List of schools in Espita Municipality, Yucatán

This is a list of schools in Espita Municipality, Yucatan. In the municipality there are 34 schools, of which 12 are preschoolars, 16 are primary schools, 5 are secondary schools and only one is a High school.

Dzadz Pichi

This is a list of the schools in Dzadz Pichi, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education


This is a list of the schools in the town of Espita, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education[3]

  • Cecilio Chi.[4]
  • Rosario Castellanos.[5]
  • Tum ben há.[6]
  • Prudencio Patrón Peniche.[7]

Primary schools

Schools of primary education[8]

  • Estado de Michoacán.[9]
  • Rafael Ramírez Castañeda.[10]
  • Cecilio Chi.[11]
  • Prudencio Patrón Peniche.[12]
  • Nueva Creación.[13]
  • Manuela Olivares.[14]

Secondary education

Schools of secondary education[15]

  • Escuela Secundaria Técnica Num. 12.[16]
  • Dr. Fabián Vallado Escalante.[17]

High school

High schools in Espita.


This is a list of the schools in Holca, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education

Secondary education

Schools of secondary education


This is a list of the schools in Kunche, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education


This is a list of the schools in Nacuche, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education

  • Benito Juárez García.[26]
  • Benito Juárez García.[27]

Secondary education

Schools of secondary education

San Pedro Chenchela

This is a list of the schools in San Pedro Chenchela, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education


This is a list of the schools in Tuzik, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education

Secondary education

Schools of secondary education


This is a list of the schools in X-Ualtez, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education


This is a list of the schools in Xuilub, Yucatan.

Preschool education

Schools of preschool education

Primary schools

Schools of primary education


  1. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Dzadz Pichi. Preescolar Indígena Paepi.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  2. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Dzadz Pichi. Primaria Comunitaria Indígena.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  3. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Espita.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  4. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Espita. Cecilio Chi.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  5. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Espita. Rosario Castellanos.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  6. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Espita.Tum ben há.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  7. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Espita. Prudencio Patrón Peniche.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  8. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  9. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita. Estado de Michoacán.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  10. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita. Rafael Ramírez Castañeda.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  11. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita. Cecilio Chi.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  12. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita. Prudencio Patrón Peniche.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  13. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita. Nueva Creación.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  14. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of primary education in Espita. Manuela Olivares.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  15. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of secondary education in Espita.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  16. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of secondary education in Espita. Escuela Secundaria Técnica Num. 12.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  17. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of secondary education in Espita. Dr. Fabián Vallado Escalante.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  18. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "High Schools in Espita. Cecytey.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  19. Diario de Yucatán. "Celebra el Cecytey 01 de Espita su 15 aniversario". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  20. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Holca. Francisco Villa.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  21. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Nacuche. Emiliano Zapata.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  22. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of secondary education in Nacuche. Prudencio Patrón Peniche.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  23. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Kunche. Javier Chan.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  24. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Kunche. Alonso Chan.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  25. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Nacuche. Angela Peralta.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  26. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Nacuche. Benito Juárez García.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  27. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Nacuche. Benito Juárez García.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  28. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of secondary education in Nacuche. Mercedes Peniche López.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  29. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in San Pedro Chenchela. Preescolar comunitario.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  30. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in San Pedro Chenchela. Alfredo Peniche Erosa.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  31. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Tuzik. Preescolar comunitario.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  32. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Tuzik. Hermanos Serdan.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  33. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Schools of secondary education in Tuzik. Nicolás Bravo.". Retrieved 23 August 2010.
  34. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in X-Ualtez. Preescolar comunitario.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  35. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in X-Ualtez. Felipe Carrillo Puerto.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  36. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Preschool education in Xuilub. Preescolar comunitario.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
  37. Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Yucatán. "Primary education in Xuilub. Francisco Mendoza Palma.". Retrieved November 18, 2010.
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