Manuel Senante Martinez

Manuel Senante Martínez
Born Manuel Senante Martínez
Alicante, Spain
Died 1959
Madrid, Spain
Nationality Spanish
Ethnicity Spanish
Occupation lawyer, politician, media manager
Known for Editor
Political party Partido Liberal-Conservador, Partido Católico Nacional, Comunión Tradicionalista-Integrista, Comunión Tradicionalista
Religion Roman Catholicism

Manuel Senante Martínez (1873 – 1959) was a Spanish Integrist/Carlist politician and publisher.

Family and youth

Alicante, 1870s

Manuel was born to a distinguished Alicantine family. His paternal grandfather, Manuel Senante Sala, was professor of Retórica y Poética at Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza of Alicante and its longtime director (1854-1889).[1] His father, Emilio Senante Llaudes, was in 1881-1909 teaching geography and history at the very same institute,[2] in 1891-1904 also serving as its director.[3] In 1907 he assumed directorship of the local Escuela Normal de Maestros.[4] Senante Llaudes wrote a number of textbooks in history, fairly popular in secondary education across Levante.[5] Apart from his educative posts, he was also active as a lawyer,[6] periodista[7] and local politician.[8] His brother Francisco Senante Llaudes was a locally recognized composer and maestro.[9] None of the sources consulted provides any information either on Manuel’s mother or on his would-be siblings.

The young Manuel was brought up in a fervently Catholic ambience;[10] in the 1890s he studied law in Barcelona and Madrid.[11] By the turn of the century he returned to Alicante, launching his own career as a lawyer in 1897.[12] Representing his clients in cases ranging from private to commercial law,[13] he gradually grew to prominence and got engaged in politically sensitive cases, like a dispute over a forcibly closed local parish cemetery, speaking for the Alicantine San Nicolás community before the Supreme Court;[14] in 1903 he was already one of the Alicante municipal judges.[15] Manuel Senante married Joséfa Esplá Rizo (1870-1957), daughter of the Alicantine merchant marine captain and also a local Alicantine municipal counselor.[16] The couple had 6 daughters (3 of them became nuns)[17] and a son, Manuel Senante Esplá, also a Carlist activist.[18] The family initially lived at the estate of Santa Rosa in San Juan, now a bedroom suburb of Alicante;[19] in early 20th century it moved permanently to Madrid.[20]

Early career

Alicante, 1908

Senante inherited ultraconservative political outlook from his ancestors. His grandfather was a subscriber of the Carlist daily El Siglo Futuro in the 1870s[21] and in the 1880s, when the newspaper followed the breakaway Integrist path; also his father engaged in politically loaded public disputes.[22] Having completed academic period and driven principally by his profound religiosity, back in his home city Manuel threw himself into Alicantine public activities.[23] He associated with the Conservative Party in 1897[24] and commenced his long editorial career first by contributing and later by running a local party Andalusian daily, La Monarquía (1899-1900).[25] He became active in numerous local Catholic initiatives, e.g. hosting Junta Organizadora for erection of the Century Cross in Alicante in 1901.[26] Senante started to contribute to El Siglo Futuro himself in 1901, initially with short informative pieces.[27] Already in 1902 he was hailed as “elocuentisimo abogado” and “uno de los católicos más firmes y decididos”.[28]

La Voz de Alicante

In the early 20th century Senante dissociated himself from the conservatives and approached Partido Católico Nacional, the Integrist political party; in 1903 he was already reported by the press as “joven abogado alicantino, integrista ayer”.[29] The same year he tried his luck in elections to the Cortes, especially that according to some sources he was already one of the most influential personalities of the Right in the province.[30] He stood as a candidate of Liga Católica, a newly formed electoral platform promoted by the Church in Spain.[31] For reasons which are not clear he fielded his candidature in the south-Levantine city of Orihuela,[32] possibly the southernmost Carlist outpost at the Mediterranean cost, animated by a small but active Traditionalist group,[33] but was defeated by the famous liberal politician, Francisco Ballesteros.[34]

No source consulted mentions Senante as running in the 1905 elections.[35] He engaged in setting up La Voz de Alicante, the daily which first appeared in 1904[36] and which he managed as a director.[37] The newspaper was formatted as a broad Catholic tribune, though its Integrist sympathies were evident.[38] Senante was also active in local party structures; his formal position remains unclear, but in 1906 he was already representing the provincial Integrist junta.[39] Apart from pure politics he joined a new initiative, Acción Católica, later presiding over Círculo Obrero of this organization.[40] Displaying some penchant for social issues Senante became member of Instituto de Reformas Sociales,[41] promoted also by the conservative groupings into Instituto Nacional de Previsión;[42] within this structure he entered Consejo de Patronato and represented it within employers’ associations.[43]


Loyola sanctuary, Azpeitia

Due to a chain of events following the death of Ramón Nocedal, in the 1907 electoral campaign Senante ran as Integrist candidate in Gipuzkoa;[44] though total alien to Basque political milieu he got safely elected, as Azpeitia, a profoundly religious, conservative rural district, had been usually electing Traditionalist candidates.[45] The 1907 triumph turned out to be the start of a fairly long parliamentary career, lasting for the next 16 years. Senante stood as an Integrist candidate from the same Azpeitia district in course of the following 7 election campaigns of 1910, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1923, always emerging victorious. The mainstream Carlists usually refrained from fielding counter-candidates, though at times other parties presented their contenders; twice (in 1918 and 1920) Senante was declared triumphant having faced no competition and elected according to the notorious Article 29.[46] During 3 terms until 1916 he was once of two Integrist MPs in the Cortes; during 5 terms after that date Senante was the sole party deputy in the parliament.[47]

As representative of Integrism Senante was perhaps the most Right-wing, reactionary and anti-democratic deputy of the entire Cortes; even other ultraconservative MPs, the mainstream Carlists, were to a small extent prepared to demonstrate some flexibility. Senante governed his actions by the principle of defending the sacrosanct Catholic religion, which marked the most visible thread of his activity: defending rights and privileges of the Church against secularization, usually promoted by the Liberals. He sided with the hierarchy both in case of nationwide disasters like Semana Trágica, the event he interpreted mostly in religious terms,[48] and minor though publicity-gaining controversies, like a dispute over possible sale abroad of an antique Zamora pyxis, possessed by the Church.[49]

Having developed adopted Vascongadas allegiances,[50] Senante turned out to be supporter of separate local establishments,[51] active in the extra-parliamentary commission on regional autonomy organized in 1918[52] and publishing related works.[53] In general, he tended to vote with the Conservative Party against the Liberals, though at the later stages, especially after the assassination of José Canalejas, he even sided with the Liberals against the growing anarchist and socialist tide. At times he represented Integrism in broad Catholic electoral alliances, formed under the auspices of the primate.[54] By his liberal opponents he was described as an excessively passionate speaker[55] but "a good man inside".[56]

El Siglo Futuro

Ramon Nocedal

Early 20th century Senante had already some experience as an editor, managing La Monarquia and especially La Voz de Alicante. He kept steering the Alicantine daily when the death of Ramón Nocedal vacated the chairmanship of El Siglo Futuro. The daily, set up in 1875 by Candidó Nocedal, in terms of circulation and impact remained a second-rate newspaper on the Spanish national market, but for the ultraconservative politics it emerged as an iconic tribune and a point of reference. It is not clear how the process of appointing a new editor-in-chief was managed,[57] who were the counter-candidates considered and what were key selection factors;[58] following an 8-month vacancy, in November 1907 it was Senante appointed the new director.[59]

El Siglo Futuro remained under Senante’s leadership during the next 29 years and probably was his lifetime achievement. During 3 decades Senante was its strategic director, editor and manager, setting the political line rather than contributing himself.[60] Madrid based, the daily was better positioned to trace national politics and influence decision makers than mainstream Carlist dailies, especially the Barcelona-based El Correo Catalán, the Sevilla based La Unión and the Pamplona-based El Pensamiento Navarro. Its readership base remained stable, composed mostly of lower parish clergy and Traditionalist activists. Though under Senante the daily underwent modernization with introduction of graphics and expansion into economic, culture and sport sections, over time – especially in the 1920s and later – the circulation distance between El Siglo Futuro and leading national newspapers broadened into an abyss.[61]

El Siglo Futuro

In terms of ideological outlook Senante followed the Nocedals closely; El Siglo Futuro remained an ultraconservative, vehemently anti-liberal and then anti-democratic vehicle of pursuing traditional values centered on the Catholic faith. Its principal objective was defense of religion and position of the Church, its primary foe was liberalism, later to be paired with democracy and socialism. In terms of party politics the paper remained the tribune of Integrism and was perhaps its most visible emanation in the Spanish public realm;[62] even following amalgamation within Carlism in the early 1930s El Siglo Futuro cherished its Integrist identity. In terms of its style and language El Siglo Futuro was a fairly typical Spanish party paper, excelling in bombastic, hyperbolical, inflammatory, intransigent, sectarian phraseology. The paper led a venomous campaign against the Jews and freemasonry,[63] though it did not advocate any specific measures.[64] The official Spanish digital archive describes the late daily as fanatically fundamentalist, consumed by apocalyptic obsession and dubbed “a caveman”.[65]


Senante welcomed the fall of liberal democracy, deemed rotten with political corruption and unable to solve any of the problems facing the country. El Siglo Futuro greeted the coup as “el movimiento militar de Primo de Rivera, encaminado a la defensa de la realeza y del pueblo contra esta aristocracia caciquil del parlamentarismo”,[66] which accomplished a long overdue task and generated “entusiasmo que el hecho histórico realizado por el Ejército despierta en España”.[67] It was only gradually that the Integrists, their party dissolved, were getting disillusioned with inertia and lack of decisive change, demonstrated by the dictator. In 1926, prior to the plebiscite intended as endorsement of a future national assembly, El Siglo Futuro declared itself supportive of Primo de Rivera but firmly voiced against Union Patriótica and its program, calling its readers to abstain from voting.[68] Senante himself, though deprived of official means of political action, was appointed by the three Basque provinces as their informal representative in Madrid; nothing is known about his related activities.[69]

The dictatorship years witnessed major transformation of Spanish Catholicism.[70] Senante opposed new Christian-democratic format of mobilization already in the previous decade, first confronting Luis Coloma[71] but later targeting Grupos de Democracia Cristiana and Maximiliano Arboleya. The conflict took an increasingly bitter turn in the late 1920s.[72] Senante, who viewed social conflict as part of the religious question, despised democratic platform of policy making, its malmenorismo and accidentalism;[73] in return, Arboleya dubbed Integrism “a Catholic freemasonry”.[74] Though primate Segura[75] called both parties to cease public polemics,[76] the conflict spilled over to the early 1930s.[77] Senante’s relations with Herrera Oria remained correct, though apart from political differences, it was plagued by rivalry of two publishers.[78] He entered Acción Católica executive in the early 1930s;[79] his firm monarchical stance was increasingly incompatible with accidentalist position taken by Herrera.[80]

El Siglo Futuro had no regrets about Primo’s fall, concluding melancholically that the dictator did not live up to the vote of confidence he had received from the nation.[81] During the liberalization produced by dictablanda, the Spanish Integrism re-emerged as a new political party, Comunión Tradicionalista-Integrista; Senante became deputy head of the entire organization[82] and signed a joint monarchist manifesto of 1930, published to defend Religion, Fatherland and Monarchy against the looming Republican threat.[83]


anti-religious propaganda

Senante welcomed the Republic with hardly veiled antipathy,[84] which following quema de conventos turned into horror and enmity.[85] Viewing anti-religious violence in apocalyptic terms, he advised intransigence to cardinal Segura, which in turn cost the primate expulsion from republican Spain.[86] As the two had already developed close relationship,[87] Senante engaged actively in a campaign defending the exiled primate. By the end of 1931 he clashed with the papal nuncio Tedeschini, accusing him of inaction and conspiring to get the envoy recalled to Vatican;[88] the events forged an even closer friendship between Senante and Segura.[89] In 1932 he publicly presented the doctrine of disobedience to the Republic, publishing his Cuestiones candentes de adhesión[90] and growing into a key theorist of violent resistance against the Republic.[91]

Since late 1930 Senante and the Integrists approached the Jaimistas, and already in the spring of 1931 he publicly spoke in favor or a reunification;[92] later that year he joined a group of mainstream Carlists representing Don Jaime in dynastical negotiations with the deposed Alfonso XIII.[93] He demonstrated no hesitation when forming the united Carlist organization, Comunión Tradicionalista.[94] In 1932 Senante entered Junta Suprema Tradicionalista, executive of the new party, representing Levante and Andalusia.[95] He also joined managing board of Editorial Tradiciónalista, a company taking ownership of El Siglo Futuro,[96] and together with fellow ex-integrist Lamamie dominated within the body, triggering grumblings about Integrist domination in the party.[97] The board was reconstituted by Tomás Domínguez Arévalo by the end of 1933,[98] though El Siglo Futuro retained a dose of independence until 1935.[99]

religious propaganda

In terms of electoral tactics Senante made a U-turn. Initially he favored an alliance with the Alfonsinos and became a leading figure in Acción Nacional;[100] once the coalition assumed an accidentalist tone and got infected by Christian-democratic style he turned firmly against it,[101] growing into one of the most outspoken Carlist opponents of collaboration within either TYRE or later Bloque Naciónal.[102] He was also increasingly disappointed by nationalist turn of the Basque campaign; despite his Restauración and dictatorship defense of Vascongadas fueros, Senante viewed the autonomous campaign with suspicion.[103] He tried to resume parliamentarian career not in Gipuzkoa but in his native Alicante; outmaneuvered during coalition talks he ran as independent and was defeated both in 1933[104] and 1936.[105]

In 1934 Senante successfully launched the candidature of ex-fellow Integrist Manuel Fal Conde as a party leader;[106] despite the age difference the two developed lasting cordial relationship.[107] The same year, together with party pundits like Jesús Comín, he entered Consejo de Cultura de la Comunión, a body within the movement entrusted with diffusion of the ideology;[108] in 1935, when Fal was officially appointed Jefe Delegado, Senante entered his auxiliary governing body, Council of the Communion.[109] Early 1936 he co-drafted a document issued later by Don Alfonso Carlos, in case of his death appointing Don Javier as the Carlist regent.[110]

War and Francoism

Carlist standard

It is not clear to what extent Senante participated in the Carlist plot against the Republic. During the July 1936 coup he was in Valencia, where the rebels failed.[111] He avoided almost certain incarceration[112] by seeking refuge in a foreign diplomatic mission[113] and eventually made it to the Nationalist zone in the summer of 1937, installing himself first at the Olazabals’ estate in San Sebastián,[114] later in 1938 moving to Vitoria.[115] When trapped in the Republican zone Senante was unable to participate in internal Carlist disputes related to amalgamation into FET, but afterwards, when nominated member of Junta Nacional Carlista de Guerra, he adopted a hostile stand.[116] Though he considered re-launching El Siglo Futuro,[117] he eventually abandoned the idea, unwilling to see his opus magnum integrated into the Francoist propaganda machine.[118]

In 1941 he could have been involved in a plot against Franco, which left him injured in a related car accident.[119] In 1942 he refused advances of the Juanistas and preferred to enter Junta Auxiliar,[120] a body loyal to the Carlist regent-claimant Don Javier; the same year he signed a statement condemning the regime described as “intruso y usurpador”.[121] This declaration was followed in 1943 by a letter delivered to Franco by general Vigón and demanding restoration of monarchy, forming of a regency, suppression of partido unico and restoration of civic rights;[122] one scholar describes Senante of that day as “feroce integrista”.[123] Early 1944 he spoke against the pro-Axis leaning of the Spanish foreign policy[124] and later that year, during a clandestine 1944 monarchist meeting in Seville, he voted in favor of an attempt to overthrow Franco.[125] In 1947 he took part in the first nationwide meeting of the Carlist executive since 1937, supporting intransigent course adopted by Fal and re-establishment of a new Concejo Nacional.[126]

Senante in his 60s

None of the sources consulted provides any information on Senante’s public activities after 1947; it seems that due to his age he started to withdraw from politics, still loyal to Don Javier as the Carlist regent and to Manuel Fal as the Carlist political leader. He remained on friendly terms with the primate, cardinal Segura, especially as in the 1940s Carlism enjoyed probably best-ever relations with the Spanish Catholic hierarchy, since the 1830s at best lukewarm towards the movement.[127] Member of a number of religious associations,[128] Senante was also lawyer of the Roman Rota,[129] though his personal relations with Vatican suffered due to mutual antagonism with cardinal Tedeschini. In 1959, two weeks before death, he was applauded by the Francoist press as a nestor of Spanish journalism when awarded the hijo predilecto title by the city of Alicante.[130]

See also


  1. María Dolores Mollá Soler, Instituto de Educación Secundaria Jorge Juan, [in:] Canelore. Revista del Instituto alicantino de cultura “Juan Gil-Albert”, 55 (2009), p. 239
  2. Rafael Valls Montés, Historiografía escolar española: siglos XIX-XXI, Madrid 2012, ISBN 9788436263268, p. 86. Contemporary sources claim that he was nominated professor auxiliar there in 1877, see El magisterio español, 25.06.77, available here
  3. Mollá Soler 2009, pp. 240-241
  4. Faustino Larrosa Martínez, Leonor Maldonado Izquierdo, Las escuelas normales de Alicante: conservadurismo y renovación entre 1844 y 1931, Alicante 2012, ISBN 9788497172424, pp. 101-102
  5. Valls Montés 2012, pp. 113
  6. in contemporary press he is referred to as “jurisconsulto”, El Siglo Futuro 04.12.16, available here
  7. Joaquín Santo Matas, Treint Alicantinos al servicio de la humanidad, Alicante 2009, p. 151
  8. the term “politico” refers probably to his service in ayuntamiento, see El Siglo Futuro 04.12.16
  9. Ernest Llorens, Euterpe, manzana de discordia (II). Crònica del polèmic certamen d’Alacant de l’any 1889, [in:] Musica i poble 172 (2013), pp. 41-42
  10. El Siglo Futuro 04.12.16
  11. Idoia Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez entry at Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here, Manuel Senante Martínez entry. [in:] Javier Paniagua, José A. Piqueras (eds.), Diccionario biográfico de políticos valencianos: 1810-2006, Valencia 2008, ISBN 9788495484802, p. 521
  12. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  13. in 1914-5 he represented a party in commercial but culturally sensitive case of salterns located at the salt marshes of Elx, near terms of Sant Tomás, Carles Martín Cantareno, Ecologia i cultura: el matollar de sosa del terme Sant Tomás, un hábitat prioritari europeu vinculat al Patrimoni de la Humanitat de la Festa d’Elx, [in:] La Rella 25 (2012), pp. 97
  14. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  15. “Quién es D. Manuel Senante? Un joven abogado alicantino, integrista ayer, autor, según se dijo, del manifesto tan integramenta católico que la Liga publicó al veniral mundo, y que sancionando una vez más que una cosa es predicar y otra dar trigo, solicito y obtuvo a los pocos dias del partido liberal conservador el ser nombrado juez municipal de Alicante”, La Comarca 22.6.03, available here
  16. for an interesting piece on Anselmo Juan Esplá Rodes (1834-1918) see here
  17. ABC 26.06.59, available here
  18. he was member of Consejo de Administración of El Siglo Futuro in 1933, Eduardo González Calleja, La prensa carlista y falangista durante la Segunda República y la Guerra Civil (1931-1937), [in:] El Argonauta Espanol 9 (2012), available here, also ABC 26.06.59
  19. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  20. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  21. El Siglo Futuro 02.01.77, available here
  22. Larrosa, Maldonado 2012, p. 102
  23. Traditionalism was quite strong in the province of Alicante; no data is available for the Integrist branch; in terms of mainstream Jaimismo, the province was 7th in Spain; with 103 juntas it was ahead of Gipuzkoa, Castellon and Lerida, not very far behind Navarre, see Francisco Javier Caspistegui, Historia por descubrir. Materiales para estudio del carlismo, Estella 2012, ISBN 9788423532148, pp. 32-33
  24. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  25. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez, Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  26. blown up in 1934 and reconstructed later, see here
  27. El Siglo Futuro 02.04.01, available here
  28. El Siglo Futuro 26.06.02, available here
  29. ”Quién es D. Manuel Senante? Un joven abogado alicantino, integrista ayer, autor, según se dijo, del manifesto tan integramenta católico que la Liga publicó al veniral mundo, y que sancionando una vez más que una cosa es predicar y otra dar trigo, solicito y obtuvo a los pocos dias del partido liberal conservador”, La Comarca 22.06.03, available here
  30. Victoria Moreno 1984, p. 170 lists Senante along Aparisi, Mella and de Maeztu
  31. for discussion of different phased of the strategy see Rosa Ana Gutiérrez Lloret, ¡A las urnas, en defensa de la fe! La movilización política católica en la España de comienzos del siglo XX, [in:] Pasado y Memoria 7 (2008), pp. 245-248
  32. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez, see also El Siglo Futuro 18.07.08, available here
  33. led by Barón de la Linde, father of conde de Doña Marina; there were 2 local Carlist dailies issued in Orihuela, La Margarita (1894-5) and El Conquistador (1910-1919), Diego Victoria Moreno, El ideario tradicionalista en Orihuela (Alicante) a través del semanario “El Conquistador”, [in:] Anales de Historia Contemporanea 3 (1984), p. 159
  34. Senante maintained good relations with the Orihuela Jaimistas also later on, himself and de Mella visiting the city in 1911, Victoria Moreno 1984, p. 163
  35. compare e.g. El Siglo Futuro 21.09.05, available here; Senante’s name is mentioned only as he congratulated the party leader Ramón Nocedal on his triumph in Pamplona, see La Voz del Alicante 11.09.06, available here
  36. some claim it was in 1905, see Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  37. El Siglo Futuro 27.02.06, available here; digital archive of the daily is available here
  38. compare La Voz de Alicante 02.04.07, available here
  39. with Emilio Pascual y Canto, see El Siglo Futuro 12.02.06, available here
  40. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  41. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  42. Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  43. María Gloria Redondo Rincón, El seguro obligatorio de enfermedad en España: responsables técnicos y políticos de su implantación durante el franquismo, [PhD Complutense Departamento de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica], Madrid 2013, p. 145; see also Luis Sánchez Agesta, Orígenes de la política social en la España de la Restauración, [in:] Revista de derecho político 8 (1981), p. 14
  44. Ramón Nocedal died only 3 weeks prior to the 1907 Cortes elections. One of key party politicians, José Sanchez Marco, took Nocedal’s place – virtually ensured success by means of a broad electoral alliance – in the prestigious Navarrese Pamplona district, vacating in turn his own place as an Integrist candidate in the rural Gipuzkoan district of Azpeitia; Senante became his replacement
  45. some authors claim that Senante and other Carlist candidates owed their success in Azpeitia to Jesuit propaganda of the local Loyola sanctuary, see José Luis Orella Martínez, El origen del primer catolicismo social español [PhD thesis at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia], Madrid 2012, p. 114
  46. for 1918 see here, for 1920 see here
  47. see the list of Integrist deputies; the Integrist leader, Juan Olazábal, preferred to stay out of Cortes and pursued his career in the regional Vascongadas politics
  48. Ramon Corts i Blay, La setmana tràgica de 1909: l'arxiu secret Vaticà, Barcelona 2009, ISBN 9788498831443, pp. 211-2
  49. the Zamora cathedral possessed an ancient pyxis from the Caliphate period and intended to sell to a private antiquities dealer, triggering public debate about the piece possibly being taken out of Spain; Canalejas spoke in favor of restrictions, while Senante argued that the Church was free to handle the antique the way they liked, see J.I. Martín Benito, F. Regueras Grande, El Bote de Zamora: historia y patrimonio, [in:] De Arte 2 (2003), pp. 216-7, 221
  50. Senante entered Academy of Basque Studies and spoke in favor of bilingualism, Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  51. supported Solidaridad Alicantina in 1907, Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  52. taking turns with Manuel Chalbaud Errázquin, Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  53. author of a 1919 theoretical work on municipal autonomy in a regional legal ambience; he referred to “nuestras provincias Vascongadas” and spoke against municipal autonomy, considered absurd, see here
  54. like Junta Electoral Central in 1914, Cristóbal Robles Muñoz, Jesuitas e Iglesia Vasca. Los católicos y el partido conservador (1911-1913), [in:] Principe de Viana 192 (1991), p. 224
  55. Senante inherited rhetorical skills from his father, recognised as orador, El Siglo Futuro 04.12.16
  56. opinion of Conde de Romanones quoted after Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  57. at the death of Nocedal junta administrativa of El Siglo Futuro was composed of: Javier Sanz Larumbe, Ildefonso Alonso de Prado, D. Adaucto, Timoteo San Millán, El Siglo Futuro 22.04.35, available here
  58. apart from Senante, the obvious candidate must have been the party leader Juan Olazabal, at that time editing a local Gipuzkoan daily La Constancia; it is possible that another one was Rafael Rotllán, who soon afterwards left El Siglo Futuro to head El Debate, Orella Martínez 2012, p. 67
  59. see El Siglo Futuro 06.11.07, available here
  60. key authors were the regular staff of Luis Ortiz y Estrada, Emilio Munoz (Fabio), Juan Marín del Campo (Chafarote) and Felipe Robles Delgano; guest writers included key Traditionalist politicians like Conde Rodezno, José Lamamié or Manuel Fal Condé
  61. circulation of El Siglo Futuro was 5,000, compared to 200,000 of the monarchist ABC and 80,000 of the Catholic El Debate
  62. El Siglo Futuro opposed militantly secular liberalism of the late Restauración, cautiously endorsed Catalan and Basque rights if framed in the traditional fueros, sympathized with the Central Powers in course of the First World War, despised the emerging anarchist and socialist Left, cheered the Primo de Rivera dictatorship to be disillusioned later, had few regrets about the fallen monarchy of Alfonso XIII but was almost explicitly hostile towards the Republic, welcomed the rise of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, to turn against the latter following the assassination of Dolfuss
  63. for a review see Isabel Martin Sanchez, La campaña antimasónica en El Siglo Futuro: la propaganda anujudía durante la Segunda República, [in:] Historia y Communicación Social 4 (1999), pp. 73-87. In a single sentence the daily accused the Jews of serving both Marxism and plutocracy, denouncing “frente único o común revolucionario judeomarxista y masónico, animado por una sola y tuisma alma, los banqueros judíos de Wall Street” (p. 80); for the newspaper, Judaism and freemasonry represented anti-Spain (pp 78-80), anti-Catholicism (pp 80-83) and satanism (81). Another author claims that El Siglo Futuro, consumed by traditional Spanish anti-British obsession, viewed freemasonry as sort of a secret service managed by London, Martin Blinkhorn, Carlism and Crisis in Spain 1931-1939, Cambridge 1975, ISBN 9780521207294, p. 180; for other anti-British threads, see here. Martín Sanchez claims that El Siglo Futuro contributed to buildup of the later Francoist “crusade” propaganda by engineering anti-masonic, anti-Jewish and anti-communist mobilisation (p 87), and facilitated pro-Axis leaning by lambasting the League of Nations as steered by the Jews (84), praising Hitler and Mussolini for confronting Judaism (p. 77). On the other hand, the author ignores growing hostility of El Siglo Futuro towards the Hitlerite racism, as the daily was increasingly perturbed by “emporio del izquierdismo del razismo germanico”, see El Siglo Futuro 28.07.34, available here
  64. Martín Sanchez 1999 does not point to any specific anti-Jewish or anti-masonic actions, advocated by El Siglo Futuro; the campaign was rather formatted as an awareness-rising exercise
  65. see Hemeroteca Digital service available here or Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte service, available here
  66. El Siglo Futuro 10.10.23, available here
  67. El Siglo Futuro 05.10.23, available here
  68. El Siglo Futuro 10.09.26, available here
  69. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez, Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  70. for background see Feliciano Montero García, Las derechas y el catolicismo español: del integrismo al socialcristianismo, [in:] Historia y política: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales 18 (2007), pp. 101-128
  71. Robles Muñoz 1991, p. 208
  72. the press war was waged between El Siglo Futuro and Renovación Social, the Arboleya’s press tribune, Robles Muñoz 1991, p. 315
  73. Feliciano Montero García, El movimiento católico en la España del siglo XX. Entre el integrismo y el posibilismo, [in:] María Dolores de la Calle Velasco, Manuel Redero San Román (eds.), Movimientos sociales en la España del siglo XX, Madrid 2008, ISBN 9788478003143, p. 184
  74. Maximiliano Arboleya Martínez entry, [in:] Oviedo enciclopedia, available here; also Cristóbal Robles Muñoz, Los Catolicos integristas y la Republica en Espana (1930-1934), [in:] António Matos Ferreira, João Miguel Almeida (eds.), Religião e cidadania: protagonistas, motivações e dinâmicas sociais no contexto ibérico, Lisboa 2011, ISBN 9789728361365, p. 64
  75. Segura and Senante first met in 1923 or 1924, when the latter took part in opening of the local Casa social católica, Robles Muñoz 1991, p. 140
  76. Robles Muñoz 1991, pp. 314-5
  77. Montero García 2008, p. 184
  78. especially as El Debate dramatically outpaced El Siglo Futuro in terms of circulation
  79. Senante entered Junta Central of Acción Católica in July in 1931, Santiago Martínez Sánchez, El Cardenal Pedro Segura y Sáenz (1880-1957), [PhD thesis at Universidad de Navarra], Pamplona 2002, p. 176, also Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521. In November the same year he had to give way to Gil Robles, Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 207
  80. Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 207, Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal, La cuestión religiosa en la Segunda República española. Iglesia y carlismo, Madrid, 2009, ISBN 9788497429054, esp. chapter "Contra el imperio de los personalismos": criticas carlistas contra Tedeschini, Herrera Oria and Vidal, pp. 165-176
  81. El Siglo Futuro 29.01.30, available here
  82. El Siglo Futuro 19.03.30, available here; Senante held no functions related either to Gipuzkoa (represented by Ladislao de Zavala and others) or to Alicante (Francisco Almenar)
  83. see Leandro Alvarez Rey, La derecha en la II República: Sevilla, 1931-1936, Sevilla 1993, ISBN 9788447201525, pp. 123-126
  84. “hoy como ayer y como mañana y como siempre, mantenemos nuestra bandera desplegada y afirmamos el lema de nuestro programa político: «Dios, Patria, Fueros». Dentro dé la monarquía católica tradicional”, see El Siglo Futuro 15.04.31, available here
  85. “la destrucción de todo lo existente, ejército, familia, propiedad, religión, orden, hasta llegar a la guerra a Dios, al ateísmo, para hacer los hombres bestias humanas y establecer una esclavitud monstruosa y diabólica, que acabe con la obra salvadora de la civilización cristiana”, see El Siglo Futuro 12.05.31, available here Vicente Cárcel Ortí, La persecución religiosa en España durante la Segunda República, 1931-1939, Madrid 1990, ISBN 9788432126475, p. 119
  86. Vicente Cárcel Ortí, La persecución religiosa en España durante la Segunda República, 1931-1939, Madrid 1990, ISBN 9788432126475, p. 119, see also Cristóbal Robles Muñoz, La Santa Sede y la II Republica (1931), Madrid 2013, ISBN 9788415965190, esp. the chapter Los prelados exiliados, pp. 379-431
  87. historians refer to Senante as “amigo del Cardenal”, Robles Muñoz 1991, p. 392, or “confidente de don Pedro Segura”, Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 402
  88. Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 203, see also Robles Muñoz 2013, pp. 661-2
  89. for Segura the names of Senante or Fal stood for loyalty and valiance, confronted with cowardness associated with names of Herrera or Tedeschini, Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 225
  90. Blinkhorn 1975, p. 67 claims the theory was first presented in Lerida in December 1931, Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez, claim it was in Valencia in April 1932. For the actual document, see here
  91. “más persistente teorizador de la violencia desde el campo tradicionalista”, Eduardo González Calleja, Aproximación a las subculturas violentas de las derechas antirrepublicanas españolas (1931-1936), [in:] Pasado y Memoria 2 (2003), pp. 114-115
  92. Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal, 1868 en la memoria carlista de 1931: dos revoluciones anticlericales y un paralelo, [in:] Hispania Sacra, 59/119 (2007), p. 355, continuing in January 1932, see also Manuel Ferrer Muñoz, Los frustrados intentos de colaboración entre el partido nacionalista vasco y la derecha navarra durante la segunda república, [in:] Principe de Viana 49 (1988), p. 131
  93. Blinkhorn 1975, p. 325
  94. Senante with Olazabal, Lamamie and Estevanez was one of key Integrists joining; the amalgamation was facilitated by the fact that the new claimant, Don Alfonso Carlos, himself demonstrated a slight pro-Integrist penchant, Eduardo Gonzales Calleja, Contrarrevolucionarios, Madrid 2011, ISBN 9788420664552, pp. 70-71
  95. Gonzales Calleja 2011, pp. 76-7, Blinkhorn 1975, p. 73
  96. see El Siglo Futuro entry at the official Hispania service available here
  97. Francisco Javier Caspistegui Gorasurreta, Paradójicos reaccionarios: la modernidad contra la República de la Comunión Tradicionalista, [in:] El Argonauta Espanol 9 (2012), available here; many former Integros assumed key positions within the united Carlism: apart from Senante, Jose Luis Zamanillo became head of paramilitary section, José Lamamie became head of the secretariat, and Manuel Fal became later political leader of the party
  98. Blinkhorn 1975, p. 336
  99. Gonzales Calleja 2012 claims that in 1932 the daily “volvió al redil de la Comunión y se convirtió de hecho en el órgano oficioso del partido”. However, El Siglo Futuro clarified to the readers that it was not an official Comunión Tradicionalista daily; according to the editors, the ownership transfer from Olazabal to Editorial Tradicionalista contained only one string, namely that the daily would remain Catholic when it comes ro religious question, and it would remain monarchical, antiliberal, traditionalist and antiparliamentarian when it comes to political ones, see El Siglo Futuro 20.05.33, available here
  100. in 1931 Senante joined Acción Nacional’s executive, Blinkhorn 1975, p. 52, Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez; Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  101. see official ministerial service here
  102. Gonzales Calleja 2011, p. 125, Blinkhorn 1975, p. 68. According to Gil Robles, Senante was “director de una campaña contra Acción Nacional”, see Francesc Vidal i Barraquer, Miguel Batllori, Víctor Manuel Arbeloa, Església i estat durant la Segona República Espanyola, 1931-1936: 10 d'octubre de 1933 - 18 de juliol de 1936, vol. II, Montserrat 1991, ISBN 9788478262663, p. 187
  103. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez; for background see Santiago de Pablo, El carlismo guipuzcoano y el Estatuto Vasco, [in:] Bilduma Rentería 2 (1988), pp. 193-216, his also El Estatuto Vasco y la cuestión foral en Navarra durante la Segunda República, [in:] Gerónimo de Uztáriz 2 (1988), pp. 42-48
  104. as member of Bloque Agrario Antimarxista, Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521, Blinkhorn 1975, p. 333
  105. as “candidatura contrarrevolucionaria”, Paniagua, Piqueras 2008, p. 521
  106. Gonzales Calleja 2011, p. 195, Blinkhorn 1975, p. 137
  107. in 1935, when the new jefe delegado engaged fully in politics at the expense of his professional activities, Senante proposed that Fal participates in profits from his own law office or, alternatively, he gets appointed as titular director of El Siglo Futuro; both proposals were rejected, Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 256
  108. Blinkhorn 1975, p. 208
  109. Blinkhorn 1975, p. 215
  110. the document was prepared mostly by Luis Hernando de Larramendi, with Lamamie and Senante contributing, Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 265
  111. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  112. his Madrid house was ransacked
  113. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  114. Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 311; the owner of the estate and Senante’s longtime friend and collaborator, Juan Olazabal Ramery, was executed by Republican militia half a year earlier
  115. Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 323
  116. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  117. the last issue of El Siglo Futuro went to print on July 18, 1936, Gonzales Calleja 2012; the premises of the newspaper were later ransacked and taken over by the anarchist CNT militiamen
  118. Manuel Martorell Pérez, La continuidad ideológica del carlismo tras la Guerra Civil [PhD thesis in Historia Contemporanea, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia], Valencia 2009, p. 161
  119. little is known about an episode of January 1941, when Senante together with Lamamie was injured in a car collision involving the Falangists; Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 298
  120. Martínez Sánchez 2002, pp. 421-2
  121. he accused the regime of having “llevado el desgobierno y el malestar a todos los órdenes de la Administración pública y de la vida nacional”, and which “contra toda razón y todo derecho, se ha impuesto bastardeando y contrariando los móviles que llevaron a derramar su sangre y a sufrir sacrificios de toda clase a tantos y tantos españoles”, Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 240
  122. Josep Carles Clemente Muñoz, Raros, heterodoxos, disidentes y viñetas del Carlismo, Madrid 1995, ISBN 9788424507077, pp. 122-3
  123. Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 422
  124. in February that year suggesting on behalf of Comunión Tradicionalista to nuncio Cicognani that the Spanish espiscopate should speak out against racism and totalitarism, Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 427
  125. Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 299
  126. though it is not clear whether he entered this body himself, Martorell Pérez 2009, p. 321
  127. see Martínez Sánchez 2002, p. 412 and especially p. 572
  128. Hermano Ministro Honorario de la V.O.T. de San Francisco el Grande, caballero del Pilar, caballero de la Santa Hermandad del Refugio, ABC 26.06.59
  129. Estornés Zubizarreta, Manuel Senante Martínez
  130. ABC 13.06.59, available here

Further reading

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