List of authors by name: S
List of authors by name:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
- Sarojini Sahoo (born 1956)
- Fred Saberhagen (born 1930)
- Louis Sachar (born 1954)
- Nelly Sachs (1891–1970)
- Saadat Hasan Manto (1912–1955)
- Carl Sagan (1934–1996)
- Nick Sagan (born 1970)
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944)
- Sait Faik (1906–1954)
- Pedro Salinas (1891–1951)
- Jerome David Salinger (born 1919)
- Andrew Salkey (1928–1995)
- R. A. Salvatore (born 1959)
- Wolfgang W.E. Samuel (born 1935)
- Alex Sánchez (born 1957)
- Michal Šanda (born 1965)
- Brandon Sanderson (born 1975)
- José Saramago (1922–2010)
- Pamela Sargent (born 1948)
- William Saroyan (1908-1981)
- Al Sarrantonio (born 1952)
- Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)
- Margaret Marshall Saunders (1861–1947)
- Fernando Savater (born 1947)
- Malcolm Saville (1901–1982)
- John Sawyer (1919–1992)
- Robert J. Sawyer (born 1960)
- Allen Say (born 1937)
- Sachchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayana, pen name "Agyeya" (1911–1987)
- Richard Scarry – (1919–1994)
- Nat Schachner (1895–1955)
- Peter Schechter (born 1959)
- Jonathan Schell (1943-2014)
- Karel Schoeman (born 1939)
- James H. Schmitz (1911–1974)
- Stanley Schmidt (born 1944)
- Arthur Schnitzler (1862–1931)
- Robin Schone (born 1954)
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860)
- Levin Ludwig Schücking (1878-1964)
- Sandra Scofield (born 1943)
- Thomas N. Scortia (1926–1986)
- Alicia Scott
- Ann Scott (born 1965)
- Andrew Murray Scott (born 1955)
- Lawrence Scott (born 1943)
- Robyn Scott (born 1981)
- Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
- William Bueller Seabrook (1886–1945)
- Alice Sebold (1963)
- Mac Sebree (1932–2010)
- David Sedaris, David Raymond Sedaris (born December 26, 1956)
- Catharine Sedgwick (1789–1867)
- Lisa See (born 1955)
- Benjamin Sehene (born 1959)
- Hubert Selby Jr. (1928–2004)
- Amartya Sen (born 1933)
- Maurice Sendak (1928–2012)
- Luis Sepúlveda (born 1949)
- Rod Serling (1924–1975)
- Anya Seton (1906–1990)
- Theodor "Dr. Seuss" Geisel (1904–1991)
- Anna Sewell (1820–1878)
- Ram Sharan Sharma (born 1919)
- Michael Shaara (1928–1988)
- Lawrence Shainberg
- William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
- David Shannon (born 1960)
- Robin Sharma (born 1965)
- Tom Sharpe (born 1928)
- William Shatner (born 1931)
- Richard S. Shaver (1907–1975)
- George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)
- Bob Shaw (1931–1996)
- Robert Shaw (1927–1978)
- Scott Shaw (born 1958)
- Maggie Shayne
- Charles Sheffield (1935–2002)
- Robert Sheckley (born 1928)
- Kirit Shelat (born 1946)
- Sidney Sheldon (1917–2007)
- Mary Shelley (1797–1851)
- Lucius Shepard (born 1947)
- Sara Shepard
- Joel Shepherd (born 1974)
- Barbara Sher
- T.L. Sherred (1915–1985)
- Will Shetterly (born 1955)
- Gary Shipman (born 1966)
- Rhoda Shipman (born 1968)
- John Shirley (born 1953)
- Alexander Shirvanzade (1858–1935)
- Izya Shlosberg (born 1950)
- William Shunn (born 1967)
- Neal Shusterman (born 1962)
- Nevil Shute (1899–1960) (Pseudonym of Nevil Shute Norway)
- Charles E. Silberman (1925–2011)
- Ron Silliman (born 1946)
- Burton Silver
- Robert Silverberg (born 1935)
- Shel Silverstein (1930–1999)
- Clifford D. Simak (1904–1988)
- Georges Simenon (1903-1989)
- Simeon Simev (born 1949)
- Dan Simmons (born 1948)
- Francesca Simon (born 1955)
- Les Simons (pseudonym of Kathryn Ptacek)
- Clive Sinclair (born 1948)
- Rebecca Sinclair
- Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902–1991)
- Marilyn Singer (born 1948)
- Jaspreet Singh (born 1969)
- Sarah Singleton (born 1966)
- Johanna Sinisalo (born 1958)
- James Sites (born 1924)
- Susan Sizemore
- John Skoyles
- Christina Skye
- John Sladek (1937–2000)
- Karin Slaughter (born January 6, 1971)
- Eugene Sledge (1923–2001)
- William Sleator (1945–2001)
- Joan Slonczewski
- Adam Small (born 1936)
- Bertrice Small (born 1937)
- Adam Smith (1723–1790)
- Alexander McCall Smith (born 1948)
- Barbara Dawson Smith
- Clark Ashton Smith (1893–1961)
- Cordwainer Smith (1913–1966) (pseudonym of Paul M.A. Lindebarger)
- Jean Edward Smith (born 1932)
- Jeff Smith (born 1960)
- E. E. Smith (1890–1965), (Edward E. "Doc" Smith)
- Edwin E. Smith (born 1968)
- George O. Smith (1911–1981)
- Karen Rose Smith
- L. J. Smith
- Mark Smith (born 1935)
- Patti Smith (born 1946)
- Anthony Neil Smith
- L. Neil Smith (born 1946)
- Lemony Snicket – (pen name of Daniel Handler)
- Lucy A. Snyder (born 1971)
- Zilpha Keatley Snyder (born 1927)
- Donald J. Sobol (born 1924)
- Jerry Sohl (1913–2002)
- Alexandra Sokoloff
- Dag Solstad (born 1941)
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008)
- Walid Soliman (born 1975)
- Suzanne Somers (born 1946)
- Justin Somper
- Maris Soule (born 1939)
- Ivan Southall (1921–2008)
- Terry Southern (1924–1995)
- Wole Soyinka (born 1934)
- Tom Spanbauer (born 1941)
- Nicholas Sparks (born 1965)
- Albert Speer (1905–1981)
- Eleanor Spence (1928–2008)
- Lee Spence (Dr. E. Lee Spence) (born 1947), pen name Charles King
- LaVyrle Spencer (born 1943)
- Norman Spinrad (born 1940)
- Armstrong Sperry (1897–1976)
- Lysander Spooner (1808–1887)
- Jerry Spinelli
- Johanna Spyri (1827–1901)
- Srđan Srdić (born 1977)
- Matthew Stadler
- Rebecca St. James (born 1977)
- Michael A. Stackpole (born 1957)
- Olaf Stapledon (1886–1950)
- Christopher Stasheff (born 1944)
- Danielle Steel (born 1947)
- Allen Steele (born 1958)
- Jessica Steele (born 1933)
- John Steinbeck (1902–1968)
- Stendhal (1783–1842)
- Joanne Stepaniak (born 1954)
- Neal Stephenson (born 1959)
- Bruce Sterling (born 1954)
- Laurence Sterne (1713–1768)
- W. Richard Stevens (1951–1999)
- Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894)
- Fred Mustard Stewart (1932–2007)
- Mariah Stewart
- J.I.M. Stewart
- Mary Stewart (born 1916)
- Michael Stewart (born 1946)
- Trenton Lee Stewart
- R. L. Stine (born 1943)
- S. M. Stirling (born 1953)
- Kathryn Stockett
- Frank R. Stockton (1834–1902)
- Dejan Stojanović (born 1959), Serbian-American poet, writer, essayist, philosopher, businessman, and former journalist
- Bram Stoker (1847–1912)
- Katherine Stone (born 1949)
- Walter Scott Story (1879–1955)
- Lytton Strachey (1880–1932)
- J. Michael Straczynski (born 1954)
- Darin Strauss (born 1970)
- Charles Stross (born 1964)
- John Stroud (born 1969)
- Boris and Arkady Strugatsky (sometimes listed contrariwise), a.k.a. the Strugatsky brothers (1925–1991) (born 1933)
- Alex Stuart (1914–1986) (a pseudonym of Violet Vivian Finlay Stuart Mann)
- Andrea Stuart (born 1962)
- Robyn Stuart (1914–1986) (a pseudonym of Violet Vivian Finlay Stuart Mann)
- V.A. Stuart (1914–1986) (a pseudonym of Violet Vivian Finlay Stuart Mann)
- Vivian Stuart (1914–1986) (a pseudonym of Violet Vivian Finlay Stuart Mann)
- Theodore Sturgeon (1918–1985)
- William Styron (1925–2006)
- Somtow Sucharitkul (Pseudonym, S. P. Somtow)
- Andrew Sullivan (born 1963)
- Thomas Sullivan
- Essie Summers (1912–1998)
- Montague Summers (1880–1948), English writer on the theatre and the occult
- Patrick Süskind (born 1949)
- Alexander Süsskind of Grodno (died 1794)
- Katherine Sutcliffe (born 1952)
- Efua Sutherland (1924–1996)
- Michael Swanwick (born 1950)
- Jonathan Swift (1667–1745)
- Michael Szameit (born 1950), German science fiction writer
- Vikas Swarup, Indian diplomat and author

External links
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