List of Christian preachers

Christian Cross
Most members of the Christian clergy and many lay people have been a preacher to the unconverted. This is an incomplete list of people known for their preaching including their published sermons.
Early Church

- Steven (?-34) Stoned
- James (?-44) Apostle
- Barnabas (?-61) Disciple
- Paul (5-67) Beheaded
- Peter (?-67) Crucified
- Mark (?-68) Gospel of Mark
- Philemon (?-68) Epistle to Philemon
- Luke (?-84) Four Evangelists
- Timothy (17-97) Ephesus
- John (6-100) Book of Revelation
- Silas (?-100) Silvanus of the Seventy
- Ignatius (35-107) Apostolic Fathers
- Titus (?-107) Paul the Apostle
- Simeon (?-117) Jewish Christian
- Polycarp (69-155) Bishop of Smyrna
- Matthew (?) Bible
- Ananias (?) Jesus
- Apollos (?) New Testament
- Priscilla and Aquila (?) Christian Missionary
- Stephanas (?) Apostle Paul
State Religion of Rome

John Wycliffe
- John Wycliffe (1320–1384) Lollards
- Jan Hus (1369–1415)
Martin Luther
- Martin Luther (1483–1547) The Ninety-Five Theses
- Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560)
- Lars Levi Laestadius (1800–1861)
- Bernt B. Haugan (1862) [1]
- C.F.W. Walther (1811–1887)
- Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945)
- Walter A. Maier (1893–1950)
- J.A.O. Preus II (1920–1994)
- Gerhard Forde (1927–2005)
- Rod Rosenbladt (1942–)
- Gerald B. Kieschnick (1943–)
- Mark Hanson (1946–)

John Calvin
- John Oecolampadius (1482–1531)
- Huldrych Zwingli (1484–1531)
- Martin Bucer (1491–1551)
- Peter Martyr Vermigli (1500–1562)
- Wolfgang Musculus (1497–1563)
- Andreas Hyperius (1511–1564)
- John Calvin (1509–1564)
- Guillaume Farel (1489–1565)
- Heinrich Bullinger (1504–1575)

John Knox
- John Knox (1513–1572) Protestant Reformation
- Peter Marshall (1903–1949) New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
- James Montgomery Boice (1938–2000) Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia
- D. James Kennedy (1930–2007) Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
- Ian Paisley (1926–2014)
- Frederick Buechner (1926–)
- Timothy J. Keller (1950–)[2]
- Hugh Latimer (1470–1555) Oxford Martyrs
- Thomas Cranmer (1489–1556) Oxford Martyrs
- Lancelot Andrewes (1555–1626)
- John Donne (1572–1631)
- John Tillotson (1630–1694)
- John Newton (1725–1807) Author of Amazing Grace
- Laurence Sterne (1713–1759), mainly in book form
- Phillips Brooks (1835–1893)
- N.T. Wright (1948–)
- Michael Bruce Curry (1953–)

Jonathan Edwards
- John Harvard (1607–1638)
- Joseph Alleine (1634–1668)
- John Davenport (1597–1670)
- Matthew Henry (1662–1714)
- Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758)
- G. Campbell Morgan (1863–1945)
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981)

Charles Spurgeon
- Roger Williams (1603–1684)
- John Bunyan (1628–1688)
- Benjamin Keach (1640–1704)
- John Gill (1697–1771)
- Junípero Serra, 1713-1784
- William Miller (1782–1849)
- William Garrett Lewis (1834–1885)
- C.H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) Metropolitan Tabernacle
- John Alexis Edgren (1839–1908)
- Alexander Maclaren (1826–1910)
- Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)
- George W. Truett (1867–1944)
- Joseph Harrison Jackson (1900-1990)
- J. Frank Norris (1877–1952)
- Mordecai Ham (1877–1961)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929–1968)
- Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878–1969)
- W.A. Criswell (1909–2002) Southern Baptist Convention
- Stephen F. Olford (1918–2004)
- Billy Graham (1918-)
- Adrian Rogers (1931–2005)
- Jerry Falwell (1933–2007)
- Neiliezhü Üsou (1941–2009)
- William J. Shaw (1926-)
- Charles Stanley (1932–)
- Tony Campolo (1935–)
John Wesley
- George Whitefield (1714–1770)
- Daniel Rowland (1713–1790)
- John Wesley (1703–1791)
- Francis Asbury (1747–1816)
- Peter Cartwright (1785–1873)
- William Booth (1829–1912) The Salvation Army
- Bob Jones, Sr. (1883–1968) Bob Jones University
- William Willimon (1946–)

D.L. Moody
- Nicolaus Zinzendorf (1700-1760), Moravian Church
- Dwight L. Moody (1837–1899)[3] Moody Bible Institute
- Billy Sunday (1862–1935) Evangelist
- A.W. Tozer (1897–1963)
- J. Vernon McGee (1904–1988)[4] Church of the Open Door
- Walter Martin (1928–1989)[5] Christian Research Institute
- Paris Reidhead (1919–1992) Christian and Missionary Alliance
- Leonard Ravenhill (1907–1994) Evangelist
- David Wilkerson (1931–2011) Times Square Church
- Chuck Smith (1927–2013)[6] Calvary Chapel
- R.C. Sproul (1939–) Ligonier Ministries
- John MacArthur (1939–) Grace Community Church
- Ravi Zacharias (1946–)[7] Christian Apologist
Seventh-day Adventist

Ellen G. White
- William Miller (1782–1849) Millerites
- Joseph Bates (1792–1872) Great Disappointment
- James White (1821–1881) Adventist Review
- John Nevins Andrews (1829–1883) Andrews University
- Ellen G. White (1827–1915) Conflict of the Ages (book series)
- James Edson White (1849–1928) Review and Herald Publishing Association
- H.M.S. Richards, Sr. (1894–1985) Voice of Prophecy
- George Vandeman (1916–2000) It Is Written
- Mark Finley (1945–) It Is Written
Church of Christ
Walter Scott
- Walter Scott (1796–1861)
- Batsell Baxter (1886–1956)
- Marshall Keeble (1878–1968)
- Batsell Barrett Baxter (1916–1982)
- Ira North (1892–1984)
- Cline Paden (1919–2007)
- Kenneth W. Wright (1945–)

William Seymour
- William J. Seymour (1870–1922) Azusa Street Revival
- Charles Parham (1873–1929) Speaking in Tongues
- Aimee Semple McPherson (1890–1944) Foursquare Church
- Smith Wigglesworth (1859–1947) Pentecostalism
- William Branham (1909–1965) Faith Healer
- Kathryn Kuhlman (1907–1976) Faith Healer
- Oral Roberts (1918–2009) Oral Roberts University
- Jimmy Swaggart (1935–) Assemblies of God
- Kenneth E. Hagin (1917-2003) Word of Faith
- Mark Sheppeard (1982-) Talk Radio Host
Joel Osteen
- Paul Cain (1929-) Kansas City Prophets
- John Wimber (1934–1997) Vineyard Movement
- Kenneth Copeland (1936–) Prosperity Gospel
- Joyce Meyer (1943–) Prosperity Gospel
- Benny Hinn (1952–) Prosperity Gospel
- T.D. Jakes (1957–) Prosperity Gospel
- Joseph Prince (1963–) Prosperity Gospel
- Joel Osteen (1963–) Prosperity Gospel
- J.A. Pérez (?) Evangelist
- Gugu M. Tembe (1958-) Christ Heavenly Nation
- Godwin Achiemu (1976-) Christ Heavenly Nation
Preachers with Secular Professions

Ralph Waldo Emerson
- James Garfield (1831–1881)
- Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1787–1851)
- William Gannaway Brownlow (1805–1877)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882)
- Eric Liddell (1902–1945)
- Grady Nutt (1937–1982)
- Hugh Beaumont (1903–1984)
- Carl Stuart Hamblen (1908–1989)
- Jerry Clower (1926–1998)
- Fred Rogers (1928–2003)
- Reggie White (1961–2004)
- B.G. Dyess (1922–)
- Bill Moyers (1935–)
- John Danforth (1936–)
- Clifton Davis (1945–)
- George Foreman (1949–)
- Ernie Fletcher (1956–)
- Robb Moser (1958–)
- Richard Rossi (1963–)
- Kirk Cameron (1970–)
- ↑ Øverland, Orm The Western Home (published by Norwegian-American Historical Association, distributed by the University of Illinois Press. 1996, Chapter 14, page 196)
- ↑ Michael Duduit. "The 25 Most Influential Pastors of the Past 25 Years". Preaching Magazine. Retrieved 2011-06-04.
- ↑ Moody Bible Institute
- ↑ Thru the Bible
- ↑ Christian Research Institute
- ↑ Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
- ↑ Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
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