List of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode

This is a list of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode. Unicode typefaces (e.g. Fixedsys Excelsior) may be needed for these to display correctly.

Letters with diacritics

acute ÁáǼǽ Ćć Éé Ǵǵ Íí ḰḱĹĺḾḿŃńÓóǾǿṔṕ Ŕশ Úú Ẃẃ ÝýŹź
acute and dot above Ṥṥ
breve Ăă Ĕĕ Ğğ Ĭĭ Ŏŏ Ŭŭ
breve and acute Ắắ
breve and dot below Ặặ
breve and grave Ằằ
breve and hook above Ẳẳ
breve and tilde Ẵẵ
breve below Ḫḫ
caron Ǎǎ ČčĎďĚě ǦǧȞȟǏǐ ǰǨǩĽľ ŇňǑǒ ŘřŠšŤťǓǔ ŽžǮǯ
caron and dot above Ṧṧ
cedilla ÇçḐḑȨȩ ĢģḨḩ ĶķĻļ Ņņ ŖŗŞşŢţ
cedilla and acute Ḉḉ
cedilla and breve Ḝḝ
circumflex Ââ Ĉĉ Êê ĜĝĤĥÎîĴĵ Ôô Ŝŝ Ûû Ŵŵ ŶŷẐẑ
circumflex and acute Ấấ Ếế Ốố
circumflex and dot below Ậậ Ệệ Ộộ
circumflex and grave Ầầ Ềề Ồồ
circumflex and hook above Ẩẩ Ểể Ổổ
circumflex and tilde Ẫẫ Ễễ Ỗỗ
circumflex below ḒḓḘḙ Ḽḽ Ṋṋ ṰṱṶṷ
comma below ȘșȚț
diaeresis Ää Ëë ḦḧÏï Öö Üü ẄẅẌẍŸÿ
diaeresis and acute Ḯḯ Ǘǘ
diaeresis and caron Ǚǚ
diaeresis and grave Ǜǜ
diaeresis and macron Ǟǟ Ȫȫ Ǖǖ
diaeresis below Ṳṳ
dot above Ȧȧ ḂḃĊċḊḋĖėḞḟĠġḢḣİ ṀṁṄṅȮȯ Ṗṗ ṘṙṠẛṡṪṫ ẆẇẊẋẎẏŻż
dot above and macron Ǡǡ Ȱȱ
dot below Ạạ Ḅḅ ḌḍẸẹ ḤḥỊị ḲḳḶḷṂṃṆṇỌọ ṚṛṢṣṬṭỤụṾṿẈẉ ỴỵẒẓ
dot below and dot above Ṩṩ
dot below and macron Ḹḹ Ṝṝ
double acute Őő Űű
double grave Ȁȁ Ȅȅ Ȉȉ Ȍȍ Ȑȑ Ȕȕ
grave Àà Èè Ìì ǸǹÒò Ùù Ẁẁ Ỳỳ
hook above Ảả Ẻẻ Ỉỉ Ỏỏ Ủủ Ỷỷ
horn Ơơ Ưư
horn and acute Ớớ Ứứ
horn and dot below Ợợ Ựự
horn and grave Ờờ Ừừ
horn and hook above Ởở Ửử
horn and tilde Ỡỡ Ữữ
inverted breve Ȃȃ Ȇȇ Ȋȋ Ȏȏ Ȓȓ Ȗȗ
macron ĀāǢǣ Ēē Ḡḡ Īī Ōō Ūū Ȳȳ
macron and acute Ḗḗ Ṓṓ
macron and diaeresis Ṻṻ
macron and grave Ḕḕ Ṑṑ
macron below Ḇḇ Ḏḏ ḴḵḺḻ Ṉṉ Ṟṟ Ṯṯ Ẕẕ
ogonek Ąą Ęę Įį Ǫǫ Ųų
ogonek and macron Ǭǭ
ring above Åå Ůů
ring above and acute Ǻǻ
ring below Ḁḁ
tilde Ãã Ẽẽ Ĩĩ ÑñÕõ ŨũṼṽ Ỹỹ
tilde and acute Ṍṍ Ṹṹ
tilde and diaeresis Ṏṏ
tilde and macron Ȭȭ
tilde below Ḛḛ Ḭḭ Ṵṵ

Digraphs and ligatures

  • Ꜳ, ꜳ
  • Æ, æ
  • Ꜵ, ꜵ
  • Ꜷ, ꜷ
  • Ꜹ, ꜹ
  • Ꜽ, ꜽ
  • DZ, Dz, dz
  • DŽ, Dž, dž
  • IJ, ij
  • LJ, Lj, lj
  • NJ, Nj, nj
  • Œ, œ
  • Ꝏ, ꝏ
  • Ꝡ, ꝡ

Other characters

NameUppercaseMixed caseLowercase
angstrom sign
a with right half ring
dotless i ı
kelvin sign
l with interpunct Ŀ ŀ
apostrophe n ʼn

A collection of precomposed Latin characters (mostly abbreviations of units of measurement) is also included in the CJK Compatibility and Enclosed CJK Letters and Months sections of Unicode, as are a set of precomposed Roman numerals; these characters are intended for use in East Asian languages and are not meant to be mixed with Latin languages. Several enclosed alphanumeric abbreviations are also featured in Unicode, as are a series of ornamental e-t ligatures (as forms of the ampersand meant to be compatible with the Wingdings font) and precomposed abbreviations for use in musical notation.

See also

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 19, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.