestants start by running across a bridge over troubled water. Once successfully through, they grab a handle and avoid sweeper arms to land on the Helepad. Then they keep their balance across the Water Main and grab the power line to drop through the Manhole. First 3 to clear the course move on to the Wipeout Zone.

Season 6 (Summer Wipeout) An obstacle named "Sugar Smacks". Contestants start on a spinning cake. They jump onto a spinning candle and then jump through spinning life savers and then onto the platform. Then you jump on a spinning platform with a slide on it. Then you slide down it through a windmill onto the final platform. The 1st 3 to cross move on to the Wipeout Zone

Season 7 (Summer Wipeout) An obstacle named "Fun Slides Platform Spinning Purple People Beater". Start with a fun slide, then to a platform, a gauntlet of sweepers to safety, then another slide through the smack wheel. First four to finish move on to the Wipeout Zone.

The Wipeout Zone

At night, and with a more serious tone than the previous rounds, the final four or three contestants play separately on a large obstacle course inside the studio called the Wipeout Zone, each attempting to finish the course in the fastest time, much like the first round. Though slight variations are used in each episode, contestants wear wetsuits and they begin by either sliding down a water ramp or being launched by a giant catapult or blob into the course, swimming to the first obstacle. Obstacles have varied between episodes, but the course contains several obstacles that must be traversed in order to reach the finishing platform. Some obstacles can be skipped for a time penalty, but the last obstacle(s) has to be completed in order to reach the finishing spot. The maximum time for any contestant in the Wipeout Zone is 20:00.00 in the first six seasons. In Season 4 (Winter, Spring, and Summer), the first contestant never reached the 20:00.00 mark. The player with the fastest time on the course is declared the "champion" of the episode and is awarded the show's grand prize of $50,000. However, in Season 7, as it explained by John Anderson, the contestant has only 1 attempt per obstacle, because the Zone is all about speed.

1. Killer Surf: A large water ramp at a 45° angle, on which contestants control their launch into the Wipeout Zone.
2A. The Barrel Run: A narrow ramp which contestants must run up, while avoiding oncoming barrels.
2B. Climbing Wall: A wall above a narrow ledge which contestants must cross using handles on the wall. Sometimes a rope is present instead of handles, or water pours down the wall.
3. The Spinner: Rotating platform which contestants must jump on, and then onto a platform on the other side. The Spinner is covered in padded barricades to increase difficulty of jumping on.
4. The Launch Pads: Four trampolines at different elevations which must be crossed to reach the finish spot.
1. Killer Surf: A large water ramp at a 45° angle, on which contestants control their launch into the Wipeout Zone.
2. Triple Threat: Three Triangles that can rotate if not crossed quick enough. It's AKA "The Rotating Triangles".
3. The Spinner: Rotating platform which contestants must jump on, and then onto a platform on the other side. The Spinner is covered in padded barricades to increase difficulty of jumping on.
4. Blast Off: A narrow plank which must be crossed. Icy, cold water cannons will be sprayed onto the contestants.
1. The Catapult: Large catapult that launches contestants toward the first obstacle.
2. The Gears of Doom: Three large, rotating gears that must be traversed. A time penalty allowing the contestant to skip the obstacle may be taken, after at least one failed attempt.
3. The Scary-Go-Round: Rotating platform with two sweeper arms moving in the opposite direction that the contestant leaps onto, and climbs to the top of a staircase in the middle of the obstacle. The contestant edges out onto the larger sweeper arm and leaps onto a platform.
4. The Gauntlet: Consisting of the Punching Pistons, three pistons that punch out into the walkway. The contestant must cross without getting punched into the water, the Blades of Fury, two sets of windmills which contestants have to jump through. If they time it wrong, the windmill knocks them off into the water (or Bumper Turntable, a turntable that the contestant must jump on and off), and the Drop Bridge, a narrow beam that suddenly drops when the contestant reaches the end. If they hang on, they can climb up to the finish spot.
1. The Aqua Launch: A revamped Killer Surf, known as the Aqua Launch, in which the contestant must slide down a ramp and control their launch into the Wipeout Zone. Season two's edition features additional water rapids and a bump.
2A. The Raging Rapids: Ramp with water flowing down, which the contestant must climb. Ten seconds into the obstacle, a 1,000-US-gallon (3,800 L) tidal wave gushes down for a few seconds. This tidal wave has varied during the series, being either water, mud or drink.
2B. The Climbing Wall: A wall above a narrow ledge which contestants must cross using handles on the wall. Season two always featured just a climbing wall with no water, but the ledge is sloped downward, increasing difficulty.
3. The Crazy Sweeper: Contestants run along a zigzag walkway and then five pedestals while being chased by sweeper arms featuring large objects on them. After the last pedestal the contestant must leap to a platform.
4. The Turntables: Three turntables with varying obstacles on them that the contestant must jump on, then off. When a contestant stands up with two feet planted on the last turntable or the finish spot, the clock is stopped.
1. The Catapult: Large catapult that launches contestants toward the first obstacle.
2. The Spin Cycle: A huge, thirty foot circular tall washing machine which the contestant must enter on one side, then exit at the other onto a narrow platform. Some of the competitors just gave up when in this obstacle.
3. The Triple Threat: Three sweeper trees in a row that contestant must cross upon while avoiding the sweeper arms.
4. Rib Rage: Rack of 10-foot-high (3.0 m) ribs which jut out at the bottom, creating a sort of walkway which the contestant must cross. The ribs drop out from under the contestant as they run. The contestants can only do this obstacle once.
5. The Gauntlet: Consisting of the Spiked Whackers, two flapping panels with spikes on them that flap into the walkway and the contestant must avoid. The flaps are fired as they try to cross it for the first time, although John A. and John H. avoid saying it, after the first attempt, however, the flaps fire in a sequence the contestant can time their jump with, and Arms and Dangerous, a narrow walkway with spinning arms that are right in the running path of the contestant. The contestant must time their run past each arm carefully to avoid being knocked into the water. If the contestant crosses then they have one more small jump to the finish spot.
1. The Dreadmill Launch: A forward moving treadmill the contestant must run along and jump off the end landing on a giant sloped trampoline before landing in the water.
2. The Gut Busters: A series of platforms at varying heights which move up and down as the player tries to traverse them.
3. The Sinistairs: A spiral staircase on the outside of a rotating tower with sweeper arms to knock the contestant off the stairs.
4. The Gauntlet: Consisting of the Crankshaft, a narrow platform next to a rotating crankshaft shaped beam, contestants must time their moves carefully to avoid the beam, the Blades of Fury, two sets of windmills which contestants have to jump through. If they time it wrong, the windmill knocks them off into the water, and the Beater-Totter, a hydraulic see-saw which moves about as the contestant tries to cross it and land on the finish spot.
1. Bobsled Blastoff: A mechanical bobsled that launches the contestant out the end of a tunnel into the water below.
2. The Icy Stairway From Hell: An arc of stairs that are lifted up and down from their sides.
3. Frostbite: Two slowly rotating platforms with four teethed sweeper arms moving in the opposite direction of the contestant.
4. The Sinister Snowflakes: Two rotating rigs with 7 spokes that the contestant must cross to finish the course.
1.A. The Spring-shot: A mechanical spring that blasts the contestant through the air into the water below.(Spring)
1.B. Chairborne: A Chair that Blasts contestants through the air into the water below. (Summer, and Some Spring episodes)
2. Over and Out: Two giant rotating roadblock platforms the contestant must cross.
3. Point Break: A staircase platform made up of two parts. First the contestant must climb to the peak on the slippery staircase with flying paint, trying to hold out when gallons of water splash down on them. Then they have to time a steep slide onto a platform below.
4. The Coin Toss: Contestants must balance their way across spinning coin-like platforms that will try to flip them into the water.
1. The Towering Flume of Doom: A towering seven-story plunge down a seventy foot tall water slide which launches contestants towards the next obstacle.
2. The Iron Mazen: A giant rotating maze. Contestants must enter on the yellow side of the maze, exit on the red side, climb through to the other side and jump to the next platform to exit, all while battling gravity, momentum, and the speed of the rotating maze.
3. The Axle of Evil: A three-pronged disk at the end of an arm twists around whilst the whole arm rotates in a circle. Contestants must use the each peg to support themselves as they are carried around to cross the next platform.
4. The Great Wall of Fall: A fifty foot long wall containing of several cylindrical pistons which randomly retract into the side. Contestants must make their way along the moving pistons to the finish platform.
1. Killer Luge: A steep slide which launches contestants into the Wipeout Zone.
2. The Psychedelic Snowglobe: A huge vertically spinning circle with cylinder pegs on it. In the middle there is a button. When contestants hit the button the exit platform will drop. They only tag the center button once.
3. Frozen Fury: Elevated platforms in a semicircle that contestants must cross avoiding the sweepers.
4. Iced Over: Three vertically spinning diamonds. Contestants must cross them to get to the finish platform,
1. The Bombastic Blob: A big sack of air that launches the player when hit by a half-ton weight.
2. The Swing Blades: Two yellow swinging bars, and two silver blades that the contestant must cross to get to the other side.
3. The Torrential Twisters: Three wet, slippery spinners that lead to the next platform.
4. The Tectonic Planks: Two rotating planks, each with two pegs. The player must go over at least one peg to continue.
1. The Temple Of Flume: An 8 story water-slide that launches contestants into the Wipeout Zone.
2. The Commakaze: A comma shaped, rotating slide where the contestant has to time it right to make it to the other side or pay the price, period.
3. Spinergy: 2 spinning rings that carries contestants to the other side. Along the way they'll have to dodge sweepers.
4. The 3 C's Of Wipeout: Three rotating C like platforms that the contestant has to mind the gaps when jumping to another one. On one episode, balls were being thrown at the contestant.
1. The Scare Chair: A reverse catapult that launches contestants into the Wipeout Zone.
2. The Blockbuster: A giant wall with unstable platforms on it. A time penalty allowing the contestant to skip the obstacle may be taken, after at least one failed attempt.
3. The Space Pod of Doom: A rotating "pod" which contestants have to drop onto the platform and not into the water.
4. The Bounder Pounder: 2 sets of 3 rotating trampolines which contestants have to bounce their way across.
1. Slingshock: A launcher that launches contestants into the water.
2. Spinning Throwtisserie: A hot obstacle shaped like a rotisserie. Run across planks without losing your balance to drop to the lowering platform.
3. Dark Side of the Moon: An obstacle with a slide inside a moon-shaped sphere. Contestants jump on and make it pass 2 sets of Sweepers. Then they must time a steep, dark slide to land on the platform.
4. Twisted Falls: An obstacle with Trampolines and Sweepers. Contestants must jump on the Trampoline and make it through the sweepers to make it to the Finish Platform
1. Catastrophic Cannon: A Cannon That Launches Contestants Into the water
2. Shredders: Two Spinning Pods Contestants Have to sprint across in order to make it to the next obstacle
3. Hell's Carousel: An Obstacle Where Contestants Have to run on pedestals while hammer shaped things follow them and try to knock them off
4. Gears of Fear: 3 Spinning Gears; The first 2 gears are on top of each other while the contestants are squeezed while going through them the third wheel is like a turntable contestants must hop on and off but when they hop off they have to go through a spinning windmill
5. Final Ladder: if they fail on the Gears of Fear, they go on this platform where they have to hop onto the finish platform


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, February 14, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.