List of journalists killed in Turkey

Following the killing of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in Istanbul on 19 January 2007 various lists of journalists killed in Turkey since the early 20th century were published. One such list was published by the Turkish Association of Journalists (tr: Türkiye Gazteciler Cemiyeti). It contains 64 names of journalists killed between 1909 and 2009.[1] A "Platform of imprisoned journalists" published a list in April 2012 that contained 112 names.[2] Yet, it is difficult to obtain detailed information in particular on early cases, in order to determine whether the deaths had been assassinations directly linked to the profession of the victims.

It also appears that some people were not journalists by profession, but affiliated to certain publications as readers, vendors or even part-time publishers of political comments. These people will not be included in the lists, apart from people who were killed because they distributed certain publications.

The early years

For the years up to the foundation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 little is known about the journalists named in the lists. They may have been killed or become victims of enforced disappearance, several of them during the Armenian Genocide. Only few of the journalists that were killed in Turkey until 1923 have a separate page, where you can find additional information. The 40 journalists that allegedly died as a result of violent attacks are:

Hasan Fehmi Serbesti İstanbul 6 April 1909opposed the Committee of Union and Progress[3]
Ahmet Samim Sada-yı Millet İstanbul 9 June 1910
Zeki Bey Şehrah İstanbul 10 July 1911
Hüseyin Kami Alemdar Konya1912
Silahçı Tahsin Silah İstanbul 27 July 1914
Kevork Ferid Tasvir’i Efkar April 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Hovhannes KazancıyanJournalist-writerApril 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Krikor Torosyan DizağikApril 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Sarkis Minassian Azadamard Ayaş 5 May 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Sarkis Süngücüyan İravunk 1 June 1915fate not known[4]
Nerses Papazyan AzadamardAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Harutün Şahrigyan AzadamardAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Garabed Paşayan KhanwriterAyaş1915allegedly tortured then killed[4]
Levon Larents Tsayn Hayrenyats Ankara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Smpad Piurad Pünig Ankara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Hampartsum Hampartsumyan AzadamardAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Keğam Parseğyan AzadamardAnkara1915he was killed in Ayaş, close to Ankara[4]
Şavarş Krisyan MarmnamarzAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Adom Yarcanyan AzadamardAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Armen DoryanwriterAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Sarkis Parseğyan AşkhadankAnkara1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Yervant SrmakeşhanlıyanJournalist-writer Harput1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Hovhannes HanıtyunyanJournalist-writer Harput 19151915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Gagik Ozanyan Merzifon HalguniSivas1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Mardiros H. Kundakçıyan Ceride-i Şarkiye Kayseri1915executed[4]
Onnig Tertsagyan Azadamard Van1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Dikran Odyan Yergir 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Karekin Khajagwriter Diyarbakır1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Rupen Zartaryan AzadamardDiyarbakırMay 1915murdered before arrival in Diyarbakır[4]
Karakin Gozikyan Manzume Trabzon1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Khaçadur Malumyan Azadamard Diyarbakır1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Krikor ZohrabJournalist-writer Urfa 15 July 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide in May 1915[4]
Mihran Tabakyanwriter Yozgat August 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Hagop TerzianJournalist-writerYozgat24 August 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Diran Kelegyan Sabah Çankırı 26 August 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Taniel Varujanwriter-poet Çankırı 26 August 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Rupen SevagÇilingiryan Çankırı 26 August 1915murdered during the Armenian Genocide[4]
Hasan Tahsin Hukuk-u Beşer İzmir 15 May 1919
Hüseyin Hilmi İştirak İstanbul 15 November 1922
Ali Kemal Peyam-ı Sabah İzmit1922

Killings until September 1980

Only few cases of journalists killed in Turkey between the foundation of the Republic and the military coup of 12 September 1980 were listed. Yet, some of these killings were high-profile assassinations that contributed to the atmosphere of political violence (often termed "civil war") that the Turkish army used as the main reason for its intervention. A bit more information is available on some of the 15 cases reported for this period:

Hikmet Şevket1930
Sabahattin Ali Marko Paşa Edirne 2 April 1948listed under writers
Aziz KorkmazHürriyetSilvan 19 October 1975not in the "usual" lists. As chief of the Diyarbakır office of Hürriyet he had reported on a clash between a Kurdish tribe and soldiers of the gendarmerie. The following day he allegedly died in an accident, but his corpse was found 150 metres away from the car and all his equipment and material had gone.[5]
Adem Yavuz Anka News AgencyCyprus27 August 1974see tr:Adem Yavuz
Hüseyin ŞenKAWAIstanbul21 March 1978He was the editor-in-chief of the journal and member of a leftist Kurdish organization by the same name. He was allegedly tortured and killed in Selimiye (Istanbul) military prison.[6]
Gani Bozarslan Aydınlık10 May 1978translated books from Kurdish to Turkish
Ali İhsan ÖzgürPolitikaIstanbul21 November 1978Politika was first issued by DİSK and later by the TKP. Ali İhsan Özgür disappeared so that the family had difficulties in identifying him.[7]
Cengiz Polatkan Hafta Sonu Ankara1 December 1978
Abdi İpekçi Milliyet İstanbul1 February 1979two members of the ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves, Oral Çelik and Mehmet Ali Ağca (who later shot pope John Paul II), murdered Abdi İpekçi in his car on the way back home from his office in front of his apartment building in Istanbul.[8] Ağca was caught due to an informant and was sentenced to life in prison. After serving six months in a military prison in Istanbul, Ağca escaped with the help of military officer.
İlhan DarendelioğluOrtadoğu Istanbul19 November 1979member of the MHP, see tr:İlhan Egemen Darendelioğlu
İsmail GerçeksözOrtadoğuIstanbul4 April 1980has also published books[9]
Hayrabet Honca Halkın Birliği Kayseri1 May 1980member of TKP/ML, killed by right-wingers[10]
Ümit Kaftancıoğlu TRT İstanbul 11 April 1980right-wing Ahmet Mustafa Kıvılcım stated in his interrogation by the police that he killed Ümit Kaftancıoğlu, because he was a "leftist", but later rejected the statement. He remained four months in pre-trial detention and was released. The assailants were not found.[11]
Muzaffer Fevzioğlu Hizmet Trabzon 15 April 1980
Recai ÜnalDemokratIstanbul22 July 1980allegedly kidnapped and tortured[12]

Killings in the 1980s and laicist journalists as targets

see also List of assassinated people from Turkey that was previously called Laicist Turks who are murdered

After the military coup of 1980 fewer journalists were killed in the fight between the radical left and the extreme right. After the end of the 1980s there have been several killings of journalists known for their secular attitude (in Turkey also termed laicist). In some cases members of radical Islamic organizations have been prosecuted and condemned for these killings. In one case a militant of the Kurdish Workers Party PKK confessed to such a killing. These nine killings in the 1980s and 1990s include:

Mevlüt IşıtTürkiyeAnkara 1 June 1988
Kamil BaşaranGazeteİstanbul 28 February 1989He was shot by the owner of a restaurant, who did not like his way of reporting.[5]
Seracettin MüftüoğluHürriyetNusaybin29 June 1989
Sami BaşaranGazeteİstanbul 7 November 1989He had an interview with the leader of a Kurdish tribe from Mardin in his office in Aksaray (Istanbul). He was shot there at the age of 25.[5]
Çetin EmeçHürriyetİstanbul 7 March 1990Two people entered his car and shot him and his driver Sinan Ercan.[5] For this killing four members of the Islamic Movement Organization (tr: İslami Hareket Örgütü were sentenced to life imprisonment, but his brother does not believe that the true killers were caught.[13]
Turan Dursun2000'e Doğruİstanbul 4 September 1990For this killing a member of the Islamic Movement Organization (tr: İslami Hareket Örgütü was sentenced to life imprisonment, but the person believed to be his killer, is still on the run.[13]
Uğur MumcuCumhuriyetAnkara 24 January 1993While different hypothesis exist on who was behind the killing the prosecutor's office in Ankara maintains that two assassins were sentenced and a case opened against the third suspect had been opened, all three of them being members of the Tawhid-Salaam Jerusalem Organization (tr: Tevhid-Selam Kudüs) that allegedly was behind the murder.[14]
Onat KutlarCumhuriyetİstanbul11 January 1995The brother of the archaeologist Yasemin Cebenoyan, who had died in the same bomb attack, complained that many people thought the murder had not been solved or that an Islamic organization was behind it. They did not know that a member of the PKK had admitted to have planted the bomb. He had been convicted in 2005, but as a confessor he had been released after 9.5 years' imprisonment.[15]
Ahmet Taner Kışlalı CumhuriyetAnkara 21 October 1999His death as well as the killings of Uğur Mumcu, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Taner Kışlalı, Prof. Dr. Muammer Aksoy and Assistant Professor Dr. Bahriye Üçok were the subject of a trial at Ankara Heavy Penal Court 11 known as the Umut (Hope) case. The court ruled that the defendants had formed an illegal organization by the name of "Kudüs Ordusu" (Jerusalem Army) and "Tevhid Selam" (Tawhid-Salaam) and had committed violent acts in Turkey. On 28 July 2005 one defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment, while seven others received sentences as leaders or members of an illegal organization.[16] The Court of Cassation confirmed the sentence of the main suspect on 11 November 2006.[17]

Journalists and vendors killed in the Kurdish conflict

In the 1990s the Turkey-PKK conflict became harsher with a large number of casualties on both sides. At the same time more and more civilians fell victim to extrajudicial killings, murders by unknown assailants (tr: faili meçhul), a term used in Turkish to indicate that the perpetrators were not identified because of them being protected by the State and cases of disappearance. Soon after the pro-Kurdish press had started to publish the first daily newspaper by the name of "Özgür Gündem" (Free Agenda) killings of Kurdish journalists started. In some cases the Turkish variety of the radical Islamic organization Hizbullah was made responsible for the killings, in others the PKK was accused, but the majority remained without a clear indication to the persons behind the fatal attacks. Hardly any of them has been clarified or resulted in sanctions for the assailants. Among the 33 journalists that were killed in the first half of the 1990s are also cases not related to the Kurdish conflict.

Among Kurdish patriots (tr: yurtsever, often used as an acronym for sympathizers of the PKK) the "tradition" that started with Özgür Gündem is often called "history of the free press". In this context the figure of 76 victims (called martyrs of the press; tr: basın şehitleri) is often mentioned.[18] While the lists compiled under such headings contain 73 names[19] it has to be said that they include names of journalists and distributors that died under tragic circumstances not only while carrying out their "jobs" (e.g. in a traffic accident) but also in clashes after joining the ranks of the PKK as armed members or committing suicide in protest at the imprisonment of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Yet, the number of staff members of the "free press" and volunteers to distribute dailies and weeklies termed "Kurdish free press" that were killed "on duty", particularly during the early stages of reporting on the Kurdish question in Turkey remains high. The list of names of distributors of Özgür Gündem and its successors that were killed (while the perpetrators mostly remained unknown) includes 18 names. Among the 33 journalists that were killed between 1990 and 1995 most were working for the so-called Kurdish Free Press.

Gündüz Etil Yeni Günaydınİstanbul18 September 1991
Halit Güngen2000'e DoğruDiyarbakır 18 February 1992He was killed by unidentified murderers two days after reporting that eyewitnesses and sympathizers of Kurdish Hizbollah had said that members of the organization were educated in the headquarters of Turkey's rapid deployment force (Çevik Kuvvet) in Diyarbakır.[20]
Cengiz AltunYeni ÜlkeBatman 25 February 1992aged 24, he was killed by six bullets fired into his back as he was on his way to work.[21]
İzzet KezerSabahCizre 23 March 1992a journalist for the mainstream daily, Sabah; shot and killed by security forces in Cizre during violence that followed the celebration of the Kurdish New Year. During a state-imposed curfew, Kezer and other journalists emerged from their hotel waving white flags. No shooting was going on at the time. Kezer, at the head of the group, reached an intersection and was shot dead by security forces who fired from an armored personnel carrier. No action has been taken against the security forces responsible for his death.[21]
Bülent ÜlküKörfeze BakışBursa 1 April 1992aged 26, he was found wounded near Uludağ on 1 April and died shortly afterwards. The autopsy certified marks of handcuffs and ink on his fingers.[22] Officials claimed that he was the victims of an internal dispute between left-wing organizations, but friends deny such a possibility.[23]
Mecit Akgün2000e DoğruNusaybin 2 June 1992his body was found hanging from a telephone pole near the village of Colova in Nusaybin. A statement found on his body saying that he was "punished because he was a traitor" was allegedly signed by the PKK.[21]
Hafız AkdemirÖzgür GündemDiyarbakır 8 June 1992killed by a single bullet shot into the back of his head, fifty meters from his home in Diyarbakir. Ozgur Gundem began publication on 30 May 1992; reporters stated that they had received telephoned threats for several days, several addressed to Akdemir.[21]
Çetin Ababay Özgür HalkBatman 29 July 1992he was shot in the head by three unidentified men while on his way home in Batman.[21]
Yahya OrhanÖzgür GündemGercüş31 July 1992aged 30, he was shot and killed by unknown assailants. Ozgur Gundem reported that Mr. Orhan had been stopped on the street and threatened.[21]
Hüseyin DenizÖzgür GündemCeylanpınar 9 August 1992aged 36, he was critically wounded by one bullet fired into his neck. Mr. Deniz was also the regional correspondent for the daily, Cumhuriyet.[21]
Musa AnterÖzgür Gündem Diyarbakır 20 September 1992aged 74, Mr. Anter had written for Ozgur Gundem and Yeni Ulke, as well as for the Kurdish newspaper, Welat. He was also the chairman of the board of the Mesopotamian Cultural Center in Istanbul. Mr. Anter was reportedly lured from his hotel on false pretenses and shot in the outskirts of Diyarbakir. A relative accompanying him was shot and wounded at the same time.[21]
Mehmet Sait ErtenAzadi-Denk Diyarbakır 3 November 1992
Yaşar Aktayfree-lancedHani 9 November 1992during the violent incidents in Hani district PKK militants entered the house of free-lanced journalist Kemal Aktay and "executed" him.[22]
Hatip KapçakSerbest/HürriyetMazıdağı 18 November 1992the Mardin reporter for a local newspaper, Soz, and for the weekly journal, Gercek (Fact), was killed in an armed attack in the Mazidagi district of Mardin on 18 November. Mr. Kapcak had been researching and reporting on the activities of the Kurdish Hezbullah organization, which allegedly has ties to security forces. Mr. Kapcak had served six years in prison on political charges following the 1980 military coup. After his release, he wrote for the mainstream daily, Gunes, and then for the daily, Hurriyet.[21]
Namık Tarancı GerçekDiyarbakır 20 November 1992aged 37, he was shot and killed on his way to work. He reportedly received three bullets in his head after an attack by two assailants and died on the spot.[21]
Kemal KılıçYeni ÜlkeŞanlıurfa 18 February 1993aged 29, he was shot dead with two bullets in the head by four assailants. Mr. Kilic had been writing for the newspaper Yeni Ulke since the suspension of publication of Ozgur Gundem in January. Mr. Kilic was also a member of the board of the Urfa Branch of the Turkish Human Rights Association. Mehmet Senol, the Diyarbakir representative for Ozgur Gundem, reported that Mr. Kilic had applied for a gun license, but that his application had been rejected.[21] He was shot and killed by unknown assailants in Kulunce Village, near the city of Urfa. Police had questioned him about a news release he had published on the difficulties distributors had faced in selling the newspaper in Sanli Urfa Province.[24]
Mehmet İhsan KarakuşSilvan GazetesiSilvan 13 March 1993aged 53, owner of the local newspaper Silvan. He was shot by unknown assailants that could not be identified until the end of 1993.[25]
Ercan GüreHürriyet News AgencyBergama20 May 1993or Ercan Gürel, soon after the incident Veysel Özakıncı was detained as his killer and stated that he killed him because of a dispute of the ownership of land.[25]
Ömer TaşarMilli GazeteSaraybosna26 June 1993killing outside Turkey by fire opened from Serbian positions.[25]
İhsan UygurSabahİstanbul6 July 1993
Rıza GüneşerHalkın Gücüİstanbul14 July 1993he was the owner of the left-wing journal "Halkın Gücü". The murder is believed to have been committed by the "Bedri Yağan group", a split of the Devrimci Sol[25]
Ferhat TepeÖzgür GündemBitlis 28 July 1993 disappeared when he was reportedly forced to get into a car. Although several teams of police were seen patrolling the streets at the time, they denied any knowledge of the incident. On 8 August a body found in Lake Hazar, near the city of Elazig, was identified as being Tepe's.[26] On 9 May 2003 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the material in the case file does not enable it to conclude beyond all reasonable doubt that the applicant’s son was abducted and killed by any State agent or person acting on behalf of the State authorities.[27]
Muzaffer AkkuşMilliyetBingöl20 September 1993aged 34, PKK militants killed him during a road block.[25]
Ruhi Can TulTDN[28]Kırıkkale14 January 1994aged 29, Ruhican Tul died when a bomb exploded in a bus going from Ankara to Samsun. Three people were killed. The PKK claimed responsibility for the attack.[29]
Nazım BabaoğluGündemSiverek12 March 1994he is presumed dead after disappearing in Siverek, a small town near Urfa. He had traveled there to follow up on a news tip from a colleague, who later denied phoning him.[30]
Kamil KoşapınarZamanErzurum19 March 1994according to the newspaper he worked for, Kâmil Koşapınar was killed by a stray bullet at a photo shop.[31]
İsmail AğayÖzgür Ülke Batman29 May 1994surname might be Ağaya; according to the Bar Association in Batman such a person is "missing" since December 1994.[32]
Erol AkgünDevrimci ÇözümGebze8 September 1994editor-in-chief of the left-wing weekly Devrimci Cozum, was killed by unidentified assailants as he left his home in Gebze, near Istanbul. His colleagues at the paper believe a rival left-wing faction killed him because he was the weekly's editor.[33]
Bahri IşıkÇağdaş Marmaraİstanbul17 September 1994
Ersin YıldızÖzgür Ülkeİstanbul3 December 1994aged 30, he died when the offices of his paper in Istanbul were destroyed by a bomb, planted by unidentified persons, 19 staff members were wounded.[29]
Bekir KutmangilYeni Günaydınİstanbul23 May 1995he was the owner of the local newspaper, but reportedly he was involved in affairs of organized crime. A rival was made responsible for the killing.[34]
Nail AydınSon HaberGiresun28 July 1995
Seyfettin TepeYeni PolitikaBitlis28 August 1995also spelled Safyettin Tepe, he was taken into custody on 22 August. Four days later he was moved to the Bitlis Security Directorate. He died in custody on 29 August. His family was told that he committed suicide but rejects that official explanation.[35]

At the same time several people distributing pro-Kurdish newspaper in the region under a state of emergency, were killed, too. The list of names of distributors of Özgür Gündem and its successors that were killed (while the perpetrators mostly remained unknown) includes 18 names:[36]

Halil Adanır 21 November 1992Diyarbakırtaxi driver, aged 32, married with 5 children, he was burned to death in his car.[21]
Kemal Ekinci 16 December 1992DiyarbakırHh was killed as he left his house in the Saraykapi district. In early December, he had acted as a spokesperson for newspaper vendors who were protesting the prevention of newspaper sales in Diyarbakir.[21]
Lokman Gündüz 31 December 1992Nusaybinaged 20, he had started distributing the newspaper that day.[21]
Orhan Karaağar 10 January 1993Vanaged 30, knifed to death[25]
Teğmen Demir 5 June 1993Batman
Haşim Yaşa 14 June 1993Diyarbakıraged 34, father of seven children[25]
Yusuf Karaüzüm 26 August 1993Silvanaged 27, attack of three people, second victim was Vahit Demir (30)[25]
Zülküf Akkaya 28 September 1993Diyarbakıraged 34, killed by three people. In protest the shops selling papers closed for several days.[25]
Adil Başkan 9 November 1993Nusaybinaged 28, he had been threatened before.[25]
Yalçın Yaşa 10 November 1993Diyarbakıraged 13
Kadir İpeksürer 19 November 1993Urfahe was attacked by militants of Kurdish Hezbollah with cleavers and died in hospital.[25]
Adnan Işık 27 November 1993Vanaged 29, married with four children, witnesses claimed that the assailants entered Van Police HQ with their cars.[25]
Mehmet Sencer 4 December 1993Diyarbakıraged 41, of Arabic off-spring.[25]
Musa Dürü 3 December 1993Batmanthe killings of Musa Dürü and Yahya Çilligöz happened within just 15 minutes.[25]
Yahya Çilligöz3 December 1993Batmanthe killings of Musa Dürü and Yahya Çilligöz happened within just 15 minutes.[25]
Zuhat Tepe14 December 1993Iskenderunaged 27, he was found 50 metres away from his home with his throat being cut.[25]
Hıdır Çelik 23 August 1994Diyarbakıraged 40, no result of the investigations until the end of 1994.[29]
Metin Alataş 3 April 2010Adanaaged 34, distributing the Kurdish daily newspaper Azadiya Welat, was found hanging from a tree. He was also attacked in December whilst distributing the paper in the region. Colleagues believe he was killed by "illegal forces" or forced to commit suicide.[37]

Killings of journalists since 1995

The killings of journalists in Turkey since 1995 are more or less individual cases. Most prominent among the victims is Hrant Dink, killed in 2007, but the death of Metin Göktepe also raised great concern, since police officers beat him to death. Since 2014, several Syrian journalists who were working from Turkey and reporting on the rise of Daesh have been assassinated.

The death of Metin Alataş in 2010 is also a source of disagreement - while the autopsy claimed it was suicide, his family and colleagues demanded an investigation. He had formerly received death threats and had been violently assaulted.[38]

Metin GöktepeEvrenselİstanbul8 January 1996he was beaten to death by police. His death prompted a public outcry among journalists. After several trials, retrials, and appeals, in January 2000, an appeals court upheld seven-and-a-half-year prison sentences for five police officers involved in the killing.[39]
Kutlu AdalıYeni Düzen Cyprus 8 July 1996aged 61, an organization called Turkish Revenge Brigade (TIT) claimed responsibility for the attack.[40]
Yemliha Kaya Halkın Gücüİstanbul27 July 1996aged 28, she was the owner and editor-in-chief of the journal Halkın Gücü (Power of the People). She died as the result of a hunger strike against the prison conditions. She was in prison since 1995, charged with membership of the DHKP-C.[41]
Selahattin Turgay Daloğluİstanbul 9 September 1996known as a writer of books about Fatsa (self-administration in Fatsa, see de:Selbstverwaltung in Fatsa). He was killed at his home.[42]
Reşat AydınAA, TRT20 June 1997
Abdullah Doğan Candan FmKonya 13 July 1997
Ünal MesuloğluTRT Manisa8 November 1997
Mehmet Topaloğlu KurtuluşAdana 28 January 1998police officers killed Mehmet Topaloğlu, Adana representative of the newspaper Kurtuluş, and Selahattin Akıncı, a vendor for the same, and Bülent Dil, in a house raid in the night of 28 January.[43]
Önder Babat Devrimci Hareket İstanbul3 March 2004aged 25, he was shot in his head with a 9 mm bullet after he had left the office of his paper in Beyoğlu (Istanbul) together with three friends. It has not been found out who the attackers were, where they came from and why they shot Babat.[44] The ECtHR considered that the material in the case file did not enable it to conclude beyond all reasonable doubt that Önder Babat was killed by any State agent or person acting on behalf of the State authorities. Therefore, there had been no violation of Article 2 on that account.[45]
Yaşar Parlak Silvan MücadeleSilvan18 August 2004born 1956, started as an amateur journalist with Günaydın in 1973. After 1976 he worked for the news agency Akdeniz. His first book "History of Silvan" was released 1980. His research on unsolved killings in Silvan "Şehitler Şehri Silvan" (Town of Martyrs: Silvan) was released in 2004, but the governor banned its distribution. In April 2004 Yaşar Parlak was detained on allegations that he had kidnapped a girl (a young woman looking after his mother). He was released after one month. Two months later he was shot in his neck with one bullet, a method known from Hizbullah. Six years later the assailants have not been identified.[46]
Hrant Dink Agos İstanbul19 January 2007aged 52, managing editor of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos, was shot outside his newspaper's offices in Istanbul. A day later, police arrested the alleged triggerman, 17-year-old Ogün Samast, who reportedly confessed to the crime.[47] The Turkish authorities have failed to address state officials' alleged involvement in the killing of journalist and human rights activist Hrant Dink, Amnesty International said in January 2012. Calls by the Dink family to investigate the collusion and negligence of state officials in the murder, backed by a European Court of Human Rights judgment in 2010, have not been heeded.[48]
İsmail Cihan Hayırsevener Güney Marmara Yaşam Bandırma19 December 2009aged 51, in connection with the killing 12 people are on trial in Istanbul. The founder of the newspaper İlk Haber (First News), İhsan Kuruoğlu is accused of having instructed Serkan Erakkuş to kill Mr Hayırsevener. The hearing of 28 August 2012 was adjourned to 22 November 2012.[49] On 1 August 2013 Istanbul Heavy Penal Court 10 sentenced İhsan Kuruoğlu to 27 years' imprisonment.[50]
Serena Shim Press TV Suruc,Turkey19 October 2014aged 29, killed in a very suspicious car crash, days after being threatened by Turkish Intelligence.
Ibrahim Abdulkader Ayn Watan Şanlıurfa, Turkey27 December 2015 Victim was a Syrian refugee. Daesh has claimed responsibility.[51]
Firas Hammadi Ayn Watan Şanlıurfa, Turkey27 December 2015 Victim was a Syrian refugee. Daesh has claimed responsibility.[52]
Naji al Jurf Hentah Gaziantep, Turkey27 December 2015 Victim was a Syrian refugee. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the assassination, which happened as al Jurf's family were seeking asylum in France.[53]

See also


  1. See Öldürülen Gazeteciler; accessed on 31 October 2012. A similar list exist on the pages of the Association of Contemporary Journalists in Turkey (tr: Çağdaş Gazeteciler Derneği) Öldürülen gazeteciler; accessed on 31 October 2012
  2. See an article in of 4 April 2012 103 yılda 112 gazeteci ve yazar öldürüldü; accessed on 31 October 2012
  3. See an article in of 5 April 2011 6 Nisan 1909: Serbesti Gazetesi yazarı Hasan Fehmi Bey öldürüldü; accessed on 31 October 2012
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "103 yılda 112 gazeteci ve yazar öldürüldü" (in Turkish). Gazeteciler. 4 April 2012.
  5. 1 2 3 4 The daily Hürriyet reported on 1 May 1998 in the Story of 50 years of publishing on various victims in their ranks; accessed on 31 October 2012
  6. See an article written by his friends at Newroz Şehidi Hüseyin Şen Yoldaş!!; here the date of death is given as 21 March 1979; accessed on 31 October 2012
  7. See an article in Sesonline of 25 November 2005 Ali İhsan Özgür anılıyor; accessed on 31 October 2012
  8. Ganser, Daniele, NATO's secret armies: operation Gladio and terrorism in Western Europe, (Routledge, 2005), 238.
  9. Some of biography can be found in Turkish at; accessed on 31 October 2012
  10. See the Turkish Wikipedia tr:TKP/ML Hareketi
  11. See an article in Bianet of 11 April 2010 Kaftancıoğlu'nun Katili 30 Yıl Sonra Hala Cezasız; accessed on 1 November 2012
  12. Details can be found in Turkish in the newspaper Birgün of 21 October 2005 ‘Söz gerillası yapıyoruz sıkıysa durdurun!’; accessed on 31 October 2012
  13. 1 2 See an article in Istanbul Gerçeği of 4 September 2012 Turan Dursun'un katili nerede?; accessed on 31 October 2012
  14. See an article in Bianet of Wall around Murder of Journalist Mumcu Holds; accessed on 31 October 2012
  15. The article by Cüneyt Cebenoyan was published in Birgün of 26 January 2010 under the title of Onat Kutlar cinayeti ve PKK; accessed on 31 October 2012
  16. See the news item in German on the pages of the Democratic Turkey Forum Wochenbericht 30/2005; accessed on 31 October 2012
  17. See the news item in German on the pages of the Democratic Turkey Forum Wochenbericht 46/2006; accessed on 31 October 2012
  18. See a film produced on the 20th anniversary of Özgür Gündem reproduced on the Wiki "B-Ob8ungen" under Freie Presse oder Partei im Kurdenkonflikt? (text in Turkish and German); accessed on 30 October 2012
  19. See an article in Özgür Gündem of 4 April 2011 Mirasınızı devralıyoruz (We take over your heritage); accessed on 30 October 2012
  20. Human Rights Watch, 16 February 2000, What is Turkey's Hizbullah?
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The report of Human Rights Watch: The Kurds of Turkey: Killings, Disappearances and Torture of March 1993 can be found as google-books or as a PDF file; accessed on 31 October 2012
  22. 1 2 See the annual report of the Human Rights Foundation for 1992 (Turkish), Ankara January 1993, pages 143-148
  23. See an article of 22 September 2011 and a comment in "sosyalist barikat" of September 1992 Basına Saldırılar Sistemleşiyor; accessed on 1 November 2012
  24. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  25. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 See the annual report of the Human Rights Foundation for 1993 (Turkish), Ankara June 1995, pages 230-238
  26. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  27. The full text of the judgment can be found on the pages of the ECtHR; accessed on 1 November 2012
  28. Turkish Daily News (TDN) later became Hürriyet Daily News.
  29. 1 2 3 See the annual report of the Human Rights Foundation for 1992 (English), Ankara September 1995, ISBN 975 7217 04 2, pages 247-249
  30. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  31. See the article in the daily Zaman of 20 March 2002 Kâmil Koşapınar mezarı başında anıldı; accessed on 1 November 2012
  32. See an article in a local newspaper from Batman, dated 8 February 2012 KMM VE KAYIPLAR; accessed on 1 November 2012
  33. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  34. See an article in Zaman of 2 June 1995 Kutmangil cinayeti aydınlandı; accessed on 1 November 2012 and a comment of Tuncay Özkan in Radikal of 30 June 2000 Cici oldu, sorularsa ortada; accessed on 1 November 2012
  35. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  36. Information was taken from a page called Onlarin Sayesinde -4 (Because of them -4), a page at Newededersim called Kürt basını 114 yaşında (Kurdish press aged 114) and annual reports of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey.
  37. The International Press Institute of April 2010 DW: Metin Alataş: Turkey; accessed on 1 November 2012
  39. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  40. See the annual report of the Human Rights Foundation for 1996 (Turkish), Ankara September 1998, ISBN 975 7217 19 0, page 410
  41. See the annual report of the Human Rights Foundation for 1996 (Turkish), Ankara September 1998, ISBN 975 7217 19 0, page 371
  42. See an entry in the Forum Turka; accessed on 1 November 2012
  43. See the annual report of the Human Rights Foundation for 1998 (Turkish), Ankara 2000 ISBN 975 7217 25 5, page 148/149
  44. See an Article in Bianet of 13 January 2010 Turkey Sentenced by ECHR for Önder Babat Murder Case; accessed on 1 November 2012
  45. The judgment of 12 January 2010 is available on the website of the ECtHR; accessed on 1 November 2012
  46. Summarized from an article of Prof. Dr. Ümit Yazıcıoğlu Yaşar Parlak olayındaki faili meçhul parmak; accessed on 1 November 2012
  47. Entry on the case by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at; accessed on 1 November 2012
  48. The press statement of 16 January 2012 Turkey fails to deliver justice for murdered Armenian journalist as trial ends; accessed on 1 November 2012
  49. See an article in of 28 August 2012 Gazeteci cinayetinde sona gelindi; accessed on 1 November 2012
  50. See the article in Bianet of 26 January 2015 BİA Medya Gözlem Raporu - Tam Metin; accessed on 26 January 2015
  51.; accessed on 7 January 2016
  52.; accessed on 7 January 2016
  53.; accessed on 7 January 2016
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