List of dances
This is the main list of dances. It is a non-categorized, index list of specific dances. There may also be listed dances which could either be considered a specific dance or a family of related dances, depending on your perspective. For example, ballet, ballroom dance and folk dance can be considered single dance styles or families of related dances. The purpose of the page is to have as complete an index as possible.
- Specific dances are listed below in alphabetical order, and only should be listed one time. Variants of a specific dance should be listed as indented items, and not as separate items. For example, Waltz has several variants. This makes the list easier to read, and avoids redundant links. In total the list contains 520 items.
See following for categorized lists:
Dances listed on these specialized (categorized) lists should also be included in this general index.
- Acharuli (Georgian folk dance)
- Acro dance
- Affranchi (Haiti)
- Allemande
- Ardha (Arab tribal war dance)
- Argentine Tango
- Arkan (Ukrainian, Hutsul)
- Assyrian folk dance (Assyrian folk dances)
- Attan (Pashtun)
- Azonto (Ghanaian dance)
- Bachata (Dominican Republic, Latin Club, Folk)
- Baagh Naach (Folk dance from Odisha, India)
- Bagurumba (Folk dance of Assam, North-east India)
- Balboa (Swing)
- Ballet, category, also known as classical dance
- Ballos (Burçak tarlası oyunu)(Greece), (Turkey)
- Ballroom dance, category
- Ballu tundu (Sardinia)
- Bandari dance
•Baker Dance
- Bardo Chham (Folk dance of Arunachal, North-east India)
- Barn dance, category
- Baroque dance, category
- Barynya (Russian, folk)
- Basse danse (also Basse-dance, Bassadanse, Bassadanze. French and Italian Renaissance dances)
- Basque dance
- BBoying (Breakdance)
- Belly dance
- Beguine, dance of Caribbean origin
- Bergamask (Be dance, from Bergamo, Italy
- Bhangra (Folk Dance of Northern India)
- Bharatanatyam (Indian classical dance)
- Big Apple (Line dance)
- Bihu dance (Folk dance of Assam, India)
- Black Bottom (see Lindy Hop)
- Blues (Club dance, Swing)
- Bolero (American Ballroom, Cuban, European)
- Bomba (African, Caribbean)
- Bon Odori (Japanese)
- Boogaloo
- Boogie-woogie (Swing)
- Bop, see Bop music, also ABA at List of dance organizations
- Bossa nova (Brazil, see Bossa nova music)
- Borrowdale (Zimbabweean, see Museve music)
- Boston
- Bourrée (historical
- Branle (Bransle) (historical)
- Breakaway (see Lindy Hop)
- Breakdancing
- Bugg
- Bump and grind
- Bunny Hop
- Butoh (Japanese)
- Buyo (Japanese)
- Bollywood (Indian)
- Cat Daddy
- Cajun dance, (Louisiana, USA Regional, Cajun)
- Cajun Jig or Cajun One Step
- Cajun Jitterbug and Two Step
- Cajun Waltz
- Cakewalk (Swing)
- Calypso (Caribbean)
- Candombe (Uruguayan)
- Canaries dance (historical, Renaissance, court)
- Can-can (Cancan, can can)
- Capoeira (dance and martial art, Brazil)
- Caporales (Bolivia)
- Carabinier (Haiti)
- Cariñosa (dance of love) Philippines
- Carioca
- Carol (Medieval)
- Castle Walk
- Căluş (Romanian ritual dance)
- Ceroc (Modern Jive, Club)
- Chaabi (Moroccan Berber dance)
- Chacarera (Argentina)
- Chaconne
- Cha cha cha or Cha cha (Cuba, Latin Ballroom Social)
- Chamame (Chamamé, Argentina)
- Charleston
- Chasapiko (Greece)
- Cheerleading
- Cheraw (Mizoram of north east India)
- Chicken Dance
- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Chhau dance (Folk Dance of Odisha, India)
- Chodzony (Poland)
- Chula (Southern Brasil)
- Cinquepace, Cinque-pace
- Circassian Dance
- Circle dance
- Clogging
- Clowning
- Cocek
- Collegiate shag
- Compas (Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique)
- Conga
- Contact improvisation
- Contemporary dance
- Contra dance
- Cordax Greek / Roman erotic dance
- Cossack dance
- Cotillion
- Country/western dance
- Country dance
- Country/Western Two-step
- Courante (historical)
- Court dance
- Csárdás (Folk, Hungarian; also variants in Slovak dances, Rusyn dances, (Ukrainian dances, Lemko dances))
- Cuarteto (Argentina)
- Cueca (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile)
- Cumbia (Colombia, Club)
- Cumbia Villera (Argentina)
- Cupid Shuffle
- Dabke (Arab folk dance native to the Levant)
- Dalkhai (Folk dance from Western Odisha, India)
- Dances of Universal Peace
- Danda nata (Folk dance from Odisha, India)
- Dandia (Folk dance of Gujarat, India)
- Dabke (Levantine)
- Danza de tijeras (Peru)
- Diablada (Bolivia, Chile, Peru)
- Dilan (a Kurdish dance, Iran, Turkey, Iraq)
- Disco
- Dappan koothu
- Doublebugg
- Dougie
- Dragon dance
- Drobushki (Russia)
- Duranguense
- Dutty Wine - a West Indian, Dancehall-inspired dance
- Fan dance (Chinese or burlesque)
- Fandango (Spain)
- Farandole (Provençal)
- Faroese dance
- Farruca
- Flamenco (Spanish/gypsy)
- Folk dance
- Formation dance
- Forró (dance from northeast of Brazil)
- Foxtrot (Ballroom Social)
- Freak dancing
- The Freddy
- Frevo
- Frug
- Freestyle
- Galliard
- Galop
- Garba (folk dance of state of Gujarat, India)
- Gankino (Bulgaria)
- Gangnam Style
- Gavotte (Brittany), Gavot (historical)
- Gaudiya Nritya (West Bengal, India)
- Gigue
- Ghoomar (Folk Dance of Rajasthan, Northern India)
- Ghumura Dance (Folk dance of Kalahandi, Orissa/Odisha, India).
- Giddha (Folk dance of Northern India)
- Gotipua (Odisha, India)
- Grizzly Bear
- Grinding
- Guaguancó
- Guapacha (dance)
- Gumboot dance (Africa)
- Hakken (Dutch)
- Halay (Turkish, Folk)
- Hambo (Scandinavian, Folk)
- Hand jive
- Hardcore Dancing (Urban American Hardcore)
- Harlem Shake
- Hasapiko (Greece)
- Headbanging
- Highland dancing
- Hip hop dance
- Historical dance
- Hitch hike
- Hokey Pokey, also known as Hokey-cokey, Okey-cokey
- Hootchy-Kootchy
- Humppa (see Music of Finland)
- Hopak (Ukrainian)
- House dance
- Hora (many named versions; folk, Bulgarian, Israeli, Romanian, Ukrainian)
- Horon (Turkish, Folk)
- Hornpipe (Ireland)
- Huayno (Peru)
- Hula
- Hully Gully
- Hustle and its variant, New York Hustle (Club)
- Ice dancing
- Ikariotikos (Greece)
- Improv Tribal Style Belly Dance
- Intercessory dance
- International folk dance
- Interpretive dance
- Irish
- Israeli folk dancing
- Japanese traditional dance (Japanese)
- Jarabe tapatío
- Jazz dance
- Jenkka (see Music of Finland)
- Jerkin'
- Jig Ireland
- Jig (Scottish country)
- Jitterbug (Swing)
- Jitterbug Stroll (Line dance, Swing)
- Jive (Ballroom, International Latin)
- Joged (Indonesian)
- John Wall dance
- Jota (Spanish dance)
- Jove Malaj Mome (Bulgarian folk dance)
- Jumpstyle (Techno based dance)
- Jhamre Nach (A type of dance in Nepal)
- Kalymnikos (Greece)
- Kamarinskaya (Russia)
- Karsilama (Antikrystos, Marinella) (Greece, Gypsy)
- Karşılama (Serbia, Iran, Turkey)
- Kathak (Classical Indian Dance)
- Kathakali (India, incorporates dance)
- Kazachok (Russia)
- Keisabadi (Folk dance from Odisha, India)
- Kerala Natanam (Indian Dance created by Guru Gopinath)
- Khasapiko (Greece)
- Khattak Dance (Pashtun)
- Kizomba (Angola)
- Kolo (Slavic)
- Khon (Thai dance)
- Khigga (Assyrian folk dance)
- Khorovod(Russia)
- Kleistos (Greece)
- Klezmer (Israeli Jewish)
- Koftos (Greece)
- Kolbasti (Turkey)
- Kolomyjka (Ukrainian)
- Kontradans (Haiti)
- Kopanitsa (Bulgaria)
- Kotsari (Armenian: Քոչարի; Turkish: Koçari; Greek: Κότσαρι; Georgian: ქოჩარი; Laz: Koçari; Azerbaijani: Köçəri)
- Kozachok (Ukrainian)
- Krakowiak (Poland)
- Krishnanattam (India)
- Krumping
- Kuchipudi (Classical Indian Dance)
- Kurdish dance (Iran and Iraq)
- Kujawiak (Poland)
- La Cucaracha
- Lambada
- Lambeth Walk
- Landler (Quadrille)
- Lap dance
- Latin dance
- Lavani
- Lavolta
- Ländler (Austria)
- Lerikos (Greece)
- LeRoc (Modern Jive, Ceroc)
- Letkajenkka (also known as Letkis, Letkajenka, Letkiss, Letka-Enka, Let's Kiss Jenka, La Yenka)
- Leventikos (Greece)
- Lezginka (Russian Caucasus Region)
- Limbo (dancers pass under horizontal pole)
- Lindy Hop (Swing)
- Line dance
- Lion dance
- Liscio (Italian traditional music and dance inspired to Waltz, Polka and Mazurka)
- Locking
- Long Sword
- Loure (historical)
- Lyrical dance
- Macarena (Spain)
- Madison (Line dance)
- Maglalatik (Folk Dance of Philippines)
- Malaguena
- Mambo (American Ballroom, of Cuban origin)
- Manipuri (Classical Indian Dance)
- Mapale
- Marimba (Guatemala)
- Marinera (Peru)
- Mashed Potato
- Matachin (Matachines)
- Maypole dance
- Maxixe (Social)
- Mazur (dance) (Poland)
- Mazurka (Poland)
- Medieval dance
- Melbourne Shuffle (Australia)
- Merengue (Latin Club)
- Méringue (Haiti)
- Metelytsia ((Ukrainian), khorovod)
- Milonga (see Argentine Tango)
- Minuet
- Morenada (Bolivia)
- Modern dance
- Modern Jive
- Mohiniyattam (Indian classical dance)
- Molly dance
- Moonwalker
- Morris dance
- Moshing
- Muiñeira (Galicia, Spain)
- Novelty and fad dances
- The Nutbush
- Nacnī (Folk dance from Odisha/Orissa)
- Pachanga
- Palo de Mayo (Nicaragua), Afro-Caribbean influence, not to be confused with Maypole dance
- Pagode
- Panthi (Folk dance of Chhattisgarh, India)
- Pantsula (South Africa)
- Parasol dance (Japan)
- Partner dance
- Participation dance
- Para Para
- Passacaglia (Passacaille) (historical)
- Passepied (historical)
- Pasillo
- Pasodoble (Spanish Ballroom, International Latin)
- Pavane (historical)
- Peabody (ballroom)
- Peewee style (originated by Pee-wee Herman in Pee-wee's Big Adventure)
- Pentozalis (Greece)
- Persian dance (Iran).
- Pidikhtos (Greece)
- Pendozalis (Greece)
- Pogo (A punk dance, consisting of jumping up and down)
- Pogonisios (Greece)
- Pole dancing
- Polka - many named versions (Ballroom, Folk, Historical)
- Polka-mazurka
- Polonaise
- Pols (Norway, Folk, see Polska)
- Polska (pl.: Polskor; Sweden, Folk)
- Pom Squad
- Pony
- Pop, Lock, and Drop It (Hip hop)
- Prophetic dance
- Pryvit (Ukrainian)
- Push (Swing, Texas)
- Pyrrhichios (Dance from Pontos; Greek Black Sea)
- Quadrille
- Quickstep (Ballroom)
- Quebradita (Mexico)
- Raas
- Rain dancing
- Ramvong (Cambodia)
- Rapper sword
- Rauf (Kashmiri traditional dance, India)
- Raut Nacha (Folk dance of Chhattisgarh, India)
- Raqs Sharqi ("belly dance")
- Rebetiko dances (Greece)
- Redowa
- Reel (Irish and Scottish)
- Regency dance
- Reggaeton
- Renaissance dance
- Rhumba (aka ballroom rumba; International Latin & American Rhythm)
- Rigaudon, Rigadoon
- Robot dance
- Rock and Roll
- Round dance (two kinds: circular chain, couples)
- Rumba (Cuba)
- Salsa (Latin Club)
- Salsa Rueda (Latin Club, Round)
- Sambalpuri (India)
- Samba
- Sarabande (Saraband)
- Sardana (Catalonia)
- Sattriya dance (Assam, India)
- Schottische
- Scottish country dance
- Scottish highland dance
- Sean-Nós Dance (Ireland - Irish Dance in Sean Nós "Old Style")
- Seguidilla (Spanish, folk)
- Sequence dance
- Serra (Greece)
- Set Dance Ireland
- Sevillana (Spain)
- Shag (Swing)
- Shake
- Shim Sham (Line dance)
- Shimmy
- Shuffle
- Single Swing (Single Time Swing)
- Sirtaki (Syrtaki, Zorba) (Greece)
- Skank (dance)
- Skip jive
- Slängpolska (Sweden, Folk, see Polska)
- Slip jig (Ireland)
- Slow dance
- Slow Foxtrot - also known as Foxtrot and Slowfox (Ballroom)
- Social dance
- Son (Mayan, Guatemala/Mexico)
- Sousta (Greece)
- Square dance
- Stage diving
- Stanky Legg (GS Boys)
- Step dance Ireland
- Street dance
- Swing (both as family of dances and as specific Texas dance)
- Suzie Q
- Syrtos (Greece)
- Tambourin (Provençal)
- Tango (Argentina) (Ballroom, Social, Club)
- Argentine Tango - also known as Tango Argentino (Social)
- Uruguayan Tango - also known as Tango Uruguayo (Social)
- Ballroom Tango - competitive and social dance styles
- Brazilian Tango - see Maxixe
- Finnish tango
- Chinese tango
- Thirayattam (Indian folk dance)
- Tanoura (Egyptian dance)
- Tap Charleston (see Lindy Hop)
- Tap dance
- Tarantella (Italian, folk)
- Tau'olunga (Tongan or Samoan - Polynesian origins)
- Tecktonik ("tck")
- Temani (Israeli Jewish dance)
- Texas Tommy (see Lindy Hop)
- Tinikling (Philippines)
- Time Warp
- Tinku (Bolivia, Peru)
- Tondero (Peru)
- Tourdion (historical)
- Traditional dance
- Tranky Doo (Swing, Line dance)
- Trata (Greece)
- Trepak (Russian, folk)
- Tribal Style Belly Dance
- Troika (Folk, Russian, Cajun)
- Twoubadou (Haiti)
- Tsakonikos (Greece)
- Tsamiko (Greece)
- Tsifteteli (Tsifte-Teli) (Çifte-telli) (Turkish) (Greece)(Gypsy)(Arabic)
- Tsirigotikos (Kythiraikos, Bourdaris) (Greece)
- Tsyganochka, ("Gypsie Girl") Russian
- Tumba
- Twerking
- Twist
- Two-step
- Cajun Two Step
- Country/Western Two-step
- Nightclub two-step - also known as California Two-step, abbrn: NC2S
- Progressive Double Two
- Universal Peace, Dances of
- Ukrainian dance
- Upa or Upa Habanera, claimed by some to be the origin of merengue music and dance.
- Vals (Argentina, tango style)
- Valse à deux temps (Valse à deux pas)
- Verbunkos
- Vintage dance
- Vogue (dance)
- Volte (also Volta, La volta, or Lavolta, Renaissance)
- Waacking
- Waltz (ballroom, social)
- Boston (dance)
- Cajun Waltz
- Elizabeth Waltz
- Cross-step waltz
- Hesitation Waltz
- Slow waltz - known as Waltz in ballroom context (ballroom)
- Viennese Waltz (ballroom, social)
- Valse à deux temps (Valse à deux pas)
- Watusi (fad dance)
- West Coast Swing ("WCS"; Swing, United States)
- Western swing (United States)
- Sophisticated Swing (an older name of WCS)
- Western promenade dance
- Whip (Swing, Texas)
- Whirling
- Winterguard
- Wolosso (Ivory Coast)
- Worship dance
- Zamacueca (Peru)
- Zamba (Argentina)
- Zapateado (Spain)
- Zapin (Malay traditional dancing, Malaysia)
- Zeibekiko (also spelled Zeibetiko, Zembetiko, Zebetiko, and Zembekiko; Greece)
- Zeibeks (Turkey)
- Zonaradiko (Thrace)
- Zorba's dance, another name for Sirtaki (of Greek origin)
- Zouk (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti, Brazil)
- Zouk-Lambada (Brazil)
- Zumba (Colombia)
- Zydeco (Louisiana, U.S.)
See also
- Dance basic topics a list of general dance topics in our world today and from history.
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