List of political parties in Sardinia
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Several Political parties operate in Sardinia. No party has ever had the chance of gaining power alone and thus parties must work with each other to form coalition governments. The political parties are currently organized mainly in two political coalitions at the regional level: one centred on the Democratic Party, the other around Forza Italia. Because of their ideological and political factionalism, the nationalist parties are quite marginal in the electoral scene.
Major parties
More than 15% in the 2014 regional election (or at least 10 regional councillors):
- Democratic Party (Partito Democratico)
- Forward Italy (Forza Italia)
Note: The Five Star Movement (Movimento Cinque Stelle) and Civic Choice (Scelta Civica), which in Sardinia respectively obtained 29.7% and 6.0% of the vote in the Italian general election of February 2013, decided not to take part to the regional election.[1] Neither did the New Centre-Right, a party launched in late 2013.
Medium parties
Between 4% and 15% in the 2014 regional election (or at least 5 regional councillors):
- Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (Unione dei Democratici Cristiani)
- Sardinian Reformers (Riformatori Sardi)
- Left Ecology Freedom (Sinistra Ecologia Libertà)
- Sardinian Action Party (Partidu Sardu - Partito Sardo d'Azione)
Minor parties
Between 1% and 4% in the 2014 regional election (or at least 1 regional councillor):
- United (Unidos)
- Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia)
- Project Republic of Sardinia (Progetu Repùblica de Sardigna)
- Party of Sardinians (Partito dei Sardi)
- Red Moors (Rosso Mori)
- Sardinian Democratic Union (Unione Democratica Sarda)
- Democratic Centre (Centro Democratico)
- Communist Refoundation Party (Partito della Rifondazione Comunista)
- Party of Italian Communists (Partito dei Comunisti Italiani)
- Christian Popular Union (Unione Popolare Cristiana)
- Sardinia Free Zone Movement (Movimento Sardegna Zona Franca)
- Italian Socialist Party (Partito Socialista)
- Italy of Values (Italia dei Valori)
- Federation of the Greens (Federazione dei Verdi)
- Independence Republic of Sardinia (Indipendèntzia Repùbrica de Sardigna)
- The Base Sardinia (La Base Sardegna)
Other regional parties
- To the Left for Independence (A Manca pro s'Indipendentzia)
- United Independentist Front (Fronte Indipendentista Unidu)
- North League Sardinia (Lega Nord Sardinia)
- Free Zone Movement (Movimento Zona Franca)
- Forward Together (Fortza Paris)
- Sardinian Independentist Party (Partidu Indipendentista Sardu)
- Free Sardinia (Sardigna Libera)
- Sardinia Nation (Sardigna Natzione)
- Sovereignty (Soberania)
Former regional parties
At least 1% in a regional, general or EP election in Sardinia (or at least 2 regional councillors):
- Sardinian Socialist Action Party (Partito Sardo d'Azione Socialista)
- Independentist Sardinian Party (Partidu Sardu Indipendentista)
- New Movement (Nuovo Movimento)
- Democratic Federation (Federazione Democratica)
- Sardinia Project (Progetto Sardegna)
- Sardinian Autonomist Populars (Popolari Autonomisti Sardi)
- Sardinia Tomorrow (Sardegna Domani)