Magnetic impedance

Magnetic impedance (SI Unit: -Ω−1) is the ratio of a sinusoidal magnetic tension N_\mathrm{m} to a sinusoidal magnetic current I_\mathrm{Mm} in a gyrator-capacitor model. Analogous to electrical impedance, magnetic impedance is likewise a complex variable.

z_\mathrm{M} = \frac{N}{I_\mathrm{M}} = \frac{N_\mathrm{m}}{I_\mathrm{Mm}}

Magnetic impedance is also called the full magnetic resistance. It is derived from:

r_\mathrm{M} = z_\mathrm{M} \cos \phi, the effective magnetic resistance (real)
x_\mathrm{M} = z_\mathrm{M} \sin \phi, the reactive magnetic resistance (imaginary)

The phase angle \phi of the magnetic impedance is equal to:

\phi = \arctan {\frac{x_\mathrm{M}}{r_\mathrm{M}}}

See also


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