Football Federation of Macedonia
The Football Federation of Macedonia (Macedonian: Фудбалска Федерација на Македонија / Fudbalska Federacija na Makedonija or ФФМ/FFM) is the governing body of football in the Republic of Macedonia based in Skopje. It was founded in 1926 and is currently headed by Ilco Gjorgioski.
It operates these codes:
The previous logo used up until 2014.
Macedonian Soccer Association was formed on 18 December 1926 on the founding general assembly that was held in the "Unknown Fallen Hero" restaurant in the city of Skopje.FFM was officially formed again after the WWII on 14 August 1949 in Skopje (after the end of World War Two, the first football department was established as a part of sport association of the city of Skopje, the football section is separated on 16 August 1948). From 1949 to 2002, it was called the Football Association of Macedonia (Macedonian: Фудбалски Сојуз на Македонија / Fudbalski Sojuz na Makedonija or ФСМ/FSM). The first ever president was Ljubisav Ivanov - Dzingo.[1] Andon Dončevski was appointed by FFM as the first ever coach of the Macedonia national team.
The Macedonian flag on top behind a yellow background. Below, a blue crest with the yellow FFM Cyrillic letters above a football.
On 22 March 2014, the FFM launched a new crest.[2]
External links
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