List of vulnerable insects
- Extinct, since 1500: 58 species
- Extinct in the wild (EW): 1 species
- Critically endangered (CR): 176 species
- Endangered (EN): 305 species
- Vulnerable (VU): 565 species
- Near threatened (NT, LR/cd): 277 species
- Least concern (LC): 2,631 species
- Data deficient (DD): 1,560 species
- 5573 species have been evaluated
- 4013 are fully assessed (excludes DD)
- 2908 are not threatened at present (LC, NT, LR/cd)
- 1046 are threatened (CR, EN, VU)
- 59 to 100 are extinct or extinct in the wild (EX, EW, CR(PE), CR(PEW))

As of February 2016, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 565 vulnerable insect species.[1] 10% of all evaluated insect species are listed as vulnerable. The IUCN also lists 15 insect subspecies as vulnerable.
No subpopulations of insects have been evaluated by the IUCN.
For a species to be assessed as vulnerable to extinction, the best available evidence must meet quantitative criteria set by the IUCN designed to reflect "a high risk of extinction in the wild". Endangered and critically endangered species face an even higher risk, and are listed separately even though they also meet the quantitative criteria for vulnerable species: List of endangered insects, List of critically endangered insects. The three categories combined are referred to as threatened species.
Additionally 1560 insect species (28% of those evaluated) are listed as data deficient, meaning there is insufficient information for a full assessment of conservation status. As these species typically have small distributions and/or populations, they are intrinsically likely to be threatened, according to the IUCN.[2] While the category of data deficient indicates that no assessment of extinction risk has been made for the taxa, the IUCN notes that it may be appropriate to give them "the same degree of attention as threatened taxa, at least until their status can be assessed."[3]
This is a complete list of vulnerable insect species and subspecies as evaluated by the IUCN. Where possible common names for taxa are given while links point to the scientific name used by the IUCN.
- Belkin's dune tabanid fly
- Tasmanian torrent midge
- Beautiful-winged fruit fly
There are 104 species in the order Orthoptera assessed as vulnerable.
- Howarth's cave cricket
- Schauinsland's bush cricket
- Kaumana cave cricket
- Lanzarote malpais cricket
- Metioche luteolus
- Phalangacris phaloricephala
- Volcanoes cave cricket
- Kauai thin-footed bush cricket
- Usambara slant-faced grasshopper
- Uvarov's bird grasshopper
- Idaho point-headed grasshopper
- Usambara burrowing grasshopper
- Usambara forest edge grasshopper
- Michigan bog grasshopper
- Wembere grasshopper
- Tanzanian miombo grasshopper
- Siskiyou chloealtis grasshopper
- White-tipped grasshopper
- Ufipa blue-winged grasshopper
- Calabrian gold grasshopper
- Eozubovskya banatica
- Udzungwa noble grasshopper
- Eximacris superbum
- Three-spotted forest grasshopper
- Reatine Italian grasshopper
- Kilimanjaro drumming grasshopper
- Usambara drumming grasshopper
- Long-winged mountain grasshopper
- Odontopodisma montana
- Red-legged mountain grasshopper
- Turkish black sea coast grasshopper
- Almeria sand grasshopper
- Tenerife sand grasshopper
- Rugose sand grasshopper
- Stenobothrus eurasius
- Richtersveld katydid
- Marakele delicate katydid
- Dilated false shieldback
- Flat-necked shieldback
- Austrosaga spinifer
- Baetica ustulata
- Nihoa conehead katydid
- Big pine key conehead katydid
- Keys short-winged conehead katydid
- Tenerife green bush-cricket
- Canarian laurel bush-cricket
- Lalande's black-winged clonia
- Uvarov's clonia
- Peringuey's meadow katydid
- Zlobin's meadow katydid
- Remote conehead katydid
- Hemisaga lucifer
- Hemisaga vepreculae
- Metrioptera domogledi
- Onconotus servillei
- Pachysaga munggai
- Drakensberg grass false shieldback
- Golden Gate grass false shieldback
- Phasmodes jeeba
- Psacadonotus seriatus
- Predatory bush cricket
- Golden Gate seedpod shieldback
- Green-kneed seedpod shieldback
- Windbalea viride
- Zaprochilus ninae
- Arizona giant sand treader cricket
- Kefalari cave-cricket
- Lefkas cave-cricket
- Megalo Spilio cave cricket
- Ithaka cave-cricket
- Kiriaki cave-cricket
- Aghias Andreas cave-cricket
- Petalas cave-cricket
- Kefalonia cave-cricket
- Kelso giant sand treader cricket
- Coachelia giant sand treader cricket
- Pristoceuthophilus sp. nov.
- Tasmanoplectron isolatum
- Tanner's black camel cricket
- Mute winter katydid
- Karoo winter katydid
- Mauerberger's winter katydid
- Cozia plump bush-cricket
- Limnos plump bush-cricket
- Long-tailed plump bush-cricket
- Greek speckled bush-cricket
- Andros bright bush-cricket
- Kadiytsa bright bush-cricket
- Shielded saw-tailed bush-cricket
- East coast katydid
Other Orthoptera species
- Canarian tiny cricket
- Keys scaly cricket
- Pinaleno monkey grasshopper
- Parnassos stone grasshopper
- Desert monkey grasshopper
- Sierra pygmy grasshopper
- Uvarovitettix transsylvanicus
There are 155 species in the order Hymenoptera assessed as vulnerable.
- Acanthomyops latipes
- Acanthomyops murphii
- Anergates atratulus
- Anoplolepis nuptialis
- Antichthonidris bidentatus
- Aphaenogaster bidentatus
- Camponotus universitatis
- Cardiocondyla zoserka
- Cataglyphis hannae
- Chalepoxenus brunneus
- Chalepoxenus kutteri
- Chalepoxenus muellerianus
- Chalepoxenus spinosus
- Chalepoxenus tarbinskii
- Chalepoxenus tauricus
- Chalepoxenus tramieri
- Chalepoxenus zabelini
- Crematogaster atilanica
- Crematogaster pilosa
- Doronomyrmex goesswaldi
- Doronomyrmex kutteri
- Doronomyrmex pacis
- Doronomyrmex pocahontas
- Dorymyrmex insanus
- Epimyrma adlerzi
- Epimyrma africana
- Epimyrma algeriana
- Epimyrma bernardi
- Epimyrma corsica
- Epimyrma goridaghini
- Epimyrma kraussei
- Ravoux's slavemaker ant
- Epimyrma stumperi
- Epimyrma tamarae
- Epimyrma zaleskyi
- Formica dirksi
- Formica talbotae
- Formicoxenus chamberlini
- Formicoxenus nitidulus
- Formicoxenus provancheri
- Formicoxenus quebecensis
- Formicoxenus sibiricus
- Harpagoxenus canadensis
- Harpagoxenus sublaevis
- Harpagoxenus zaisanicus
- Kyidris media
- Kyidris yaleogyna
- Lasius reginae
- Leptothorax buschingeri
- Leptothorax duloticus
- Leptothorax faberi
- Leptothorax minutissimus
- Manica parasitica
- Megalomyrmex symmetochus
- Monomorium effractor
- Monomorium hospitum
- Monomorium inquilinum
- Monomorium noualhieri
- Monomorium pergandei
- Monomorium santschii
- Monomorium talbotae
- Myrmecia inquilina
- Myrmica bibikoffi
- Myrmica colax
- Myrmica ereptrix
- Myrmica faniensis
- Myrmica hirsuta
- Myrmica kabylica
- Myrmica lampra
- Myrmica laurae
- Myrmica lemasnei
- Myrmica myrmicoxena
- Myrmica quebecensis
- Myrmica samnitica
- Myrmica symbiotica
- Myrmica winterae
- Myrmoxenus gordiagini
- Oxyepoecus bruchi
- Oxyepoecus daguerrei
- Oxyepoecus inquilinus
- Pheidole acutidens
- Pheidole argentina
- Pheidole elecebra
- Pheidole inquilina
- Pheidole lanuginosa
- Pheidole microgyna
- Pheidole neokohli
- Pheidole oculata
- Pheidole parasitica
- Pheidole symbiotica
- Plagiolepis ampeloni
- Plagiolepis grassei
- Plagiolepis regis
- Pogonomyrmex anergismus
- Pogonomyrmex colei
- Polyergus breviceps
- Polyergus lucidus
- Polyergus nigerrimus
- Polyergus samurai
- Protomognathus americanus
- Pseudoatta argentina
- Pseudomyrmex leptosus
- Rhoptromyrmex mayri
- Rhoptromyrmex schmitzi
- Rossomyrmex minuchae
- Rossomyrmex proformicarum
- Serrastruma inquilina
- Solenopsis daguerrei
- Solenopsis solenopsidis
- Strongylognathus afer
- Strongylognathus alboini
- Strongylognathus alpinus
- Strongylognathus arnoldii
- Strongylognathus caeciliae
- Strongylognathus cecconii
- Strongylognathus chelifer
- Strongylognathus christophi
- Strongylognathus dalmaticus
- Strongylognathus destefanii
- Strongylognathus emeryi
- Strongylognathus foreli
- Strongylognathus huberi
- Strongylognathus insularis
- Strongylognathus italicus
- Strongylognathus karawajewi
- Strongylognathus kervillei
- Strongylognathus koreanus
- Strongylognathus kratochvili
- Strongylognathus minutus
- Strongylognathus palaestinensis
- Strongylognathus pisarskii
- Strongylognathus rehbinderi
- Strongylognathus ruzskyi
- Strongylognathus silvestrii
- Strumigenys xenos
- Teleutomyrmex kutteri
- Teleutomyrmex schneideri
- Tetramorium microgyna
- Tetramorium parasiticum
Other Hymenoptera species
- Wallace's giant bee
- Melitta hispanica
- Melitta kastiliensis
There are 128 species and ten subspecies in the order Lepidoptera assessed as vulnerable. Lepidoptera comprises moths and butterflies.
Swallowtail butterflies
- Atrophaneura atropos
- Atrophaneura luchti
- Atrophaneura schadenbergi
- Zetides swallowtail
- Ludlow's Bhutan swallowtail
- Yellow kite swallowtail
- Andamans swordtail
- Graphium idaeoides
- Meek's graphium
- Graphium megaera
- Graphium procles
- Graphium stresemanni
- Ornithoptera aesacus
- Rothschild's birdwing
- Papilio carolinensis
- Papilio esperanza
- Jordan's swallowtail
- Cream-banded swallowtail
- Papilio mangoura
- Papilio neumoegeni
- Papilio osmana
- Papillon la pature
- Fluminense swallowtail
- Apollo
- Parnassius autocrator
- Jamaican kite
- Talaud black birdwing
- Buru opalescent birdwing
- Caucasian festoon
- Alaena margaritacea
- Aloeides caledoni
- Aloeides carolynnae
- Aloeides dentatis
- Aloeides kaplani
- Aloeides lutescens
- Aloeides merces
- Aloeides pringlei
- Aloeides rossouwi
- Aslauga australis
- Capys penningtoni
- Cyanophrys bertha
- Erikssonia acraeina
- White spotted sapphire
- Lepidochrysops balli
- Lepidochrysops jefferyi
- Lepidochrysops littoralis
- Lepidochrysops loewensteini
- Lepidochrysops oosthuizeni
- Lepidochrysops outeniqua
- Lepidochrysops pephredo
- Lepidochrysops poseidon
- Lepidochrysops pringlei
- Lepidochrysops swanepoeli
- Lepidochrysops titei
- Lepidochrysops victori
- Lepidochrysops wykehami
- Tiassale liptena
- Hermes copper
- Grecian copper
- Orachrysops ariadne
- Phasis pringlei
- Poecilmitis adonis
- Azure opal
- Poecilmitis balli
- Poecilmitis daphne
- Poecilmitis endymion
- Poecilmitis henningi
- Poecilmitis hyperion
- Poecilmitis irene
- Poecilmitis kaplani
- Tsomo River copper
- Poecilmitis lyndseyae
- Poecilmitis orientalis
- Poecilmitis penningtoni
- Poecilmitis pyramus
- Poecilmitis stepheni
- Poecilmitis trimeni
- Poecilmitis wykehami
- Higgin's anomalous blue
- Sierra Nevada blue
- Ipharcamon blue
- Lycian blue
- Polyommatus orphicus
- Sinai hairstreak
- Avalon hairstreak
- Thestor compassbergae
- Thestor dryburghi
- Kaplan's Thestor
- Thestor pringlei
- Thestor rossouwi
- Thestor stepheni
- Thestor strutti
- Thestor swanepoeli
- Thestor tempe
- Thestor yildizae
- Madagascan friar
- Mauritian friar
- Uncompahgre fritillary
- Balkan heath
- Raetzer's ringlet
- Sudeten ringlet
- Andaman crow
- Cordelia's crow
- Mascarene crow
- Spartan crow
- Magou
- Nicobar crow
- El Hierro grayling
- La Palma grayling
- Electra's tree-nymph
- Bedford-Russell's tree-nymph
- Ideopsis oberthurii
- New Ireland yellow tiger
- D'Abrera's tiger
- Dannatt's tiger
- Angled tiger
- Sumbawa tiger
- Felder's tiger
- Toxopeus' yellow tiger
- Flores tiger
- Dils' grayling
- Crow tiger
- Danaus affinis jimiensis
- Danaus melanippus keteus
- Outcast crow
- Euploea algea eleutho
- Euploea algea schmeltzi
- Euploea crameri albomaculata
- Euploea mulciber elwesii
- Euploea radamanthus schreiberi
- Parantica weiskei thalassina
- Sarangani tiger
Other Lepidoptera species
There are 48 beetle species assessed as vulnerable.
Longhorn beetles
- Cerambyx longicorn
- Clytus clavicornis
- Clytus triangulimacula
- Delagrangeus schurmanni
- Isotomus barbarae
- Macrodontia cervicornis
- Morimus funereus
- Rosalia longicorn
- Ciervo scarab beetle
- Cresent dune scarab beetle
- Ateuchus squalidus
- Aulacopris matthewsi
- Canthon corpulentus
- Canthon quadripunctatus
- Clypeodrepanus striatus
- Ontherus hadros
- Onthophagus albarracinus
- Pachysoma aesculapius
- Pachysoma endroedyi
- Pachysoma glentoni
- Pedaridium hirsutum
- Platyonitis bicuariensis
- Giuliani's dune scarab beetle
- Scarabaeus semipunctatus
Other beetle species
- Ampedus brunnicornis
- Ampedus hjorti
- Carabus olympiae
- Cobblestone tiger beetle
- Globose dune beetle
- San Joaquin dune beetle
- Colophon cameroni
- Colophon neli
- Colophon stokoei
- Colophon westwoodi
- Blind cave beetle
- Gnorimus decempunctatus
- Leipaspis lauricola
- Melasis fermini
- Frigate Island giant tenebrionid beetle
- Gammon's riffle beetle
- Thorectes valencianus
- Triplax emgei
There are 124 species and five subspecies in the order Odonata assessed as vulnerable. Odonata includes dragonflies and damselflies.
- Chlorogomphus brevistigma
- Chlorogomphus gracilis
- Chlorogomphus nakamurai
- Chlorogomphus xanthoptera
- Chloropetalia selysi
- Watanabeopetalia uenoi
- Heteragrion flavovittatum
- Cuban hypolestes
- Mesagrion leucorrhinum
- Zoe waterfall damsel
- Philosina alba
- Little wood elf
- Banded jewel
- Kaleidoscope jewel
- Albertine jewel
- Libellago andamanensis
- Tanzania jewel
- Rhinocypha dorsosanguinea
- Rhinocypha latimacula
- Mahale jewel
- Calicnemia nipalica
- Coeliccia exoleta
- Coeliccia flavostriata
- Coeliccia fraseri
- Disparoneura apicalis
- Yellow-fronted threadtail
- Elattoneura pasquinii
- Lieftinckia lairdi
- Nososticta phoenissa
- Nososticta plagioxantha
- Risiocnemis pulchra
- Ceres stream-damsel
- Top end dragon
- Cape thorntail
- Crenigomphus abyssinicus
- Crenigomphus denticulatus
- Cyclogomphus gynostylus
- Gomphus lucasii
- Tennessee clubtail
- Westfall's clubtail
- Kakadu vicetail
- Lamelligomphus tutulus
- Macrogomphus lankanensis
- Nepogomphoides stuhlmanni
- Dark pincertail
- Waved pincertail
- Levant pincertail
- Paragomphus tachyerges
- Pegtail
- Phyllogomphoides joaquini
- Yellow-sided clubtail
- Townes's clubtail
- Erpetogomphus lampropeltis lampropeltis
- Chimanimani bluet
- Liberian wisp
- Antiagrion blanchardi
- Sabino dancer
- Yellow waxtail
- Turkish red damsel
- Cretan bluet
- East coast giant
- Cuban bluet
- Ethiopian bluetail
- San Francisco forktail
- Ischnura pamelae
- Mecistogaster asticta
- Oahu damselfly
- Oceanic Hawaiian damselfly
- Pacific Hawaiian damselfly
- Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly
- Pericnemis triangularis
- Pseudagrion bicoerulans
- Pseudagrion guichardi
- Pseudagrion kaffinum
- Harlequin sprite
- Pseudagrion pontogenes
- Vumba sprite
- Indian Ocean fineliner
- Somalian bluet
- Frey's damselfly
- Blackline damselfly
- Pseudagrion sublacteum mortoni
- Thylacine darner
- Gynacantha bispina
- Gynacantha constricta
- Petaliaeschna flavipes
- Yemen hawker
- Planaeschna celia
- Sarasaeschna niisatoi
- Atoconeura aethiopica
- Bironides teuchestes
- Dark-winged groundling
- Diplacina arsinoe
- Purple skimmer
- Micrathyria divergens
- Micrathyria pseudhypodidyma
- Mangrove skimmer
- Sympetrum gracile
- Urothemis abbotti
Other Odonata species
- Argiolestes realensis
- Bayadera hyalina
- Elegant malachite
- Say's spiketail
- Drepanosticta centrosaurus
- Marbled malachite
- Euphaea basalis
- Euphaea pahyapi
- Guatemalan rubyspot
- Rock narrow-wing
- Macromia erato
- Macromia irina
- Macromia katae
- Splendid cruiser
- Metaphya elongata
- African twigtail
- Red relic
- Peaked redspot
- Platysticta deccanensis
- Protosticta khaosoidaoensis
- Protosticta sanguinostigma
- Bulgarian emerald
- Texas emerald
- Yellow presba
- Mahogany presba
- Synthemis alecto
- Green-banded sparklewing
- Angola sparklewing
- Purple sparklewing
- Ringed boghaunter
See also
- List of least concern insects
- List of near threatened insects
- List of endangered insects
- List of critically endangered insects
- List of recently extinct insects
- List of data deficient insects
- ↑ "IUCN Red List version 2015.4". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- ↑ "Limitations of the Data". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ "2001 Categories & Criteria (version 3.1)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Retrieved 11 January 2016.