List of philosophers (R–Z)
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Philosophers (and others important in the history of philosophy), listed alphabetically:
- Note: This list has a minimal criteria for inclusion and the relevance to philosophy of some individuals on the list is disputed.
- François Rabelais, (1493–1553)[4]
- Gustav Radbruch, (1878–1949)[4]
- Janet Radcliffe Richards, (born 1944)[3]
- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, (1888–1975)[3][4]
- Assi Rahbani, (1923–1986)
- Karl Rahner, (1904–1984)[4]
- Ramanuja, (1017–1137)[1][3][4]
- Frank P. Ramsey, (1903–1930)[1][3][4][5]*
- Ian Thomas Ramsey, (1915–1972)[4]
- Paul Ramsey, (1913–1988)
- Petrus Ramus, (1515–1572)[1][4][5]*
- Jacques Rancière, (born 1940)
- Ayn Rand (1905–1982)[4]
- Hastings Rashdall, (1858–1924)[1][3][4]
- Felix Ravaisson-Mollien, (1813–1900)[4]
- John Rawls, (1921–2002)[1][3][4]
- John Ray, (1627–1705)[1]
- Daniel Raymond
- Joseph Raz (born 1939)
- Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi (or Rhazes), (865-925)[1][4]
- Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, (1149–1209)[4]
- Paul Ree, (1849–1901)[3]
- Pierre-Sylvain Regis, (1632–1707)[4]
- August Wilhelm Rehberg [5]*
- Wilhelm Reich, (1897–1957)[3]
- Hans Reichenbach, (1891–1953)[1][3][4]
- Thomas Reid, (1710–1796)[1][3][4][5]
- Hermann Samuel Reimarus, (1694–1768)[1]
- Adolf Reinach, (1883–1917)[4]
- Karl Leonhard Reinhold, (1757–1823)[1][4][5]
- Karl Renner, (1870–1950)[4]
- Charles Bernard Renouvier, (1815–1903)[1][3][4]
- Nicholas Rescher, (born 1928)[3]
- Rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen (or Gyeltsap darma rinchen) (1364–1432)[4]
- David Ricardo, (1772–1823)
- Richard of Middleton, (c. 1249 – 1306)[4]
- Richard of St. Victor, (died 1173)[4]
- Richard Rufus of Cornwall (or Richardus Sophista) (1231–1259)[1][4][5]
- I. A. Richards, (1893–1979)
- Radovan Richta, (1924–1983)
- Heinrich Rickert, (1863–1936)[5]*
- Paul Ricœur, (1913–2005)[1][3][4][5]
- Bernhard Riemann, (1826–1866)
- R.R. Rockingham Gill
- Jacques Rohault, (1617–1672)[4]
- Erwin Rohde, (1845–1898)
- Francisco Romero (1891–1962)[3]
- Avital Ronell
- Richard Rorty, (1931–2007)[1][3][4][5]
- Vasily Rozanov, (1856–1919)
- Roscelin of Compiègne, (c. 1050 – c. 1120)[1][4]
- Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz, (1805–1879)
- Franz Rosenzweig, (1886–1929)[1][3][4]
- Antonio Rosmini-Serbati, (1797–1855)[1][4][5]
- Alf Niels Christian Ross, (1899–1979)[4]
- William David Ross, (1877–1971)[1][3][4]
- Gian-Carlo Rota, (1932–1999)
- Jean Jacques Rousseau, (1712–1778)[1][3][4]
- Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, (1760–1825)
- Joseph Rovan, (1918–2004)
- Josiah Royce, (1865–1916)[1][3][4][5]
- Pierre Paul Royer-Collard, (1763–1845)
- Vasily Rozanov, (1856–1919)[4]
- Ruan Ji, (210-263)[1]
- Arnold Ruge, (1802–1880)[4]
- Michael Ruse, (born 1940)
- Bertrand Russell, (1872–1970)[1][3][4][5]
- Jan van Ruysbroek, (1293–1381)
- Gilbert Ryle, (1900–1976)[1][3][4]
- Sandeep Rathaur (born 10aug 1988)
- Saadia Gaon, (892-942)[1][3][4][5]
- Mulla Hadi Sabzevari, (1797–1873)[4]
- William S. Sahakian, (1922–1986)
- Mark Sainsbury, (born 1943)[3]
- Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, (1760–1825)[1][3][4]
- Émile Saisset, (1814–1863)
- Syed Zafarul Hasan, (1885–1949)
- Nathan Salmon, (born 1951)
- Wesley Salmon, (1925–2001)[3]
- Francisco Sanches, (1551–1623)[1][4]
- Michael Sandel, (born 1953)[3]
- George Santayana, (1863–1952)[1][3][4][5]
- Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar, (1921–1990)
- Jean-Paul Sartre, (1905–1980)[1][3][4][5]
- Crispin Sartwell, (born 1958)
- John Ralston Saul, (born 1947)
- Ferdinand de Saussure, (1857–1913)[1][4]
- Fernando Savater, (born 1947)
- Friedrich Karl von Savigny, (1779–1861)[4]
- Julius Caesar Scaliger, (1484–1558)
- Thomas Scanlon, (born 1940)
- Richard Schacht, (born 1941)[3]
- Max Scheler, (1874–1928)[1][3][4]
- Friedrich Schelling, (1775–1852)[1][3][4][5]
- F. C. S. Schiller, (1864–1937)[4]
- Friedrich Schiller, (1759–1805)[1][3][4]
- Friedrich Schlegel, (1772–1829)[1][4][5]*
- Hubert Schleichert
- Friedrich Schleiermacher, (1768–1834)[1][4][5]
- Moritz Schlick, (1882–1936)[3][4]
- Carl Schmitt, (1888–1985)[4]
- J.B. Schneewind, (born 1930)
- Arthur Schopenhauer, (1788–1860)[1][3][4][5]
- Erwin Schrödinger, (1887–1961)[1]
- Gottlob Ernst Schulze, (1761–1833)[1]
- Joseph Schumpeter, (1883–1950)[4]
- Anna Maria van Schurman, (1607–1678)[4]
- Alfred Schütz, (1899–1959)[3][4][5]
- Albert Schweitzer, (1875–1965)
- Roger Scruton, (born 1944)[3]
- John Searle, (born 1932)[1][3][4]
- Charles Secrétan, (1815–1895)
- Michal Sedziwój, (1566–1636)
- John Selden, (1584–1654)[4]
- Roy Wood Sellars, (1880–1973)[3]
- Wilfrid Sellars, (1912–1989)[1][3][4][5]
- Amartya Sen, (born 1933)[3]
- Seneca the Younger, (c. 4 BC-AD 65)[3][4]
- Sengzhao, (384-414)[4]
- John Sergeant, (1623–1704)[4]
- Michel Serres, (born 1930)
- Sextus Empiricus, (2nd/3rd century)[1][3][4]
- Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury, (1671–1713)[1][3][4][5]
- Shah Wali Allah (or Qutb al-Din Ahmad al-Rahim or Waliullah), (1703–1762)[4]
- Shang Yang (or Gongsun Yang), (died 338 BC)[1]
- Adi Shankara, (788-820)[1][3][4]
- Shao Yung, (1011–1077)[1][4]
- Darius Shayegan
- Shen Buhai, (died 337 BC)[1]
- Shen Dao (or Shen Tzu), (c. 350-275 BC)[1]
- Lev Shestov, (1866–1938)[4]
- Shinran, (1173–1261)[4]
- Sydney Shoemaker, (born 1931)[3]
- Daryush Shokof, (born 1954)
- Gustav Gustavovich Shpet, (1879–1937)[1][4]
- Henry Sidgwick, (1838–1900)[1][3][4][5]
- Sigerus of Brabant, (1240–1284)[1][4]
- Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart, (1789–1844)
- Abu Sulayman Muhammad al-Sijistani, (c. 932-c. 1000)[4]
- Francesco Silvestri (or Francis Sylvester of Ferrara), (1474–1528)[4]
- Georg Simmel, (1858–1918)[1][4]
- Simon of Faversham, (c. 1260 – 1306)[5]
- Simplicius of Cilicia, (early 6th century)[1][4][5]*
- Kurt Singer, (1886-1962)
- Peter Singer, (born 1946)[3]
- B. F. Skinner, (1904–1990)[4]
- Thoralf Skolem, (1887–1963)[1]
- Hryhori Skovoroda, (1722–1794)[4]
- Peter Sloterdijk, (born 1947)
- J. J. C. Smart, (born 1920)[1][3][4]
- Adam Smith, (1723–1790)[1][3][4]
- Huston Smith, (born 1919)
- Joseph Smith, (1805–1844)
- Michael Smith, (born 1954)
- Raymond Smullyan, (born 1919)
- Joseph D. Sneed
- Jan Sniadecki, (1756–1830)
- Scott Soames, (born 1946)
- Elliott Sober
- Socrates, (470 BC-399 BC)[1][3][4][5]
- Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, (1780–1890)
- Joseph Soloveitchik, (1903–1993)[4][5]*
- Vladimir Solovyov, (1853–1900)[1][3][4]
- Georges Sorel, (1847–1922)[1][3][4]
- William Ritchie Sorley, (1855–1935)
- Abdolkarim Soroush
- Ernest Sosa, (born 1940)[3]
- Domingo de Soto, (1494–1560)[1][4]
- Othmar Spann, (1878–1950)
- Herbert Spencer, (1820–1903)[1][3][4][5]
- Thomas Spencer Baynes, (1823–1887)
- Oswald Spengler, (1880–1936)
- Speusippus, (410-339 BC)[3][4][5]
- Herbert Spiegelberg, (1904–1990)
- Baruch Spinoza, (1632–1677)[1][3][4][5]
- Afrikan Spir, (1837–1890)[1]
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, (born 1942)
- Lysander Spooner, (1808–1887)
- Timothy L.S. Sprigge, (born 1932)[3]
- Walter Terence Stace, (1886–1967)
- Edward Stachura, (1937–1979)
- Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, (1766–1817)[4]
- James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount Stair, (1619–1695)[4]
- Robert Stalnaker, (born 1940)[3]
- Henry Stanton, (1805–1887)
- Olaf Stapledon, (1886–1950)
- Stanislaw Staszic, (1755–1826)
- L. Susan Stebbing, (1885–1943)
- Edith Stein, (1891–1942)
- Rudolf Steiner, (1861–1925)[1][4]
- Leslie Stephen, (1832–1904)[1]
- Charles Leslie Stevenson, (1908–1979)[3][4]
- Dugald Stewart, (1753–1828)[3][4]
- Stephen Stich, (born 1944)[3]
- Stilpo
- James Hutchison Stirling, (1820–1909)
- Max Stirner, (1806–1856)[1][3][4][5]
- George Frederick Stout, (1860–1944)[1][3]
- David Stove, (1927–1994)
- Strato of Lampsacus, (c. 340-c. 268 BC)[1][4]
- David Friedrich Strauss, (1808–1874)[4]
- Leo Strauss, (1899–1973)[4]
- Galen Strawson, (born 1952)
- P. F. Strawson, (1919–2006)[1][3][4]
- Barry Stroud, (born 1935)[3]
- Carl Stumpf, (1848–1936)
- Francisco Suárez, (1548–1617)[1][3][4][5]*
- Gabrielle Suchon, (1631–1703)[4]
- Sun Tzu
- Sun Yat-sen, (1866–1925)[1]
- Henry Suso, (1300–1366)[4]
- Karen Swassjan
- Emanuel Swedenborg, (1688–1772)[4]
- Richard Swinburne, (born 1934)[1][3]
- Syrianus [5]*
- David Sztybel, (born 1967)
- Allama Tabatabai, (1903–1981)
- Javad Tabatabaei
- Debendranath Tagore, (1817–1905)
- Rabindranath Tagore, (1861–1941)[3][4]
- Tai Chen (or Dai Zhen or Tai Tung-Yuan), (1724–1777)[1][2][4]
- Hippolyte Taine, (1828–1893)[4]
- T'an Ssu-t'ung, (1864–1898)[1]
- Tanabe Hajime, (1885–1962)[3][4]
- T'ang Chun-i, (1909–1978)[1]
- Alfred Tarski, (1901–1983)[1][3][4][5]*
- Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz, (1886–1980)
- Johannes Tauler, (c. 1300 – 1361)[4]
- Nicolaus Taurellus
- Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, (c. 930-1023)[4]
- Charles Taylor, (born 1931)[1][3][4]
- Harriet Taylor Mill, (1807–1858)[1][4][5]
- Richard Taylor, (1919–2003)[3]
- Gustav Teichmuller (1837–1888)[1]
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, (1881–1955)[1][4]
- Bernardino Telesio, (1509–1588)[1][4][5]
- Placide Tempels, (1906–1977)
- William Temple, (1881–1944)[4]
- Frederick Robert Tennant, (1866–1957)[4]
- Teresa of Avila, (1515–1582)[1]
- Tertullian, (c. 160-c. 220)[1][4]
- Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, (1736–1807)[1][4]
- Thales, (c. 635 BC-543 BC)[1][3][4]
- Themistius, (317-387)[4]
- Theodorus of Cyrene, (c. 465-398 BC)
- Theophrastus, (372-287 BC)[3][4]
- Helmut Thielicke, (1908–1986)[4]
- Thierry of Chartres, (fl. c. 1130-1150)[4]
- Thomas à Kempis, (1380–1471)[4]
- Thomas of Erfurt, (14th century)[5]
- Thomas of York, (13th century)[4]
- Christian Thomasius, (1655–1728)[4]
- William Thompson, (1775–1833)
- Judith Jarvis Thomson, (born 1929)[1][3]
- Henry David Thoreau, (1817–1862)[1][3][4][5]
- Thrasymachus, (5th century BC)[1][4][5]
- Thucydides, (c. 460-c. 400 BC)[4]
- Paul Tillich, (1886–1965)[1][4]
- Timaeus of Locri, (5th century BC)
- Timon of Phlius, (c. 300 BC)[4][5]
- Matthew Tindal, (1657–1733)[4]
- Alexis de Tocqueville, (1805–1859)[4]
- Tzvetan Todorov, (born 1939)[4]
- John Toland, (1670–1722)[3][4]
- Francisco de Toledo, (1515–1584)[1][4]
- Leo Tolstoy, (1828–1910)[4]
- Tominaga Nakamoto, (1715–1746)[4]
- Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg
- Ernst Troeltsch, (1865–1923)[1][4]
- Leon Trotsky, (1879–1940)[3][4]
- Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, (1651–1708)[4]
- Je Tsongkhapa (or Dzongkaba or Rinpoche), (1357–1419)[4]
- Abraham Tucker, (1705–1774)[4]
- Benjamin Tucker, (1854–1939)
- Peter Tudvad
- Ernst Tugendhat, (born 1930)[3]
- Raimo Tuomela, (born 1940)
- Alan Turing, (1912–1954)[3][4][5]
- George Turnball, (1698–1748)[1][4]
- Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, (1201–1274)[2][4]
- Kazimierz Twardowski, (1866–1938)[3][4]
- Michael Tye
- TK Neezar Ahmed
- Pietro Ubaldi, (1886–1972)
- Udayana, (11th century)[4]
- Uddyotakara, (6th century)[4]
- Uisang, (625-702)[4]
- Ulrich of Strasbourg, (1220–1277)[4]
- Hermann Ulrici
- Miguel de Unamuno, (1864–1936)[1][3][4]
- Peter Unger
- Dimitri Uznadze, (1886–1950)
- Hans Vaihinger, (1852–1933)[1][3][4]
- Valentinius (or Valentinus), (c. 100-c. 153)[1]
- Lorenzo Valla, (1406–1457)[1][3][4][5]*
- Vallabhacharya, (1479–1531)[4]
- Bas C. van Fraassen, (born 1941)[3]
- Peter van Inwagen
- Giulio Cesare Vanini, (1585–1619)[1]
- Francisco Varela, (1946–2001)
- Vasubandhu, (4th century)[1][4]
- Vatsyayana, (5th century)[4]
- Emerich de Vattel, (1714–1767)
- Gianni Vattimo, (born 1936)[4]
- Vauvenargues, (1715–1747)[1]
- Gabriel Vazquez, (1549–1604)[1]
- John Venn, (1834–1923)[4]
- Henry Babcock Veatch, (1911–1997)
- Nicoletto Vernia, (1442–1499)[4]
- Giambattista Vico, (1668–1744)[1][3][4][5]
- Milan Vidmar, (1885–1962)
- Michel Villey, (1914–1988)[4]
- Vital Du Four, (1260–1327)[4]
- Francisco de Vitoria, (1492–1546)[1][3][4]
- Juan Luís Vives, (1492–1540)[1][4]
- Gregory Vlastos, (1907–1991)[3][4]
- Eric Voegelin, (1901–1985)[4]
- Voltaire, (1694–1778)[3][4]
- Georg Henrik von Wright, (1916–2003)[1][3][4]
- Lev Vygotsky, (1896–1934)[3][4]
- Boris Petrovich Vysheslavtsev, (1877–1954)[4]
- Jean Wahl, (1888–1974)
- Friedrich Waismann, (1896–1959)
- Alfred Russel Wallace, (1823–1913)[4]
- Michael Walzer, (born 1935)[3]
- Ernest Wamba dia Wamba, (born 1942)
- Wang Bi, (226-249)[1]
- Wang Ch'ung, (27-97)[1][4]
- Wang Fuzhi (or Wang Fu-Chih or Wang Chuanshan), (1619–1692)[1][4]
- Hao Wang, (1921–1995)[3]
- Wang Yangming, (1472–1529)[1][3][4]
- James Ward, (1843–1925)[1]
- Geoffrey J. Warnock, (1923–1996)[3]
- Mary Warnock, (born 1924)[3]
- John B. Watson, (1878–1958)[3]
- Watsuji Tetsuro, (1889–1960)[3][4][5]
- Alan Watts, (1915–1973)
- Max Weber, (1864–1920)[1][3][4][5]*
- Eric Weil, (1904–1977)
- Simone Weil, (1909–1943)[1][3][4]
- Ota Weinberger, (1919–2009)[4]
- Otto Weininger, (1880–1903)
- Christian Hermann Weisse
- Victoria, Lady Welby, (1837–1912)
- Felix Weltsch, (1884–1964)
- Cornel West, (born 1953)
- Edvard Westermarck, (1862–1939)[1]
- Hermann Weyl, (1885–1955)[4]
- Frantisek Weyr (or Franz Weyr), (1879–1951)[4]
- William Whewell, (1794–1866)[1][3][4][5]
- Benjamin Whichcote, (1609–1683)
- Thomas White, (1593–1676)[4]
- Alfred North Whitehead, (1861–1947)[1][3][4][5]
- David Wiggins, (born 1933)[3]
- William of Alnwick, (1270–1333)[1]
- William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris, (1180–1249)[1][4][5]*
- William of Auxerre, (died 1231)[1][4]
- William of Champeaux, (c. 1070 – 1121)[4][5]
- William of Conches, (c. 1080 – 1154)[4]
- William of Moerbeke, (c. 1215 – 1286)[1]
- William of Shyreswood (or William of Sherwood), (1190–1249)[1][4]
- Bernard Williams, (1929–2003)[1][3][4][5]
- Timothy Williamson, (born 1955)
- Colin Wilson, (1931-2013)
- John Cook Wilson, (1849–1915)[1]
- Peter Winch, (1926–1997)[3]
- Wilhelm Windelband, (1848–1915)[1][5]*
- Kwasi Wiredu, (born 1931)
- John Wisdom, (1904–1993)[3]
- John Witherspoon, (1723–1794)[4]
- Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, (1885–1939)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, (1889–1951)[1][3][4][5]
- Adam de Wodeham, (1298–1358)[1][4]
- Christian Wolff, (1679–1754)[1][3][4]
- William Wollaston, (1659–1724)[1][4]
- Richard Wollheim, (1923–2003)[3]
- Mary Wollstonecraft, (1759–1797)[1][3][4]
- Nicholas Wolterstorff, (born 1932)
- Wonchuk, (613-696)[4]
- Timothy K. Wong, (625-644)
- Wonhyo Daisa, (617-686)[4]
- Woo Tsin-hang (or Chih-hui), (1865–1953)
- Chauncey Wright, (1830–1875)[1][3][5]
- Crispin Wright, (born 1942)[3]
- Dorothy Maud Wrinch, (1894–1976)
- Jerzy Wróblewski, (1926–1990)[4]
- Wilhelm Wundt, (1832–1920)[1][4][5]*
- John Wyclif, (c. 1330 – 1384)[1][3][4][5]
- Xenocrates, (396-314 BC)[3][4][5]
- Xenophanes of Colophon, (570-480 BC)[1][3][4][5]
- Xenophon, (427-355 BC)[1][4]
- Xun Zi (or Hsun Tzu), (c. 310-237 BC)[1][3][4][5]*
- Yamuna vihar Nishkam imaging solution
- Yajnavalkya, (c. 1800 BC)
- Yang Chu, (370-319 BC)[1][4]
- Yang Xiong (or Yang Hsiung) (53 BC-AD 18)[1][4]
- Yen Yuan (1635–1704)[1]
- Yi Hwang (or Toegye) (1501–1570)[4]
- Yi I (or Yi Yulgok or Yi Yi) (1536–1584)[4]
- Yi Kan (1677–1727)[4]
- Francis Parker Yockey, (1917–1960)
- Arthur M. Young, (1905–1995)
- Iris Marion Young, (1949–2006)
- Jacopo Zabarella, (1533–1589)[1][4][5]
- Edward N. Zalta, (born 1952)
- Peter Wessel Zapffe, (1899–1990)
- Zeami Motokiyo, (c. 1363 – c. 1443)[4]
- Eduard Zeller, (1814–1908)
- Zeno of Citium, (333 BC – 264 BC)[3][4]
- Zeno of Elea, (c. 495 BC – c. 430 BC)[3][4]
- Zeno of Sidon, (1st century BC)
- Zeno of Tarsus
- Ernst Zermelo, (1871–1953)[4]
- Philip Zhai
- Zhiyi (538-597)[4]
- Zhou Guoping
- Zhu Xi (or Chu Hsi), (1130–1200)[1][3][4]
- Zhuang Zi (or Chuang Tzu or Chuang Chou), (circa 300 BC)[1][3][5]
- Slavoj Žižek, (1949-)
- Florian Znaniecki, (1882–1958)
- Zongmi (780-841)[4]
- Zou Yan, (3rd century BC)[1]
- Xavier Zubiri, (1889–1983)
- List of philosophers
- (A-C)
- (D-H)
- (I-Q)
- (R-Z)
<div class="reflist" " style=" list-style-type: decimal;">
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press; 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Second Edition). Martin Gale; 2006. ISBN 0-02-865780-2
- The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press; 1995. ISBN 0-19-866132-0
- Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge; 1998. ISBN 978-0-415-07310-3
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. January 16, 2010
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