Manor of Orleigh

Orleigh Court, in Buckland Brewer parish, North Devon

Orleigh in the parish of Buckland Brewer, situated 4 miles to the south west of Bideford, North Devon, England is a historic manor. The manor house, known as Orleigh Court, survives.

Descent of the manor

Ordulf the Saxon

In the 10th century the manor of "Orlege" was one of the holdings of the Anglo-Saxon Ordwulf (died after 1005), son of Ordgar (d.971), Ealdorman of Devon under King Edgar (ruled 959-975). Ordgar planned for the founding of Tavistock Abbey in 961 which his son Ordwulf put into effect.[1] He held the manor by right of his wife Abina, and in 975 gave it as an endowment to Tavistock Abbey. Ordwulf's holding of Orleigh was recorded in an ancient cartulary of Tavistock Abbey, now lost, but quoted from by Dugdale (d.1686) in his Monasticon Anglicanum.[2]

Tavistock Abbey

The manor is not listed in the Doomsday Book of 1086, but may have been included for administrative purposes in the nearby manor of Abbotsham,[3] which is listed in Domesday Book, held also by Tavistock Abbey. Orleigh next appears in a charter of Pope Celestine III dated 1193 confirming it to the Abbey.[4]


Arms of Denys of Orleigh: Azure, three Danish battle axes erect or,[5] as seen on ledger stone of Elizabeth Denys (1625-1664) on floor of Orleigh Chapel, Buckland Brewer Church, Devon
Arms of Denys of Holcombe Burnel & Bicton, Devon: Ermine, three battle-axes gules. These arms may be seen at the Livery Dole Almshouses & Chapel, Heavitree Road, Exeter. They are differenced from the arms of the 12th-century Danish Denys family of Orleigh (Azure, three Danish battle-axes or) from which the family of Holcombe Burnel was descended

The Denys family was for many centuries the feudal tenant of Orleigh under the overlordship of Tavistock Abbey until 1538 when the abbey was dissolved in the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and continued to hold it thereafter, under the overlordship of the Russell family, Earls of Bedford, who had acquired the abbey and its lands at the Dissolution. The Denys family was apparently of Danish origin,[6] and was recorded in early Norman charters in French as le Deneys, meaning "The Dane", which was frequently Latinised by scribes as Dacus, being the adjectival form of Dacia, the mediaeval Latin for Denmark, thus "Danish". The arms adopted by the Devon family of this name at the start of the age of heraldry in about 1200 reflected their supposed origins: Azure, three Danish battle axes or, that is three golden axes on a blue background. The arms of the King of Denmark blazoned in the Camden Roll of Arms (c. 1280) are: Gules, three battle axes or.[7] From the similarity of arms it is possible that the Denys family of Devon was of royal Danish blood, unless Danish battle axes merely symbolised Danish ancestry in general to the mediaeval mind and were for that reason alone adopted by the family c. 1200 at the start of the age of heraldry. A history of the Denys family is contained in the Duchess of Cleveland's "Battle Abbey Roll", under "Denise".[8] A cadet branch of Dennis of Orleigh settled at Holcombe Burnell, 3 miles west of Exeter, and Bicton, 10 miles SE of that city, and bore the arms of Orleigh differenced: Ermine, three Danish battle axes gules (three red battle-axes on a white background with black ermine spots). The heir of Denys of Holcombe Burnell in the 17th century was Denys I Rolle (1614–1638) of Stevenstone and Bicton. The Rolle family of Stevenstone, which in the person of John Rolle, 1st Baron Rolle (died 1842), was according to the Return of the Owners of Land, 1873 the largest landowner in Devon possessing some 55,000 acres, now represented by Baron Clinton. The founder of that family, George Rolle (d.1552), following the Dissolution of the Monasteries had purchased much land in Devon, including most of the manor of Buckland Brewer, in which is located Orleigh. The descent of Denys of Orleigh is as follows:[9]

Anthony Dennis (1585–1641)

Anthony Dennis married twice:

In 1661 the three sisters conveyed jointly the manor of Orleigh to feoffees who sold it in 1684 to the Bideford tobacco merchant John I Davie (died 1710).

Denys monument
Dennis mural monument in Buckland Brewer Church, in memory of Anthony Dennis (died 1641) of Orleigh and his 2nd wife Gertrude Grenville

The mural monument to Anthony Dennis (died 1641) and his second wife Gertrude Grenville is situated in the north east corner of the "Orleigh Chapel" (north aisle) of St Mary's Church, Buckland Brewer. The couple are shown kneeling opposite one another with an altar between them. In an oval medallion above is inscibed:

"To the pious memorie of Anthony Dennis of Orleigh Esq. who first married Elizabeth ye daughter of Thomas Wyse of Sydenham, Esq. by whom he had 1 sonne and 2 daughters deceased. He secondly espoused Gertrud daughter to Sir Bernard Grenvill of Stowe Knt. by whome having plenteous issue left surviving only 3 daughters. He deceased June ye 19th A(nn)o D(omin)i 1641 Aetat(is) suae (i.e. "of his age") 56 "

Below are shown figures of his 11 children, 8 kneeling in prayer, 3 lying down denoting their deaths as infants. Only three of the names inscribed above each survive, "Mary", "Arthur" and "Elizabeth".

Below are shown further lines of verse:

"Here sleeps his corps whose worth and fame shall be
A living sermon to posterity
Whose name shall outlive time the future age
Shall stile him loyall loving prudent sage
Learning's Maecenas wisdom's quintiscence
Whose breast contain'd a sea of eloquence
He sleeps he is not dead he liveth for ever
Pale death has got its due but he dyes never"

"GertrVDa VXor sVa CharIssIMa strVXIt"

The last line is a chronogram, with capitals representing Roman numerals inserted into the Latin phrase: Gertruda uxor sua charissima struxit ("Gertrude his dearest wife built (it)"). The numbers when added together each as a separate unit come to 1643, presumably the date the monument was erected (V+D=505; V+X=15: V=5; C+I+I+M=1102; V+X+I=16). An identical Chrongram is shown in the 1638 Fortescue family mural monument in Weare Giffard Church.

The armorials shown include the following:


Arms of John Davie (died 1710) of Orleigh Court: A ship with two masts or the sails trussed up and twisted to the masts argent adorned with flags charged with the cross of England on a chief of the second three cinquefoils pierced gules; crest: A mount vert thereon a lamb passant argent in the mouth a sprig of cinquefoil gules slipped vert. Above the Davie mural monument in Buckland Brewer Church, North Devon[22]
"Underneath lies the body of Juliana the wife of Joseph Davie of Orleigh, Esq., and daughter of sr. John Pryce of Newtown in ye County of Montgomery, Bar(on)et. who departed this life the 5th of Febry. 1720 in the 28th year of her age in the small pox to the unspeakable affliction of her husband children and relations and to ye great grieff of all that knew her. She was a woman that was indued with as much beauty virtue and goodness as ever lived or ever died. In sad remembrance this small stone is erected to her memory by her unhappy but faithfull partner".

Juliana's husband carried out much rebuilding work to Orleigh Court and the arms of Davie impaling Pryce (Gules, a lion rampant regardant or) survive on several elaborately decorated lead hopper-heads forming part of the roof guttering.[23]


Charles Luxmore transferred Orleigh to Major Edward Lee (died 1819), whose heir was his infant nephew John Hanning. Hanning assumed the name Lee, as he was required to do under his uncle's will, and purchased as his residence Dillington Manor near Ilminster in Somerset. He let Orleigh to his brother-in-law William Speke of Jordans near Ilminster, Somerset. Speke had seven children, all but one daughter having been born at Orleigh, including his eldest son the famous explorer and discoverer of the source of the River Nile, John Hanning Speke (1827–1864).


The Speke family gave up their tenancy of Orleigh in 1845 and Mr Lee next let the house to Col. Bayly from 1845 to 1856 and then to Capt. Audley Mervyn-Archdale from 1856 to 1869. In 1869 he sold Orleigh to Thomas Rogers,[26] whose descendant was W.H. Rogers, M.A., F.S.A., the historian of Orleigh and Buckland Brewer, who published his work "Buckland Brewer" in 1938.



  1. Thorn, Caroline & Frank, (eds.) Domesday Book, (Morris, John, gen.ed.) Vol. 9, Devon, Parts 1 & 2, Phillimore Press, Chichester, 1985, part 2 (notes), chapter 5. Thorn refers to Ordgar, Ealdorman of Devon as "Earl of Devon"
  2. Monasticon, Vol.2, p.494, quoted by Rogers, p.50
  3. Thorn, Caroline & Frank, (eds.) Domesday Book, (Morris, John, gen.ed.) Vol. 9, Devon, Parts 1 & 2, Phillimore Press, Chichester, 1985, Part 2 (notes), 5,6
  4. Monasticon, Vol.2, p.498, quoted by Rogers, p.50
  5. Vivian, Heraldic Visitationms of Devon, 1895, p.281, pedigree of Denys of Orleigh
  6. See for example Fuller's "Worthies", quoted by the Duchess of Cleveland
  7. Camden Roll of Arms, Part 1, D16, as depicted by Brian Timms,
  8. Vivian, pp.281-2, pedigree of Dennis of Orleigh; Pole, Sir William (d.1635), Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon, Sir John-William de la Pole (ed.), London, 1791, p.376; Risdon, p.245
  9. Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem, 3 James I (Series 2, vol.289, n.76) (quoted by Rogers, p.51, note 6
  10. Risdon, pp.234, 362;Pole, p.376
  11. Pole, p.375;Vivian Visitation, as quoted by Rogers, p.51, note 7
  12. Register of Bishop Stafford, Vol. I, no.231b, quotd by Rogers, p.51, note 10
  13. Incorrectly named Anne in Vivian, p.281, corrected to Elizabeth in Byrne, Muriel St. Clare, (ed.) The Lisle Letters, 6 vols, University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London, 1981, vol.1, p.312
  14. Vivian, p.281, regnal year 6 Edward IV
  15. Vivian, p.721
  16. Vivian, p.607
  17. Vivian, p.281
  18. Vivian, p.569, pedigree of Monk of Potheridge
  19. Vivian, p.791, pedigree of Wise of Sidenham
  20. Rogers, p.28
  21. Rogers, W.H. "Buckland Brewer" (1938), pp.53-4
  22. Rogers, W.H., History of Buckland Brewer, 1938, reprinted 2000 (Snetzler, M.F. (Ed.), Barcott, Buckland Brewer), pp.53-4
  23. Rogers, pp.52-3
  24. Gray, Todd & Rowe, Margery (Eds.), Travels in Georgian Devon: The Illustrated Journals of the Reverend John Swete, 1789-1800, vol.3, Tiverton, 1999, p.98
  25. Rogers, p.53

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