Sardinian nationalism

Sardinian nationalism is a social, cultural and political movement in Sardinia promoting the protection of the island's environment and the re-discovery of Sardinian culture. It also calls for more autonomy, or even independence, from Italy.
Even though the island has been characterized by periodical waves of ethnonationalist protests against Rome,[1] the Sardinian movement has its origins on the left of the political spectrum;[2][3] attempts for Sardinian self-determination countered in fact Rome-centric Italian nationalism and fascism (which would eventually manage to contain the autonomist and separatist tendencies[4]). Over the years Sardist parties from different ideological backgrounds have emerged. The first two Sardist parties, the Sardinian Action Party or PSd'Az (one of the oldest stateless nationalist parties in Europe,[5] being founded in 1921) and the Sardinian League (LS), were launched between the two world wars. The PSd'Az, which was pretty strong in the 1920s (e.g. 36% of the popular vote in 1921 regional election[6]) as well as in the 1940s, establishing itself as the most important nationalist movement in Sardinia, experienced a comeback in the 1980s. In the 1984 regional election the party peaked at 30% in Cagliari and over 20% in Sassari and Oristano, gaining overall 13.8% of the vote: therefore, due to its pivotal role in the newly elected Regional Council, Sardist Mario Melis was President of Sardinia from 1984 to 1989.[7] Ever since, that result has not been repeated yet by any nationalist party.
Since then, independentist parties have been in fact in the minority, with some of them making government coalitions with the statewide Italian parties. That also happened in the 2014 Sardinian regional elections.[8]
The Sardinian nationalist movement is rather disjointed and lacking in unity nowadays.[9] It is composed mostly of several local and scattered grassroots organisations across the island that do not have a clear central policy-making authority, and besides, the different nationalist subgroups often disagree with each other on many key issues.[10] Sardinian nationalists address a number of issues, such as the environmental damage caused by the Italian, NATO and U.S. military forces[11][12][13][14][15][16][17] (in fact, 60% of such bases in Italy are located on the island),[18] the financial and economic exploitation of the island's resources by the Italian state and mainland industrialists,[19] the lack of any political representation both in Italy and in the European Parliament[20][21] (due to an unbalanced electoral constituency that still remains to this day,[22] Sardinia has not had its own MEP since 1994)[23] and the ongoing process of depopulation and Italianization that would destroy the Sardinian indigenous culture.[24]
Sardinian nationalism is a pacific movement that does not advocate violent revolution, proposing instead to achieve its goals within a liberal democratic framework. However, as an exception to the rule, there had been some issues in the past strictly related to separatist tendencies, the most worth mentioning being essentially three. First, the actions planned in 1968[25] by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli to turn the island into the Cuba of the Mediterranean and "liberate it from colonialism" by making contact with several local nationalist groups;[26] in the end, the attempt of the famous communist thinker to strengthen the pro-independence militant lines, divided into the socialist Fronte Nazionale de Liberazione de sa Sardigna (FNLS) and the rightist Movimentu Nazionalista Sardu (MNS),[27] was nullified by the Italian secret military intelligence.[28] Secondly, there had been in the 1980s the question of the so-called "separatist conspiracy", a secret plan apparently set up by some local activists to reach the island's independence in collaboration with Gaddafi's Libya;[29][30][31][32] according to some reconstructions of the facts, the supposed Sardinian separatist conspiracy might have been a machination of the Italian secret services seeking to discredit the rising nationalist wave in the island.[33] There were also separatist militant groups,[34] like the Movimento Armato Sardo (Sardinian Armed Movement[35]), claiming assassinations and several kidnappings.[36][37][38][39] Finally, it should be mentioned the case of a number of bombings,[34][40][41] the most notable of which being that in 2004 against Silvio Berlusconi in his visit to Porto Rotondo (Olbia) with Tony Blair;[42] the responsibility has been apparently claimed by some unknown anarcho-separatist militant groups,[38][43][44] the presence of which never to be seen again.[45]
In 2012, a vote in the Sardinian Assembly to pass an independence referendum bill failed by one vote.[46]
In 2014, another independentist group launched a campaign, called Cantonmarittimo ("Maritime Canton"), in order for Sardinia to reach its independence by joining Switzerland as a Canton.[47][48][49][50][51]
Political support
In the '70s, around 38% of the Sardinian population expressed a favourable view on independence.[52] According to a 2012 survey conducted in a joint effort between the University of Cagliari and that of Edinburgh,[53][54][55] 41% of Sardinians would be in favour of independence, whilst another 46% would rather have a larger autonomy within Italy; 13% of people would be content to remain part of Italy without any autonomy.[56][57][58][59][60][61] Besides, the same survey reported that a growing number of younger Sardinians (26% of the population) self-identify as non-Italian, while 37% of Sardinians would identify as Sardinian first and Italian second; 31% would class themselves as both Sardinian and Italian, while 5% said they consider themselves more Italian than Sardinian and 1% Italian only.[62][63] These numerical data have been exposed by Carlo Pala, a professor of political science at the University of Sassari.[64] Even other polls, published by professional organizations for public opinion research, contribute to corroborating, more or less, these findings and their accuracy.[65]
However, this support has heretofore failed to translate into electoral success for pro-sovereignty Sardinian forces. In fact, the nationalist movement has a well-documented history of ideological factionalism:[9][66] all attempts to unify the nationalist subgroups have so far failed; thus, the Sardist movement still suffers from being highly fragmented into a large number of political subgroups pushing different policies. All the Sardist parties put together usually win around 15-20% of the vote in regional elections, with not a single one managing to emerge as a serious competitor to the statewide parties.
It should also be noted that, unlike other European regions with nationalist tendencies, even the local branches of statewide parties have incorporated some of these elements in their political discourses, thus assuming somewhat of a regionalist façade and undermining the distinctive Sardist demands:[6][67] it is to be mentioned, for example, Francesco Cossiga's failed constitutional bill n. 352 to recognize Sardinia as a distinct nation within Italy.[68] The nationalist parties have disjointedly responded to this long-term accommodation strategy: they either refused to join their fragmented Sardist forces or tried to work with the pro-Italian parties as coalition partners, in the hopes of applying further pressure from within to favour increased devolution; either choice has been met with diffidence by the Sardinian electorate, leading the various Sardist parties to play a marginal role in Sardinian politics.
In the 2014 regional election, for instance, more than a dozen Sardist parties of different connotations took part to the electoral competition, but yet again, because of their number and political fragmentation,[69][70][71][72] they did not manage to win as many seats as they were initially supposed to, some[73] think even because of a tactical mistake by the ProgReS-sponsored list, which was then led by the novelist Michela Murgia.[74][75][76] Despite the combined result of all of the nationalist parties being around 26%[77] (dropping to 18% for the pro-independence forces[78]), they won only eight seats in the Sardinian regional council.[69][79][80][81][82]
Here is a summary of the results of the 2014 regional election for regional parties:
- Sardinian Reformers, 6.0% of the vote and 3 regional councillors elected
- Sardinian Action Party, 4.7% of the vote and 2 regional councillors elected
- United, 2.8% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
- Project Republic of Sardinia, 2.8% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
- Party of Sardinians, 2.7% of the vote and 2 regional councillors elected
- Red Moors, 2.6% of the vote and 2 regional councillors elected
- Sardinian Democratic Union, 2.6% of the vote and 1 regional councillor elected
- People (ProgReS-sponsored list), 2.2% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
- Communities (ProgReS-sponsored list), 1.8% of the vote and no regional councillors
- Pili President (United-sponsored list), 1.7% of the vote and no regional councillors
- Sardinia Free Zone Movement, 1.6% of the vote and 1 regional councillor elected
- Independence Republic of Sardinia, 0.8% of the vote and 1 regional councillor elected
- The Base Sardinia, 0.7% of the vote and 1 regional councillor elected
- Free Zone Movement, 0.7% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
- Forward Together, 0.7% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
- United Independentist Front, 0.7% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
- Sovereignty (United-sponsored list), 0.2% of the vote and no regional councillors elected
The list does not include the Christian Popular Union (1.7% of the vote and 1 regional councillor elected) because the party, despite being based in Sardinia and having rarely participated in general or regional elections outside Sardinia, claims to be an Italian national party.
See also
- Sardinia
- Sardinian people
- Politics of Sardinia
- Communist Party of Sardinia
- Republic of Mal di Ventre
- ↑ Pala, C. 2015. Sardinia. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. 1–3. Abstract
- ↑ Hechter (M.), The Dynamics of Secession, Acta Sociologica, vol. 35, 1992, p. 267.
- ↑ Entrevista a Marcel Farinelli: “Córcega y Cerdeña forman un archipiélago invisible al tener sus islas nacionalismos de signo opuesto"
- ↑ La Sardegna durante il ventennio fascista, Università di Tor Vergata
- ↑ Elias (A.) et Tronconi (F.), From protest to power. Autonomist parties and the challenges of representation, Vienna, Braumüller, 2011
- 1 2 Hepburn, Eve. The Ideological Polarisation and Depolarisation of Sardinian Nationalism, Regional and Federal Studies Vol. 19, No.5. (2010)
- ↑ Regional Council of Sardinia
- ↑
- 1 2 Michela Murgia, la scrittrice si candida a guidare la Sardegna. L'eterno ritorno dell'indipendentismo sardo - L'Huffington Post
- ↑ Scottish vote reignites Sardinia separatist parties' for independence - The Wall Street Journal
- ↑ Sardegna, la protesta contro le servitù -
- ↑ Così in Sardegna si è riacceso l’indipendentismo, Nicola Mirenzi - Europa Quotidiano
- ↑ In chiave antimilitarista, nel quadro del tradizionale attivismo contestativo contro la presenza di strutture militari sul territorio nazionale, a fronte del tono minore che ha caratterizzato l’impegno dei comitati siciliani contro il sistema satellitare MUOS, si è rilevato un innalzamento della tensione mobilitativa in Sardegna, ove espressioni dell’antagonismo e dell’indipendentismo sardo hanno rivitalizzato la protesta contro le esercitazioni nei poligoni e nelle installazioni militari dell’Isola, reclamando la smilitarizzazione del territorio. - Relazione sulla politica dell'informazione per la sicurezza, pg.69
- ↑ Sardegna, il 13 settembre indipendentisti a Capo Frasca contro l’occupazione militare
- ↑ Oltre 5mila per dire no ai poligoni, festa identitaria davanti ai cancelli - La Nuova Sardegna, 14/09/2014
- ↑ Indipendentismo sardo, questo sconosciuto - Adalgisa Marrocco
- ↑ Italy: Sardinia Island protesters target NATO Trident Juncture exercise
- ↑ Mattu, Katjuscia. Internal colonialism in Western Europe: the case of Sardinia
- ↑ I fondamenti storici dell'indipendenza sarda - Lacanas
- ↑ Parties, associations ask for direct representation of Sardinia in European Parliament, Nationalia
- ↑ Europee, in Sardegna campagna “Eu non voto”. C’è anche Zappadu - Il Fatto Quotidiano
- ↑ Il Senato affonda il collegio Sardegna, per l’Isola nessun europarlamentare,
- ↑ Eve Hepburn, New Challenges for Stateless Nationalist and Regionalist Parties, Routledge, 2010, pp.121
- ↑ Sardegna: Paradiso turistico o la lenta morte di un popolo? - di Marco Oggianu - (German translation of the same article)
- ↑ Minahan, James. Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations S-Z, pg. 1664
- ↑ Cabitza, Giuliano. Sardegna: rivolta contro la colonizzazione. Milano, Feltrinelli Editore.
- ↑ Cultura e identitade - Sardinna, January - April 2002
- ↑ Morto Pugliese, l' ex ufficiale del Sid che «fermò» nel '60 il latitante Mesina - Corriere della Sera
- ↑ Italian Court convicts 16 as Sardinian separatists - The New York Times
- ↑ Agguati, guerriglia, sequestri: ecco il complotto separatista sardo - La Repubblica
- ↑ Separatismo sardo, condannati i capi - La Repubblica
- ↑ Vittorfranco Pisano, The Dynamics of Subversion and Violence in Contemporary Italy, Hoover Institution Press (1987), p.143
- ↑ Melis e il complotto separatista: "macchinazione degli 007 italiani"
- 1 2 Paola Sirigu, Il codice barbaricino, La Riflessione (Davide Zedda Editore), 2007, pp.225-234
- ↑ Terrorism in Italy: an update report 1983-1985, U.S. Department of Justice, pp.11-12
- ↑ "Sardinia, a political laboratory". GNOSIS, Italian Intelligence Magazine.
- ↑ Shao Chuan Leng, Coping with Crises: How Governments Deal with Emergencies, University Press of America
- 1 2 Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism. "Sardinian Autonomy Movement" (MAS)
- ↑ Giovanni Ricci, Sardegna Criminale, Newton Compton, 2008
- ↑ OIr:<<la bomba era nostra>> - RaiNews24
- ↑ Assessment for Sardinians in Italy - Minorities at Risk
- ↑ Sardegna, blitz antiterrorismo: in manette dieci indipendentisti - La Repubblica
- ↑ Criminologia del terrorismo anarco-insurrezionalista, Marco Boschi, pag.63
- ↑ Bomb found near Berlusconi villa after Blair visit
- ↑ Un magistrato in prima linea sul fronte eversione - Unione Sarda
- ↑ Bocciata la mozione Psd’Az su indipendenza Sardegna - AlgheroEco
- ↑ In Sardinia, Secessionists Want to Leave Italy and Join... Switzerland? - The Wall Street Journal
- ↑ Italy's separatist spirit takes new shape as Sardinians push to become Swiss - The Guardian
- ↑ Separatisten auf Vormarsch in Europa - Arte
- ↑ New proposal for a Swiss-Sardinian maritime Canton
- ↑ Il deputato svizzero Troillet: sì all’intesa con la Sardegna - La Nuova Sardegna
- ↑ Pintore (G.), Sardegna, regione o colonia?, Milano, Mazzotta, 1974
- ↑ What next for independence movements in Europe? - Eve Hepburn
- ↑ Identità e autonomia in Sardegna - FocuSardegna
- ↑ La Sardegna che vorrebbe l’indipendenza come i catalani - La Stampa
- ↑ Focus: La questione identitaria e indipendentista in Sardegna - University of Cagliari, Ilenia Ruggiu
- ↑ Riforme - (SAR) REGIONE. PIGLIARU: INDIPENDENTISTA IL 40% DEI SARDI (Conferenza delle Regioni e delle Province autonome
- ↑ La Sardegna vuole l'indipendenza, favorevoli quattro sardi su dieci -
- ↑ Il 40% dei sardi è per l'indipendenza; il resto è per la la sovranità - Gianfranco Pintore
- ↑ I giovani non si sentono più italiani - Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, 31.05.2012
- ↑ Push in Sardinia for online vote on independence from Italy - Russia Today
- ↑ Gianmario Demuro, Ilenia Ruggiu, Francesco Mola (2013). Identità e Autonomia in Sardegna e Scozia. Maggioli Editore. pp. 26–28. ISBN 8838782431.
- ↑ L'esempio della Catalogna, i sardi sono più «identitari» - L'Unione Sarda
- ↑ Indipendentismo, secessionismo, federalismo: conversazione con Carlo Pala
- ↑ L'indipendenza delle regioni - Demos & Pi
- ↑ «Siamo sardi, non italiani. Adesso vogliamo la nostra indipendenza» - L'Inkiesta
- ↑ Lluch, Jaime. Constitutionalism and the Politics of Accommodation in Multinational Democracies
- ↑ DDL Costituzionale n. 352
- 1 2 Galassia sardista al 26 per cento - La Nuova Sardegna
- ↑ La Babele del sardismo - Sardiniapost
- ↑ Idea secessione, gli indipendentisti sardi: «Sì al referendum, ma non ora» - La Nuova Sardegna
- ↑ Italian centre-left wins Sardinian election, Murgia's pro-sovereignty coalition left outside Council -
- ↑ Sardegna Possibile non esiste! Le amministrative svelano il bluff (e Michela Murgia tiene tutti in ostaggio) - Vito Biolchini
- ↑ A Fight to Steer Sardinia - New York Times
- ↑ 2014: la Primavera Sarda? - Vilaweb
- ↑ David Forniès (January 14, 2014). "Sardinian independence must be the final outcome of a process of building a lot of freedoms". Nationalia. Retrieved November 26, 2014.
- ↑ It should be noted that parties like "Sardinian Reformers" and "The Base Sardinia" are federalist rather than outright separatist.
- ↑ A coligación independentista, terceira forza nas eleccións de Sardeña - Sermos Galiza
- ↑ El independentismo, fuerza al alza en Sardinia - Sortu
- ↑ Vuit diputats sobiranistes entren per sorpresa al parlament sard - VilaWeb
- ↑ L'independentisme sard fa un bon paper però guanya el centreesquerra - El Punt Avui
- ↑ Tèrratrem en Sardenha - Jornalet, Gaseta Occitana d'informacions
- Simon-Mossa (A.), Le ragioni dell’indipendentismo, Quartu Sant’Elena, Alfa, 2008 (original edition: 1969).
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- Antonio Lepori, Antonello Satta e Giovanni Lilliu Sardigna on MINORANZE num. 4, Milan, trimestre 1976.
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- Gianfranco Contu - (1990) La questione nazionale sarda - Quartu Sant'Elena, Alfa Editrice
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- Ilenia Ruggiu, Francesco Mola, Gianmario Demuro - (2013) Identità e Autonomia in Sardegna e Scozia - Maggioli Editore
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- Carlo Pala (2015). Sardinia. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. 1–3.