List of subfamilies and genera of Apocynaceae
This is a list of subfamilies and genera of the dogbane family Apocynaceae.
Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae are part of Apocynaceae sensu stricto, whilst the other three subfamilies belong to the former Asclepiadaceae. The Apocynaceae family is the result of a conflation of these two families.
Note: this list may be incomplete
- Acokanthera
- Adenium
- Aganonerion
- Aganosma
- Alafia
- Allamanda
- Allomarkgrafia
- Allowoodsonia
- Alstonia
- Alyxia
- Amalocalyx
- Ambelania
- Amsonia
- Ancylobothrys
- Anechites
- Angadenia
- Anodendron
- Apocynum
- Araujia
- Arduina
- Artia
- Asclepias
- Asketanthera
- Aspidosperma
- Baissea
- Beaumontia
- Bousigonia
- Cabucala
- Callichilia
- Calocrater
- Calotropis
- Cameraria
- Caralluma
- Carissa
- Carpodinus
- Carruthersia
- Carvalhoa
- Cascabela
- Catharanthus
- Cerbera
- Cerberiopsis
- Ceropegia
- Chamaeclitandra
- Chilocarpus
- Chonemorpha
- Cionura
- Cleghornia
- Clitandra
- Condylocarpon
- Couma
- Craspidospermum
- Crioceras
- Cycladenia
- Cyclocotyla
- Cylindropsis
- Cynanchum
- Delphyodon
- Dewevrella
- Dictyophleba
- Diplorhynchus
- Dyera
- Echites
- Elytropus
- Epigynium
- Eucorymbia
- Farquharia
- Fernaldia
- Forsteronia
- Funtumia
- Galactophora
- Geissospermum
- Gonioma
- Grisseea
- Gymnema
- Hancornia
- Haplophyton
- Himatanthus
- Holarrhena
- Hoodia
- Hoya
- Huernia
- Hunteria
- Hymenolophus
- Ichnocarpus
- Isonema
- Ixodonerium
- Kamettia
- Kibatalia
- Kopsia
- Lacmellea
- Landolphia
- Laubertia
- Laxoplumeria
- Lepinia
- Lepiniopsis
- Leuconotis
- Lochnera
- Lyonsia
- Macoubea
- Macropharynx
- Malouetia
- Mandevilla
- Mascarenhasia
- Matelea
- Melodinus
- Mesechites
- Micrechtites
- Microplumeria
- Molongum
- Mondia
- Mortoniella
- Motandra
- Mucoa
- Neobracea
- Neocouma
- Nerium
- Nouettea
- Ochrosia
- Odontadenia
- Oncinotis
- Orthopichonia
- Pachypodium
- Pachouria
- Papuechites
- Parahancornia
- Parameria
- Parepigynum
- Parsonsia
- Peltastes
- Pentalinon
- Periploca
- Petchia
- Picralima
- Plectaneia
- Pleiocarpa
- Pleioceras
- Plumeria
- Pottsia
- Prestonia
- Pycnobotrya
- Quiotania
- Rauvolfia
- Rhabdadenia
- Rhazya
- Rhigospira
- Rhodocalyx
- Rhyncodia
- Saba
- Schizozygia
- Secamonopsis
- Secondatia
- Sindechites
- Skytanthus
- Spirolobium
- Spongiosperma
- Stapelia
- Stemmadenia
- Stephanostegia
- Stephanostema
- Stephanotis
- Stipecoma
- Strempeliopsis
- Strophanthus
- Tabernaemontana
- Tabernanthe
- Temnadenia
- Thenardia
- Thevetia
- Tintinnabularia
- Trachelospermum
- Urceola
- Urnularia
- Vahadenia
- Vallariopsis
- Vallaris
- Vallesia
- Vinca
- Vincetoxicum
- Voacanga
- Willughbeia
- Woytkowskia
- Wrightia
- Xylinabaria
- Xylinabariopsis
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