List of schools in Waikato

The Waikato Region of the North Island of New Zealand contains numerous small rural primary schools, some small town primary and secondary schools, and city schools in Hamilton.

Schools in the Waitomo District and Taupo Districts that are located in other regions (namely Manawatu-Wanganui, Hawke's Bay and Bay of Plenty) are listed here. Schools in the Rotorua District that are located in the Waikato region are listed at list of schools in the Bay of Plenty Region.

In New Zealand schools, students begin formal education in Year 1 at the age of five.[1] Year 13 is the final year of secondary education. Years 14 and 15 refer to adult education facilities.

State schools are those fully funded by the government and at which no fees for tuition of domestic students (i.e. New Zealand citizens and permanent residents, and Australian citizens) can be charged, although a donation is commonly requested.[2] A state integrated school is a former private school with a special character based on a religious or philosophical belief that has been integrated into the state system. State integrated schools charge "attendance dues" to cover the building and maintenance of school buildings, which are not owned by the government, but otherwise they like state schools cannot charge fees for tuition of domestic students but may request a donation. Private schools charge fees to its students for tuition, as do state and state integrated schools for tuition of international students.[3]

The socioeconomic decile indicates the socioeconomic status of the school's catchment area. A decile of 1 indicates the school draws from a poor area; a decile of 10 indicates the school draws from a well-off area.[4] The decile ratings used here come from the Ministry of Education Te Kete Ipurangi website and from the decile change spreadsheet listed in the references. The deciles of all schools were last revised using information from the 2006 Census, and may occasionally change for some schools between Censuses as schools open, close and merge.[5] The roll of each school changes frequently as students start school for the first time, move between schools, and graduate. The rolls given here are those provided by the Ministry of Education are based on figures from November 2012.[6] The Ministry of Education institution number links to the Te Kete Ipurangi page for each school.

Thames-Coromandel District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Colville School 1–8 Coed Colville State 4 32 - 1706
Coroglen School 1–8 Coed Coroglen State 6 37 - 1707
Coromandel Area School 1–15 Coed Coromandel State 3 201 109
Hikuai School 1–8 Coed Hikuai State 9 82 1737
Hikutaia School 1–8 Coed Hikutaia State 4 76 - 1738
Manaia School 1–8 Coed Manaia State 2 96 1798
Matatoki School 1–8 Coed Matatoki State 9 41 - 1819
Mercury Bay Area School 1–15 Coed Whitianga State 6 835 110
Moanataiari School 1–8 Coed Thames State 5 151 - 1829
Opoutere School 1–8 Coed Opoutere State 4 137 1867
Parawai School 1–8 Coed Thames State 6 283 1886
Puriri School 1–8 Coed Puriri State 7 25 1911
St Francis School 1–8 Coed Thames State integrated 7 104 - 1945
Tairua School 1–8 Coed Tairua State 7 106 - 1975
Tapu School 1–8 Coed Tapu State 4 15 1980
Te Puru School 1–8 Coed Te Puru State 6 184 1912
Te Rerenga School 1–8 Coed Te Rerenga State 5 58 - 2021
Thames High School 9–15 Coed Thames State 6 576 111
Thames South School 1–8 Coed Thames State 3 202 2027
TKKM o Harataunga 1–8 Coed Kennedy Bay State 2 13 - 1773
Whangamata Area School 1–15 Coed Whangamata State 4 363 428
Whenuakite School 1–8 Coed Whenuakite State 8 135 2088

Former schools

Hauraki District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Goldfields School – Coed Paeroa State 3 52 1726
Hauraki Plains College 9–15 Coed Ngatea State 5 648 112
Kaiaua School 1–8 Coed Kaiaua State 5 43 - 1323
Kaihere School 1–8 Coed Kaihere State 7 53 - 1757
Karangahake School 1–8 Coed Karangahake State 2 49 - 1763
Kerepehi School 1–8 Coed Kerepehi State 1 57 - 1775
Kopuarahi School 1–8 Coed Kopuarahi State 7 27 1782
Miller Avenue School 1–8 Coed Paeroa State 2 171 1827
Netherton School 1–8 Coed Netherton State 4 117 - 1842
Ngatea School 1–8 Coed Ngatea State 6 312 - 1850
Paeroa Central School 1–8 Coed Paeroa State 1 104 - 1883
Paeroa Christian School 1–8 Coed Paeroa State integrated 3 45 - 1169
Paeroa College 9–15 Coed Paeroa State 2 296 113
St Joseph's Catholic School (Paeroa) 1–8 Coed Paeroa State integrated 4 50 1951
St Joseph's Catholic School (Waihi) 1–8 Coed Waihi State integrated 3 86 1954
Tirohia School 1–8 Coed Tirohia State 3 59 - 2033
Turua Primary School 1–8 Coed Turua State 7 92 - 2043
Waihi Central School 1–6 Coed Waihi State 2 175 2050
Waihi College 7–15 Coed Waihi State 3 691 114
Waihi East Primary School 1–6 Coed Waihi State 3 159 2049
Waikino School 1–6 Coed Waikino State 3 47 2054
Waimata School 1–6 Coed Waimata State 4 48 - 2058
Waitakaruru School 1–8 Coed Waitakaruru State 7 64 - 2069

Waikato District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Aka Aka School 1–8 Coed Waiuku State 8 61 1201
Glen Massey School 1–8 Coed Ngaruawahia State 5 110 1723
Gordonton School 1–8 Coed Gordonton State 8 272 1728
Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist School 1–8 Coed Hillcrest State integrated 7 60 4105
Harrisville School 1–6 Coed Tuakau State 5 186 1303
Horotiu School 1–8 Coed Horotiu State 3 232 - 1746
Horsham Downs School 1–8 Coed Horsham Downs State 10 362 - 1747
Huntly College 9–13 Coed Huntly State 1 286 119
Huntly Primary School 1–8 Coed Huntly State 1 234 - 1751
Huntly West School 1–8 Coed Huntly State 1 188 1752
Kimihia School 1–8 Coed Huntly State 2 395 - 1777
Mangatangi School 1–8 Coed Pokeno State 6 102 1344
Mangatawhiri School 1–8 Coed Pokeno State 7 128 - 1345
Maramarua School 1–8 Coed Pokeno State 4 55 - 1358
Matangi School 1–6 Coed Matangi State 10 140 1814
Mercer School 1–8 Coed Mercer State 2 42 1372
Meremere School 1–6 Coed Meremere State 1 33 1373
Newstead Model School 1–6 Coed Newstead State 10 146 1843
Ngaruawahia High School 9–13 Coed Ngaruawahia State 2 184 127
Ngaruawahia School 1–8 Coed Ngaruawahia State 1 146 - 1849
Ngati Haua School 1–8 Coed Cambridge State 3 48 - 1851
Ohinewai School 1–8 Coed Huntly State 5 132 - 1856
Onewhero Area School 1–13 Coed Tuakau State 7 522 108
Orini Combined School 1–8 Coed Taupiri State 8 130 1869
Otaua School 1–8 Coed Waiuku State 8 176 - 1410
Pokeno School 1–8 Coed Pokeno State 4 153 1442
Pukekawa School 1–6 Coed Tuakau State 8 107 1449
Pukemiro School 1–8 Coed Pukemiro State 2 61 - 1905
Pukeoware School 1–8 Coed Waiuku State 8 193 1454
Puketaha School 1–8 Coed Puketaha State 8 287 1907
Raglan Area School 1–15 Coed Raglan State 4 471 125
Rangiriri School 1–8 Coed Rangiriri State 1 23 - 1919
Rotokauri School 1–8 Coed Hamilton State 8 216 1930
Ruawaro Combined School 1–8 Coed Huntly State 5 39 - 1937
St Anthony's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Huntly State integrated 2 85 1943
St Paul's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Ngaruawahia State integrated 3 124 1963
Tai Wananga 9–15 Coed Ruakura State 3 186 632
Tamahere Model Country School 1–6 Coed Tamahere State 10 431 1976
Taupiri School 1–8 Coed Taupiri State 3 55 - 1987
Tauwhare School 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 7 175 - 1995
Te Akau School 1–8 Coed Te Akau State 8 38 - 1998
Te Kauwhata College 7–15 Coed Te Kauwhata State 5 460 115
Te Kauwhata Primary School 1–6 Coed Te Kauwhata State 5 262 2005
Te Kohanga School 1–6 Coed Tuakau State 3 26 - 1533
Te Kowhai School 1–8 Coed Te Kowhai State 10 365 - 2007
Te Mata School 1–8 Coed Raglan State 5 99 - 2010
Te Uku School 1–8 Coed Raglan State 5 160 - 2024
Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga 1–13 Coed Huntly State 1 391 1917
TKK o Puaha o Waikato 1–8 Coed Port Waikato State 1 52 - 1151
TKKM o Bernard Fergusson 1–8 Coed Ngaruawahia State 2 162 1696
Tuakau College 7–13 Coed Tuakau State 4 611 106
Tuakau School 1–6 Coed Tuakau State 2 208 - 1539
Waerenga School 1–6 Coed Waerenga State 8 93 2046
Waikaretu School 1–8 Coed Tuakau State 6 12 - 2052
Waikato Montessori Education Centre 1–8 Coed Tamahere Private n/a 42 671
Waingaro School 1–8 Coed Ngaruawahia State 9 35 - 2060
Waipa School 1–8 Coed Ngaruawahia State 2 374 - 2064
Waiterimu School 1–8 Coed Waiterimu State 8 - 2070
Waitetuna School 1–8 Coed Raglan State 6 65 2071
Whatawhata School 1–8 Coed Whatawhata State 7 212 - 2087
Whitikahu School 1–8 Coed Whitikahu State 9 82 2090

Matamata-Piako District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
David Street School 1–6 Coed Morrinsville State 5 459 1709
Elstow-Waihou Combined School 1–8 Coed Te Aroha State 7 101 1713
Firth School 1–6 Coed Matamata State 3 186 1719
Hinuera School 1–6 Coed Hinuera State 8 179 1741
Kereone School 1–6 Coed Kereone State 8 – 1774
Kiwitahi School 1–6 Coed Kiwitahi State 10 35 - 1780
Manawaru School 1–8 Coed Te Aroha State 6 94 - 1800
Matamata Christian School 1–8 Coed Matamata State integrated 6 66 1186
Matamata College 9–15 Coed Matamata State 6 805 124
Matamata Intermediate 7–8 Coed Matamata State 6 352 1812
Matamata Primary School 1–6 Coed Matamata State 6 450 1813
Morrinsville College 9–15 Coed Morrinsville State 6 651 126
Morrinsville Intermediate 7–8 Coed Morrinsville State 5 256 1833
Morrinsville School 1–6 Coed Morrinsville State 4 214 1834
Motumaoho School 1–6 Coed Motumaoho State 7 44 - 1835
Springdale School 1–8 Coed Waitoa State 9 60 1941
St Joseph's Catholic School (Matamata) 1–8 Coed Matamata State integrated 3 26 - 1947
St Joseph's Catholic School (Morrinsville) 1–8 Coed Morrinsville State integrated 8 227 - 1949
St Joseph's Catholic School (Te Aroha) 1–8 Coed Te Aroha State integrated 5 99 - 1952
Stanley Avenue School 1–8 Coed Te Aroha State 5 288 1967
Tahuna School 1–6 Coed Tahuna State 6 69 1972
Tatuanui School 1–6 Coed Tatuanui State 9 106 - 1983
Tauhei Combined School 1–6 Coed Tauhei State 7 60 1985
Te Aroha College 9–15 Coed Te Aroha State 4 326 116
Te Aroha Primary School 1–8 Coed Te Aroha State 3 181 1999
Te Kura o Waharoa 1–6 Coed Waharoa State 1 62 - 2047
Te Poi School 1–6 Coed Te Poi State 9 72 - 2014
Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha 1–15 Coed Matamata State 1 131 - 3115
Wairere School 1–6 Coed Waharoa State 8 39 - 2075
Waitoa School 1–8 Coed Waitoa State 3 18 - 2072
Walton School 1–6 Coed Walton State 9 119 2074

Hamilton City

Name MOE Years Gender Area Authority Roll Website Notes
Aberdeen School 1680 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 735
Bankwood School 1693 1–6 Coed Fairfield State 308
Berkley Normal Middle School 1695 7–9 Coed Hillcrest State 732
Crawshaw School 2096 1–8 Coed Brymer State 338 -
Deanwell School 1710 1–6 Coed Melville State 382
Endeavour School 6941 1–6 Coed Flagstaff State 225
Fairfield College 129 9–13 Coed Fairfield State 746
Fairfield Intermediate 1715 7–8 Coed Fairfield State 753
Fairfield Primary School 1716 1–6 Coed Fairfield State 341
Forest Lake School 1720 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 297 -
Frankton School 1721 1–6 Coed Dinsdale State 727
Fraser High School 135 9–13 Coed Hamilton State 1443
Fraser High School TPU 2759 – – Hamilton State – Teen parent unit
Glenview School 1725 1–6 Coed Glenview State 464
Hamilton Boys' High School 131 9–13 Boys Hamilton State 2234 Boarding
Hamilton Christian School 451 1–13 Coed Hamilton Private 350 Nondenominational Christian
Hamilton East School 1731 1–6 Coed Hamilton East State 433
Hamilton Girls' High School 132 9–13 Girls Hamilton State 1638 Boarding
Hamilton Junior High School 1942 7–10 Coed Te Rapa State 109
Hamilton North School 1732 – Coed Te Rapa State 126 Special school for intellectual impairments
Hamilton West School 1733 1–8 Coed Hamilton State 581
Hillcrest High School 138 9–13 Coed Hillcrest State 1785
Hillcrest Normal School 1739 1–6 Coed Hillcrest State 626
Hukanui School 1749 1–6 Coed Chartwell State 727
Insoll Avenue School 1753 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 316 -
Knighton Normal School 1781 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 637
Maeroa Intermediate 1792 7–8 Coed Hamilton State 658
Marian Catholic School 2094 1–8 Coed Hamilton State integrated 629 Catholic
Melville High School 137 9–13 Coed Glenview State 553
Melville Intermediate 1823 7–8 Coed Melville State 224
Melville Primary School 1824 1–6 Coed Melville State 183 -
Nawton School 1841 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 534
Nga Taiatea Wharekura 488 9–13 Coed Rotokauri State 258
Patricia Avenue School 1891 – Coed Hamilton East State 177
Peachgrove Intermediate 1892 7–8 Coed Hamilton State 479
Pukete School 1908 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 461
Rhode Street School 1924 1–8 Coed Dinsdale State 199
Rototuna Junior High School 708 7–10 Coed Rototuna State Opened February 2016[9]
Rototuna Primary School 6976 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 828
Sacred Heart Girls College 139 9–13 Girls Hamilton State integrated 949 Catholic
Silverdale Normal School 1940 1–6 Coed Hillcrest State 257
Southwell School 4141 1–8 Coed Enderley Private 615 Anglican, boarding
St Columba's Catholic School 1944 1–8 Coed Frankton State integrated 519 Catholic
St John's College 136 9–13 Boys Hillcrest State integrated 776 Catholic
St Joseph's Catholic School 1946 1–8 Coed Fairfield State integrated 347 Catholic
St Paul's Collegiate School 130 9–13 Boys/Coed Chartwell Private 685 Anglican, boarding
St Peter Chanel Catholic School 1964 1–8 Coed Te Rapa State integrated 302 Catholic
St Pius X Catholic School 1966 1–8 Coed Melville State integrated 161 Catholic
Te Rapa School 2020 1–8 Coed Te Rapa State 586
Te Totara Primary School 577 1–6 Coed Rototuna North State 798
TKKM o Te Ara Rima 1718 1–8 Coed Enderley State 119 -
TKKM o Toku Mapihi Maurea 1589 1–8 Coed Hamilton East State 104 -
Vardon School 2045 1–6 Coed Beerescourt State 366
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls 140 9–13 Girls Hamilton State integrated 678 Anglican, boarding
Waikato Waldorf School 539 1–8 Coed Rototuna State integrated 182 Waldorf education
Whitiora School 2091 1–8 Coed Whitiora State 169 -
Woodstock School 2093 1–6 Coed Hamilton State 388

Future schools

Waipa District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Cambridge East School 1–6 Coed Cambridge State 9 391 1700
Cambridge High School 9–15 Coed Cambridge State 9 1447 142
Cambridge Middle School 7–10 Coed Cambridge State 8 442 1701
Cambridge School 1–6 Coed Cambridge State 8 385 1702
Goodwood School 1–6 Coed Cambridge State 9 346 1727
Hautapu School 1–8 Coed Hautapu State 10 238 1735
Horahora School 1–8 Coed Cambridge State 10 28 1744
Kaipaki School 1–8 Coed Ohaupo State 9 86 1760
Karapiro School 1–6 Coed Karapiro State 9 96 1764
Kihikihi School 1–6 Coed Kihikihi State 3 180 - 1776
Koromatua School 1–8 Coed Koromatua State 6 195 1784
Leamington School 1–6 Coed Leamington State 7 493 1789
Ngahinapouri School 1–8 Coed Ngahinapouri State 10 182 1844
Ohaupo School 1–8 Coed Ohaupo State 9 177 1855
Paterangi School 1–8 Coed Paterangi State 8 90 1889
Pekerau School 1–6 Coed Te Awamutu State 4 392 1893
Pirongia School 1–8 Coed Pirongia State 9 335 1897
Pokuru School 1–6 Coed Pokuru State 6 126 - 1898
Puahue School 1–6 Coed Puahue State 7 130 - 1902
Pukeatua School 1–8 Coed Pukeatua State 7 66 - 1903
Roto-o-Rangi School 1–6 Coed Cambridge State 9 77 1927
Rukuhia School 1–8 Coed Ohaupo State 9 111 - 1938
South City Christian School 1–8 Coed Glenview State integrated 7 121 4125
St Patrick's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Te Awamutu State integrated 7 295 1962
St Peter's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Cambridge State integrated 9 174 1965
St. Peter's School 7–15 Coed Cambridge Private 9 1081 141
Te Awamutu College 9–15 Coed Te Awamutu State 6 1091 146
Te Awamutu Intermediate 7–8 Coed Te Awamutu State 5 429 2001
Te Awamutu Primary School 1–6 Coed Te Awamutu State 5 476 2002
Te Miro School 1–8 Coed Te Miro State 10 44 - 2012
Te Pahu School 1–8 Coed Te Pahu State 9 127 - 2013
TKKM o Whakawatea 1–8 Coed Melville State 4 139 282
Te Wharekura o Nga Purapura o te Aroha 1–15 Coed Te Awamutu State 4 46 – 641
Waipa Christian School 1–8 Coed Te Awamutu State integrated 6 50 266
Wharepapa South School 1–8 Coed Te Awamutu State 8 26 2086

Closed schools

Name Years Gender Area Authority Closed
Church College of New Zealand 9-13 Coed Temple View Private 2009

Otorohanga District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Arohena School 1–8 Coed Te Awamutu State 6 51 - 1688
Hauturu School 1–8 Coed Oparau State 3 48 - 1736
Kawhia School 1–8 Coed Kawhia State 1 51 1771
Kio Kio School 1–8 Coed Kio Kio State 7 140 1779
Korakonui School 1–8 Coed Korakonui State 8 133 1783
Maihiihi School 1–8 Coed Maihiihi State 7 60 1793
Ngutunui School 1–8 Coed Te Awamutu State 9 33 - 1853
Otewa School 1–8 Coed Otorohanga State 8 63 - 1874
Otorohanga College 9–15 Coed Otorohanga State 4 353 157
Otorohanga School 1–8 Coed Otorohanga State 2 57 - 1876
Otorohanga South School 1–8 Coed Otorohanga State 4 363 1877
St Mary's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Otorohanga State integrated 5 34 - 1880

South Waikato District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Amisfield School 1–8 Coed Tokoroa State 4 232 - 1682
Cargill Open Plan School 1–6 Coed Tokoroa State 3 133 - 1704
David Henry School 1–6 Coed Tokoroa State 2 128 1708
Forest View High School 9–15 Coed Tokoroa State 2 380 159
Kuranui Primary School 1–6 Coed Tirau State 7 42 1858
Lichfield School 1–6 Coed Putaruru State 7 72 1790
Pa Harakeke Teen Parent Unit – – Tokoroa State 1 n/a – 639
Putaruru College 7–15 Coed Putaruru State 3 375 - 494
Putaruru Primary School 1–6 Coed Putaruru State 2 213 1658
St Mary's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Putaruru State integrated 4 201 - 1957
Strathmore School 1–6 Coed Tokoroa State 1 216 1968
Tainui Full Primary School 1–8 Coed Tokoroa State 2 215 - 1974
Te Waotu School 1–8 Coed Putaruru State 8 135 2025
Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere 1–15 Coed Putaruru State 1 171 - 567
Tirau Primary School 1–6 Coed Tirau State 5 97 - 2031
TKKM o Te Hiringa 1–8 Coed Tokoroa State 1 33 - 3100
Tokoroa Central School 1–6 Coed Tokoroa State 1 81 2035
Tokoroa High School 9–15 Coed Tokoroa State 2 690 158
Tokoroa Intermediate 7–8 Coed Tokoroa State 2 359 2037
Tokoroa North School 1–6 Coed Tokoroa State 4 406 2038

Waitomo District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Aria School 1–6 Coed Aria State 5 55 1687
Benneydale School 1–8 Coed Benneydale State 1 14 - 161
Centennial Park School 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State 1 113 - 1705
Kinohaku School 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State 4 32 - 1778
Mapiu School 1–8 Coed Mapiu State 4 9 - 1805
Mokau School 1–8 Coed Mokau State 3 24 - 2200
Piopio College 7–15 Coed Piopio State 4 202 162
Piopio Primary School 1–6 Coed Piopio State 5 129 - 1895
Piri Piri School 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State 4 22 1896
Pukenui School 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State 2 186 - 1906
Rangitoto School 1–8 Coed Rangitoto State 6 40 - 1920
St Joseph's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State integrated 4 102 - 1953
Te Kuiti High School 9–15 Coed Te Kuiti State 3 321 160
Te Kuiti Primary School 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State 2 356 - 2008
Te Kura o Tahaaroa 1–8 Coed Te Kuiti State 3 38 - 1971
Te Wharekura o Maniapoto 1–15 Coed Te Kuiti State 2 96 - 1865
Waitomo Caves School 1–8 Coed Waitomo Caves State 5 44 2073
Whareorino School 1–8 Coed Mokau State 5 10 - 2267

Taupo District

Name Years Gender Area Authority Decile Roll Website MOE
Hilltop School 1–8 Coed Taupo State 8 555 - 1740
Kuratau School 1–8 Coed Kuratau State 5 86 1785
Lake Taupo Christian School 1–15 Coed Taupo State integrated 6 122 - 1139
Mangakino Area School 1–15 Coed Mangakino State 1 124 - 329
Marotiri School 1–8 Coed Mangakino State 8 108 1808
Mountview School 1–8 Coed Taupo State 2 330 - 1836
Rangitaiki School 1–8 Coed Rangitaiki State 4 17 - 1754
St Patrick's Catholic School 1–8 Coed Taupo State integrated 7 210 1750
Tauhara College 9–15 Coed Taupo State 5 591 166
Tauhara School 1–6 Coed Tauhara State 3 182 1984
Taupo Intermediate 7–8 Coed Taupo State 6 507 1988
Taupo School 1–6 Coed Taupo State 5 478 1989
Taupo-nui-a-Tia College 9–15 Coed Taupo State 7 870 167
Te Kura o Hirangi 1–15 Coed Turangi State 2 157 - 497
Te Kura o Waitahanui 1–6 Coed Waitahanui State 2 29 - 2068
Tirohanga School 1–8 Coed Atiamuri State 6 24 - 2032
TKKM o Whakarewa I Te Reo Ki Tuwharetoa 1–15 Coed Taupo State 2 99 - 4230
Tongariro School 1–15 Coed Turangi State 2 515 476
Waipahihi School 1–6 Coed Taupo State 8 522 2065
Wairakei School 1–6 Coed Wairakei State 6 219 2066
Whakamaru School 1–8 Coed Whakamaru State 3 87 - 2080


  1. ↑ "About School: School basics". New Zealand Ministry of Education. Retrieved 2008-06-08.
  2. ↑ "School Donations & Fees". New Zealand Ministry of Education. 23 June 1998. Retrieved 2006-06-23.
  3. ↑ "about NZ education". EduSearch. Archived from the original on December 6, 2007. Retrieved 2008-06-08.
  4. ↑ "How The Decile Is Calculated". New Zealand Ministry of Education. Retrieved 2008-06-08.
  5. ↑ "Reviews of Deciles - General Information". New Zealand Ministry of Education. Retrieved 2008-06-08.
  6. ↑ "New Zealand Schools - Education Counts". Ministry of Education (New Zealand). Retrieved 12 January 2013.
  7. ↑ 2006 ERO Report for Coromandel Learning Centre
  8. ↑ "School Closures, Mergers and New: December_2008" (XLS). Education Counts.
  9. ↑ Parata, Hekia (20 March 2014). "New School Establishment Notice". New Zealand Gazette (New Zealand Government) 2014 (32): 913. Retrieved 1 February 2015.
  10. ↑ Parata, Hekia (16 July 2015). "New School Establishment Notice". New Zealand Gazette (New Zealand Government) 2015 (76). Retrieved 1 December 2015.


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