List of reptilian and amphibian alien species

This list of reptilian and amphibian alien species is limited to species and groups of genetically related extraterrestrial organisms that exhibit physical features, attributes or forms similar to, but potentially far from a typical Terran species of reptiles or amphibians while excluding specific references to individual organisms. This list includes sapient, non-sapient and hybrid forms of alien reptiles or amphibians.

Name Source Notes
Aeodronian Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Agorian Ratchet & Clank A proud race of reptilian creatures with an often-changing Code of Honor, first appearing in A Crack in Time. They have never evolved and love to engage in warrior lifestyle, so far as to create the Agorian Battleplex to fight in contests and invaded several peaceful planets. They have both antagonized and allied Ratchet and Clank during their adventures in the Polaris Galaxy.
Badoon Marvel Comics
Brelac McKenzie Files A reptilian race of aliens originating from what is called Old Earth. The Brelac were once humans who, over a period of time, were mutated by the pandora simplex virus.
Buglizard Ben 10: Omniverse
Bwap Traveller Also known as "Newts".
Caldaran Andromeda
Cardassian Star Trek
Chamachies Ascendancy
Chelonian Doctor Who
Conductoid Ben 10: Omniverse
Drac The Enemy Papers
Draconian Doctor Who
Drakh Babylon 5
Drell Mass Effect
Droyne Traveller
Eorna Star Frontiers
Foamasi Doctor Who
Galvan Ben 10
Geochelone Aerio Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
Gorn Star Trek
Gourmand Ben 10
Gowachin Frank Herbert's stories
Grendarl Master of Orion
Hazudra Tyrian
Hork-Bajir Animorphs
Hynerian Farscape
Ice Warriors Doctor Who
Incursion Ben 10: Alien Force
Jem'Hadar Star Trek
Keronian Keroro Gunso
Kig-yar Halo
Kineceleran Ben 10
Krogan Mass Effect
Lithian A Case of Conscience
Makluan Marvel Comics - see also Fin Fang Foom
Mentor Doctor Who
Merlinisapien Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
Monoid Doctor Who
Namekian Dragon Ball Z
Omicronian Futurama
Ophidian John F. Carr
Pfifltriggi Out of the Silent Planet
Predator Predator
Python Lizard Battlelords of the 23rd Century
The Race Worldwar
Raas Master of Orion
Ram Python Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Reaper Doctor Who
Reptilian Thundercats
Rill Doctor Who
Rodian Star Wars
Sakkra Master of Orion
Salarian Mass Effect
Sangheili Halo
Saurian Crossgen
Saurids Marvel Comics - see also Ch'od
Scarran Farscape
Sea Devil Doctor Who
Seekers/En'kull Advent Rising
Sheyang Farscape
Silurian Doctor Who
Skaarj Unreal
Skrull Marvel Comics
Snake Men Masters of the Universe
Snarks Marvel Comics
Tagorians Noon Universe
Tauntaun Star Wars
Terileptil Doctor Who
Trandoshan Star Wars
Treens Dan Dare
Triceraton Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Troglosaur Ratchet & Clank
Unas Stargate SG-1
Vaadwaur Star Trek
Vaxasaurian Ben 10: Alien Force
Visitor V Series
Velantian Lensman series notable for their multiplicity of eyes and various appendages
Vortisaurs Doctor Who audio dramas
Voth Star Trek this species descended from Earth dinosaurs
Vyrium Conquest: Vyrium Uprising
Vullard Ratchet & Clank
Xindi-Reptilians Star Trek
Yehat Star Control
Yilane West of Eden
Zorgon Zathura


    This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, March 03, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.