List of bands from the Netherlands

Jumping Jewels TV performance in 1961.

After Forever in 2006.

Dolly Dots in 1980.

Bennie Jolink, vocalist of Normaal in 2011.
De Sjonnies in 2007.

Vocalist Sharon den Adel of Within Temptation in 2006
This is a list of band from the Netherlands with a lemma on the (Dutch and/or English) Wikipedia.
- 16Down
- 2562 (musician)
- 2 Brothers on the 4th Floor
- 2 Unlimited
- 3JS
- 4Tuoze Matroze
- AA & the Doctors
- De Aal
- a balladeer
- Abel
- Accordéon Mélancolique
- Acda en De Munnik
- Action in DC
- Air Bubble
- Acid Junkies
- Action in DC
- Aegisma
- Aereda
- After Forever
- After Tea
- Ahora Mazda
- Alamo Race Track
- Alain Clark
- AliennatioN
- All For Nothing
- All Missing Pieces
- Alquin
- The Amazing Stroopwafels
- Ambeon
- Angezz
- Antidote
- Ape not Mice
- The Apers
- Arling & Cameron
- Asman
- Asphyx
- at the close of every day
- Audiotransparent
- Autumn
- Aux Raus
- Ayreon
- Babe
- Bad Candy
- George Baker Selection
- Balthasar Gerards Kommando
- Band zonder Banaan
- Barby-pop
- Barrelhouse
- Barthezz
- Basic station
- Batmobile (band)
- Bauer
- Beatbusters
- Bearforce1
- Beef
- Benjamin B
- Bettie Serveert
- Big Shampoo and the Hairstylers
- Bintangs
- Blaudzun
- Bloem
- Bloem de Ligny
- Bløf
- Blue Diamonds
- Board of Directors
- Bluesbreakers
- Bob Smit en het Duke City Sextet
- Frank Boeijen Groep
- The Bohemes
- Bojoura
- Bolland & Bolland
- Bond tegen Harries
- Boo and the Booboos
- Born From Pain
- Bots
- Brace
- Brainbox
- Brainpower
- Brown Feather Sparrow
- Brotherhood Foundation
- De Buddies
- Buddy Odor Stop
- The Buffoons
- Caesar (band)
- Calibern
- Carboon (groep)
- Carlsberg
- Case Mayfield
- Casual Affairs
- Casual Silence
- The Cats
- CB Milton
- CCC Inc.
- Celestial Season
- Chabliz
- Charly Lownoise and Mental Theo
- Chef'Special
- Children of Jubal
- Ch!pz
- Circus Custers
- City to City
- Clan of Xymox
- Claw Boys Claw
- Cloudmachine
- Cocktail Trio
- Coparck
- Corry en de Rekels
- Cosmic Dealer
- Cuby + Blizzards
- C-mon & Kypski
- Curfew
- Cosmic Dealer
- C.Q.
- The Crivits
- Cuby and the Blizzards
- Dance Reaction
- Dancing In The Backyard
- D'r Sjaak
- D-Men
- Dark Raver
- Daryll-Ann
- Dastard
- Day Six
- Dawnseekers
- The Deaf
- Deep River Quartet
- Def P & Beatbusters
- Def Rhymz
- Deheleboel
- Delain
- Destine
- Democrasea
- Detonation
- DeWolff
- De Dijk
- Di-rect
- Diesel
- Dirindi
- Dizzy Man's Band
- DJ Moortje
- It Dockumer Lokaeltsje
- Do-The-Undo
- Doe Maar
- Dolly Dots
- Dollybirds, The
- Dommelvolk
- Doop
- Dread & Dreadless
- Dreadlock Pussy
- Dream
- Drukwerk
- Dubius
- Dutch Boys
- Dutch Swing College Band
- DuvelDuvel
- Earth & Fire
- Easy
- Easy Aloha's
- Easy Meat
- Eboman
- Polle Eduard Band
- Mrs. Einstein
- Ekseption
- El Pino and the Volunteers
- Electric Johnny and his Skyrockets
- De Elektronica's
- Elexorien
- EliZe
- Elizium
- Elly en Rikkert
- Epica
- Euromasters
- The Ex
- Extince
- Exivious
- F
- Face Tomorrow
- Fakkelbrigade
- Fantastique
- Farce Majeure
- Fat Cancer Timebomb
- Fatal Flowers
- Ferrari
- Feverdream
- Finch
- Findel
- Flairck
- Flamman & Abraxas
- Flavium
- Flinke Namen
- Floris
- Fluisterwoud
- Fluitsma & Van Tijn
- Focus
- Fokkum
- Folkcorn
- Follow That Dream
- Fox The Fox
- Frank Boeijen Groep
- Fratsen
- Freestone
- Freeway band
- Frizzle Sizzle
- Frozen Sun
- Fruitcake
- Fungus
- Future Groove Express
- GaGa
- Gail Of God
- The Gathering
- Gazzary BluesBand
- Gem
- Gert en Hermien
- Ghost Trucker
- De Gigantjes
- Girls Wanna Have Fun
- Go Back to the Zoo
- Goed Goan
- Het Goede Doel
- God Dethroned
- Golden Earring
- Gorefest
- Gotcha!
- Green Dream
- Green Lizard
- Greenfield & Cook
- Grof Geschut
- Group 1850
- Gruppo Sportivo
- Guilt Machine
- Nico Haak en de Paniekzaaiers
- Hail Gewoon
- Hakkûhbar
- Hallo Venray
- Handsome 3some
- Hannie en de Rekels
- Hank the Knife & the Jets
- Harbour Jazzband
- De Hardheid
- Hardwell
- De Havenzangers
- Hearts of Soul
- Heideroosjes
- Heidevolk
- Hello Venray
- Hepie en Hepie
- The Herb Spectacles
- Hermes House Band
- Hepie en Hepie
- H.E.R.R.
- Het
- Het Groot Niet Te Vermijden
- Hey Day
- The Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group
- Höllenboer
- The Hotchas
- Human Resource
- The Hunters
- The Hype
- I Against I
- I-F
- I Kissed Charles
- I.O.S.
- I Spy
- I've Got The Bullets
- Iboya
- Ileum
- immorales
- In Lichterlaaie
- In 't Wild
- Inborn Affection
- Inca Bullet Joe
- Incision
- Instil
- Intwine
- Irolt
- Ivy Green
- Jackpot
- Janse Bagge Bend
- Jazzpolitie
- Johan
- Johan & de Groothandel
- Johnny and his Cellar Rockers
- John Coffey
- Jovink en de Voederbietels
- Jozef van Wissem
- The Jumping Jewels
- June in December
- Junkie XL
- Jurk!
- J-Stars
- K-liber
- Kadanz
- Kalio Gayo
- Kane
- De Kast
- Katafalk
- Katbite
- Kayak
- Kek 66
- Kemphanen
- Kensington
- De Kift
- Kinderen voor Kinderen
- King Jack
- Klein Orkest
- The Kliek
- Klubbheads
- Kobus gaat naar Appelscha
- Kraak & Smaak
- Krang
- Krezip
- Kromme Jongens
- L.A. Style
- Laidback Luke
- Lange Frans & Baas B
- Lamaketta's
- LA Style
- Laserdance
- Lau, Thé
- Lavalu
- Leaf
- Legowelt
- Lefthand Freddy & The Aces
- The Lemming
- Linda, Roos & Jessica
- Lirio
- Livin' Blues
- Loïs Lane
- Long Tall Ernie and the Shakers
- Lucifer
- Lucky Fonz III
- Luie Hond
- Lunatics Without Skateboards Inc.
- Luv'
- The Mad Trist
- Maddog
- Madhouse
- Mai Tai
- Mam
- Mannenkoor Karrespoor
- Marching and Cycling Band HHK
- Marco V
- Marlayne
- Massada
- Matzko en Wè-nun Henk
- Maywood
- MeloManics
- The Meteors
- Mezzo Macho
- Michelle
- Moke
- Mo'Jones
- Moluccan Moods Orchestra
- Monsieur Dubois
- Montezuma's Revenge
- Mooi Wark
- Moordgasten
- Moss
- The Motions
- Mouth & MacNeal
- Mouton Fou
- Mr. Review
- Mus
- Neerlands Hoop In Bange Dagen
- Neet oét Lottum
- Nembrionic
- Nemesea
- New Adventures
- New Cool Collective
- The Nits
- NO blues
- Noisia
- Noodweer
- Normaal
- Nick & Simon
- Nuestros Derechos
- Occasional Swing Combo
- Odyssice
- Officium Triste
- Olabola
- Omnia (band)
- Ongenode Gaste
- Opgezwolle
- Ongenode Gaste
- Only Seven Left
- The Original Soundtrack
- Orphanage
- Osdorp Posse
- OTM Productions
- The Outsiders
- Oôs Joôs
- Party Animals
- Partysquad
- Pater Moeskroen
- The Partysquad
- Pecker
- Pekel
- Peplab
- The Perks
- Pestilence
- Peter Pan Speedrock
- Phoenix Lights (
- Picture
- Pimpersticker
- Pioneers of Love
- Pitchwheel
- The Ploctones
- De Poema's
- Polluted Inheritance
- Polmans en the moneymakers
- Postmen
- Powerplay
- Pussycat
- Pride Runs Deep
- Racoon
- Radjinder
- De Raggende Manne
- Rank 1
- Rapalje
- Ravolva
- Raw Matz
- Red, White & Blue Band
- Relax
- René and The Alligators
- Renée
- Rigby
- Ritmo Natural
- RK Veulpoepers BV
- Roberto Jacketti & the Scooters
- Rockband Poppenkast
- Ro-d-Ys
- Roggel (punkband)
- Ronnie
- Room Eleven
- Roosbeef
- Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra
- Rotterdam Termination Source
- Rotterdam Terror Corps
- Rowwen Hèze
- Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
- Rozenberg trio
- San Andreas
- Sandra & Andres
- The Sandy Coast
- Saskia & Serge
- Say When
- Scene, The
- Scram C Baby
- Scene, The
- Scrum
- See my Solution
- Seedling
- Sensuàl
- The Serenes
- The Shavers
- The Sheer
- Shocking Blue
- The Shoes
- Silkstone
- Silence is Sexy
- Silhouette
- Silkstone
- Sinister
- Sinister Footwear
- De Sjonnies
- Skik
- Slagerij van Kampen
- Smogus
- De Snevo's
- The Soca Boys
- Solo
- Solution
- Soulreflektor
- Soulvation
- Space Marines
- Spanner
- Spargo
- Speedy J
- De Spelbrekers
- Spin
- Spinvis
- The Spirit That Guides Us
- Splendid
- Splitsing
- Spring & De Groot
- De Staat
- Stars on 45
- Stereo
- Stern
- Stiko Junior
- Stiko Junior
- Spookrijders
- Springvloed
- SQY Rocking Team
- Star One
- Stars on 45
- Stoichkov
- Stonewashed
- Storybox
- De sufgerukte Wallies
- Supersister
- Surfcake
- The Surfers
- Surrender
- Sweet d'Buster
- Swinging Soul Machine
- T-Spoon
- Teach-In
- Teaser
- Tee Set
- Ten Sharp
- Textures
- Thanatos
- Thanatos (Hardstyle)
- This Beautiful Mess
- Tielman Brothers
- Tiësto
- Time Bandits
- Trace
- Time Bandits
- Tin Men and the Telephone
- Tol & Tol
- Toontje Lager
- Törf
- Total Touch
- Tower
- Trafassi
- Travoltas, The
- Treble Spankers
- Tribute To The Cats Band
- Trio Lescano
- Tröckener Kecks
- Tududuh
- Tuesday Child
- Tuindorp Hustler Click
- Tumbleweeds
- Twarres
- De Twee Pinten
- Twee Violen en een Bas
- Twenty 4 Seven
- Twelve Bar Blues Band
- Two Brothers on the 4th Floor
- Trinity (Nederlandse band)
- Undeclinable
- Unit Moebius
- Urban Dance Squad
- Urban Heroes
- Unit Gloria
- Valerius
- Van Dik Hout
- Van Halen
- Van Katoen
- VanDenBerg
- Vangrail
- VanKatoen
- Veldhuis & Kemper
- Vengaboys
- Vengeance
- RK Veulpoepers BV
- Veur Disse Kear
- The Vips
- The Visitor
- Vitesse
- VOF de Kunst
- Voicst
- Vulcano
- Volumia!
- Vulcano
- W&W
- Waikiki Hawaiians
- Want Want
- Wargaren
- Waylon
- WC Experience
- Wealthy Beggar
- Wenne!
- What Fun!
- White Honey
- Wild Romance
- Within Temptation
- Wolverloi
- Wreckyard
- Xystus
See also
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, December 09, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.