List of schools in Rutland
This is a list of schools in Rutland, England.
State-funded schools
Primary schools
- Brooke Hill Primary School
- Catmose Primary School
- Cottesmore Primary School
- Edith Weston Primary School
- Empingham CE Primary School
- English Martyrs' Catholic Primary Academy
- Exton and Greeton CE Primary School
- Great Casterton CE Primary School
- Ketton CE Primary School
- Langham CE VC Primary School
- Leighfield Primary School
- Oakham CE Primary School
- Ryhall CofE Primary School
- St Mary and St John CE VA Primary School
- St Nicholas CE VA Primary School
- Uppingham CE Primary School
- Whissendine CE Primary School
Secondary schools
Special and alternative schools
Further education
Independent schools
Primary and preparatory schools
Senior and all-through schools
Special and alternative schools
- The Shires
- Wilds Lodge School
| Primary | |
| Secondary | |
| Independent | |
| Further education | |
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