List of Serbs

This is a list of historical and living Serbs (of Serbia or the Serb diaspora).

This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.


Visual arts



  • Simeon Roksandić (1874–1943), distinguished sculptor and academic, famous for his bronzes and fountains (Čukur Fountain), frequently cited as one of the most renowned figures in Yugoslavian sculpture
  • Drinka Radovanović (born 1943), the author of many monuments to national heroes
  • Petar Ubavkić (1852–1910, recognized as the first sculptor of modern Serbia
  • Risto Stijović (1894–1974), internationally renowned Serbian sculptor, author of Monument to Franchet d'Esperey
  • Đorđe Jovanović (1861–1953), won prizes at the World Exhibitions in Paris 1889 and 1900, for the works "Gusle" and "Kosovo Monument"
  • Sreten Stojanović (1898–1960)
  • Yevgeny Vuchetich (1908–1974), prominent Soviet sculptor and artist, heroic monuments, often of allegoric style, Serbian father
  • Jovan Soldatović (1920–2005), author of Monument of the 1942 raid victims near Žabalj
  • Vojin Bakić (1915–1992), awarded male sculptor
  • Olga Jevrić (born 1922), awarded female sculptor
  • Mirjana Isaković (born 1936), former professor at Faculty of Applied Arts

Painters, cartoonists, illustrators



Main article: Serbian literature

Writers, poets

Middle Ages
  • Anonymous author of Codex Marianus, an Old Church Slavonic fourfold Gospel Book written in Glagolitic script, dated to the beginning of 11th century, which is along with Codex Zographensis, one of the oldest manuscript witnesses to the Old Church Slavonic language, one of the two fourfold gospels being part of the Old Church Slavonic canon.
  • Buća, a well-known noble family, originating in Kotor during the Middle Ages. Some of their antecedents were writers and poets.
  • Miroslav of Hum was a 12th-century Great Prince (Велики Жупан) of Zachlumia from 1162 to 1190, an administrative division (appanage) of the medieval Serbian Principality (Rascia) covering Herzegovina and southern Dalmatia.
  • Anonymous author of the Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja, a 12th-century literary work, preserved in its Latin version only, has all the indication that it was written in Old Slavic, or, at least, that a portion of the material included in it existed previously in the Slavic language.
  • Stefan Nemanja (1113–1199) issued an edict called the "Hilandar Charter" for the newly established Serbian monastery at Mount Athos.
  • Stefan the First-Crowned (1165–1228) wrote "The Life of Stefan Nemanja", a biography of his father.
  • Saint Sava (1174–1236), Serbian royalty and Archbishop, author of oldest known Serbian constitution - the Zakonopravilo . Also, he authored Karyes Typikon in 1199 and Studenica Typicon in 1208.
  • Atanasije (scribe) (c. 1200–1265), a disciple of Saint Sava, was a Serbian monk-scribe who wrote a "Hymn to Saint Sava" and an "Eulogy to Saint Sava".
  • Grigorije the Pupil is the author of Miroslav Gospel and Miroslav of Hum commissioned it.
  • Domentijan (c. 1210-died after 1264) Serbian scholar and writer. For most of his life he was a monk dedicated to writing biographies of clerics, including "Life of St. Sava."
  • Bratko Menaion represents the oldest Serbian transcription of this liturgical book, discovered in the village of Banvani, and written by presbyter Bratko during the reign of the Serbian king Vladislav in 1234.
  • Stefan Uroš I of Serbia (1223–1277) is the author of the Ston Charter (1253).
  • Dragolj Code, written in 1259 by Serbian monk Dragolj.
  • Theodosius the Hilandarian (1246–1328), technically the first Serbian novelist, wrote biographies of Saint Sava and St. Simeon
  • Nikodim I (c. 1250–1325), Abbot of Hilandar (later Archbishop of Serbia), issued an edict (gramma) wherein he grants to the monks of the Kelion of St. Sava in Karyes a piece of land and an abandoned monastery. He translated numerous ancient texts and wrote some poetry.
  • Jakov of Serres (1300–1365)is the author of Triodion.
  • Elder Grigorije (fl. 1310–1355), Serbian nobleman and monk, possibly "Danilo's pupil" (Danilov učenik), i.e. the main author of the great work „Žitija kraljeva i arhiepiskopa srpskih".
  • Isaija the Monk (14th century) who translated the works of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.
  • Elder Siluan (14th century) is the author of a hymn to Saint Sava. Hesychasm left a strong imprint in Serbian medieval literature and art, which is evident in works by Domentijan and Teodosije the Hilandarian, but most prominently in the writings of Danilo of Peć, Isaija the Monk and Elder Siluan.
  • Stefan Dušan (1308–1355) is the author of Dušan's Code, the second oldest preserved constitution of Serbia.
  • Stanislav of Lesnovo (c. 1280–1350) wrote "Oliver's Menologion" in Serbia in 1342.
  • Dorotej of Hilandar wrote a charter for the monastery of Drenča in 1382.
  • Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow (1336–1406) was a Serbian clergyman who as the Metropolitan of Moscow wrote The Book of Degrees (Stepénnaya kniga), which grouped Russian monarchs in the order of their generations. The book was published in 1563.
  • Rajčin Sudić (1335–after 1360),Serbian monk-scribe who lived during the time of Lord Vojihna, the father of Jefimija.
  • Jefimija (1310–1405), daughter of Caesar Vojihna and widow of Jovan Uglješa Mrnjavčević, took monastic vows and is the author of three found works, including "Praise to Prince Lazar". One of the earliest European female writers.
  • Saint Danilo II wrote biographies of Serbian medieval rulers, including the biography of Jelena, the wife of King Stefan Dragutin.
  • Antonije Bagaš translated works from Greek into Serbian.
  • Nikola Radonja (c. 1330–1399), as monk Gerasim, served and helped with great merit Hilandar and other monasteries at Mount Athos, and authored "Gerasim Chronicle" (Gerasimov letopis).
  • Princess Milica (1335–1405), consort of Prince Lazar. One of the earliest European female writers.
  • Joachim, Domestikos of Serbia (fl. 1347–1385), also known as Jovan (Joakim) Harsijanitski, was a Serbian monk-scribe and composer of religious music in the courts of Stefan Lazarević and Djuradj Branković.
  • Jefrem (patriarch) was twice Serbian patriarch, though Bulgarian born. He was also a poet.
  • Gregory Tsamblak (fl. 1409–1420), Bulgarian writer and cleric, abbot of Visoki Dečani, wrote A Biography of and Service to St. Stephen Uroš III Dečanski of Serbia, and On the Transfer of Relics of Saint Paraskeva to Serbia.
  • Nikola Stanjević (fl. 1355), commissioned the writing of the Tetravangelion at the Hilandar monastery, now on exhibit at the British Museum in London, collection No. 154.
  • Jelena Balšić (1366–1443), an educated Serbian noblewoman, who wrote the Gorički Zbornik, correspondence between her and Nikon of Jerusalem, a monk in Gorica monastery (Jelena's monastic foundation) on Beška (Island) in Zeta under the Balšići. She is now regarded as a representative of Montenegro because she was married on what eventually became Montenegrin territory, though Montenegro did not exist in her day.
  • Stefan Lazarević(1374–1427), Knez/Despot of Serbia (1389–1427), wrote biographies and poetry, one of the most important Serbian medieval writers. He founded the Resava school at Manasija monastery.
  • Kir Joakim was a late 14th century musical writer.
  • Đurađ Branković (1377–1456) is the author psalter Oktoih, published posthumously in 1494 by Hieromonk Makarije, the founder of Serbian and Romanian printing.
  • Stanislav of Lesnovo was a Serbian writer from 14th century. In current Macedonian and Bulgarian literatures he is also viewed as one of their nationals.
  • Dorotheus of Hilandar, the author of a charter for the monastery of Drenča (1382).
  • Kir Stefan the Serb (late 14th and early 15th century) was a Serbian monk-scribe and composer.
  • Nikola the Serb (late 14th and early 15th century) was a Serbian monk-scribe and composer.
  • Isaiah the Serb was a monk-scribe and composer of chants in the 15th century. He transcribed the manuscripts of Joachim, Domestikos of Serbia.
  • Constantine of Kostenets (fl. 1380–1431), Bulgarian writer and chronicler that lived in Serbia, most famous for the biography of Despot Stefan Lazarević and for writing the first Serbian philological study, Skazanije o pismenah (A History on the Letters).
  • Radoslav Gospels is the work of both Celibate Priest Feodor, also known as "Inok from Dalsa" (fl. 1428-1429), who is credited for transcribing the Radoslav Gospel (Tetraevangelion) in the Serbian recension, now in the National Library of Russia in St. Petersburg. Radoslav is the famed miniaturist who illuminated the pages.
  • Dimitrije Kantakuzin While residing in the Rila monastery in 1469 Kantakuzin wrote a biography of Saint John of Rila and a touching "Prayer to the Holy Virgin" imploring her aid in combating sin.
  • Konstantin Mihailović (c. 1430–1501), the last years of his life were spent in Poland where he wrote his Turkish Chronicle, an interesting document with a detailed description of the historical events of that period as well as various customs of the Turks and Christians.
  • Pachomius the Serb (Paxomij Logofet), was a prolific hagiographer who came from Mount Athos to work in Russia between 1429 and 1484. He wrote eleven saint's lives (zhitie) while employed by the Russian Orthodox Church in Novgorod. He was one of the representatives of the ornamental style known as pletenje slova (word-braiding).
  • Ninac Vukoslavić (fl. 1450–1459), chancellor and scribe at the court of Scanderbeg, and author of his letters.
  • Vladislav the Grammarian (fl. 1456–1483), Serbian monk, writer, historian and theologian.
  • Đurađ Crnojević (fl. 1490–1496), first printed the Oktoih at Cetinje in 1495.
  • Hieromonk Makarije (1465–c. 1530) is the founder of Serbian and Romanian printing, having printed the first book in the Serbian language in Obod (Crnagora) in 1493, and the first book in Wallachia. He also wrote extensively.
  • Hieromonk Pahomije (c. 1480-1544) learned the skills of the printing trade from Hieromonk Makarije at the Crnojević printing house.
  • Božidar Vuković (ca. 14651540), one of the writers and early printers of Serb books.
  • Božidar Goraždanin founded the Goražde printing house in the 1520s.
  • Andrija Paltašić, early printer and publisher of Serb books.
  • Stefan Paštrović (fl. 1560-1599), author of two books, engaged a certain hieromonk Sava of Visoki Dečani to print them in Venice at the Francesco Rampazetto and Heirs publishing house in 1597.
  • Hegumen Mardarije (fl. 1543-45) was a Serbian Orthodox abbott and one of the first printers.
  • Hieromonk Mardarije(fl. 1550-1568) used to print his books at Mrkšina crkva printing house before the Ottomans destroyed it.
  • Hegumen Danilo was the founder of the Mileševa printing house.
  • Hieromonk Teodosije was the printer at Mileševa monastery and Rujno Monastery printing house.
  • Bonino De Boninis, early printer and publisher in Dubrovnik.
  • Trojan Gundulić is remembered for printing the first book in Belgrade in 1552, "The Four Gospels".
  • Vićenco Vuković was one of the major printers of 16th century Serbia, like his father before him.
  • Jerolim Zagurović was a Catholic-Serb printer from Kotor.
  • Stefan Marinović was a Serb printer from Scutari during the time of Vićenco Vuković, Jerolim Zagurović, Jakov of Kamena Reka and others.The longest-lived printing in the Balkans was done at Scutari, where Stefan Skadranin worked between 1563 and 1580. When his press stopped, because of continued Turkish authority over the region, Serbian printing left the Balkans. Later, Serbian books were printed in Venice, Leipzig, Vienna, and Trieste.
  • Jakov of Kamena Reka worked in the Vuković printing house in Venice with Vićenco Vuković, son of Božidar.
  • Radiša Dimitrović owned the Belgrade printing house where many medieval works were published.
  • Hierodeacon Mojsije (fl. 1536-40) is remembered for printing Praznićni minej (Holiday Menaion) of Božidar Vuković in Venice in 1538.
  • Hieromonk Genadije was another printer who worked alongside hieromonk Teodosije at Mileševa monastery and later in Venice with hierodeacon Mojsije and hieromonk Teodosije.
  • Lazar of Hilandar After Pachomius the Serb, the most significant Serbian monk in Imperial Russia.
  • Dimitar of Kratovo was a 15th-century Serb writer and lexicographer, one of the most important members of the Kratovo literary school.
  • Martin Segon was a Serbian writer, Catholic Bishop of Ulcinj and a 15th-century humanist.
  • Peja (priest) wrote a well-known poem In the Court and in the Dungeon, from The Service of Saint George of Kratovo, and a biography of the same saint between 1515 and 1523.
  • Teodor Ljubavić wrote the Goražde Psalter in 1521.
  • Jovan Maleševac was a Serbian Orthodox monk and scribe who collaborated in 1561 with the Slovene Protestant reformer Primož Trubar to print religious books in Cyrillic.
  • Matija Popović was a 16th-century Serbian Orthodox cleric from Ottoman Bosnia.
  • Pajsije I Janjevac (1542–1649) was a Serbian Patriarch and an author whose works showed an admixture of popular elements.
  • Jovan the Serb of Kratovo (1526-1583) was a Serbian writer and monk whose name is preserved as the author of six books, now part of the Museum Collection of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
  • Teodor Račanin (Bajina Bašta, c. 1500–Bajina Bašta, past-1560) was the first Serbian writer and monk of the Rachan Scriptorium School mentioned in Ottoman and Serbian sources.
  • Georgije Mitrofanović (c.1550–1630) was a Serbian Orthodox monk and painter whose work can be seen in the church at the Morača monastery.
  • Trojan Gundulić is remembered for printing the first book in Belgrade in 1552, "The Four Gospels".
  • Vićenco Vuković was one of the major printers of 16th century Serbia, like his father before him.
  • Jerolim Zagurović was a Catholic-Serb printer from Kotor.
  • Stefan Marinović was a Serb printer from Scutari during the time of Vićenco Vuković, Jerolim Zagurović, Jakov of Kamena Reka and others.
  • Jakov of Kamena Reka worked in the Vuković printing house in Venice with Vićenco Vuković.
  • Hristifor Račanin (c. 1595–1674) was a Serbian scribe-monk working on ornately decorated manuscripts. He was the abbot of the Rača monastery, near the Drina River.
  • Kiprijan Račanin (c. 1650–1730) was a Serbian writer and monk who founded a copyist school in Szentendre in Hungary, like the one he left behind at the Rača monastery in Serbia at the beginning of the Great Turkish War in 1689.
  • Jerotej Račanin (c. 1650–after 1727) was a Serbian writer and copyist of church manuscripts and books. After visiting Jerusalem in 1704 he wrote a book about his travel experiences from Hungary to the Holy Land and back.
  • Čirjak Račanin (Bajina Bašta, c. 1660–Szentendre, 1731) was a Serbian writer and monk, a member of the famed "School of Rača".
  • Simeon Račanin (Bajina Bašta, c. 1670–Szentendre, past-1720) was one of an elite group of educated and anonymous monks of the Rača monastery to make his mark in the 18th century Serbian literature. The Rača monk-scribes were known by their monastic name and the name of the monastery where they were tonsured.
  • Grigorije Račanin (Bajina Bašta, c. 1670–Osijek, after-1739) was a monk, writer and traveler who wrote "Form Osijek to Kraiova", though the original manuscript is no longer extant.
  • Đorđe Branković, Count of Podgorica (1645–1711) who wrote the first history of Serbia in five volumes.
  • Sava Vladislavich (1669-1738), who framed Peter the Great's proclamation of 1711, translated Mavro Orbin's Il regno degli Slavi (1601); The Realm of the Slavs) from Italian into Russian, and composed the Treaty of Kiakhta and many others
  • Gavril Stefanović Venclović (fl. Bajina Bašta, 1670–Szentendre, 1749), one of the first and most notable representatives of Serbian Baroque literature, wrote in the ordinary-people's language. Milorad Pavić saw Venclović as a living link between the Byzantine literary tradition and the emerging new views on modern literature. He was the precursor of enlightenment aiming, most of all, to educate with his writing for the common folk.
  • Hristofor Žefarović was a 17th- and 18th- century Serbian poet who died in Imperial Russia spreading the Pan-Slav culture.
  • Vasilije III Petrović-Njegoš (1709–1766), Serbian Orthodox Metropolitan of Montenegro, wrote patriotic poetry and the first history of Montenegro, published in Moscow in 1754
  • Pavle Julinac (1730–1785) was a Serbian writer, historian, traveller, soldier and diplomat
  • Jovan Rajić (1726–1801), writer, historian, traveller, and pedagogue, one of the greatest Serbian academics of the 18th century, wrote the first systematic work on the history of Croats and Serbs
  • Mojsije Putnik (1728–1790), Metropolitan, educator, writer and founder of secondary schools and institutions of higher learning.
  • Zaharije Orfelin (1726–1785), one of the most notable representatives of the Serbian Baroque in art and literature.
  • Teodor Kračun (1730–1781), a renowned icon painter in the 18th century style of Baroque and Rococo.
  • Nikola Nešković (1740–1789) was a most prolific Serbian icon, fresco and portrait painter in the Baroque style.
  • Teodor Ilić Češljar (1746–1793) was one of the best late Baroque Serbian painters from the region of Vojvodina.
  • Pavel Đurković (1772–1830) was one of the most important Serbian Baroque artists (writers, icon painters, goldsmiths, woodcarvers) along with Jakov Orfelin (1750–1803), Stefan Gavrilović, Georgije Bakalović, and others.
  • Jovan Četirević Grabovan (1720–1781) was a Serbian icon painter. He painted the Lepavina and Orahovica monasteries, among others.
  • Kiril Zhivkovich (1730–1807) was a well-known Serbian and Bulgarian writer in his time.
  • Sofronije Jugović-Marković (fl. 1789) was a Serbian writer and activist in Russian service. He wrote "Serbian Empire and State" in 1792 in order to raise the patriotic spirit of the Serbs in both the Habsburg and Ottoman empires.
Rationalism to Romanticism
Uncategorized writers
Uncategorized poets

Performing Arts


Film and TV directors

Fashion designers


Dancers and choreographers

Academic sciences


Category:Serbian scientists





Linguistics and philology






Rock music groups



Opera singers

  • Biserka Cvejić (born 1923), Serbian opera singer and university professor.
  • Radmila Bakočević (born 1933), spinto soprano
  • Oliver Njego (born 1959), baritone, student of Bakočević, who also crossed over into popular music, eventually becoming one of the most respected and most famous Serbian opera singers.
  • Nikola Mijailović (born 1973), baritone
  • David Bižić (born 1975), baritone
  • Laura Pavlović, lyric and spinto soprano opera singer, and a soloist with the Serbian National Theatre Opera in Novi Sad.
  • Radmila Smiljanić, classical soprano who has had an active international career in operas and concerts since 1965. She is particularly known for her portrayals of heroines from the operas of Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini.[26]
  • Milena Kitic, Serbian American operatic mezzo-soprano


Fictional and mythological characters



See: List of Serbian monarchs

  • Prince Vlastimir (r. 835–851), son of Prosigoj defeated the Bulgars (Vlastimirović dynasty)
  • Prince Mutimir (r. 851–891), son of Vlastimir that ruled during the Christianization of Serbs (Vlastimirović dynasty)
  • Prince Petar of Serbia (870–917), prosecuted strategic wars in the Balkans during the late 9th and early 10th century with varying success.
  • Prince Časlav (r. 927–960) united and expanded Serbia in alliance with Byzantines (Vlastimirović dynasty)
  • Prince Jovan Vladimir (r. 990–1016), martyr, ruled the Serbian successor-state of Duklja (also known as Serbia, Triballia or Dalmatia)
  • Prince Stefan Vojislav (r. 1018–1043), revolted against the Byzantines and gained independence of Duklja, including Hum, Travunia and Rascia. (Vojislavljević dynasty)
  • King Mihailo I (r. 1043–1081), proclaimed King by the Pope Gregory VII in c. 1077 (Vojislavljević dynasty)
  • King Constantine Bodin (r. 1081–1101), son of Mihailo I, became Emperor of Bulgaria in 1072, significantly expanded his realm corresponding to that of Časlav, furthermore Bosnia was added to the state. But after Bodin's death new disorder ensued, caused internecine strife among several pretenders to the throne (Vojislavljević dynasty)
  • Grand Prince Vukan (r. 1091–1112), became the strongest of all Serbian royalty and seceded Rascia, submitted Kosovo and northern Macedonia (Vukanović dynasty to his rule)
  • Grand Prince Uroš I (r. 1112–1145), the first of Serbian monarchs entering an alliance with Hungary (Vukanović dynasty) and Moravia. His daughters, Jelena (Helena of Serbia) married Béla II of Hungary; and Maria married Conrad II, Duke of Znojma.
  • Grand Prince Beloš (r. 1162), served as regent of Hungary 1141–1146, Ban of Croatia 1142–1158 (Vukanović dynasty)
  • Grand Prince Uroš II of Rascia (1145–1162)
  • Grand Prince Desa (r. 1148–1162), became Duke of Primorje (Duklja and Travunia) from 1150 to 1153, and co-ruler of Rascia, 1153-1155, 11621166 (Vukanović dynasty)
  • Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja (r. 1166–1196) is remembered as one of the most important figures in Serbian history, he marked the beginning of Serbian prospering in culture, he founded the Serbian Orthodox Church with his youngest son, Rastko, venerated as a Saint Sava of the Nemanjić dynasty. He had two other sons, Vukan Nemanjić of Serbia, his eldest, and Stefan II Nemanjić.
  • Grand Prince / King Stefan the First-Crowned (r. 1196–1228) was crowned King in 1217. The Serbian church became autocephalous in 1219 under the leadership of Rastko (Saint Sava). (Nemanjić dynasty)
  • King Stephen Uroš I King 1243–1276; Queen consort Helen of Anjou (Nemanjić dynasty)
  • King Stephen Dragutin (r. 1276–1282), ruled the monarchy from 1276 to 1282, then the Kingdom of Syrmia from 1291 to 1316. (Nemanjić dynasty)
  • King Stephen Uroš II Milutin, from 1282 to 1321, Serbia became a "great power" in the Balkans, contending with Byzantium and the Bulgarians over Macedonia. (Nemanjić dynasty)
  • King Stefan Uroš III of Dečani, from 1322 to 1331, followed up on this success by defeating the Bulgarians at Velbazhd in 1330 and continuing the expansion into Byzantine Macedonia (Nemanjić dynasty)
  • Emperor Stephen Uroš IV Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331–1355), conquered a large part of Southeast Europe, becoming one of the most powerful monarchs in his time and Serbia reached its territorial, economical, political and cultural peak; he enacted Dušan's Code, one of the most important works of medieval Serbia (Nemanjić dynasty).
  • Emperor Stephen Uroš V the Weak (r. 1355–1371), infamous for his lack of central rule; he was unable to control the Empire of his father, resulting in the fragmentation of the state from within, hence the sobriquet "the weak" (Nemanjić dynasty).

Royalty and nobility

Main article: Serbian nobility

Titular rulers of the Serbian Despotate:

Modern royalty

Royalty of other states

Politicians 19th and 20th century

Post-Communist leaders

Modern politicians

Modern military

Early modern anti-Ottoman soldiers (Hajduks, Uskoks)
Late modern anti-Ottoman soldiers (Serbian revolutionaries 1804–1817, rebels in Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece)
Chief of the General Staff (Serbia), Macedonian Struggle, Balkan Wars and World War I
World War II
Foreign armed forces and governments
Ottoman Empire
United States
Russian Empire


Church leaders and Saints

Vacant, post of Patriarch abolished by Ottoman Empire

Church leaders


Further information: List of Serbian sportspeople

Basketball: players and coaches


Footballers (since 1990)

Footballers and coaches (before 1990)




American football

  • Tom Yewcic (May 9, 1932) played in the American Football League from 1961 to 1966 for the Boston Patriots, and professional baseball in 1957 for the Detroit Tigers.
  • Chris Cvetkovic
  • Mike Dopud played professional American football briefly for the CFL Saskatchewan Roughriders.
  • Rudy Bukich of the Los Angeles Rams (1953 NFL Draft).
  • Mike Mamula (born 1973), American of Serbian descent, played for Philadelphia Eagles (1995–2000) (NFL). Recipient of Eagles Ed Block Courage Award (1999) and All-Big East (1994).
  • "Mad Dog" Mandich (1948–2011), American of Serbian descent, played for Miami Dolphins (1970–1977) and Pittsburgh Steelers (1977) (NFL). All-American, and College Football Hall of Fame.
  • Paul Salata (born 1926), Serbian-American, scored the 49ers last touchdown in the All-American Football Conference, as well as the first TD in NFL. He also played three seasons in Canada in the early 1950s. After leaving football, he became a highly successful businessman in Southern California.
  • Norm Bulaich (born 1946), American of Serbian descent, played for Baltimore Colts (1970–1972), Eagles (1973–1974), Dolphins (1975–1979) (NFL). Colts single-game rushing record with 198 yards (in 1971, broken in 2000), AFC Pro Bowl squad 1971, cover of sports illustrated in the November issue in 1971.
  • Milt Popovich (1915–2005), American of Serbian descent, played halfback for Chicago Cardinals (1938–1942).
  • Alex Stepanovich (born 1981), American of Serbian descent, played professionally for 4 clubs, currently free agent (active)
  • Bob O'Billovich (born 1940), Serbian-American, played professionally and coached for the Canadian Football League, currently involved in the administrative side of football. His brother Jack "Mad Dog" O'Billovich (1942–1995) was an All-American at Oregon State who helped OSU get to the Rose Bowl in 1965.
  • Jim Obradovich (born 1953), Serbian-American, is a former professional American football tight end in the National Football League for the New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
  • Ed O'Bradovich (born 1940 in Butte, Montana), Serbian-American, is a former American football defensive end in the NFL who played for the Chicago Bears from 1962 to 1971.
  • Pete Catan (born Nov. 12, 1957 in Rochester, New York ), Serbian-American, played four seasons with CFL, two seasons with USFL Houston Gamblers and two years in the NFL with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and San Diego Chargers. He was nicknamed "Sledgehammer".
  • Novo Bojovic is a former professional American football placekicker. He played for the USFL Michigan Panthers, Oakland Invaders, and Detroit Driveand the NFL St. Louis Cardinals.
  • Dan Radakovich (American football)
  • Bob Gain is a notable Cleveland Browns defensive lineman in the 1950s and 1960s. He was voted to the All NFL defensive team in 1958 by NEA. He was picked for the Pro Bowl from 1957 to 1959 and in 1961 and 1962.
  • Bob Babich, a linebacker for the Browns from 1973 to 1978, was acquired by the Browns in 1973 in a trade with the San Diego Chargers for a first-round draft in 1974 and second-round pick in 1975.
  • Mike Babich, a centre for the Browns from 1982 to 1987, and in 1990 and 1991, was a fifth-round draft choice of the Browns in 1982 out of the University of Texas. He was traded to New England Patriots in 1988, and then re-acquired as a free agent in 1990.
  • Dan Rains
  • Scott Milanovich
  • Todd Marinovich
  • Marv Marinovich
  • Mike Zordich
  • Bernie Kosar
  • Chuck Drazenovich played an entire decade with NFL's Washington Redskins from 1950 to 1959. His brother Joe Drazenovich was also a great athlete.
  • Steve Ruzich
  • Mike Nixon
  • Nick Skorich
  • George Mrkonic (1929–2011) was a former American football offensive tackle with the NFL for the Philadelphia Eagles. He also played in the CFL for the BC Lions. He was a K-Mart executive for many years.
  • Rex Mirich
  • George Tarasovic
  • Mike Basrak
  • George Karamatic
  • Bill Radovich left his career with the Detroit Lions to play "tough guy" roles on film.
  • Emil Uremovich was picked up by the Pittsburgh Steelers during 1941 NFL Draft.
  • Rade (Mike) Erich, a University of Iowa graduate, who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 1940s.
  • Pete Kmetovic
  • Pete Lazetich is a former professional American football player who played defensive lineman for five seasons for the San Diego Chargers and Philadelphia Eagles.
  • Pete Stoyanovich
  • Sam Jankovich is the former GM of the New England Patriots. He was also an athletic director at the University of Miami during the Hurricane's national championships.
  • Tim Rossovich is an American football player of Italian-Serbian origin.
  • Lou Saban
  • Walt Dropo was better known for baseball than football, but in 1947 he was drafted in the first round by the BAA Providence Steamrollers. He was also drafted by the Chicago Bears in the 9th round of the 1946 NFL Draft. He turned down both offers to sign with the Red Sox as an amateur free agent in 1947.
  • Steve Petro of Panthers of Pittsburgh fame.
  • Lou Zivkovich
  • George Paskvan was a bruising fullback usually requiring more than one tackler to bring him to the turf. He was a two-time all-Conference choice in 1939 and 1949 and both times was the Badger's MVP. The La Grange, Illinois native led the University of Wisconsin in rushing in 1939. His career rushing total was 1,029 yards.
  • Joe Tepsic fought at Guadalcanal campaign and was wounded in hand-tohand combat, he played on the 1945 Penn State team as it opened its season just a few months after the war had ended. He was an inspiration to his team and fans. In his first game he scored two TDs, including one on a 52-yeard run. Tepsic played just one season opting to play baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers, who offered him a contract.
  • Alex Smith, the quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs.
  • Bo Pelini


Ice hockey




See also


  1. Departure of Aleksandar Đokić (Serbian)
  2. Blagojevic, Ljiljana (2003). Modernism in Serbia: The Elusive Margins of Belgrade Architecture, 1919–1941. MIT Press. Dust jacket. ISBN 978-0-262-02537-9.
  3. The discipline of architecture and Freedom of spirit
  4. Serbian architecture in the 20th century (Serbian)
  5. Architecture in Serbia, Milan Zloković
  6. Ćeranić, Milica. "Svetozar Ivačković - problemi istraživanja". Leskovački zbornik 2007. Retrieved 2 October 2010.
  7. Danas, Monografija o arhitekti Đorđu Tabakoviću
  8. Architectural guide (Slovene)
  9. Dimitrije T. Leko biography (Serbian)
  10. Biodata, Olja Ivanjicki
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  27. Zulfikarpašić, Adil (1998). The Bosniak. Milovan Djilas. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. p. 7. ISBN 1-85065-339-9.
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  31. Tv.Com - Mythbusters: Escape Slide Parachute (Story of Vesna Vulović)
  32. An article on Damn Interesting
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