Lycée Condorcet
The Lycée Condorcet is a school founded in 1803 in Paris, France, located at 8, rue du Havre, in the city's 9th arrondissement. Since its inception, various political eras have seen it given a number of different names, but its identity today honors the memory of the Marquis de Condorcet. The school provides secondary education as part of the French education system. Paul Verlaine, Henri Bergson and Marcel Proust were educated at the Lycée Condorcet.
Some of the school's famous teachers include Jean Beaufret, Paul Bénichou, Jean-Marie Guyau, Jean-Paul Sartre and Stéphane Mallarmé.

The lycée entrance
The Lycée Condorcet, opened in 1803, is one of the four oldest high schools in Paris and also one of the most prestigious. During the greater part of the nineteenth century, the school was the "great Liberal High School" on the right bank with its relatively flexible regime that was chosen by the progressive bourgeoisie for its sons. It is among the few schools in Paris that never had internships: students who were not living with their parents worked, ate, and slept in the neighbourhood via a network of "maitres de pension". The mix has gradually emerged in 1924 for preparatory classes for the grandes écoles, and 1975 for secondary classes.
The facility has brought successively names:
High School of the Chaussée d'Antin (1804)
Imperial High School Bonaparte (1805 - 1814)
Royal College of Bourbon (July 1815 - February 1848)
Imperial High School Bonaparte (1848 - 1870)
Lycée Condorcet (22 October 1870 - 1874)
School Fontanes (1 May 1874 - 27 January 1883)
Lycée Condorcet (since 1883)
Preparatory classes are also very old and were treated to famous teachers such as Jean-Paul Sartre.
Notable teachers
Notable alumni
- ↑ Philippe Bouvard, « J’ai découvert la lutte des classes dans la cour de récréation », rubrique « Le bloc-notes », in Le Figaro Magazine, semaine du 17 mai 2013, page 138.
External links
Coordinates: 48°52′29.20″N 2°19′38.36″E / 48.8747778°N 2.3273222°E / 48.8747778; 2.3273222
Sixth-form colleges (Lycées) and upper secondary schools in Paris by arrondissement |
| All are in the jurisdiction of the Académie de Paris ( FR) (see FRWiki list) | | 2nd |
- Lycée Jean-Baptiste Lulli
| 3rd | |
| 4th |
- École Massillon (FR)
- Lycée Charlemagne
- Lycée des Francs-Bourgeois (FR)
- Lycée Sophie Germain
- Lycée d'enseignement commercial Théophile Gautier
| 5th | |
| 6th | |
| 7th |
- Lycée Victor-Duruy (FR)
- Établissement La Rochefoucauld (FR)
- Institut de l'Alma
- Lycée-collège Paul-Claudel
- Lycée d'Hulst
- Lycée Sainte-Jeanne Elisabeth
- Lycée Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin (FR)
- Lycée Thérèse-Chappuis
- Istituto Statale Italiano Leonardo Da Vinci
| 8th | |
| 9th | |
| 10th |
- Lycée Colbert
- Lycée Edgar-Poe
- Lycée Jules-Siegfried
- Établissement Bossuet Notre-Dame
- Lycée Rocroy-Saint-Léon (FR)
| 11th |
- Lycée Dorian (FR)
- Lycée Voltaire
- Établissement Charles-Péguy
- Lycée Ozar Hatorah
- Votre École Chez Vous
| 12th |
- Lycée Arago (FR)
- Lycée Paul-Valéry (FR)
- Lycée Saint-Michel de Picpus (FR)
- Cours Spinoza
- Ensemble scolaire Eugène-Napoléon - Saint-Pierre-Fourier
- Établissement scolaire Georges-Leven
| 13th |
- Lycée Rodin (FR)
- Lycée Claude-Monet (FR)
- Lycée professionnel Corvisart-Tolbiac
- École nationale de chimie physique et biologie de Paris (FR)
- École Yabné (FR)
- Groupe scolaire Notre Dame de France
- Groupe scolaire Saint Vincent de Paul
- Lycée Le Rebours
- Lycée Technique Privé de l'École Technique Supérieure du Laboratoire
| 14th |
- Lycée Catherine-Labouré
- Lycée François-Villon
- Lycée Raspail (FR)
| 15th |
- Lycée Beaugrenelle
- Lycée Claude Anthime Corbon
- Lycée Roger Verlomme
- Lycée Brassai
- Lycée Louis-Armand
- Lycée Fresnel
- Lycée Léonard de Vinci
- Lycée de l'École nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliquées
- Lycée Bâtiment Saint Lambert
- Etablissement régional adapté Alexandre Dumas
- Lycée Buffon
- Lycée Camille-Sée (FR)
- Lycée autogéré de Paris (FR)
- École Jeannine Manuel
- École, Collège, Lycée Privés Sainte-Élisabeth
- Lycée Blomet
- École Internationale Bilingue- Victor Hugo School
- Ecole Skol Diwan
- Ecole secondaire Georges Gusdorf
- Ecole Saint Joseph
| 16th | |
| 17th | |
| 18th |
- Lycée François-Rabelais
- Lycée Belliard
- Lycée Suzanne Valadon
- Lycée Edmond Rostand
- Lycée technologique d'Arts appliqués Auguste-Renoir (FR)
- Lycée Charles-de-Foucauld
- Collège lycée Sinaï
| 19th |
- Lycée polyvalent d'Alembert
- Lycée Diderot (FR)
- Lycée Georges-Brassens
- Lycée Henri-Bergson (FR)
- Lycée Jacquard
- École Lucien-de-Hirsch (FR)
- Institutions scolaires du Beth Loubavitch
- Lycée l'Initiative
- Lycée Jules-Richard
- Lycée N'R Hatorah
| 20th |
- Lycée Hélène-Boucher (FR)
- Lycée Maurice-Ravel (FR)
- Lycée Charles-de-Gaulle
- Lycée Beth Yacov
- Lycée Heikhal Menahem Sinaï
| Former schools |
- Lycée professionnel Mariano-Fortuny (17th)
- Lycée Jean-Quarré (19th)
| This list is incomplete. Some international schools serving expatriates in the Paris region are in surrounding areas: See International schools in France |