List of cities in Tajikistan
This is a list of cities in Tajikistan.
The largest metropolitan area in Tajikistan is that of the capital Dushanbe, with 843,252. Thirteen percent of the population of the country lives in the region of the capital.
Cities of more than 10,000 people, listed by population
The following table includes all cities larger than 10,000 people, with their names in English, and the corresponding names in Cyrillic and Perso-Arabic script. Because of transliteration difficulties, some are known by more than one spelling. The population is from the censuses of 12 January 1989 and 20 January 2000, as well as an estimate for 1 January 2006. The population figures are for the city proper, and do not include adjacent communities. In addition, the administrative division in which the city lies is named, usually a province, or an autonomous province in the case of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province (GBAO). There is also the capital district, and the Region of Republican Subordination (here abbreviated RRS), which do not belong to a province, and are directly under the central government. Finally, the district in which the city lies is given.

Cities in Tajikistan | |||||||||
Rank | Name | Population | Administrative division | District | |||||
Transcription | Tajik | 1989 census[1] | 2000 census[2] | 2007 estimate[3] | 2014 estimate[4] | ||||
Cyrillic | Persian | ||||||||
1. | Dushanbe1* | Душанбе | دوشنبه | 595,820 | 562,000 | 679,400 | 775,800 | Dushanbe | Capital district |
2. | Khujand2** | Хуҷанд | خجند | 160,458 | 149,000 | 155,900 | 169,700 | Sughd | Khujand City |
3. | Kulob** | Кӯлоб | کولاب | 74,456 | 78,000 | 93,900 | 99,700 | Khatlon | Kulob City |
4. | Qurghonteppa** | Қӯрғонтеппа | قرغانتپه | 58,505 | 60,000 | 71,000 | 101,600 | Khatlon | Qurghonteppa City |
5. | Istaravshan** | Истаравшан | استروشن | 45,763 | 51,000 | 60,200 | 58,600 | Sughd | Istaravshan City |
6. | Vahdat* | Ваҳдат | کافرنهان | 45,731 | 44,000 | 49,100 | 52,900 | RRS | Vahdat City |
7. | Konibodom** | Конибодом | کانیبادام | 37,841 | 45,000 | 47,100 | 48,900 | Sughd | Konibodom City |
8. | Tursunzoda* | Турсунзoдa | تورسونزاده | 40,593 | 39,000 | 44,200 | 50,900 | RRS | Tursunzoda City |
9. | Isfara** | Исфара | اسفره | 34,524 | 37,000 | 40,600 | 45,900 | Sughd | Isfara City |
10. | Panjakent** | Панҷакент | پنجکنت | 27,903 | 33,000 | 35,900 | 40,000 | Sughd | Panjakent City |
11. | Khorugh** | Хоруғ | خاروغ | 20,318 | 28,000 | 29,000 | 28,800 | GBAO | Khorugh City |
12. | Yovon | Ёвон | یاوان | 20,148 | 20,000 | 25,800 | 32,300 | Khatlon | Yovon district |
13. | Hisor | Ҳисор | حصار | 20,220 | 20,000 | 23,200 | 26,200 | RRS | Hisor district |
14. | Norak** | Нoрaк | نورک | 20,752 | 19,000 | 22,800 | 27,200 | Khatlon | Norak City |
15. | Farkhor | Фархoр | فرخار | 17,915 | 20,000 | 22,400 | 22,500 | Khatlon | Farkhor district |
16. | Vose' | Восеъ | واسع | 14,989 | 20,000 | 22,300 | 22,400 | Khatlon | Vose' district |
17. | Chkalovsk** | Чкалов | چکلاو | 33,731 | 22,000 | 22,200 | 31,900 | Sughd | Chkalovsk Hukumat |
18. | Hamadoni | Ҳамадонӣ | 16,756 | n/a | 20,700 | 22,300 | Khatlon | Hamadoni district | |
19. | Danghara | Данғара | دنغره | 16,898 | n/a | 20,600 | 24,400 | Khatlon | Danghara district |
20. | Somoniyon | Сомониён | 16,623 | n/a | 18,600 | 22,100 | RRS | Rudaki district | |
21. | Ghafurov | Бобоҷон Ғафуров | باباجان غفوروف | 18,916 | 15,000 | 15,700 | 18,100 | Sughd | Ghafurov district |
22. | Zafarobod | Зафаробод | ظفرآباد | 11,191 | n/a | 14,900 | 16,600 | Sughd | Zafarobod district |
23. | Kolkhozobod | Колхозобод | 13,354 | n/a | 14,900 | 17,200 | Khatlon | Rumi district | |
24. | Spitamen | Спитамен | ناو | 13,863 | 13,000 | 14,300 | 16,500 | Sughd | Spitamen district |
25. | Proletarsk | Пролетар | 15,104 | 13,000 | 13,900 | 14,500 | Sughd | Rasulov district | |
26. | Shahritus | Шаҳритус | شهر توز | 11,618 | 12,000 | 13,500 | 15,500 | Khatlon | Shahrtuz district |
27. | Shaydon | Шайдон | اشت | 9,605 | 11,000 | 13,100 | 14,700 | Sughd | Asht district |
28. | Taboshar** | Табошар | تباشر | 20,166 | 12,000 | 12,800 | 15,600 | Sughd | Taboshar City |
29. | Adrasmon | Адрасмoн | ادرسمان | 11,298 | n/a | 12,700 | 14,300 | Sughd | Qayraqqum Hukumat |
30. | Qayroqqum** | Қайроққум | 12,819 | 10,000 | 12,500 | 14,800 | Sughd | Qayraqqum Hukumat | |
31. | Leningradskiy | Ленинград | مؤمنآباد | 9,764 | 11,000 | 12,500 | 12,900 | Khatlon | Muminobod district |
32. | Vakhsh | Вахш | وخش | 10,587 | n/a | 12,300 | 13,800 | Khatlon | Vakhsh district |
33. | Dusti | Дустӣ | 8,886 | 6,000 | 12,300 | 16,000 | Khatlon | Qumsangir district | |
34. | Buston | Бӯстон | بوستان | 12,178 | n/a | 11,600 | 13,200 | Sughd | Mastchoh district |
35. | Sarband** | Сарбанд | سربند | 14,006 | 11,000 | 13,000 | 15,300 | Khatlon | Sarband City |
36. | Kuybyshevsk | Куйбышевcк | 9,704 | 9,000 | 10,600 | 12,500 | Khatlon | Jomi district | |
37. | Sharora | Шарора | n/a | 9,000 | 10,000 | 12,300 | RRS | Hisor district |
1: Name from 1929 to 1961: Stalinabad
2: Name from 1939 to 1992: Leninabad
Cities not subordinated administratively to the district where they are located:
*Cities of republican subordination
**Cities of provincial subordination
Other cities
See also
- ↑ 1989 census results
- ↑ О первых итогах всеобщей переписи населения 2000 года
- ↑ Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2008, State Committee of Statistics, Dushanbe, 2008 (Russian)
- ↑ Population of the Republic of Tajikistan as of 1 January 2014, State Committee of Statistics, Dushanbe, 2014 (Russian)
- State Statistical Committee
- World Gazetteer – Current population figures for Tajik cities
- City Population – Historical censuses for Tajik cities