List of long poems in English

This is a list of English poems over 1000 lines. This list includes poems that are generally identified as part of the long poem genre, being considerable in length, and with that length enhancing the poems' meaning or thematic weight. This alphabetical list is incomplete, as the label of long poem is selectively and inconsistently applied in literary academia.

Poet Poem Year published Length
Anonymous Maz'zaroth[1] [2] 2013 2 lines
A. M. Amiama The Rainbow Mountain 2016 3 lines
A. R. Ammons Sphere: The Form of a Motion 1973
A. R. Ammons Tape for the Turn of the Year
Matthew Arnold Sohrab and Rustum
John Ashberry Flow Chart 1991
W.H. Auden The Sea and the Mirror
W.H. Auden The Age of Anxiety
Sri Aurobindo Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol 1951 ca. 24,000 lines
Beowulf 8th-11th Century 3,182 lines
John Berryman The Dream Songs 1969 ca. 2 lines
Richard Blackmore Eliza 1705
Richard Blackmore Redemption 1722
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Aurora Leigh 1856
Robert Browning The Ring and the Book 1868-69 5 lines
Lord Byron Don Juan 1824
Lord Byron Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 1812-18
Geoffrey Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde c. 1380s
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Christabel 1797; 1800 6 lines
Hart Crane The Bridge 1930
Cursor Mundi ca. 1300 ca. 7 lines
H.D. Helen in Egypt
H.D. Trilogy 1944-46
William Davenant Gondibert 1651
James Dickey The Zodiac 1976
Edward Dorn Slinger
Robert Duncan The Structure of Rime
Robert Duncan Passages
Michael Drayton Poly-Olbion 1612; 1622 15000 lines
T. S. Eliot Four Quartets (including Burnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry Salvages, and Little Gidding) 1936–1943
Claudia Emerson Pinion
Richard Glover (poet) Leonidas 1737
Judy Grahn The Chronicle of Queens
Susan Howe The Liberties
Langston Hughes Montage of a Dream Deferred
David Jones The Anathemata
David Jones In Parenthesis 1937
John Keats Endymion (poem) 1818 ca. 4,000 lines
William Langland Piers Plowman ca.1370-90 ca. 7,300 lines
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Evangeline 1847
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Song of Hiawatha 1855
Carl Melanson Amlethus
Herman Melville Clarel 1876 18,000 lines
John Milton Paradise Lost 1667 10,565 lines
John Milton Paradise Regained 1671 2,070 lines
John Milton Samson Agonistes 1671 1,758 lines
Peter Oresick Warhol-o-rama 2008
Charles Olson Maximus Poems
Joseph G. Peterson Inside the Whale 2011
Ezra Pound Cantos
Ntozake Shange For colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf 1976
Percy Bysshe Shelley Queen Mab (poem) 1813
Percy Bysshe Shelley Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude 1815
Percy Bysshe Shelley The Revolt of Islam 1817 4,818 lines
Robert Southey Joan of Arc 1796
Robert Southey Thelma the Destroyer 1801
Robert Southey Madoc (poem) 1805
Edmund Spenser The Faerie Queene 1590, 1596 36,000 lines
Frank Stanford The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You 1977 15,283 lines
Gertrude Stein Stanzas in Meditation 1956
Mary Tighe Psyche, or the Legend of Love [3] 1805 3,348 lines
Melvin B. Tolson Harlem Gallery 1965
Derek Walcott Omeros 1990
Walt Whitman Song of Myself 1881 1346 lines
Saul Williams , said the shotgun to the head
William Carlos Williams Paterson 1946-58
William Wordsworth The Prelude 1850
Louis Zukofsky "A"


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