
For the fictional character named Ballos, see Cave Story.
Music of Greece
General topics
Specific forms
Media and performance
Music awards
Music charts
Music festivals
Music media
Nationalistic and patriotic songs
National anthem "Hymn to Liberty"
Regional music
Related areas Cyprus, Pontus, Constantinople, South Italy
Regional styles

The Ballos Sirtos (Greek: Μπάλος) (from the Italian ballo[1] via Latin "ballo"[2][3] which derives from the Greek verb "βαλλίζω" ballizo, "to dance, to jump"),[4][5][6] is one of the best known Greek folk island dances in Greece. There are also different versions in other Balkan countries. The Ballos is of Greek origin, with ancient Greek elements.[7]

The melody of a ballos is generally joyous and lyrical which is typical of the music of the Aegean Islands. This couples' dance incorporates all the elements of courtship: attraction, flirtation, display of masculine prowess and feminine virtue, pursuit,and rejection followed by eventual capture and surrender.

Its origin is in the island culture of Greece. Men could not approach women easily, so they created this dance in order to "flirt" with them. There are various forms of the ballos around the islands. The simplest is one in which a single couple goes through a series of spontaneous figures. In another version many couples dance simultaneously as if alone on the dance floor. Yet another version is introduced by a Sirtos. In its most complicated form, a number of couples go through various figures, somewhat reminiscent of the European minuet. Ballos songs are popular and there are many of them. One of the most popular Ballos Asia minor song is: Τι σε μέλλει εσένανε; Ti se mellei esenane ("What do you mind?") etc.

See also


  1. "μπάλος", Λεξικό της κοινής νεοελληνικής, ed. Institute of Manolis Triantafyllidis
  2. ballo, Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, on Perseus
  3. Chantrell (2002), p. 42.
  4. βαλλίζω, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, on Perseus
  5. ball (2), Online Etymology Dictionary
  6. ballare,
  7. Utopia Ballos of ancient Greece.

External links

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