Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour season 2014–15

2014–15 Pro Tour season
Pro Player of the Year United States Mike Sigrist
Rookie of the Year United States Justin Cohen
World Champion Israel Shahar Shenhar
Pro Tours 4
Grands Prix 51
Hall of Fame inductions Japan Makihito Mihara
United States Paul Rietzl
France Guillaume Wafo-Tapa
Start of season 9 August 2014
End of season 2 August 2015

The 2014–15 Pro Tour season was the twentieth season of the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour. It started on 9 August 2014 with Grand Prix Portland and Utrecht and ended on 2 August 2015 with the conclusion of Pro Tour Vancouver. The season consisted of 51 Grand Prix and four Pro Tours, located in Honolulu, Washington, D.C., Brussels, and Vancouver.[1]


Four Pro Tours and fifty-one Grands Prix were in the 2014–15 season. These are the events that award Pro Points, the points that were used to determine the Player of the Year Standings and Pro Club levels. Players were awarded Pro Levels for earning 20 (Silver level), 35 (Gold), and 46 points (Platinum), however only the six best Grand Prix results were counted towards seasonal point (the newly introduced "Grand Prix" inviation spot in Magic: The Gathering World Championship, however, will count every event in the season). Pro Club Levels came with certain benefits such as qualifications to subsequent Pro Tours, byes at Grand Prix, and airfare to Pro Tours. Based on the final standings of Pro Tours, Grand Prix, Worlds, and the World Magic Cup Pro Points were awarded as follows:[2]

Rank Pro Points awarded at
Pro Tour Grand Prix
Grand Prix
World Magic Cup
1 30 8 6 8
2 26 6 5 7
3–4 22 5 4 6
5–8 18 4 5
9–16 4
17–32 3
33+ 2

For competitors finishing outside the final elimination stage of Grand Prix and Pro Tours points are awarded depending on their score after the final Swiss round. 16 Swiss rounds are played at Pro Tours, 15 at individual Grand Prix, and 14 at Team Grand Prix. Pro Points are then awarded as follows.

Points Pro Points awarded at
Pro Tour Grand Prix
Grand Prix
39+ 15 4 4
36–38 15 3 4
35 12 1 4
34 11 1 4
33 10 1 3
32 8 2
31 7 2
30 6 1
28–29 4
0–27 3

Finally players that participated in the World Championship earned one Pro Point per win in the Swiss Portion and two Pro Points per win in the single elimination stage.

On 31 October 2014, Wizards of the Coast revised the pro point structure and retroactively applied the changes to all events in the current season.[3] On 2 April 2015, they further revised the threshold of Pro Players Club level, lowering the threshold required for Platinum status from 48 to 46.[4]

On 24 April 2014, ChannelFireball, the organizer of Grand Prix Las Vegas, announced the number of pre-registered players in that Grand Prix had exceeds the 5000 threshold, and the Grand Prix main event would be split into two independent Grand Prix main events sharing same venue.[5][6] Making the total number of Grand Prix in this season to 52 instead of original 51.

Grand Prix

GP Portland[7] (9–10 August 2014)
  • Format: Team Limited
  • Attendance: 1947 (649 teams)
United States Reid Duke
United States Owen Turtenwald
United States William Jensen
United States Eric Severson
United States Benjamin Weitz
United States Josiah Skallerup
United States Matt Katz
United States Ben Yu
United States Jameson Painter
United States Eric Froehlich
United States Luis Scott-Vargas
United States Paul Cheon

GP Utrecht[8] (9–10 August 2014)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1518
  1. Austria Oliver Polak-Rottmann
  2. France Eliott Boussaud
  3. Germany Richard Webels
  4. Sweden Susanne Bornelöv
  5. Romania Ciprian Catană
  6. Netherlands Alex Stok
  7. France Armel Primot
  8. Denmark Christoffer Enggaard Larsen

GP Kobe[9] (23–24 August 2014)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 2299
  1. Japan Teruya Kakumae
  2. Japan Yuusei Gotou
  3. Japan Shohei Mita
  4. Japan Yuuki Akaboshi
  5. Japan Ken Sawada
  6. China Bo Sun
  7. Japan Yuuki Ichikawa
  8. Japan Takuya Yamada

GP Sydney[10] (23–24 August 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 813
  1. Australia Paul Jackson
  2. Australia James Zhang
  3. New Zealand Matthew Griffin
  4. Australia Maitland Cameron
  5. Australia Chris Sparks
  6. Japan Tomoharu Saito
  7. South Korea Park Jun Young
  8. Australia Don van Ravenzwaaij
GP Shanghai[11] (4–5 October 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1287
  1. China Yu Yin
  2. China Xu Su
  3. Japan Tamada Ryoichi
  4. China Han Bing
  5. Hong Kong Zhang Meng Qiu
  6. China Liu Yuchen
  7. South Korea Oh Joo-hyun
  8. Japan Shuhei Nakamura

GP Salt Lake City[12] (6–7 September 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 878
  1. United States Brandon Nelson
  2. United States Sammy Batarseh
  3. United States Chris Woodall
  4. United States Eric Froehlich
  5. United States Paul Rietzl
  6. United States Jamie Parke
  7. United States Nathan Holiday
  8. United States Shady Badran

GP Orlando[13] (4–5 October 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 2277
  1. United States Eugene Hwang
  2. United States Melissa DeTora
  3. United States Sol Malka
  4. Brazil Artur Villela
  5. United States Pierre Mondon
  6. United States Harry Corvese
  7. United States Ian Farnung
  8. United States Frank Lepore

Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir

Honolulu (10–12 October 2014)

Top 8

Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 Shaun McLaren 2
8 Lee Shi Tian 0
Shaun McLaren 2
Mike Sigrist 1
4 Mike Sigrist 2
5 Ivan Floch 0
Shaun McLaren 1
Ari Lax 3
3 Thiago Saporito 2
6 Ondřej Stráský 1
Thiago Saporito 1
Ari Lax 2
2 Ari Lax 2
7 Yuuya Watanabe 0

Final standings

Place Player Prize Pro Points Comment
1 United States Ari Lax $40,000 30
2 Canada Shaun McLaren $20,000 26 2nd final day
3 Brazil Thiago Saporito $12,500 22
4 United States Mike Sigrist $12,500 22
5 Slovakia Ivan Floch $10,000 18 2nd final day
6 Czech Republic Ondřej Stráský $10,000 18
7 Japan Yuuya Watanabe $10,000 18 3rd final day
8 Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian $10,000 18 3rd final day

Pro Player of the year standings

Rank Player Pro Points
1 United States Ari Lax 34
2 Canada Shaun McLaren 29
3 Brazil Thiago Saporito 25
4 United States Mike Sigrist 22
5 United States Owen Turtenwald 21

Grand Prix

GP Los Angeles[14] (18–19 October 2014)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1766
  1. United States Daniel Scheid
  2. Russia Denis Ulanov
  3. United States Eric Pei
  4. Philippines Carlo Falcis
  5. Japan Ryoichi Tamada
  6. United States Brad Nelson
  7. United States Isaac Sears
  8. United States Christopher Goldsmith

GP Stockholm[15] (25–26 October 2014)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1043
  1. Slovakia Matej Zatlkaj
  2. Iceland Einar Baldvinsson
  3. France Thiago Rodrigues
  4. Czech Republic Lukas Blohon
  5. Italy Giovanni Rosi
  6. Italy Matteo Cirigliano
  7. Germany Christian Seibold
  8. Denmark Alexander Pasgaard

GP Nashville[16] (1–2 November 2014)
  • Format: Team Limited
  • Attendance: 1392 (464 teams)
United States Matt Nass
Canada Jacob Wilson
United States Jesse Hampton
United States Tom Martell
Brazil Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa
Israel Shahar Shenhar
United States David Sharfman
United States Orrin Beasley
United States Pat Cox
United States Sam Black
United States Matt Severa
Lithuania Gaudenis Vidugiris

GP Santiago[17] (1–2 November 2014)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 660
  1. Brazil Eduardo dos Santos Vieira
  2. Chile Rodrigo Soto
  3. Argentina Nicolas de Nicola
  4. Chile Daniel Gaete Quezada
  5. Brazil Willy Edel
  6. Brazil Pedro Carvalho
  7. Brazil Fernando Barros
  8. Colombia David Sologuren
GP Ottawa[18] (22–23 November 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1353
  1. United States Seth Manfield
  2. United States Neal Oliver
  3. Canada Lucas Siow
  4. Canada Xavier Allegrucci
  5. Israel Shahar Shenhar
  6. United States Sam Black
  7. Canada Pascal Maynard
  8. Canada Jessica Buchanan

GP Madrid[19] (15–16 November 2014)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 1900
  1. Austria Immanuel Gerschenson
  2. Germany Till Riffert
  3. Netherlands Ricardo van den Bogaard
  4. Spain Jose Rodriguez Pozo
  5. Portugal Marcio Carvalho
  6. Netherlands Kevin Grove
  7. England Andrew Devine
  8. Netherlands Steffen van de Veen
GP Strasbourg[20] (29–30 November 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1996
  1. Hungary Tamás Nagy
  2. France Pierre Dagen
  3. Czech Republic Martin Jůza
  4. Japan Kentarou Yamamoto
  5. Ukraine Oleg Plisov
  6. Germany Max Pritsch
  7. Netherlands Daan Pruijt
  8. Netherlands Kees Van Montfoort

GP New Jersey[21] (15–16 November 2014)
  • Format: Legacy
  • Attendance: 4003
  1. United States Brian Braun-Duin
  2. United States Tom Ross
  3. United States Royce Walter
  4. Germany Philipp Schonegger
  5. United States Phillip Braverman
  6. United States Daniel Jordan
  7. United States Joseph Santomassino
  8. Canada Lam Phan
GP San Antonio[22] (29–30 November 2014)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1182
  1. United States Ryan Scullin
  2. United States Orry Swift
  3. United States Jeremy Frye
  4. United States Albert Ake
  5. United States Angel Solache
  6. United States Larry Li
  7. United States Randall Gay
  8. United States Gareth Aye

Magic: The Gathering World Championship

Nice (2–7 December 2014)

Top 4 playoff

Semifinals Finals
1 Yuuya Watanabe 1
4 Shahar Shenhar 3
Shahar Shenhar 3
Patrick Chapin 0
2 Patrick Chapin 3
3 Kentaro Yamamoto 0

Final standings

The following twenty-four players received an invitation to the 2014 World Championship due to their performance in the 2013–14 season. They are ordered according to the final standings of the event.

# Player Prize Pro points Qualified due to
1 Israel Shahar Shenhar $50,000 13 2013 World Champion
2 United States Patrick Chapin $20,000 12 Pro Tour Journey into Nyx winner
3 Japan Yuuya Watanabe $10,000 10 Pro Point leader Japan
4 Japan Kentarou Yamamoto $10,000 9 8th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
5 Canada Shaun McLaren $5,000 9 Pro Tour Born of the Gods winner
6 Japan Yuuki Ichikawa $5,000 8 Pro Point runner-up Japan
7 Slovakia Ivan Floch $5,000 8 Pro Tour Magic 2015 winner
8 United States William Jensen $5,000 8 Most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
9 United States Sam Black $3,000 8 6th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
10 Thailand Lars Dam $3,000 7 2013 Magic Online Champion
11 United States Josh Utter-Leyton $3,000 7 3rd most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
12 United States Paul Rietzl $3,000 7 5th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
13 United States Owen Turtenwald $3,000 7 Pro Point leader North America
14 United States Reid Duke $3,000 7 Pro Point runner-up North America
15 Czech Republic Stanislav Cifka $3,000 6 2nd most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
16 United States Tom Martell $3,000 6 4th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
17 France Raphaël Lévy $2,000 6 2013 World Magic Cup winner
18 France Jérémy Dezani $2,000 6 2013–14 Player of the Year
19 Canada Jacob Wilson $2,000 6 7th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
20 Brazil Willy Edel $2,000 5 Pro Point leader Latin America
21 South Korea Nam Sung-Wook $2,000 5 Pro Point runner-up APAC region
22 United States Raymond Perez Jr. $2,000 5 2013–14 Rookie of the Year
23 Brazil Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa $2,000 4 Pro Point runner-up Latin America
24 Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian $2,000 4 Pro Point leader APAC region

World Magic Cup

Nice (5–7 December 2014)

Top 8

Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 South Korea 1
8 Greece 2
Greece 2
United States 1
4 Slovakia 0
5 United States 2
Greece 1
Denmark 2
3 Serbia 0
6 Denmark 2
Denmark 2
England 1
2 England 2
7 Brazil 0

Final standings

Place Country Player Prize Pro Points
1 Denmark Denmark Martin Müller $12,000 8
Simon Nielsen
Thomas Enevoldsen
Lars Birch
2 Greece Greece Marios Angelopoulos $6,500 7
Bill Chronopoulos
Panagiotis Savvidis
Socrates Rozakeas
3 England England Fabrizio Anteri $4,000 6
David Inglis
Francesco Giorgio
Riccardo Reale
4 United States United States Owen Turtenwald $4,000 6
Isaac Sears
Andrew Baeckstrom
Neal Oliver

Place Country Player Prize Pro Points
5 South Korea South Korea Nam Sung-wook $2,000 5
Oh Joon-hyun
Cho Jeong-woo
Kim Sang-eun
6 Serbia Serbia Aleksa Telarov $2,000 5
Miodrag Kitanovic
Boris Bajgo
Milos Stajic
7 Slovakia Slovakia Ivan Floch $2,000 5
Jan Tomcani
Michal Guldan
Matej Zatlkaj
8 Brazil Brazil Willy Edel $2,000 5
Gabriel Fehr
Thiago Saporito
Matheus Rosseto

Pro Player of the year standings

Rank Player Pro Points
1 Canada Shaun McLaren 40
2 United States Owen Turtenwald 39
3 United States Ari Lax 38
Slovakia Ivan Floch
5 Israel Shahar Shenhar 36

Grand Prix

GP Baltimore[23] (13–14 December 2014)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1235
  1. United States Gerard Fabiano
  2. United States David Foster
  3. United States Harry Bradford
  4. United States Ben Stark
  5. United States Chris Fennell
  6. United States Craig Wescoe
  7. United States Timothy Wu
  8. United States Josh Utter-Leyton
GP Manila[24] (3–4 January 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance:1410
  1. Australia Joseph Sclauzero
  2. Taiwan Kuo Tzu-Ching
  3. Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian
  4. Japan Makihito Mihara
  5. South Korea Won Dae-hoon
  6. United States Christian Calcano
  7. Czech Republic Martin Jůza
  8. Philippines Arnulfo Taghoy, Jr.
GP Mexico City[25] (31 January–1 February 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 641
  1. Canada Pascal Maynard
  2. Mexico Mario Flores
  3. Singapore Chapman Sim
  4. Mexico Andreas Canavati
  5. Mexico Axel Martinez
  6. Mexico Juan Carlos Botis
  7. Czech Republic Martin Jůza
  8. Brazil Eduardo dos Santos Viera

GP Milan[26] (13–14 December 2014)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 1760
  1. Sweden Magnus Lantto
  2. Italy Niccolo Belini
  3. Poland Piotr Glogowski
  4. France Louis Deltour
  5. Costa Rica Miguel Gatica
  6. England Eduardo Sajgalik
  7. Italy Lucantonio Salvidio
  8. Italy Dario Parazzoli
GP Omaha[27] (10–11 January 2015)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 1168
  1. United States Erik Peter
  2. United States Stephen Speck
  3. Canada Pascal Maynard
  4. United States Jonathan Paton
  5. United States Zac Roorda
  6. United States Scott Lipp
  7. United States Andrew Elenbogen
  8. United States Stephen Berrios
GP San Jose[28] (31 January–1 February 2015)
  • Format: Team Limited
  • Attendance: 1968 (656 teams)
United States Eric Froehlich
United States Luis Scott-Vargas
United States Paul Cheon
United States Matthew Sperling
United States David Williams
United States Paul Rietzl
United States Ari Lax
United States Chris Fennell
United States Craig Wescoe
Canada Robert Smith
Canada Sean Gifford
Canada Tyler Blum

GP Denver[29] (3–4 January 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1536
  1. United States Andrew Brown
  2. United States Matthew Sperling
  3. United States Sam Pardee
  4. Austria Valentin Mackl
  5. Vietnam Edward Nguyen
  6. United States William Jensen
  7. United States Paul Cheon
  8. United States Lukas Parsons
GP Shizuoka[30] (10–11 January 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 2236
  1. Japan Akito Shinoda
  2. China Bo Sun
  3. Japan Chihiro Kawada
  4. Japan Yuuki Ichikawa
  5. Japan Yuki Matsumoto
  6. Japan Satoshi Yamaguchi
  7. Japan Junichi Yabuta
  8. Japan Shinji Nakano

Pro Tour Fate Reforged

Washington, D.C. (6–8 February 2015)

Top 8

Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 Eric Froehlich 1
8 Jesse Hampton 2
Jesse Hampton 1
Justin Cohen 2
4 Seth Manfield 1
5 Justin Cohen 2
Justin Cohen 1
Antonio Del Moral Leon 3
3 Jelger Wiegersma 2
6 Jacob Wilson 1
Jelger Wiegersma 1
Antonio Del Moral Leon 2
2 Antonio Del Moral Leon 2
7 Lee Shi Tian 1

Final standings

Place Player Prize Pro Points Comment
1 Spain Antonio Del Moral Leon $40,000 30 1st Spanish player to win a Pro Tour
2 United States Justin Cohen $20,000 26 Pro Tour debut
3 Netherlands Jelger Wiegersma $12,500 22 5th final day
4 United States Jesse Hampton $12,500 22 2nd final day
5 United States Eric Froehlich $10,000 18 4th final day
6 United States Seth Manfield $10,000 18
7 Canada Jacob Wilson $10,000 18 2nd final day
8 Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian $10,000 18 4th final day

Pro Player of the year standings

Rank Player Pro Points
1 Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian 53
2 United States Eric Froehlich 50
3 United States Owen Turtenwald 49
4 United States Ari Lax 48
5 Israel Shahar Shenhar 45

Grand Prix

GP Seville[31] (14–15 February 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 799
  1. Austria Immanuel Gerschenson
  2. France Pierre Sommen
  3. Spain Carlos Ballester Garcia
  4. Guernsey Nicholas Merrien
  5. Czech Republic Martin Jůza
  6. Portugal Marcio Carvalho
  7. Spain Marcos Cordero Valle
  8. France Alexandre Habert
GP Liverpool[32] (7–8 March 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1797
  1. Denmark Martin Dang
  2. Germany Nikolas Labahn
  3. Czech Republic Lukas Blohon
  4. Portugal Marcio Carvalho
  5. Sweden Andreas Jonsson
  6. Norway Kenneth Ellingsen
  7. Switzerland Daniel Oppliger
  8. France Timothée Simonot
GP Cleveland[33] (14–15 March 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1771
  1. Canada Bill Tsang
  2. United States Jake Mondello
  3. United States Gerard Fabiano
  4. United States Andrew Cuneo
  5. United States Eric Blanchet
  6. United States Christian Calcano
  7. Japan Yuuya Watanabe
  8. United States Ross Merriam

GP Memphis[34] (21–22 February 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1075
  1. United States Jack Fogle
  2. United States Ben Stark
  3. United States Brad Nelson
  4. United States Steve Rubin
  5. United States Patrick Crowe
  6. United States Chris Fennel
  7. United States Alex Majlaton
  8. United States Eric Rath
GP Miami[35] (7–8 March 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1380
  1. United States Daniel Cecchetti
  2. United States Corey Baumeister
  3. United States Chad Kastel
  4. United States Ralph Betesh
  5. United States Ryan Grodzinski
  6. United States Brian Lee
  7. United States Andy Boswell
  8. United States Zan Syed

GP Vancouver[36] (21–22 February 2015)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 1116
  1. Canada Dan Lanthier
  2. Canada Robbie Schmidt
  3. Germany Florian Koch
  4. Canada Alexander Hayne
  5. United States Tom Martell
  6. United States Stephen Speck
  7. Canada Jesse Moulton
  8. United States Daniel Ward
GP Auckland[37] (14–15 March 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 383
  1. Japan Teruya Kakumae
  2. Australia Maitland Cameron
  3. Germany Fabian Dickmann
  4. Australia John Brugman
  5. New Zealand Dylan Goldsmith
  6. South Africa Jacques van Eeden
  7. China Yifan Wei
  8. New Zealand Jason Chung

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir

Brussels (10–12 April 2015)

Top 8

Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 Ondřej Stráský 2
8 Andrew Ohlschwager 0
Ondřej Stráský 1
Shouta Yasooka 2
4 Jason Chung 1
5 Shouta Yasooka 2
Shouta Yasooka 1
Martin Dang 3
3 Martin Dang 2
6 Marco Cammilluzzi 0
Martin Dang 2
Adrian Sullivan 0
2 Adrian Sullivan 2
7 Thomas Hendriks 1

Final standings

Place Player Prize Pro Points Comment
1 Denmark Martin Dang $40,000 30 1st Dane to win a Pro Tour
2 Japan Shouta Yasooka $20,000 26 2nd final day
3 Czech Republic Ondřej Stráský $12,500 22 2nd final day
4 United States Adrian Sullivan $12,500 22
5 New Zealand Jason Chung $10,000 18 1st New Zealander in a Top 8
6 Italy Marco Cammilluzzi $10,000 18
7 Netherlands Thomas Hendriks $10,000 18
8 United States Andrew Ohlschwager $10,000 18

Pro Player of the year standings

Rank Player Pro Points
1 United States Eric Froehlich 60
2 United States Sam Black 57
3 Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian 56
4 United States Ari Lax 54
5 United States Owen Turtenwald 53

Grand Prix

GP Kraków[38] (18–19 April 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1149
  1. Canada Alexander Hayne
  2. Slovenia Robin Dolar
  3. Brazil Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa
  4. Poland Bartłomiej Lewandowski
  5. Denmark Martin Müller
  6. Germany Alex Hottmann
  7. France Leo Schulhof
  8. United States Samuel Pardee
GP Toronto[39] (2–3 May 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1613
  1. Canada Lucas Siow
  2. Canada Edgar Magalhaes
  3. United States Mark Jacobson
  4. United States Brad Nelson
  5. United States Ben Feingersh
  6. United States Benjamin Weitz
  7. Canada Dan Fournier
  8. United States Craig Wescoe
GP Florence[40] (16–17 May 2015)
  • Format: Team Limited
  • Attendance: 1296 (432 teams)
Germany Frank Schäfer
Germany Rosario Maij
Germany Adrian Rosada
Germany Jasper Grimmer
Germany Robin Steinborn
Germany Amit Cohen
England Dan Gardener
England Marco Orsini-Jones
England Matteo Orsini-Jones
England Daniel Royde
England Eduardo Sajgalik
England Fabrizio Anteri

GP Kyoto[41] (18–19 April 2015)
  • Format: Legacy
  • Attendance: 2027
  1. Japan Yuuta Takahashi
  2. Japan Kazuya Murakami
  3. Japan Kenta Harane
  4. Japan Kai Thiele
  5. Japan Yukihiro Satake
  6. Japan Yousuke Morinaga
  7. Japan Shouta Yasooka
  8. Japan Kei Umehara
GP Atlantic City[42] (9–10 May 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1655
  1. United States Christian Calcano
  2. Canada Alexander Hayne
  3. Canada Jacob Wilson
  4. United States Bryan Gottlieb
  5. United States Stephen Neal
  6. United States Luis Scott-Vargas
  7. Lithuania Gaudenis Vidugiris
  8. United States Zachary Jesse
GP Shanghai[43] (16–17 May 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 964
  1. Japan Yuuki Ichikawa
  2. Malaysia Devsharan Singh
  3. South Korea Nam Sung-wook
  4. China Hu Jin
  5. China Xie Hao Chen
  6. China Yang Dehua
  7. Taiwan Lin Yang
  8. China Bo Li

GP São Paulo[44] (2–3 May 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1390
  1. Brazil Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa
  2. Chile Maximiliano Sanchez Pinnilo
  3. Chile Sergio Barrientos Ochoa
  4. Brazil Mateus Batista de Melo
  5. Chile Claudio Barriento Ochoa
  6. Brazil Leonardo Oliveria Graichen
  7. Argentina Mariano Cartechino
  8. Brazil Ricardo Nunes Martins
GP Paris[45] (9–10 May 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1426
  1. Belgium Amand Dosimont
  2. United States Zan Syed
  3. Spain Antonio Del Moral Leon
  4. South Korea Kim Kyoung-soo
  5. France Tristan Pölzl
  6. Germany Christian Hauck
  7. Germany Jasper Grimmer
  8. Portugal Hugo Diniz
GP Las Vegas 1[46] (30–31 May 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 3687
  1. United States Aaron Lewis
  2. United States Lucas Duchow
  3. Canada Pascal Maynard
  4. United States David Jetha
  5. United States Ben Stark
  6. United States Andrew Lozano
  7. United States Peter Maginnis
  8. Philippines Marcel Dizon

GP Las Vegas 2[47] (30–31 May 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 3864
  1. United States Scott Markeson
  2. United States David Heineman
  3. United States Simon Kim
  4. United States Danny Goldstein
  5. Brazil Pedro Carvalho
  6. Canada Shaun McLaren
  7. United States Eugen Koo
  8. United States Brian Richards
GP Charlotte[48] (13–14 June 2015)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 2870
  1. United States Michael Malone
  2. United States Wesley See
  3. United States Andrew Wagoner
  4. United States Darien Elderfield
  5. United States Zachary Jesse
  6. United States Ian Bosley
  7. United States Samuel Pardee
  8. United States Donald Smith
GP Singapore[49] (27–28 June 2015)
  • Format Modern
  • Attendance: 1130
  1. Japan Hitomi Masaki
  2. Singapore Steven Tan
  3. Japan Keita Kawasaki
  4. United States Reid Duke
  5. Singapore Wei Song Ray Wee
  6. Japan Yuuta Takahashi
  7. Singapore Tay Jun Hao
  8. Singapore Zhijian Yang
GP Lille[50] (4–5 July 2015)
  • Format: Legacy
  • Attendance: 1548
  1. Italy Claudio Bonanni
  2. France Olivier Ruel
  3. Spain Ricardo Sánchez
  4. Germany Christoph Alsheimer
  5. Belgium Thomas Van der Paelt
  6. Czech Republic Petr Sochůrek
  7. England Alex Mortimer
  8. Czech Republic Jaroslav Bouček

GP Utrecht[51] (30–31 May 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 3613
  1. Italy Davide Vergoni
  2. Germany Lars Rosengren
  3. Netherlands Iwan Smit
  4. Germany Christian Seibold
  5. Belgium Branco Neirynck
  6. Sweden Christian Åhlström
  7. Germany Fabian Dickmann
  8. Germany David Joachim
GP Providence[52] (20–21 June 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 1053
  1. United States Sky Mason
  2. United States Neal Sacks
  3. United States Eric Severson
  4. Brazil Pedro Carvalho
  5. United States Steve Rubin
  6. United States Raeef Istfan
  7. United States Oliver Tiu
  8. United States Josh McClain
GP Buenos Aires[53] (27–28 June 2015)
  • Format: Standard
  • Attendance: 705
  1. Canada Pascal Maynard
  2. Brazil Marcos Paulo de Jesus Freitas
  3. Brazil Fabio Ancelmo
  4. Brazil Thales Santos Navarro
  5. Argentina Nicolas De Nicola
  6. Argentina Renzo Chiappa
  7. Chile Rodrigo Soto Sanchez
  8. Argentina Facundo Conde
GP Dallas[54] (25–26 July 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1671
  1. Japan Shuhei Nakamura
  2. United States Ross Merriam
  3. United States Dan Jordan
  4. United States Nathaniel Smith
  5. United States Aryeh Wiznitzer
  6. Sweden Joel Larsson
  7. United States Greg Orange
  8. United States David Ochoa

GP Chiba[55] (30–31 May 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 3551
  1. Japan Yuki Matsumoto
  2. Japan Junya Iyanaga
  3. Japan Shougo Sunada
  4. Japan Katsuhiro Mori
  5. Japan Ichiro Matsubara
  6. Japan Kim Minsu
  7. Indonesia Albert Budisanjaya
  8. Japan Ryouta Shimizu
GP Copenhagen[56] (20–21 June 2015)
  • Format: Modern
  • Attendance: 1337
  1. Poland Przemek Knocinski
  2. Luxembourg Steve Hatto
  3. Portugal Marcio Carvalho
  4. Denmark Christoffer Larsen
  5. France Thiago Rodrigues
  6. France Arnaud Hocquemiller
  7. Belgium Branco Neirynck
  8. Denmark Hans Christian Ljungquist
GP Montreal[57] (4–5 July 2015)
  • Format: Limited
  • Attendance: 1220
  1. United States Mike Sigrist
  2. Canada David Goldfarb
  3. Canada Martin-Eric Gauthier
  4. Netherlands Jelger Wiegersma
  5. United States Adam Waksman
  6. United States Reid Duke
  7. Canada Gautier Cousin
  8. Canada Stephen Whelan

Pro Tour Magic Origins

Vancouver (31 July–2 August 2015)

Top 8

Quarter-finals Semi-finals Finals
1 Kentaro Yamamoto 0
8 Mike Sigrist 2
Mike Sigrist 2
Paul Jackson 0
4 Stephen Berrios 1
5 Paul Jackson 2
Mike Sigrist 2
Joel Larsson 3
3 Pat Cox 1
6 Matthew Sperling 2
Matthew Sperling 0
Joel Larsson 2
2 Stephen Neal 1
7 Joel Larsson 2

Final standings

Place Player Prize Pro Points Comment
1 Sweden Joel Larsson $40,000 30 2nd Final Day
2 United States Mike Sigrist $20,000 26 2nd Final Day
3 Australia Paul Jackson $12,500 22
4 United States Matthew Sperling $12,500 22 2nd Final Day
5 Japan Kentaro Yamamoto $10,000 18 3rd Final Day
6 United States Stephen Neal $10,000 18
7 United States Pat Cox $10,000 18 3rd Final Day
8 United States Stephen Berrios $10,000 18

Pro Player of the Year final standings

The 2014–15 Pro Tour season ended after Pro Tour Magic Origins. These are the final standings of the Player of the Year race, including every player who at the end of the season reached Platinum, the highest Pro Club Level.[58]

Place Player Pro Points Place Player Pro Points Place Player Pro Points
1 United States Mike Sigrist 73 13 United States Owen Turtenwald 55 25 Netherlands Jelger Wiegersma 50
2 United States Eric Froehlich 71 United States Steve Rubin 55 Slovakia Ivan Floch 50
3 United States Sam Black 63 15 United States Andrew Cuneo 54 27 Brazil Thiago Saporito 49
Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian 63 Canada Jacob Wilson 54 United States Ben Stark 49
5 United States Brad Nelson 61 Spain Antonio Del Moral Leon 54 29 Japan Shouta Yasooka 47
6 United States Seth Manfield 60 Israel Shahar Shenhar 54 United States Nathan Holiday 47
United States Ari Lax 60 19 United States Josh Utter-Leyton 53 United States William Jensen 47
8 United States Paul Rietzl 59 20 United States Matthew Sperling 52 United States Reid Duke 47
Japan Yuuya Watanabe 59 Japan Kentaro Yamamoto 52 33 United States Craig Wescoe 46
10 Canada Shaun McLaren 58 Canada Alexander Hayne 52 Portugal Marcio Carvalho 46
11 Sweden Joel Larsson 57 23 New Zealand Jason Chung 51
12 Czech Republic Ondřej Stráský 56 Brazil Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa 51

Invitees to the 2015 World Championship

The following twenty-four players received an invitation to the 2015 World Championship due to their performance in the 2014–15 season.

Player Qualified due to
United States Mike Sigrist 2014–15 Player of the Year
Canada Alexander Hayne 2014–15 Grand Prix Player of the Year
Israel Shahar Shenhar 2014 World Champion
Denmark Martin Müller 2014 World Magic Cup winner
Sweden Magnus Lantto 2014 Magic Online Champion
United States Ari Lax Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir winner
Spain Antonio del Moral Leon Pro Tour Fate Reforged winner
Denmark Martin Dang Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir winner
Sweden Joel Larsson Pro Tour Magic Origins winner
United States Eric Froehlich 2nd Most Pro Points North America
United States Sam Black 3rd most Pro Points North America
United States Brad Nelson 4th most Pro Points North America
Brazil Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa Most Pro Points Latin America
Brazil Thiago Saporito 2nd Most Pro Point Latin America
Hong Kong Lee Shi Tian Most Pro Points APAC region
Japan Yuuya Watanabe 2nd Most Pro Points APAC region
Japan Kentaro Yamamoto 3rd Most Pro Points APAC region
Czech Republic Ondřej Stráský Most Pro Points Europe
United States Seth Manfield Most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
United States Paul Rietzl 2nd most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
Canada Shaun McLaren 3rd most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
United States Owen Turtenwald 4th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
United States Steve Rubin 5th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified
Canada Jacob Wilson 6th most Pro Points of otherwise unqualified


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